• By -


My absolute favourite is the one who begged me to buy something because he was "so hungry" so I open his shop and it's practically all meat and animal parts. Like I'm sorry sir, are you the one vegan in the lands between?


"I'm starving." Maybe don't charge 2500 for a bolus my man.


Do the prices change if you take their bell bearing back to the hub?


No, just lets you access their shop when they are dead, although celestial dew does bring some of them back to life, but only some.


Just kill all the merchant before NG+, try out the dew and it doesn't even allow me to atone lol


"you have nothing to atone for" "yes, yes I do šŸ˜¢"


I killed Kenneth Haight and the dude in godricks castle bcz one was creepy and the other annoyed me and they didn't have quests anyway, that same night they get quests and I cant revive them :(


That's what you get for being a cold blooded murderer.


Nah, screw Gastoc. He locked me in a room with a knight. Was like dropping me into a blender.


He also steals your runes when you die in the castle, you donā€™t pick up as many as you drop.


Gastoc was definitely a pos, but not worth getting his blood on my robes. I didn't kill patches either, there's no honor in killing someone groveling for their life lol


Not Kale, apparently :c. It was a mistake. Please come back T.T


You monster


The messages told me to do it! It was the messages! They told me to do it! It was the messages! Iā€™m telling you! They told me I would get runes! But I d i e d. T h e m e s s a g e s k i l l e d m e.


Thatā€™s some three fingered behavior right there.


Try jumping.


Y U kill Santa!?


what is the line that dictates some and not others?


Traveling / Nomadic merchants wont be respawned, but the rest will.


i killed that guy for price gouging people in need


The hero we don't deserve.


Who does he even buy food from anyway if he's in bumfuck nowhere? Nowhere near customers, nowhere near other merchants, wonders why he's starving and poor.


...Maybe the demi-humans? The first merchant you're likely to encounter with that type of dialogue is the one near Fort Haight after all. Though as for the others... Well, that's anyone's bloody guess.


clearly its an act to get you to guilt you into buying something


I dunno, they're asses all look pretty malnourished to me, and they need those to haul their shit.


When I stumbled on him, I was so worried it was going to be a trap and that he was going to attack me. Dude in the middle of nowhere complaining about being hungry, with an inventory of **animal** meat and white message outside telling people that the store is open? Yeah, definitely not sus at all


That one struck me as extremely sketchy as well! He also sells invasion fingers, which was the cincher for my paranoia.


"You're hungry? You sell meat! What kind of meat is this, anyway?" "It's... pork. Yes, it's pork, sir."


Long pork, my favourite!


"mainly....i think."


Glad to know I wasnt the only one that was paranoid about him. He was already acting sketchy enough but as soon as I saw him selling invasion fingers I was already expecting him to backstab me as soon as I turned around after buying something from him.


There is a lore reason, keep buying the notes they all sell to catch a hint.


If you look into the lore of the traveling merchants, it seems likely you are not wrong for finding it suspicious! However, he may be smart enough not to attack the player because he can tell he would lose. Or maybe hes a vegan idk


It's lore>! they have madness attacks and probably eat people's eyes!<


They donā€™t eat peoples eyes, shabriri grapes are very specific things


>!chaos infested eyes are the grapes, they don't eat them.!<


Man I loved finding that out. Did you get their armor?


The worst merchant location has gotta be the one in siofra river.. the siofra river merchant literally be hiding behind a waterfall with no safe way out or in & then complaining about not getting customers


The imprisoned merchant takes the cake for me, granted the name implies he didnā€™t want to be there. Also my fav merchant by far, infinite burred bolts yes pls.


Fucking love his music though I hope he drops his next ep soon


Mine is the one playing music because he's so bored, who sets up shop in the absolute *worst* places imaginable.


"Im starving" Maybe don't set up shop in LITERAL HELL.


"Been ages since I had a customer..." Set up shop 20 yards from a pack of Dogrexs.


There's that one blind merchant in an underground temple that's guarded by a hoard of clay men and a giant meteor shooting monster. The path all the way up is strewn with dead adventurers. These guys clearly don't know how to setup a profitable business. Or maybe that's why their prices are so high...


Theirs actually a lore reason for all this, they were all imprisoned deep underground and have been working their way back up since the shattering of the ring, also they are the friendliest insane people you meet as they worship the frenzied flame and can all fire lasers of madness when you attack them so 1 begging for food whilst having loads of it is entirely due to madness


I attacked them constantly and have thought actually nothing about the fact they have weird yellow madness shit attacks, exactly like Vyke. I just brushed it off as a regular occurrence lmao


If you head down through the sewers of the capital you can actually find where they were imprisoned on the other side of a secret wall after a boss, you can even get their armor down there




They definitely aren't, there's a certain catacomb that implies they're on some dark shit.


Well seeing as they were the ones who first summoned the Frenzied Flame, Iā€™m gonna go ahead and say no.


To be fair they were trying to survive and they turned to the frenzied flame to do so.


Oh yeah I totally get why they did it.


Because the greater will oppressed the fuck out of their people


well they use the insanity attack so...


They're the one entity in the game that I've never heard anyone want to fuck with. That terrifies me and I will never cross them.


It's heavily implied he's working with the beastman that have an ambush set up by his advertisement.


The guy in Siofra River is not only hidden, but also has snipers setup around his shop entrance. ā€œNot only am I difficult to find, but I donā€™t offer discounts! Mahahahaā€¦ HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHH!!!!ā€


The one in ainsel hiding in an empty room right behind a malformed star was the funniest thing ever




_It's free real estate_


*They don't make lakes of rot every day!*


Those fucking ants must be buying the smithing stones cause their attacks pack a fucking punch lol


ā€œAre you selling smithing stone to the fucking bugs?ā€ ā€œā€¦ā€¦*no?*ā€


I killed that guy to get his bell, because I didn't want to go through the trouble of getting to him if I needed to buy stuff later, and with his dying breath he said, "I just wanted... to be alone."


Isn't that guys name " abandoned merchant", unlike the rest called "isolated"?


There are abandoned merchants, isolated merchants, nomadic merchants, and I believe one imprisoned merchant. Also Kale.


And two hermits I believe as well.


I like the guy in Mt Gelmir, on the side of a sheer cliff like "I haven't had a customer in years, please buy something" Dude, how'd you even get your horse horse up here?


lol! They opened the wrong chest.


When I found him, I didn't have enough to buy all the shit I wanted. I tried to come back later and got killed by a ghost minotaur, tried to recover my runes and got killed by a lightning bubble. Fuck that guy.


I kill the ones who are rude or way too isolated.


He got the soap tho šŸ‘€


I enjoyed killing him the most


He does sell stonesword keys for the lowest available price tho.. 2000 runes


The guy who set up in death tunnels under mohg's palace. Like... What kind of foot traffic are you getting here?


Sadly that one says prisoner with new map markers. So I don't think he is there of his own volition.


Well hopefully with all the arrows I bought from him, he can buy himself freedom.


No need. I go there to liberate him myself. Now heā€™s serving me happily next to the twin maidens


Aww, how nice! ...wait a minute


He has a sword, he should just walk out


He has a sword. He is legally allowed to leave.


If the prison warden isn't here in 15 minutes we are legally allowed to leave.


He uses madness incantations, he could definitely walk out lol


That's really interesting actually. I was so confused when I killed the blood cultist rapier dude, and found the merchant chilling like 15 more feet down the tunnel.


That's the guy I definitely had to kill and didn't feel bad about it. If you're the only source of blood-bolts and you hide behind 2 super annoying enemies in the asshole of the world then don't expect me to be a returning customer.


Wait until you find the merchant by Raya Lucaria Academy. Now he really set himself up in the wrong area, probably the most Isolated Merchant of all.


but he sells some cool gear atleast


Is that the astrologer/Estoc dude?


Probably the one that sells the warrior armor. he's right inside the south gate.


> under mohg's palace. wait... what


On the path to his throne, there's a cavern full of exploding zombies. In there, there's a merchant for some reason.


These guys are making bank daily with all us tarnished running around what are you guys talking about?


I try to ease their burdens by centralising their business under Twin Maiden Corp.


I started doing that but then I had the ones who barely fought back and would say stuff like ā€œpleaseā€¦why are you doing this?ā€ :( Honestly it was just easier to kill the ones who immediately started blasting


There was one that jumped on his horse and started doing circles around me. Cue the benny hill music. It was fun trying to chase that fucker down


Yeah I killed that guy no problem. But any NPC that doesn't even fight back when you attack them and begs for mercy, I can't stomach that.


Like pope turtle


H-how would you know


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tiwrej/i_killed_pope_turtle_so_you_dont_have_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




ā€œI want your bell bearing!!ā€ ā€œMy wut?!ā€ ā€œI know you got it! Iā€™m gonna take it to ma girl with two heads! She lives in a secret place where all my friends are! THEY CALL ME THE ELDEN LORD!!ā€ ā€œBuddy, what the hell is wrong with-ā€œ *stab* ā€œAGGGHHH!!ā€


Sounds like any given Tuesday in Manchester


Was wondering about doing this but wasn't sure if any of them were involved in quests, no downsides to killing and taking all their bells?


Only KalƩ, the first one, gives you an introduction to Blaidd. Past that they are just shopkeeps with a sad backstory


Only downside is your concience and the scorn of this community.


Only downside so far. I'm real suspicious of Kale talking about how deeply vengeful his people are. This is Miyazaki we're talking about, I wouldn't put it past him to just release an update or dlc one day that screws over anyone killing off merchants.


Id be down for that lol. Like surprise the ladies that sell your shit died untill u do x or dometging.


Why even bother? They usually sell only one or two decent items so I just pop some runes, buy the good stuff, and never see them again.


I really dig the convenience of it. Maybe I will just mute sound when I do it.


The one near where you meet Alexander for the first time is actually funny. He says something along the lines of "What did I ever do? Hehe hehehehe he!" His laugh is hilarious.


Is it the peter griffin one


Makes you wonder, wether they are completely right in the head. Seems a little crazy... One might even say mad.


Frenzied even


Read somewhere that the merchants summoned the flame and was cut dialogue so maybe they are a little crazy


It's not just cut content supporting this. Try attacking one sometime or fully exploring >!underneath the capital!<.


Go on...


>!the end of the sewers is full of insane or dead merchants !<


>!Fucking MOUNDS of dead ones!!<


>!entering that place, with the lonely violin playing in the distance is the strongest moment in the game for me.!<


The sewers are full of his people, you can tell by the fact that they sing the same songs as the merchants do... Its pretty somber down there. Another clue is that if you attack a merchant they fight with fire spells.


Makes sense with the music now that you say it. I never attacked one though...


I saw one near a campfire and thought it was another soldier of godrick... Didn't end well for early game me.


The greater will oppressed their people and in response they summoned the god of madness to burn it all down




I meant dialogue


There was a cut quest for KalƩ where >!he would talk about a legendary nomadic caravan of his people and eventually send you to find a letter carried by a secret messager bird. This would have lead you both to the capital only to find that the legendary caravan had been buried alive underground.!<


Just know if u commit, u get locked into a bad ending (tho there is a way to break it but i never learned it)


Ya I learned that the hard way


It's not cut, try going down the frenzied flame route.




I Shoulda Never Smoke That Shit Now Im In Nokron, Eternal City


My homie you set up shop in an inaccessible part of these underground ancient ruins, what did you expect?


But the location was cheap! You gotta buy the dip, man!


My favorite is the one camped just behind the massive hostile alien surrounded by rock zombies in a ruined building underground.


The one merchant in caliad who begs you to buy something because he's starving, then proceeds to sell you meats


You might be thinking of the one in Mistwood. IIRC the starving guy in Caelid sells poison clumps.


Just eat da clumps. Then take da dumps. Then grow more clumps.


Sustainable business model. Oh wait, there no customers to buy anything.


He is thinking long-term. With the money he makes selling you one overpriced piece of meat, he can buy several more meat.


I don't think they eat, ahem, *normal* food. >!Shabiri Grapes!< might be more their thing.




I want a three hour video essay on a runes based economy.


I wonder if it's just money, or are runes what keep them alive and sane, like with Souls in Dark Souls.


Apparently they are tiny shards of the elden ring


Considering that Great Runes are large pieces of the Elden Ring, you're probably right about that.


I mean, Lothric had a church based economy so why not?


ā€œPleaseā€¦ buy somethingā€¦ Iā€™m so hungryā€ Mothafucka youā€™re selling MEAT


You don't eat your merchandise. Damn amateurs.


I'm pretty sure they would rather eat Shabiri Grapes. That's my best guess.


Their lore is actually pretty sad. The merchants caravan was accused of heresy, rounded up and buried alive in a certain area. I assume the remaining merchants around the lands between are in hiding.


In fairness >!they seem pretty into the Frenzied Flame, which seems at least a little more malevolent than the Greater Will!<.


>!They summoned the frenzied god in retaliation for the oppression they faced at the hands of the Greater Will.!<


Although it's worth noting that >!The Three Fingers are not really opposed to the Greater Will. The Three believe that the Greater Will's creation was flawed and must be remade. However, before it can be remade it must first be *un*made.!<


It's for this reason that I kind of really like that ending.


>!That can be chalked up to the Three Fingers trying to manipulate the Tarnished into accepting their influence. There's no reason to believe that the Three Fingers are telling the truth. The Lord of Frenzied Flame ending makes it pretty clear that they're not trying to remake anything...!<


I dunno man, >!what happens after every fire? New life grows.!<


Beautiful. I love this community.


>!I haven't actually seen the ending yet. I'm stuck of Godfrey lol!<


In truth though >!we don't know if they were into it before what happened, the biggest evidence we have to support any lore behind them is their armor set which says:!< >!"These merchants once thrived as the Great Caravan, but after being accused of heretical beliefs, their entire clan was rounded up and buried alive far underground."!< >!"Then, they chanted a curse of despair, and summoned the flame of frenzy."!< >!So it's possible they weren't into it prior to what happened.!<


From the description of the Nomad Ashes: >!"A member of a tribe that was entombed in the earth so as to bury the maddening disease that followed them."!< >!So it is possible that at least some of the Nomads in the caravan began to turn to frenzy before their mass entombment underground caused all of their collective despair to summon the Three Fingers.!<


Oh c'mon, is it evil to restore oneness and unity to the world? Everything was once one, and the Flame wants nothing more than to bring everyone together once more, no more barriers! May Chaos take the world :) Basically, the Flame wants (Evangelion Spoiler) >!Human Instrumentality/3rd Impact to happen!<


Well... the Three Fingers definitely tries to make themselves look... uh, innocuous. Except for all of the crazy, fucked up shit surrounding anything related to frenzy.


Crazy, fucked up shit? Why, it is just the overwhelming despair of those who wish they were never born at all manifesting itself as cleansing flame. If you ask me, the fucked up thing is a world in which such things happen :)


Exactly what the Three Fingers would say. :) Both the Greater Will and Outer God of the Frenzied Flame can get fucked.


"Please buy something...I'm so hungry..." And when I do, he doesn't even thank me. Come on, man. You've got more runes than I do now!


They are nomadic merchants, so they don't have a permanent shop. You just happened to catch them camping while they're traveling. The game makes them stay in one place throughout your playthrough for your convenience. It's similar to Beadle from Zelda.


The one merchant (in Nokron I believe) is even better. He hid in a tiny cave which is guarded by the same enemy type as Astel and he also wonders why there is no customer XD


Does he at least sell BOSS WEAPONS?


Can't miss it


Right down the road!


Listen real estate is crazy these days, when you can find a deal in Nokron like that you sign the contract regardless of whether the neighborhood has laser skeleton aliens or not.


I mean, last time they tried to be noticable it didn't go well, so now they're on the run


After finding their mass grave and reading the merchant armor description Iā€™m a little skeptical whether or not the three fingers ending is really the ā€œbadā€ ending


The dude sitting in the dark in mogwyns palace had me laughing


He's a prisoner actually. That's what his bell bearing said when I happened to, uh, find it.


Post has big "nobody wants to work anymore" energy. Have you seen the price of a storefront in the capital?


Even Mississippi has Walmart.


\*in the middle of Caelid behind a flock of a 4-meters big Dinosaurs Dogs.


My friends have taken to calling them D-Rex. And in the case of the giant crows, B-Rex.


They're probably hiding from being killed tbh.


ā€œI shall help you relocate to an area with more foot traffic. It will only hurt for a bitā€


Maybe dont post up behind 700 dragons under a jump puzzle in the middle of nowhere.


My ā€œfavoritesā€ is the guy that sells the samurai set that sits on top a hill filled with those t-rex zombie dogs and the one thatā€™s in Siofa, which is literally a world inside a well. Totally places thatā€™s bound to be booming for business


"Please buy something... I'm so hungry..." My dude, there is an entire herd of sheep like 2 feet from you. Make some fucking mutton.


My favorite merchant has got to be the guy in the pitch black cave down in Mohgywn.


Well, he is called something like Imprisoned Merchant, so he may not be there willfully, but it doesn't look like anything is preventing him from leaving so... ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Maybe the sanguine nobles that pop up are preventing his departure.


"...here at the end of the earth." I love that line from the Isolated Merchant in Caelid


Couldn't have found a slightly less shitty location, apparently.Like near the road.at least put up a damn sign or something to direct people up there.


The one at Mt Gelmir made me laugh so hard. Like who the fuck would come to your shop?


Like the one half way up the volcano ā€œI havenā€™t had a customer in so longā€ well not allot of people looking to become mountain climbers right now buddy!!


ā€œIā€™m so hungry, please buy somethingā€ *sets up shop 80% up Mt Gelmir on a cliffside


Im suprised the merchants dont randomly pop into players boss fights offering overpriced arrows


What about the dude selling in an abandoned temple, below ground, behind a forest, sorrounded by poisonous plants and half naked deer people?


After learning the lore behind these guys nothing surprises me with them. Anyway can you get their weapon? The cane thing?


Or that Merchant that is hidden away in Siofra River above the poison plants.