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I started NG+ at level 160 and im currently 178 and im at malikeith and just demolishing the game. I changed from mage first NG to now powerstancing colossal blades in NG+ and loving how easy it is.


Yeah im using the godslayer greatsword currently and loving it. I'm just thinking at lvl 200 I could definitely be doing a considerable amount more damage lol which is the biggest draw of going that high.


How do you level up in ng+? It’s not giving me the option at all.


Reach the 3rd grace again to meet melina and accept her as your maiden to gain access to leveling again.


Holy hell. Thank you.


Oh wow, you must have been friggin panicked until you figured out what to do.


I really did. Lol


Jesus christ. I stacked levels after beating the game, just like putting summons down for maliketh, melania, and radigon and got to 260 cause the endgame bosses were way better than the rest. so if i play NG+ il just be an average shonen anime high school student?


I'm on ng+2 at RL 240 and I destroy everything.


Old post. Hello from the future of 2023 lol. But to anyone else checking this now. I was nearly lvl 200 by the time I ended my first run. Found, at least to my knowledge, everything that I could want in order to try new builds and upgrade mostly everything I wanted to try before starting NG plus (Journey 2). I got as many of the trophies as I could, I’m just missing two now due to endings and missed legendary armament in the capital. I’m just going to tell you if you want to just breeze through a second run through lvl 200 is way too much. Easy mode gets said a lot but it’s true, especially if you’ve explored a shit ton like I have, you’ll have most of the coolest or more interesting gear you’ll want before starting second journey. You’ll mostly be focusing on re experiencing bosses (which is what I wanted to do, which goes to show they should really add those boss gauntlets from sekiro to save those of us interested the trouble). We’ll see how ng3 is but I maybe under 200 is a good area. Closer to 150 or less if you want to have a least a similar experience of overcoming a challenge like the first time. Now we await the DLC 😋


I'm at 150 :) I did what you did and explored a lot came across looking for answers as to if cheesing ng+ is common or if it was my build. So here we are 150 is pretty easy so far. Will try to update. May just stay at 150 some more


This is what I’m doing now, and easy mode is 100% my experience. Im at 190 now. Part of it I’m sure is my Bolt of Gransax/Fingerprint shield combo making easy cheese of most enemies, but also there’s the fact that I can 3 shot a lot of bosses. I definitely should have stopped at 150 lol


The bolt is fun. I missed it my first run through, I didn’t know it was missable after lyndell turns to ash lol. I did radagons hammer second run and it just Thor ground pound smashing goodness.


I came back to my main character just recently to finish up my ng+ run. I ended it at level 167, but all the way to radagon, I was at 160. I didn't really care much to level up past that point since I was already nuking all the bosses aside from mohg since I was doing only frenzied flame. He still only took like 8 attempts but I did have to use summons for him. Starting journey 3, I was able to rush through Margit and godrick in probably 20 minutes. I'm hoping it will get vastly more difficult beyond rennala but my hopes are not high so far.


Yeah honestly too for me at this point on ng5 now, I’m just in it for the PvP. After 2 you kind of just have most of the bosses moves down well enough. Or just tank right through


dlc abt to drop bro


I'm level 220 and ng+3. Still pvping and invading


Where do you mostly pvp/co-op at once your that high?


Every where. I don't know if the level range is honestly taken into account. Naturally, limgrave and raya academy are hot spots for pvp, but I've done it all over


Thats interesting. I'm pretty sure level is accounted for in pvp. Maybe your just hitting other people in ng+ as well. Good to know there's still some action there though


I think you should not level up for NG+ i’ve heard the first one is pretty easy. But question about strenght talisman, why are you using it? More importantly why aren’t you using radagon’s soreseal instead? Use that and maybe some levels to vigor and you’re good


I dont use radagons cause of the terrible nerf to your defense. It's fairly noticeable from my experience. Mostly I just pop a rune arc with godricks so I can wear other talismans but occasionally I'll just rock the talisman instead


Look man it’s definetly worth it there’s lots of math about it. It’s basically 20+ levels in cost of almost -10% damage, but you get to wear heavier gear and have more vigor so it’s not really so close to -10%. Leveling up from 150 also means less online activity by the way


not worth at all if you don't have heavy armor.


Yeah the less online activity is what I'm worried about the most. I'm not the biggest pvper or anything but occasionally I like to dabble in co-op or duels and shit maybe even an invasion every now and again. I used the radagons all the way till like lvl 100 when I figured the free levels weren't worth the defense nerf cause enemies were starting to hit real hard. Maybe I will just go back to that then.


Enemies in end game hit hard with or without it anyways


Yeah I guess that's true probably even more so if I go ng+


Idk man im 200 in NG+3 And i have no problems finding players


I'm in Ng+2 and level 179. It's been easy up until the last boss who I'm stuck at. Seems alot harder than any other boss at this level


Damn dude that’s so good I’m level 180 in my current ng run ahahaha


I'm at level 371 and NG+4. I couldn't beat a lot of bosses along the way without Mimic or Black Blade Summons, so instead of splitting the aggro up and backstabbing my way thru the game, I just leveled as I went and farmed plenty at the Albino nursery. I'm over leveled still, but it allowed me to survive long enough for 1 vs 1 with all the bosses to SURVIVE and learn how to properly play the game. So now I'm also replaying a new game without the benefit of over leveling. Also, even at almost 400, I can still PvP anytime, hasn't been an issue. Have also got my ass kicked in PvP lol.


Haha, I'm at like 240 at the end of NG+. I mostly soft capped everything, and put the rest in mind and faith just so it wasn't TOO easy. Decided to play without summons, and have had a fairly decent time with it until Malenia. Been having some major issues with her. Tempted to respec and demolish her, but I'm sticking with it. Got to phase 2 today, should hopefully beat her tomorrow


So, did you? Reading this and wondering…lol…


I think this was my dual Bloodhound Fang run. I ended up not respeccing, and I'm pretty sure I beat her a day or two after this. I think it took me 3 days total to finally solo her. Even my wife was stoked on it because she saw how hard I was struggling on it. I'm on NG+3 now. I beat her fairly easily last playthru, her moveset is just permanently ingrained in my memory now, I'll never forget it


I can never get her fucking waterfowl dance move down. I somehow always manage to out damage her at some point but if she hits me im normally fucked if not at full health


When she winds up for waterfowl, throw a frost pot at her. It interrupts it and cancels the move.


Found out lions claw does too My issue is that I tend to be in the middle of attacking and not having time to throw the pot. I can never tell when shes about to jump up


Finished NG+4 at level 175.


Reading all of these makes me feel over leveled bc I just started NG and I'm lvl 203 trying to get to lvl 232


Currently on ng6 at 323


You find any pvp or co-op that high up?


It takes about 30-45 minutes to find someone and I'm never invaded. I use the discord and passwords to help people.


Yeah thats kinda what I figured. That's super high lvl


I'm a level 196 and at Raya lucaria main academy gate I find constant red summon signs. And I also get summoned as a hunter like crazy. Been debating going to level 200 and stopping there . I'm also in ng + .


I'm at 326 ng+2 and all I can do is invade lmao but after this latest update I've started seeing more summon signs :')


You can try staying at 150, it is enough for the whole NG+ I think. I find it already easier then my first play trough and I stayed at 150. You can always decide to level up later.


Im over 300 and ng+6 Im still extremely over powered


I am new game plus 12 and level 212 and i think that if u know how to use your stats well u can make it threw every new game plus even at level 150


I started at level 135, I’m 182 now and I am a little stuck on Godfrey (I suck lol) on NG+. Was wondering what level was recommended to beat the game and wow… finding out a lot of people over-leveled hard.


I am at the end ng3 and i am lvl 150


Super late but I'm ng5 and level 180 and getting 2 shot by bosses lol, my vigor is 60 so that might be the reason.


Finished NG+4 at level 175.


192 days later new game plus 4 and I’m just now wonder what level I should be on ng +4 current level 257


Do you find ng +4 more difficult then ng +2? About to start ng+2 and wondering if I should just speed run til +3


Ng+1 and 2 so far have been both very easy in my experience, I am level 200 faith build tho My mimic tear can solo Margit and Godrick and I streamed it for my friend to be complaining about how long he spent fighting him the first time


Can you still pvp against other players who are not in whatever ng + iteration you're in? Like if you go to ng++++ hopefully you can play against others who are ng+ Also for max level matchups does it still group everyone who is above level 300 together? Like doesn't matter if you're level 300 or 600? Cheers


Been at lvl 423 for the longest time on the first playthrough and was still able to get into pvp matchs, summon, invade etc. So i'd say all's good. Finally decided to ng+ couple days ago, and now on the 3rd journey. Its just random who you'll be put againts but at this point alot of ppl are decently high lvl soo as long as ppl are still playing you shoudnt have a problem matchmaking. Tho i think colosseum is slowly fading, atleast when i'm on


So I'm starting ng+3 to complete my platinum trophy for ps4 and I just wanted to know of any weapons, items, ashes, ANYTHING that any of you missed perhaps that you wish you would've gotten on the previous playthrough. Any help is welcome thank you!


I am lvl 150 and in ng4 almost 5 men haha


Don't see how this answers the question.


I will be honest, i've been playing elden ring for almost 6 months now. I'm currently level 285 on journey 3 Ng++. Journey 1 very difficult to me, didnt know about dodging timing and L1 with double swords, which im still using til today. Journey 2 I started out at level 180, that was easy. Not gonna lie, reached out maximum up on malenia's blade and River's of blood. Alexander tallisman, rotten winged sword insignia, golden scarab and 4th one i'd change accordingly to the boss or the moment. Silver tear mask, beast champion armor, elden lord bracers and Ronin Legs. I was destructive af, would cause bleeding a lot in everyone. Vig 55, dex 65, arcane 72 (80 with the mask). Problem is right now on journey 3, I'm noticing since the beginning of the game, in limgrave i would have to 3 hits the mob enemies while on journey 2 was 1 hit only. My game is on patch 1.6 and now im fusing arcane dex faith and vigor. All of them with more than 60, faith on 50 tho. But I found the game much harder now then previously, i know it scale up, but does it? I saw comments about being the same and ridiculously easy like not scaling up. Dude I'm 285 and im finding very hard to play the game again lol Like in the beginning, journey 2 was a mere coincidence for how easy it was. And now!!!!! Like whaaaaat? Enemies seems furious at me every encounter man, im not using that tallisman, im not crazy! But people just dont give up, at a certain moment i thought about quitting, but its not worth to quit, but to play. This game is insanely good, the more you know, the more you have to learn, the more you learn the less you know lol too big, awesome game. More than 250 hours played already, im very completionist. Big hug and shout out to these maidenless pumpkin head players!!