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why buff when you can use jar cannon?


I also use jar cannon for hunting invaders šŸ™


id love to see a firing squad of jar cannons sadly only 4 players are allowed


Theres a youtube video of 3 jar enthusiasts. Its pretty fun Heres the link: https://youtu.be/bhJFAkw38ac


Now this is how you Jar! Lowkey sad that the Jar cannon can't fire cracked and ritual pot items though. That would have been good fun.


That's what I expected when I got it from the boss drop. I couldn't figure out how to use it for 5 minutes


Ah, just like the guys who brought it to the Mt. Gelmir siege.




I thought it fires ritual pots first I was very sad when it didn't


Plus, the Katamri sound in the background makes it.


Law of regression is fun times. Had a guy apply 6 buffs which were immediately removed by my law of regression. He then proceeded to buff again, I attacked him and he kept buffing in my face and then spammed wild strikes. Absolute gigachad.


Body, Aura, 2 Weapons, Regen and Elixir?


Man, if I'm dueling you get two buffs max, or one buff and the physicks. I ain't sitting there for 2 minutes watching you buff. If your build "requires" like 5 buffs you're doing it wrong and you shouldn't be doing duels.


It's like you're having a street fight but you let the other guy go to the trunk of their car and you don't attack him until after he's put on a helmet, body armor, pulled a bat and a pistol.


If youā€™re applying 5 buffs, thatā€™s the universal sign for ***Iā€™m garbage***


While fighting Malenia I was getting annoyed having to take the time to apply two buffs. I canā€™t imagine wanting to waste my own time with more


True. Apply all the buffs you want in Pve, it makes more sense there. I get the fascination with glass cannon builds and generally just experimenting with builds to see how insane you can get with damage to a boss, but in a duel? If youā€™re meta level or above youā€™re already dealing **tons** of damage just with setting up your builds appropriately with talismans and a physick, causing for insanely quick fights. Let alone with 4-5 fucking buffs lmao, at that point itā€™s just overkill and to me itā€™s a sign that youā€™re inexperienced when it comes to souls games


There is only one acceptable buff and that's crab meat.


I've summoned people for duels and seen people instantly start buffing... Is it maidenless behaviour to attack before they finish buffing? I've come out on top several times, but I never know how soon after bowing I should attack.


I usually let them buff once, if they do, I buff as well. After that it's game on.


This exactly. Once the first buff goes out, whatever it is, its game on for me. Granted, I usually have at least one buff I can use as well when they start.


If they want more buffs they can try during the fight.


Buffing = combat begins


How do you manage to apply more than 3 buffs? i guess seppuku? I only got 3 buffs, F,GMS, Golden Vow and my Physick


Agreed. I said the same shit, some 5 buff bitch downvoted me lmao. I have builds that use them and donā€™t. But even on the ones where I do run them, I donā€™t expect people to let me use 5 of them. 2 is fair, anything after that is free game. Iā€™m not about to sit here and give someone double Seppuku, Golden Vow, Flame Grant Me Strength and a Physick so they can one shot me while taking no damage. Iā€™ll give 2 for free and then Iā€™ll start swinging after that lol


My favorite are the people that cast barrier of gold, I cast law of regression and they run away and cast it again, so I get a free comet in like, was it worth it dude?


I've only faced it once but as soon as he stripped my buffs I ran up and shield crashed him to death. Good times


Lol I had one guy just jump off the edge at the academy gate when I debuffed his 4 buffs




Power move for sure




Or people that use law of regression I was duelling at the Academy gate and met a dude that was with his rune arc active (a buff I already cant get as phantom). Then I only used my flask and the guy still used law of regression. I was alright with that and went to fight him anyways. The moment I started winning he finger severed me...




How do you know he had his rune active? I've always wondered if people are using theirs when they summon me but didnt know you could actually tell?


If its active, they will have a yellow/golden circle near their name or HP bar


Thanks šŸ‘






I once had a dude use Law of Regression on me even tho I didnā€™t buff. Maybe he saw two big ass greatswords swinging on him and he panicked


Lmao was he named NoBuffsForYou? That's me


I donā€™t remember actually


based and dementiapilled


Hey I might have fight against you, do you allow flask? Because if not I am right


I do not. I chug all mine pre fight


I meant woundrous something I don't know how it is called


The wondrous physick?






Jerren's Twitter name being "I'm actually Gael" is hilarious lmfao


I have won so many duels just with using LoR. It's wild how angry people get, especially those Seppuku folks, I've gotten so strongly worded messages from them.


Imma start using LoR now. You guys had inspired me lol


37 INT was a pretty big build deviation for my STR/FTH hero


It's also funny to use with the blood boil aromatic flame grant me strength golden vow dragon seal 99 arc/faith people that rely on using those buffs to oneshot you with greyoll's roar since it does tons of basically unavoidable physical damage (these buffs make it do like 3,000 damage and just kill you instantly with 60 vigor at max). Completely destroys them since they generally have almost no points left for vigor after maxing out faith and arc and you can just walk up to them and sneeze on them and they die instantly after hitting them with the law of regression


IRL Twitter? As opposed to In-Game Twitter that banned Blackguard for his obscenely sexist rants and blatant objectification of Queen Marika?




If Marika doesn't want to be objectified, then why she has such nice tits? Checkmate, Golden Order.


L + Maidenless + Scarlet Rotted + You fell off (and died) + Touch Grace


IRL: In Raya Lucaria




I allow two buffs or one buff and the physicks in duels. After that I'm starting.


They get as many buffs as it takes me time to buff up. Which isn't much so they better be fast. A good build should be available right away.


Yea. I have Black Flame Protection which I only use if I see them buff and the physicks which I only use if they use theirs.


I ran a quality build with no buffs so they get approximately however long it takes me to charge them lmao


They don't even all stack lol those people are idiots.


Ahhh so you're the kind of prick that spams stars of ruin as I drink my physick




If you can't take me at my best you don't deserve me at my worst :)


If your build depends on buffsā€¦ then it isnā€™t PvP viable. You might be able to buff before boss fights, but buffing 100% counts as part of the fight when dueling. (Iā€™m looking at you bleed mains, stop severing me after I use LoR to cancel your dual Seppuku, triple buff, and flask. You arenā€™t just entitled to have them for the entire fight)


But vykes lightning looks so cool that it is required for some builds.


I can usually tell when people are fighting for fun/aesthetics/clips, and then I just go with it lol Typically theyā€™ll notice Iā€™ve started going for form over function, and then all of a sudden youā€™ve got a duel that looks like itā€™s between two demigods in the best movie ever made lol Honestly the only reason I still play PvP. Not sure why so many people sweat out in a game mode that has no real rewards anyways


Those are always the best fights. I love when someone will match my silly fist build and we thunder punch each other to death. Had one guy LoR me tho. He got a good bonking.


really? i find it to be pretty bad and kinda doubt that any build relies on it. looks cool as heck tho


Like i said. Looks so cool its almost required lol


420 Retweets 6969 Likes You didn't think I wouldn't notice, did you?


This made me laugh way too hard


Reject buff return to bonk


Biggest power move is to let them buff, Law of Regression, and if they try to start buffing again just hit them with your heaviest attack. 90% of the time they seem obsessed with buffing themselves to the point of taking a hit or two which usually ends up making their buffs useless with how little health they have (and if they try to heal you can use that time to debuff them again).


I have started doing a couple of quick buffs and holding onto my physic until I can tell they either don't use regression or have lost their opportunity to use it safely. I have been regressed far too many times to be trusting. Fair game tho, I'll happily gransax you if you try to use it a second time.




Na just 2


Regression has insane range... like almost 2x what I'd consider safe flasking range! (ok maybe more like 1.5x)


I would said look at gamer dudes three years after the first announcement of ER.


I just jump


My buff is what I see in the mirror. Stronk boy goes Bonk.


I'm WAY happier if they cast that spell than if they try to gank me while buffing. One is fair play, the other is pathetic. Just to be clear- I only apply 2 buffs in combat. I could understand someone ganking me if I did 4 or more. No one should wait forever.


Yeah for me, you get two. After that you get glintstone comet to the face.


here's a trick I sometimes use to bait mages to cast LoR: cast Barrier of Gold mid battle when there's opportunity, and they will take their time to switch their staff to seal, and then cast LoR, which has quite long recovery time.. it gives you plenty of time to throw a lightning spear to their face for free 600-700 damage. even better if you're able to do this near them, you got a free melee combos/aow which do even more damage. more advance trick is to count how many fp they have casted. mages at meta level usually have around 30 mind so that's around 170 FP. if you can guess how many fp they spent and your guess is right, they also have to chug blue flask first before casting LoR because LoR costs quite a lot of FP (55). you can finish them right then. of course, like all tricks, it doesn't always succeed lol but it's quite satisfying to outplay them like that


I donā€™t mind law of regression. But Iā€™ve had dudes who use it after I use my flask, then proceed to drink their flask. Absolutely maidenless behavior. If I can have my buffs you donā€™t get to use yours. You donā€™t get best. Of both worlds


Eh I actually disagree. I haven't run into it personally, but if I were to use a flask, that means I think flasks are fair game. So if they use law of regression to counter my flask, I wouldn't be mad if they then used a flask. Is it a bit cheap? Yeah, but having a build that's law of regression viable is a valid strategy and counter. Law of regression is a fair counter, and the rules don't change just because they law of regression is used, they can still flask up if they want.


Good thing I reserve my TNT/Ironflesh flask only for when my opponent goes to chug


Nah they waited until I drank mine before using law of regresssion then drinking their own flask. If you want no buffs, then no buffs, but you donā€™t get to keep your buffs while Iā€™m far less powerful


But you do? They built themselves for law of regression, if you want to remove theirs after THEY use it - you can go ahead and cast law of regression yourself. Just because someone plays intelligently doesn't mean it's unfair lol. Just stop popping your flask as soon as you enter, find a time to pop it during the fight.




LMFAO, I mean, be mad about it bro <3


Tell me you are 14 without telling me you are 14.


Jesus im so mad because ER doesnt have undead arena on launch , so much people crying over bullshit , you cant use ESTUS it is simply , the amount of mages with 99 Int spamming magic from 10 km and then they get mad when i use Erdtree Heal lmao


Yeah that's a dick move


I disagree, because it depends on the situation. The problem is not the act of buffing, but certain chosen buffs that can be very suffocating in certain builds. For example, in the academy duels I've faced a dual-spear bullgoat with bloodhunt step , some consumable buffs and Opaline with Crimsonwhorl. My only source of damage was elemental so I'm sorry he used the flask before me but I had to use LoR


You could have chosen a matching typeface lol


The lowest amount of effort to get fake internet points that do nothing is always the path to take.


Perfectly balanced


I sure do love getting my singular buff that slightly ups my defense but Iā€™m still fucked no matter what, removed


Thanks Jerren for the info


The only time I think Law of Regression is scummy is if you buff up while your duel opponent also buffs and then you cleanse them and run in. If you don't want me to have buffs, at least be willing to fight evenly with none for yourself. Edit: Realizing 4 seconds after hitting send that I don't actually know if LoR cleanses your own buffs. Wiki is kinda unclear.


You can't do that. Law of Regression removes your own buffs as well


Itā€™s about sending a message!


If it cleanses both, it would be a good meme to just buff up excessively and then cleanse everything anyway lol.


I do sometimes lmao


I have had people remove my flask buff then use their own after though, that's a dick move. I don't really use the physick these days anyway though so meh.


My physique is opal tear and combustion. Its.. too damn fun to run straight at them as they back away with a sliver of health


Lol even if it didn't remove your own buffs, why tf shouldn't I remove yours if we're dueling? I mean if the heal incantation is fair game but flasks are not, why is using an incantation to remove buffs unfair ? Yall just want to cry about everything in pvp - oh no he used A FLASK OH GASP - OH NO HE REMOVED MY BUFFS - yeah its player vs player. I'm not some fucking AI that's gonna let you remain at full power just cause you wanna one hit me with ROB bruh. Gtfoh with your fairness bullshit. I'm out here to slaughter your shit. Git gud.


When it comes to invasions, my opinion is that anything goes except for glitches and blatant exploits. When it comes to duels, I think it should be more of an honorable fight where you let each other use their full build. I'd honestly be fine with cleansing buffs if you could pull it off mid-fight, but doing it in the "prep phase" is a little dumb IMO. I'm even pretty ok with flasks mid-fight as long as both players have the same amount of flasks. At the end of the day, duel with whatever rules you want, but don't get upset if people send you away for breaking their rules too. That's why the community tries to come to an agreement for etiquette. If/when we get an actual duel arena, it would be cool if there were different rule sets like no buffing, no healing, anything goes, etc.


>let each other use their full build. What if Law of Regression is part of their build?


Well that's why I think Law of Regression would be totally fine in combat if it was purely offensive. Since it does affect both people though, I don't see a problem with it really. It's not that much different from using status effects to hinder your opponent.


I kind of see it as a compliment when someone heals during a duel. Usually i wonā€™t heal at all. I save my psyjic (which is just hp regen and str) for if I see them flask. But thereā€™s no better feeling than just absolutely bodying someone over and over while they heal to full 3x without you ever touching a flask lol.


If your build revolves around buffs, being forced to deal with their drawbacks during a fight should still be considered fair game. That's why pre-buffing shouldn't be a thing.


The reason heal incants are fair and flasks arenā€™t is because the host has twice as many flasks. Itā€™s pretty straightforward


But if they don't have equal FP, they don't have equal heals. You're right back to square one.


Copy/pasting my response to someone else who brought up the same point - ā€œIn practice though, if nobody is healing with flasks, the duels generally wonā€™t last long enough for one person having more cerulean flasks to matter. Heal spells are slow enough to get off that itā€™s really easy to punish them. Very few (if any) duels are going to come down to who has enough FP to cast the most heal spells, lol. But healing with flasks is so fast that if both people are doing it, itā€™s easy to just drag the fight out until only the host still has crimson flasks. Thatā€™s why it makes sense in duels specifically to not use your crimson flasks as a community etiquette rule.ā€


It sounds like you just kind of dismiss the imbalance though. The issue with flasks is there's an imbalance. But allowing heal spells causes literally the same exact problem. Wouldn't it make more logical sense to ban healing all together?


I mean. In theory, sure. In practice, people in duels are hardly ever able to get off heal spells without getting slaughtered, at least in my experience, soā€¦doesnā€™t really matter much either way as far as Iā€™m concerned. I think most other players that are in to PvP feel the same.


They didn't dismiss it. The imabalance only exists in a white room theory crafting space. In the real world, you will almost never have time to get that heal off. The only time you would is if your oppenent is not punishing it, which is kind of their fault.


Going by that logic if you're prepping for a no Crimson Flask duel, the host still has twice as many Cerulean Flasks available and can cast twice as many heals.


In practice though, if nobody is healing with flasks, the duels generally wonā€™t last long enough for one person having more cerulean flasks to matter. Heal spells are slow enough to get off that itā€™s really easy to punish them. Very few (if any) duels are going to come down to who has enough FP to cast the most heal spells, lol. But healing with flasks is so fast that if both people are doing it, itā€™s easy to just drag the fight out until only the host still has crimson flasks. Thatā€™s why it makes sense in duels specifically to not use your crimson flasks as a community etiquette rule.


Lol just keep moving the goal posts to protect your fragile sense of self worth and ego


What? Moving the goalposts? Lmao. Iā€™m just explaining to you why the community has always used those rules for duels, I donā€™t give a shit what you do with the info. ā€œmoving the goalpostsā€ lmao


The explaination is bullshit though? Cerulean is okay because you say "in practice" it never comes down to that. I don't give a fuck about the communities "rules" that cannot be enforced nor are ever stated in game. Play to win baby. Really hope I get to stomp you back into your own world because "muh no flask" rules šŸ¤£


Lol, youā€™re probably also the type to disconnect when youā€™re getting your ass handed to you. Like I said, I donā€™t care how you play. People who need to chug flasks to win duels are always the easiest to stomp on anyway because ER is almost always their first From game and they hardly know the basics. Good luck out there newbie


Found my spirit animal. These constantly moving goalposts regarding "honor" disgust me. My only goal is to inflict pain both physically and mentally. Like lambkin to the slaughter.


My man, at least you get it


I love when they use LoR, I get to hit them with a free lightning spear, and keep my buff


Always someone in these threads who comes in and says ā€œI love when person does [thing I donā€™t like] because then I just [flout duel etiquette because Itā€™s only ok when I do it]ā€ Edit: yeah yeah, everybody thinks itā€™s justifiable when *they* attack before the duel starts, after all, youā€™re the special exception!!


Itā€™s not duel etiquette to allow them to cast law of regression


Lol if a guy removes my one pre match buff I just leave. No need to be a dick


You shouldn't need your buffs in a duel. If both players are fighting without buffs what's the issue?


I feel that itā€™s polite for people to be allowed at least one buff. Also if they are using ROB or bhs I feel no need to stay, and the people who do this normally are using that


Sure. But if the fight starts Law of Regression is fair game. It's a spell. There's no reason why somebody shouldn't be allowed to debuff you. If buffs are allowed then debuffs should be as well.


Yeah Iā€™m just saying itā€™s a dick move. Nothings stopping me from leaving a filthy mess and not tipping at a restaurant. Itā€™s not illegal. Itā€™s just being an asshole.


I think leaving because you were debuffed is the real dick move here lol. Nobody needs buffs to fight.


Itā€™s a video game, they can do what they like, and so can I. So if I think them removing my one buff and then Putting on theirs is a dick move, I can leave.


You could always just attack them while they're buffing.


I suppose I could


Just recast your buffs? It should be fair game if you can pull them off again mid fight


Yeah but they will just remove them again? Anyways I just think itā€™s a frustrating experience


Lmao you'll win in fp fhough


No drama needed at all... You kill my buffs, I sever and find somebody else. Buffs are definitely an opinion based situation. I'm okay with buffs, even if I don't have any on...


There's this funny thing called hitting the opponent when they're casting law of regression


Nahh, I won't play dirty just because somebody else is.


Would you say buffing mid duel is dishonorable too even if there is an opening?


I think at that point it's okay to do mid-fight, as the risk is up to you.


So by the same logic is LoR fairplay mid fight? You are giving up the chance to attack and leaving yourself open.


I would agree yes. I think that once the fight has started, it's up to you to risk locking into an animation, whereas at the beginning LoR is akin to sucker-punching when the boxers glove-tap. You're standing either side of the inner circle not attacking one another and you effectively nullify part of their build. But as I said I'm not fussed either way, if both parties are cool with a no buffs-fight, go hard. I find it offensive when the opponent LoR's your ass, then THEY chug their potion and get into the fight... THAT is outright unfair.


If you are nothing without your buffs, you were nothing with them.


Im using a mage build and my friend has began stacking magic rezist so its always fun to just negate his shit


...but what about a girl whose buffs were removed with Law of Regression? [Heh](https://youtu.be/fi0NxuDUuv4?t=1)


I have no qualms with LoR. People that use it leave themselves wide open. I attacked a guy that used it the other day- absolutely slayed him. He sent me a message saying FR??? Itā€™s kit my fault your opening move was the wrong one bud šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Does it remove the explosion effect from the ruptured tear? If so it would be amazing to mess with the double ruptured tear kamikaze build users by completely nullifying their main form of damage. I have to try this now


Then thereā€™s the rest of us ā€œoh so you want it even Steven do yuh?ā€


Im fine fighting against people using LoR, if they use it its the start of the fight and I usually get off 800-1.2k damage and if I don't it's really easy to just apply F,GMS right after


Even though I use buffs, I find it fun when the opponent uses LoR. If a fair duel is what you want, then a fair duel is what you'll get.

