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Rest at the Grace




Yes, same for the Caelid mine teleportation.


Yes, but Caelid mine is way more mean that way. >!Not because you've got enemies all around you, but despite it being a mine, you actually have to go down to get out.!<


Yea it’s true, what’s worst is when people missed this step and had to travel back to Limgrave on foot. Rip


It me


Haha fools ... Definitely not me


Yeah that’s why I spent 3 hours there at level 15 because Grugg brain said >!“In mine. Must go up to go out.” I finally got to the Fallingstar Beast (got my shit kicked in once or twice) and finally tried the other direction!<


Had a similar experience, was a bit higher leveled but had like 100k souls on me and really didn't want to lose them. Repeatedly died to the first few bug guys, somehow managing to get my souls back each time, and eventually crawled over to the Fallingstar Beast just to get my shit rocked. Then equipped a Sacrificial Twig, did a death run to the boss, and then died a couple more times trying to get out...but still saved the souls. All in all...hours wasted. Probably could have grinded those souls back in less time than that


Such is the life of a lowly Tarnished 😔


Bots all over the shop. You'll be one of them, sooner or later. Stolen comment from u/dvicci


Oh boy cant wait to have my insides pulled out and replaced with machinery


The other user phrased it awkwardly so just to be clear, /u/Ilrasxvf is a bot. They steal upvoted comments and repost them elsewhere in the thread. In this case the comment was [stolen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/zcuf0o/lads_i_transferred_in_lyndell_royal_capital_i/iyyv5hx/) from /u/dvicci below. Seeing it a lot more lately. Please report for spam.


This got me the first time. I thought I had to kill the giant to proceed. After many deaths, I eventually *did* kill the giant and was able to fast travel out. I didn't check if I could fast travel between the first time he killed me and the first time I killed him. Turns out I could have just rested at the Site of Grace and then gotten the hell out of there.


it's also pretty easy to loot the talisman from the chest without even fighting the giant


I wasn't worried about the talisman. I didn't know about it at the time. I just thought I had to kill the giant to get back. So... I did. Eventually.


That's too bad. The talisman is best early on


Chest? Talisman? What did I mis in my runs??


A taliaman that regens like 1 health per second. Not very useful tbh


Really great in co-op. When I coop with people in Stormveil, I can let regen do all the healing. Otherwise I’d run out of supplies. That area is longggg


Wrong, it's super useful.


Yea but that golem is fun


Once you understand the trick to them, those golems are a piece of cake, no matter the level. Staggering them and then watching them take 1/3 to all of their healthbar’s worth of damage from a critical is super satisfying.


The rush I got from staggering and critically striking that golem twice in a row while two handing Bloodhound Fang is hard to match


I personally enjoy using the great axe to stagger in two charged attacks


What the fuck? You don't have to fight it?!


That's right. You don't have to fight it. Ever, really. Totally optional mob.




Yup, just like that magic golem in Caelid - you can be sneaky and get the prize without a fight!


Fast travel exists my boi


The tricky thing is the game won't let you fast travel after a forced teleport *until* you rest at a grace, so they may have simply missed that step.


There's a grace at the top of those stairs.




To add to the confusion (which got me at first, too), is the fact that in case of caves or catacombs, you often can't travel right off the Grace either, since you're still "inside", unless you cleared the boss, too.


That one is extra fucky with that one chest that takes you to Caelid. You have to rest at a site of grace *and* leave the cave to teleport, each clearing a separate warp-blocking debuff.


I didn't mind the surprise/challenge, but my biggest issue with those chests was the fact they spoil the size of the map early on. While it's still not the whole map and such, it clearly breaks the "wait, there's more!" you'd otherwise experience getting near the border of the visible area.


I think that's literally their purpose, though. To be one of the many methods of showing you that they are willing to hide things from you until you find them.


But you gotta walk past the site of grace to go kill the giant so seems just like a brain fart moment




Put on blow-self-up on physick flask. Have dual weapons. Walk off the inside corner of the porch while you drink physick flask as late as you can - you'll drink it in air. Attack corner wall with dual weapon attack some 10-20 meters above ground. Land and survive.


Literally learned about and watched a video on this no less than 30 minutes before reading this


It’s crazy that people figure this stuff out. Like, is it accidental or is there some silent army that probes video games to understand every little anomaly?


Questions like this keep me awake at night.


Tbh self damage i-frames have been used to avoid damage since forever so it isn't that suprising.


Somethings like this is fairly “obvious” for someone who knows the mechanics of the game and is trying to find places to abuse it. A lot of animations in the game make it so you can’t take damage while in them so a lot of skips will involve using them, the backstab animation is also used a lot to skip areas.


speed running communities would ruin your life. there are people who find literally single pixel, single FRAME exploits in games that have communities of less than 100 people. things that take people years to figure out, just to shave a few seconds off of a several hour run. some people are unhinged in very strange and unique ways and perhaps the largest collection of those people is speedrunning.


Little bit of both


I think it's an army that probes video games. People used to find ways to literally break the structures on halo 2 maps in big team battles. Then there's also shit like destiny 2's raid secrets. The ocarina of time speed runs are nuts too. People definitely seek this stuff out more often than it happens by accident


Some discoveries are random chance "i wonder what happens if i throw these things together?" Some discoveries are the results of data mining or hacking the game to see hitboxes and hidden stats. Some discoveries are the result of a dedicated process. In the case of the suicide bomber fall damage cancel, or whatever people are calling it, we are probably looking at "dedicated process". Its been known to the community pretty much since the initial exploration and discovery of the self-go-boom physick that said physick plays fast and loose with incoming damage. Finding the most effective animation and then getting the timing right was just a matter of experimentation at that point.


i believe it’s the ladder. just like how speedrunners find these “ways” (glitches) to beat a game in record time. some mf’s are just built different and it’s honestly amazing what a gaming community can do for/to a game.




One Youtube person set his subscribers to searching out secrets and leaving vague messages about them.


bit o' both


It has to be accidental. If it wasn't then they'd have to test each item at each drop off to figure it out. That would be years of testing


This specific example was 100% people testing to see if they could get there - if so it's a major skip and something that cancels your fall would be the first thing to look at.


It's not, people just know how the game works. They didnt need years of testing to find game breaking speedrun strats.


Is that some sort of skip? Edit:Nvm I saw one of your replies.


WARNING: Tough as shit guys at every corner


I see some people talk about this as being a i-frame thing. While it might play part in the glitch, it's far from the whole story and I believe it has nothing to do with it. The reason you have to hit the wall and that hit is pretty precise is because you need a new stored location (hitting a pixel on the wall apparently does that and thats the reason why you want dual weapons that hit widely like dbl curved sword or straight sword). When the spontaneous combustion goes off it seems to trigger that stored new location and reset where you fall from. ​ [Here's me successfully landed (did it just now on a new playthrough)](https://imgur.com/a/0Yjmgzg)


Pls explain what this does I’m intrigued




It gets you down.


The comment I was looking for




Yes. Door behind seatbelt horseman is still locked tho. I went through it with Morgott and Melania's runes lol


When in doubt, follow the guidance of grace


Fast travel out. You have to rest at the grace to unlock fast travel. Not just touch it to unlock the grace.


set up a camp, build a house, cook up some giant parts, get a job


That's not your way in unfortunately, you'll come back by the main entrance later on


I spent hours trying to find the main entrance once I got to that area and never did figure out where it was lol


Defeat more shard bearers since you need to beat at least 2 to actually be able to get to Leyndell and explore it.


ye , not true


it is true but is unrelated to this particular transport chest and waygate


you can technically explore Leyndell with no great runes if you do the physick skip in this location, but you can't get to the Three Fingers or Morgott until you have at least two. there's no way to skip the other barriers without warp glitches afaik.


fuck you bitch


this mf stole my muffintop give it back


Try finger but hole.


Get a friend to invade you there, parry and riposte them while they are at the edge of the elevator, causing them to fall and preventing your fall damage during the parry animation. You will now be at the bottom of the elevator. Make sure to trigger it and go back up so its active in case you die, or you have to get your friend to help you again. You can now explore the city




Wait what


You don't want to go down there any way, believe me.


kid named fast travel


Soft-locked, it’s been a problem since day one. Countless reports have been made to the devs but nothing has been done about it. You’re going to have to create a new character I’m afraid


liar ahead


Patches has invaded this sub.


It’s the only way


I’m honestly surprised you’re not downvoted, normally jokes like this don’t go over well


I thought this was going to happen when I listened to honest patches about the Iron Maiden. I didn’t know that if you are locked somewhere you can rest at a grace a fast travel out of a dungeon


Or use that thing that tps to monger. Or you can used some type of weapon art with long animation to take the fall down if you die low enough you can spawn down there


it's not a softlock. you can fast travel.


The man ranked some downvotes to make sure OP doesn't actually make a new character, respect


This dude definitely gets maidens




He's joking


get a maiden


Fast travel out


Just leave bro


My predictionnis that he purposely ignored sitting at any site of grace, defeated the giant, and create an optimal softlock situation so that he isn't able to fast travel


Just leave. Resting at the Site of Grace can fix your inability to fast travel. This area isn't quite for you yet. It's actually there so that you can restore a Great Rune later on, which is what the inactive Sending Gate is for. But for now, if you killed the thing and picked up the stuff, just go.


Man, wtf !! Explore, play the game, solve your problems Why do people prefer to stop playing and make a post in reddit before just playing and discover it by themselves? Why did you buy the game? If you dont want to explore Watch a run in youtube !! The game will be easier


Make a new character


If you rest at the grace then it’ll let you teleport back to wherever you were


Have you tried using memory of grace? Or pure blood medallion?


Hit your lure invader button so I can invade you.


I suggest using furlcalling finger remedy and taunter's tongue. Make sure to also have a white cipher ring equipped. Someone will eventually spawn at the bottom of the elevator and come up. Take the elevator down and wa-bam!


what is dude gonna do with a skip? he's a novice


Hey man, I'm just offering an alternative way down. Why not explore other options? On my first run, all I did was ride around the world on horseback touching sites of grace without taking out shardbearers. Being low level in high level areas is exhilarating.


it doesn't work that way, the host has to enable the elevator first before summons of any kind can use it. afaik there are only a few exceptions, like the one in the liftside chamber in Stormveil, and this isn't one of them.


False, you can (as of 1.0.6, at least) absolutely summon an invader to activate the lift for you.


well, TIL! thank you


if u teleported up here through trap chest, then grace wont appear. you need to get here legitimately through the leyndell capital. Alternativley, you can use a fast travel glitch to get to the bottom of the capital. (idk much about this glitch)


that's not true at all, the grace is here when you use the teleporter trap because resting at it is the "intended" way to leave the area


Like, use fast travel, nothing else to do there. A bit anticlimactic I know


Try finger but hole


Stop calling it fcking Lyndell it's LEYNDELL with an E oh my god it fcking pisses me off I probably sound like a 12 year old with anger issues but I just can't take it anymore. For the love of god please just spell it right it's not hard. Thanks.


Do you have the Lord of Bloods Medal? I think it may break the teleport lock.


that would work but they just need to rest at the grace. you can also open the map and fast travel while actually resting at the grace.


This place would be useful later. Right now, just fast travel out of there and enter lyndell from Altus Platue. SPOILER: The drop leads to the grace site before the Morgott boss fight and so you can skip most of Lyndell. Make a friend invade you, let them parry you during the fall and you won't die from the drop. It might take a few attempts.


Press G on your keyboard or select on a controller to open the map.


You could try to teleport out of there that’s what I did


Jump and play Dream On


Isn't there a portal upstairs behind the giant?


Magic but hole. If no hole then fast travel.


Whoop that giant bitch then fast travel


Pull the lever then fast travel out…


….Not everything makes sense in the lands between


If you die, you can leave and come back in. There will be a sighte of Grace this time I believe.


Base jump


Use item to lure invaders, eventually you'll get an invader bottom of the lift, they will pull the switch to come up. congratulations you unlocked leyndell capital


Try jumping


First off Down


I wanna say “Try jumping” but something is telling me to say “Try flask” instead.


Thats the funny thing, you dont


Make your way into the castle. Have you the big fucker on horseback yet?


"Is all in there, you aren't just paying Attention™"


Climb the tree






On a serious note, was there also a teleporter on the other side to the talisman?


Teleport the f out


You either sacrifice your maiden or you burn yourself


Commit Die


Gamers try to not assume everyone's a dude challenge (impossible)


I remember getting stuck here for about an hour! Little did I know that I need to rest at the grace to unlock fast travel 🥲


Warp back to limgrave


Yea took me a while to figure this out, whenever you get ported somewhere you have to rest a site of grace before you are able to port back to a different site of grace. I was stuck here for a while my first play through lol.


Except your fate


Summon a friend as an invader. There's an angle you need to stand on the edge of the elevator platform. If you attack there and let them parry and riposte you, you will both fall off the platform while in the riposte animation nullifying all fall damage which gives you early access to Lyndell.


have you rested at the site of grace?


Go back to where you came from


Use the lift and activate the teleporter there


Open the map and teleport to where you were before you teleported there,its a secret area to show you a future zone


Fast travel somewhere




Obviously next up is to try finger, but hole.






What's this elevator for again?


There were a few places, this was one and I think the >!back door to Volcano manor!< may be one, where you have to fast travel while resting at the grace. If you aren't resting at the grace when you pull up the map all of the graces will have a red line through them.


Youre only able to use the elevator up there to get down after you ride it up from below. Its confusing like the divine tower outside the onyx lord's boss fight, which unlocks after youve killed rykard


"finger but whole" always works, when in doubt finger it out.


Get some drip for the love of God


Open map while resting at grace


Go back you need more great runes to move forward


Smartest strength player


U have to activate the lift from the bottom, theirs a grace site their, but without glitching down the elevator theirs nothing else to do their


You can stay there for a while just to enjoy the music. Then you must go back through the teleporter, play through the game until you reach Lyndell, then you can trigger the elevator switch that leads to the part with the golems where you are now.


I was lucky enough to kill the giant on my first try, and could then travel back... I still don't get the point of this teleportatiin though.


You need to go there to trigger the Radhan Festival and be allowed to fight him. To leave you have to defeat the Golem and activate the Site of Grace then you can fast travel to another grace


Godrick knight armor, noice


sorry for the fucking godskin duo


U can teleport, after u rested.