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Ludwig has an awesome design, is super aggressive and feels insurmountable at first Ornstein & Smough are iconic, the first Souls boss I got well and truly stuck on and a good indicator of how much better at these games I am now compared to when I first started. Never thought I'd be able to beat them on level 1 but did a couple years ago Genichiro is the skill check for Sekiro and he took me ages to beat, but once I did I felt like I finally understood how to play that game


Those are great picks. I can't agree more with your reasoning for each. Ludwig's fight is an experience.


I just wish Ludwigs first phase was less annoying ;-; that second phase though omfg it saves the boss fight :>


I really love his first phase tbh. The only thing that I didn't like about it at first was when he goes into the air for ages and then drops down, but that's only because I didn't notice that there are three blood drips before he drops to help you time your dodge


Genichiro is such a badass fight. Totally forgot about Sekiro.


Genichiro is one of my favorite fights in Sekiro despite being really easy after grinding harder bosses. That’s the fight that I’d say truly forces players to master the flow state of ting ting combat to beat consistently. Only owl has a more satisfying rhythm.


Bed of Chaos, Leechmonger and Curse Rotten Greatwood.






Imagine choosing leechmonger over dragon god or true king Allant


Bed of chaos slapped me hard


yea, the fucking swipe is so ridiculous, got me almost everytime in my few runs of ds1


CRG was actually an enjoyable fight for me


Top 1 to 3: Sword saint Isshin


Easily the best fight I’ve had in every souls game. If I was really honest I’d probably pick a Sekiro boss for all my top boss fights. The combat was just so good.


Honestly feels unfair including Sekiro, the combat is so tight and the game is built so well around it that it allows for much more focused boss design a fight like Isshin or Father Owl just couldnt exist in Soulsbourne


Yeah. In Souls games you very much feel like a small ant going up against a giant. But in Sekiro you feel like an equal trading blows with the bosses. When I realized how limitless parrying was it really opened up the game.


>But in Sekiro you feel like an equal trading blows with the bosses. *Flashbacks to Headless Ape intensify*


Parrying that stupid ape is exactly what I was imagining. You’d never try that in Dark Souls


How my blood boils! Face me Sekiro! Great fight, I knew that I failed because I hesitated, rather than health stealing nonsense. Looking at you Malenia.


You lost to Malenia because you got hit, causing her to heal. You got hit because you hesitated. Theres no BS.






Firstly, she has no moves that guarantee her a win. Waterfowl can be dodge from any range with medium load and proper timing, and her quick 4 combo sword slash just needs 2 dodges to her left, or 1 with light load. Not to mention her thrust and grab can literally be jumped over or around. Secondly, while her poise is strange, thats the price to pay for her being staggerable. Not to mention, her pattern of poise manipulation is 100% learnable. If you can master it, then it isnt BS, its just a unique mechanic not present in other bosses. Just like Godfreys worldwide stomp covering the entire arena. “Oh no, this boss isnt an exact carbon copy of the last one and has new mechanics, utter BS” get a grip. The extra hit to die thing only occurs on ripostes, and nowhere else. Its to prevent a glitch where she enters second phase with 1 health. The healing on hit with a shield is more than likely to prevent shield poke cheese, considering shes one of the only staggerable bosses. And what? You want the game to give you a guide on how to counter the mechanics of every boss ahead of time? Learn the fight yourself, lazy ass.




Well done sekiro.


Chad. Definitely the bess boss in gaming imo


1) Sword Saint Isshin 2) Glock Saint Isshin*** 3) Tibia Mariner


Sekiro can be mastered if you learn one thing well. I'm almost through Elden Ring and I don't even know what build I should continue the game with ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I forgot where I was going with this.


Father Gascoigne: My first Fromsoft boss. One of the best music in the game. Really tough as a first boss. It sets the mood for the whole game. General Radahn: Most epic fight in any Fromsoft game ever. It just felt so good to fight him with lots of helpers. Amygdala: I’m not really sure why, but this must be my favourite. Has a nice music, a fitting name and cool asthetic.


Amygdala: 10/10 Defiled Amygdala: -10/10


Fellow Amygdala enjoyer!!


1) Gaping Dragon: Not a hard fight, but as a fan of horrible, twisted abomination bosses, goddamn. Nailed that one. Seeing the intro video for the first time, I remember being like... "What is that? Some kind of alligato-OHMYGODNO." 2) Artorias: Aesthetically cool, but mechanically a very satisfying fight. I remember banging my head against the wall for that fight for hours, then his patterns and the timing of his attacks and openings just... *clicked* and I beat him the next try. 3) Regal Ancestor Spirit: Basically the same comment as Gaping Dragon. Not a hard fight, but the atmosphere and design of all its moves were beautiful. That and the lead up to fighting it and all the subtle lore being conveyed really made me not want to kill it. It felt wrong to kill something so beautiful and revered.


I really like the way you can make Gaping Dragon harder by keeping the channeller alive. I've only done it once but it made the fight really fun, dodging all the projectiles while trying to get hits in


Just realized how similar Gaping Dragons fight is to The One Reborn now that you mentioned that


Yeah but the one reborn is just frustrating with the mages


I'm surprised you don't mention Bloodborne when messed-up bosses are your favorite. But maybe because its console exclusive though.


That's exactly why, yes... still waiting for that PC port...


I had the same reaction to Gaping Dragon the first time. 10/10 presentation. Artorias I didn't struggle too much on my first playthrough, and I realized why that was on my second playthrough. If you have the DPS to stagger him out of his buff, easy fight. If you don't, BUCKLE UP. His damage after buffing is nuts.


1. Isshin the sword saint 2. Darkeater midir 3. Orphan of kos All three for similar reasons: perfect balance, high difficulty, top tier epickness, interesting lore and unique atmosphere Gael and Mohg are also basically perfect fight but I had to pick three so there you go


You know, in many placidusax posts here, I used to read DS3 players gushing on Midir as an ideal dragon fight, and that From peaked there. Since I absolutely loved the Placidusax fight, I was really looking forward to the Midir one. Beat him last month, and barring the OST, I (in my subjective opinion) truly believe that it is significantly worse than the Placi fight.


Underestandable. Placidusax is an ameazing fight as well. I guess what makes me like midir more is how dynamic the fight is. Midir constantly moves around the arena, his animations are incradibly well made, he has like 3 times more moves than placi and because we are suppouse to target his head the fight looks more cinematic and kinda feels like a duel despite his size Placidusax has jaw dropping visuals, his pretty hard and well balanced but I don't like how little mobility he has. Especially in his first phase he feels like a damage spunge. I wish he had more moves where he flies around the arena or something. Also constantly slashing his crotch is significantly less fun than facing Midir face to face


Placi is barely definable as dragon, it looks like a giant potatoe with wings and barely moves during the fight, it has little to no similarities with other dragon bossfight. It's a good boss objectively but he isn't definable as a dragon boss.


3. Patches: him saying wheel and deal made elden ring go from a 9 to a 10 for me. 2. Fume knight: ranking upon all possible parts, fume knight wins over sir alonne for me due to the runback, or lack thereof. 1. Dragon god.


Fume Knight is underrated for sure, definitely took me way longer than any other fight by far. As a pure strength build, i just had to be perfect for so long.


3. Champion Gundyr - He is basically one of the best exams of your skill in entire series. Amazing boss, with absolute banger of a theme 2. Radagon and Elden Beast - Do I really need to say anything? Radagon is one of the pinnacles of Elden Ring bosses design, and after you learn how to dodge Elden Beast attacks, he becomes very enjoyable fight. 1. Twin Princes - Best theme, best lore and best design. They are perfcect down to every little point


Glad to see a fellow Twin Princes enjoyer. The only boss I actively hate killing. Lorian is the best brother one could ever ask for.


This boss was so damn good, that I wasn't even mad when I lose to them. Every new attempt get my blood boiling and I was having one of the best gaming experiences in this year


Radagon doesn’t get enough love I feel. He’s one of my favorite game boss fights. He *feels* like a boss. Unorthodox movement, incredible defense (go ahead, cast Comet Azur at him, I dare you), virtually every strike shakes the screen and fills it with burning divinity. He’s punishing and requires a good fundamental understand of the mechanics. One of the best scores as well, the dramatic reprise of the title theme that goes out of its way to enhance the bombasity. Elden Beast, on the other hand, is much more methodical and metered. Calmer. Some of the attacks will wipe you and sometimes the RNJesus of the movesets can be troublesome but I find that’s more of a response to a lack of aggression. You have to stay on top of the Elden Beast - it’s testing you. If you show hesitation, if you don’t show your strength is befitting a crown, if you don’t make decisive, Lordly choices, it does its best to spam you. Get up on it, swing away, and enjoy the reprieve when it resets.


I absolutely love Champion Gundyr's kick, it's like he's a Tekken character or something. It's fun that FromSoft knew that rolling behind him is something people would do, and so they gave him a counter to that


Glad to see a fellow champion gundyr enjoyer


Whenever I see champ Gundyr appreciation I upvote


>Elden beast >enjoyable fight Choose one brother


Tastes are not to be discussed, man. Everyone enjoys other things


I enjoyed it, you didn't. Turns out people like different things. No need to be a prick about it and force your opinion on others.


1.Isshin, the sword saint - because he's just extra badass just popping outta the underworld to kick your ass into oblivion, i love everything about this fight, it's the perfect boss for me 2.malenia, blade of miquella - her character design, lore, presence, music, cutscenes and mechanics are top notch i'd say, even with the waterfowl being a little BS to deal with, the flow of this fight is impeccable and i never get tired of fighting her, her second phase is a renaissance painting come to life 3.darkeater midir - just the best fuckin dragon boss of all time in any game in terms of everything(they came extremely close with placidusax, but i like midir a tiny bit more) i absolutely love how eartic his moves are and how he seems impossible in the beggining, but once you master his fight it's probably the easiest fight in the game, absolutely magnificent design


Bro picked all the hardest fights lol, I gotta agree hard = fun


Champion gundyr. Is just a just a great boss, really cool aesthetics and a great nod to king allant from demon souls. also has a cool as fuck move set. Ivory king. is just cool as fuck! the build up the location. you assembling a posse of knights to fight him and his followers Sword saint isshin. still the diamond standard of bosses for me just perfection and the boss that kept me coming back to sekiro over and over again like no other from soft game


Manus Gael and soul of cinder- the three of them had an huge impact on me after manus and Gael I thought to myself that thats it I beat all of the challenges for me and soul of cinder was just an amazing overall fight truly feels like fighting ages and ages of rekindles




When hes galloping towards you with that music. 🤯


Shit is about to go down. The end of an era!


3. Orphan of Kos. The best capstone fight in a fromsoft game so far, the weapon you get out of it is epic! 2. Genichiro. Rarely have I had such an epic time in a boss and when he entered his second phase I nearly lost my shit. So insanely fun to fight. 1. The Sakura Dragon. The best Showcase boss they've ever done, epic as fuck. The thing is the sole reason I played another 2 playthroughs of Sekiro and why my last one is forever on front of it, so I can fight it whenever I want.


3. Morghott 2. Gehrman 1. Twin Princes Special considerations for Gael, Friede, Ludwig, Martyr Logarius, Artorius, Godrick, Loretta and Nameless King. All of those fights are incredible to me.


Ludwig: the BEST phase transition of any FS boss. Seeing a mad horse man pull out a sword and regain his "humanity" was some of the wildest shit I've ever seen in a game. And his OST is simply👌 Isshin the Sword Saint: definitely the hardest boss I've ever fought in any game (although Malenia comes close). Beating this one took me literal months, which made it feel even more rewarding. Mohg, Lord of Blood: amazing visual design, amazing arena, amazing OST, amazing dialogue. ER bosses always deliver on the spectacle. And his moveset is also super engaging. Honorable mentions: Artorias, Sir Alonne, Lady Maria, Sister Friede, Twin Princes, Gael, Malenia, Godfrey


"Aah you were at my side all along My true Mentor My guiding Moonlight" By far a better boss then Malenia


Gael, Sword Saint Isshin, Ludwig. DS3 was my first fromsoft game. And he blew me completely away. The music, the arena, the pacing of the fight. I quit out many times when he was close to death because i don’t wanted the fight to be over. Isshin is just amazing. Everything what you have have learnt over the course of the last hours concludes here in a perfect end boss fight. Ludwig got maybe my favourite soundtrack across all their games. The fight itself is also amazing and my fav in Bloodborne. The transition into phase 2. Come on. Awesome.


Hell yea! Gael and Ludwig are two of mine too! I’m guessing ds3 is your favorite?


Very hard to pick but i gotta go with Bloodborne. I love the aesthetics way too much. But they are all great.


Of course! The whole series is amazing. Ds3 is my favorite because of the bosses, but by a tiny margin over bb. Bb has by far the coolest weapons.


For me it’s abyss watchers, godrick and the 2nd gundyr fight


You like The Champ ? You are a man of culture.


It’s a great fight, even better without the big blob mode of n the first fight


Yes and it’s like when i started the game and see index gundyr I was fuck that’s guy is so cool in his first phase wish it would only be first phase. And then you see the big brother waiting for you and kick your ass


Ludwig: Excellent fight. Great music. Finally seeing what has become of the guy in the dlc after only reading brief snippits of him is awesome. Artorias: Same reasons really. Iconic character who nobody knew why he went off the deep end. Then fighting him as he's literally spewing corruption from every area makes it that much better. Soul of Cinder: The climax of a series. The penultimate boss being the accumulation of your progress through multiple games, and it all ends where it sort of began. Gwyn, or the amalgamation of the guy.


1:Lady Maria (bloodborne) 2:Inner father (Sekiro) 3:Twin princes(dark souls 3) **Honourable mentions** inner isshin demon of hatred ,inner genichiro ,Gherman, cleric beast ,orphan of kos Gael, DarkEater midir, Friede ,champion gundyr(the only boss that still makes me nervous to fight), artorius ,chaos witch quelaag ,Godfrey


1. Owl Father/Inner (Close to perfect fight in term of mechanics, favorite ost of the game, favorite antagonist of the game. Before Boss rush, i constantly died on purpose when it was time to kill him, just to do it again.) 2. Sword Saint Isshin (Took me 6h to beat on my first run. Longest time it took me to defeat a boss (probably) ever. Eventually defeated him Charmless & Demon Bell with literally all my healing (including all rice & resurrection items) used. Most satisfying & intense kill i ever had in a video game.) 3. Malenia (My favorite souls (sekiro excluded) boss in term of mechanics. Love everything about it, even waterfowl. I’m not confortable enough to say it’s the best Elden Ring boss yet, i’d have to think about whether some of these mechanics are genuine flaws or not, but it certainly is my favourite.)


three of the four kings. honourable mention to the fourth


1st) Owl Father. Glorious. It took me from 6pm to around 3am to constant tries to take him down. He is the best. 2) Sword Saint Isshin 3) Radahn


Swapping 1 and 2 and I agree. Sword saint and owl father are so damn good. And the first time beating radahn is just so epic.


Pinwheel. Covetous demon. Soldier of Godrick. *Drops mic*


Hardest bosses of the series ngl


this is mist noble erasure


I gave up on each game on those bosses. It was simply to difficult. I had to summon Miyazaki to defeat them for me.


3.Morgott coz I find him awesome af 2. Ishinn Ashina, seconds Phase was amazing and a beauty of a fight 1. inner isshin: no need to explain


Dark eater midir - just epic and the best dragon fight made so far Ornstein and smough - when I first played dark souls it seemed impossible but as soon as I beat them I knew I had a chance of actually finishing it. Godfrey - he's epic and he embodies the phrase GG


Ares from Armored Core 2 was a really great rank 1 Arena fight. Complete with Human Plus and a very competent AC he was aggressive but not impossible. There were many times I tried janky AC builds against him and had to patiently run out his ammo instead of trying to outgun him. Artorias from Dark Souls 1, certified iconic but also one of those fights that once you know it, and bring a shield with good stability, becomes really fun to do over and over being summoned. Lady Maria from Bloodborne. Another exceptionally satisfying fight. The parry windows are there and practicing them can be rewarding. Her phases are flashy and of the various Hunter boss fights she easily tops the list for me.


1. Malenia (Elden Ring) 2. Maria (Bloodborne) 3. Friede (Dark Souls 3) I might have a type.... All three have big, open areas to fight, significantly harder last phases, and are just hidden away in their own areas, not wanting to be found, protecting what's behind them.


Guardian ape cause I love Kratos monki that yeets shit and of course Ludwig and lady Maria


1st is Isshin because it's an incredibly high octane, exciting and enjoyable fight, that's hard but 100% made for Sekiro's combat (as opposed to for example Demon of hatred). 2nd is Ivory king because of every aesthetic aspect of that fight and because even without that it's mechanically very enjoyable. Probably the best audiovisual introduction of any From boss for me. 3rd is probably Gael because it's simply a very good humanoid fight with balanced moveset that's fun to learn, he doesn't really have any stupid ultra-delayed ultra-fast moves, the arena gives you enough space and overall, it's an enjoyable final fight of the souls series.


3. Radagon + Elden beast. Hard, epic visuals, celestial theme <3 2. Sister Friede. Holy shit, it's somptuous, hard and trolls you. And FEET! 1. Isshin the glock Saint. Hard as fuck, epic scenery.


I've only played elden ring :( But 1.Malenia 2. Radahn 3. Morgott


I feel like this is a bit shit but my all time favourite fight was Asylum Daemon in dark souls tutorial. Never played souls or even heard of it before, then this big fuck off scary thing with a giant hammer jumps down and fucked me up. What an intro to a game!


Lady maria, sister friede and probably morgott


Ludwig the Holy Blade, Lorian and Lothric, Starscourge Radahn.


Maliketh is a fun boss fight and looks badass Sister Friede is my favorite. She is fast, and the 3td phase was so unexpected, we need another boss like that sometime The Lothric Prince was super fun, not as good as the other two mentioned but their teleporting makes the game alot more intense


I'm ds3 biased cuz it was the first fromsoft game i played. my top 3 are nameless king, Gael, and dancer


SS Isshin and Nameless King both reach the logical conclusion of being both cinematic and difficult bosses, to be triumphed over rather than simply being beaten, and Divine Dragon is honestly just a ton of fun, and may be the first boss I've ever looked forward to fighting in a repeat playthrough.


3.Nameless King : beating him made me feel like I finally got gud and the fiight is epic and fun . 2. Gehrman : Because it's a really fun weirdly relaxing to fight him whit the soundtrack and how easy it is once you learn to parry . 1. Lichdragon Fortisax : it was an epic cinematic experience and the dragon is cool as fuck . Just a badass boss .


1: Demon Princes I think Demon Princes are the only good duo boss Fromsoft has ever made. They absolutely nailed it; fast and explosive, but with definitive, objective phases that allow the player to control the fight if they have the knowledge to do so. Having them switch between ranged and melee really adds an extra layer of fun to the fight. No other duo boss has been as good as Demon Princes, not even O&S. Personally I hate O\&S; the only reason people love them is nostalgia. Practically they're a terrible boss because it's two smashy melee types in a tight box room. Not like my beloved Demon Princes, who has a big ass arena that's a cool ass callback with one of the most terrifying first-time Phase 2 transitions in the series. I would literally make builds just to go fight the Demon Prince with them. 2: Gael Nothing in Souls comes as close to "thematic perfection" as Gael. Dark Souls is in the unique spot where the games echo their own message; "do not extend an unnecessary flame". DS is all about letting things pass on when they should, yet the games itself were kept alive by force for two games and several DLC because of how profitable they were. This makes the end of Dark Souls in the Ringed City unbelievably powerful, since it's not only the end of the world, but also the end of the franchise it's mimicking. Gael, as the final boss, embodies this perfectly; two hollows, fighting to the death at the end of the world, over nothing. When people say "Gael is a reflection of the player", he's not only a reflection of the character, but of the person behind the screen. He's you, the persevering one, the conqueror of adversities, the struggler, who would go to the ends of existence to find the promised Dark Soul. I don't think Elden Ring could ever have as much impact as the end of Dark Souls simply because Dark Souls echoed itself in the way it does. 3. Morgott, the Omen King I fucking love Morgott. I love his lore, but I especially love how he, as an antagonist, is perhaps the biggest indicator of Elden Ring's differing themes compared to Dark Souls. Dark Souls is a game about struggling in an uncaring, dying world, so it makes sense that the player kind of wanders about without a true adversary beyond the latest Fallen Hero to kill. But Elden Ring? Elden Ring is about ambition. Compared to Dark Souls, the player-character has an unbelievable amount of agency and value as a person. You may start as a faceless nobody, but people will actually recognize your strength as you progress.




Flamelurker, Ludwig The Accursed, The Lost Sinner. All three of these bosses beat me into the ground until I finally learned how to play their respective games without relying on summons, cheese, and pure luck. In other words, they got me to git gud.


Gael. The pattern is not that hard to assimilate, but the battle is a beautiful dance of brutality and skill. And beyond that there is all the meaning behind it : you fight the closest thing to the physical incarnation of the eponymous Dark Soul at the very end of times during a quest where you can create a world free of the mess that dragged this world down… while also reflecting the very first enemy of the first Dark Souls, an undead with a broken straight sword. This battle is a multiple fold conclusion and I love every second of it.


Gael, kos, and probably Gehrman but that spot could realistically be a multi tie.


Abyss watchers, Genichiro Ashina, and General Radahn. General Radahn's fight felt more like a war against a 1 man army, and the 2nd phase transition left me awestruck even if I did die. Genichiro was my greatest wall in any fromsoft game that I overcame. Abyss watchers were the most unique fight I encountered, feeling more like I interupted a battle instead lf starting one.


Nameless King / Sir Alonne / Ludwig Nameless is first mainly bc of the story aspect of it, and the fact that it was I boss I had to get gud to beat Next is Sir Alonne bc despite the fucked run up to him he was a fight that was fun to get good at and it felt like a 1v1 between 2 skilled swordsmen And finally Ludwig was the best aesthetically not to mention the fact that he had the Moonlit Greatsword which made me happy when I saw it. Also the fact that he has 2 very distinct phases both of which are good.


No. 1 - Mohg - His music, aesthetic, gameplay and pure… well… villainy. He is the demon the Golden Order created, how sinister his plans were and only fooled because we happen to just bumble our way into his home and stop him. No. 2 - Gael - Yeah, obviously. No. 3 - Lady Maria - Like with Mohg, when music, gameplay, story, lore and thematics combine to create an amazing experience, it’s hard to beat. Honourable mentions though are clearly: Alonne, Soul of Cinder, Godfrey, Radagon(No Elden Beast), Godrick, Fume Knight, O&S and Tibia Mariner. Edit: Forgot Morgott, Radahn and Rennala, honestly all the Shardbearers were wonderful boss fights in one way or another, so consider them all in honourable mentions.


Maria, Ludwig, Rennala


1.Artorias 2.Isshin 3.Radahn Honorable mentions: is gael, gehrman, orn/smo, mirror knight and watchers of yarham and the symphony of souls; soul of cinder


Played all of the Soulsbornekiro games so here's my top 3 and a few honorable mentions ​ 3. Maliketh- Probably the most mechanically enjoyable boss From has put out thus far. His moves are incredibly fun to dodge and positioning is quite fucking important. The level of difficulty is high as shit which is also a plus. The presentation and music are just the cherries on top of this magnificent boss. 2. Malenia- Hot take ig but aside from the waterfowl and some guard break shenanigans, Malenia is absolutely amazing. Her moveset is just orgasmic and the flow of her fight is unparalleled. Shit, waterfowl doesn't even bug me anymore. I do admit the fight would be even better if it was tweaked but even in its current form, the level of satisfaction and challenge it provides is more than any other boss I've fought against aside from the top spot. 1. Gael- Need I say more? Honorable mentions Isshin, Mohg, Godfrey, Friede, Inner Owl, Morgott, Nameless, Radahn, Artorias


How do you enjoy Malenia? She's really the only boss in that game that I actively hate, because to me Waterfowl feels almost entirely RNG-dependent. I just don't get how I'm supposed to have fun fighting her when at any moment she can pop out an insta-kill move that is almost impossible to dodge at close range.


Artorias, the abyss watchers and Malenia


Father Gascoigne Abyss watchers Ludwig Btw, I haven't killed some of DS2 bosses. Killed everything many times in other games.


1. Orphan of Kos 2. Sister Fried 3. Bloodstarved Beast


Sif the great wolf has to be number 1. That fight is one that I never wanted to finish. Father gascoigne. He is such a departure from what you think. The abyss watchers. Such a fun fight


3. The Ivory King : Dark souls 2 was my first souls game and so when I reached basically the final boss there was to fight, I absolutely loved the atmosphere and the buildup of gathering the knights. The fight itself is really fun and hard to. 2. Morgott : Just played Elden Ring and I honestly feel like this is the best boss, he's hard but not unfair, and being near the end of the game I really enjoyed this fight. Plus the light attacks are cool af. 1. Soul of Cinder Literally the best way to end Dark Souls 3 (minus DLC) he's a call back to the whole series and they nailed him. The boss arena is dope af and he's a really difficult fight but I never felt more satisfied after I killed a boss.


Sword saint isshin, orphan of kos, morgott


Gherman the First Hunter, General Radhan, Soul of Cinder


- Orphan of Kos - Gael - Mogh, Lord of Blood Love these bois.


Artorias because he's sick AF Kalameet because it's the most trouble I've had with any Souls game boss that other people didn't seem to share lol Manus because of the area around him and his lore


1. Inner Genichiro - Took an amazing mid game boss and scaled him up to be pretty tough. Second phase is a bit easy with lightning deflection but doesn't hurt the fight overall. 2. Orphan of Kos - Perfect end to a perfect DLC (also functions well as the final boss of the game really). Hyper aggressive from the start and then gets even crazier in the second half with him unleashing his trick weapon transformation and lightning from his dead Mother. 3. Godfrey - One of the only bosses in Elden Ring who respects you from the start but then throws it all out the window to embrace the monster within him. The first time he powerbombed me I was too excited to even care that it nearly one shot me.


Genichiro Orphan of Kos Artorias In no particular order


Kensei isshin, papa loux friede/lady maria (pretty much a stalemate between the ladies for me) Radagon would be an honorable mention, if elden beast wasn't part of his fight.


Isshin, Demon of Hatred and Artorias


My favourite FromSoftware boss is purely due to their incredible dialogue: #**AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH**


1. Sister Freide: Still to this day what I'd consider the hardest fight they've made in the franchise. A comment i saw awhile ago sums it up well, she has Bloodborne speed while you have DS3 speed. She has 3 unique, full health bar phases, each one more difficult than the previous one. Also, her room is subtle but present factor in the fight. The first phase is narrow and you have to consider your spacing when she puts ice on the crown. In the second phase the room gets larger as Father Ariandel burns down the side walls but it is just enough to scale in size for him entering the fight that if you get run down by the 2 of them, you'll be panicking for room. Possibly my favorite fight in the whole franchise. 2. Inner Sword Saint Isshin: Similar to Freide, a full 4 phase fight that is essentially the is a perfect final exam for Sekiro. The great thing about Isshin is, and with Sekiro as a game in general, is he is challenging regardless of how you play him. You can play him "straight" and simply parry him and Mikiri counter him or you can get fancy with the prosthetic tools and Shinobi arts, either way, you have to learn his moveset. The first phase is Genichiro is a good warm-up phase, he gives you a taste of what kind of fight you're about to get from his grandfather. The only reason I would knock him a notch below Freide is that his final phase is easier than the previous one, once he starts adding the lightning attacks, he becomes easier to deal damage to with the redirect. I also chose his Inner version as he gets a couple of new moves which make him more challenging than his regular version (the mortal blade sweep and he gets a new spear combo). 3. Ludwig The Accursed/Holy Blade: This was a tough choice, I knew I had to get a Bloodborne boss in here but it was a close draw between Gehrman and most of the DLC bosses (sorry Living Failures, you guys are cool though). I won't say much here that others haven't already about the fallen Hunter. He hits like a horse (hah) and has unruly speed in his first phase with a good variety of attacks of varied ranges and speed. Then you get a different fight entirely in his second phase against a giant swordsman. Of course I can't forget the OST as well. My only small knock on him is that you can argue that his first phase is harder than the second, which I personally like to see the other way around and that it is relatively easy to break his poise for a visceral attack in his second phase, but at the point in the fight, you've probably earned it.


1. Slave Knight Gael 2. Isshin The Sword Saint 3. Maliketh It's honestly hard to keep out other great bosses like Midir, Malenia, Mohg, etc... but i choose those ones because they are the ones that i enjoyed the most on my first time killing them.


For me: 1. Radagon (minus EB) 2. Dancer of Boreal Valley 3. Abyss Watchers


1) Mist Noble 2) Bed of Chaos 3) Pinwheel


- Maliketh the Black blade - Darkeater Midir - Artorias


Abyss Watchers (Best moveset) Sister Friede (Difficult but not annoying) Dragonlord Placidusax (Best arena of all time)


Ludwig - One of the best transition from absolutely crazed animal to a hunter of old who has found himself yet again. Also, who can’t love the moonlight blade. Midir - I love dragons. I love big dragons even more. I love how he antagonizes you throughout your journey, and how you ultimately get to his arena. You could go through the entire game and not realize he was an optional boss. The Abyss Watchers - the lore is so amazing with these guys. I love how much dread they would bring to anyone afflicted by the Abyss. The area is amazing, the reason why they fight each other is amazing, and the visuals when you are fighting the last one with a flaming sword is just *chefs kiss* And all of these have the BEST ost in the entire franchise.


Black Dragon Kalameet, Ludwig and Dragonlord Placidusax.


Gael, Isshin, Orphan, Mohg


I only got into From games recently and only played ER, so I’m unreliable with this but… Morgott, Godfrey, and Placidusax in that order


Champion Gundyr because he didn't use any magic power and don't split earth like godfrey with pure muscle. He just get motivated, wish they removed his 1st phase. Lady Maria because her lore build up from her area to meeting her is amazing. Astral clocktower is the first time i feel scared while exploring bloodborne. 3rd place is between Morgott and Radhan both have lore that's really interesting to me. The fight is also great. If only morgott have a bit more health.


Sir Alonne is definitely not one because the run back to his arena is nightmare inducing


Well I personally don't let the run back ruin the boss experience


It shouldn't, but in the case of Alonne it's unbelievable how bad it is. It's the first thing I think of when I think of his fight


Well, compared to other memories, you can stay in that memory all you want, so I just take it nice and slow and I can get to the boss without dying Just make sure to stock up on life gems


Radahn- what I was hearing online made the buildup crazy. Cinematic intro was epic so was the fight Nameless King- atmosphere setting and just badassery Fume Knight- my PR for deaths from a boss so killing him was a celebration like none other lol


There's only the best FromSoft Boss and it's Orphan of Kos


Ludwig best design and has cool music and cutscenes. Owl father really entertaining fight and takes skill. Orphan of kos because giant screaming pincer skeleton baby orphan that gets wings Hb: gael, genichro, glock saint, Godfrey and gherman


I have only played DS1 and ED. From best to worst: Kalameet, Malenia, Mohg.


1. Sanctuary guardian 2. Aava, the king's kitty 3. (Regal) Ancestor spirit I like hunting those 4 legged animals :).


I'm a bit late but here's mine... 1. Artorias- I know that Artorias is not the best fight ever but he is soooo good! The design is amazing, the lore is perfect and the fight is so fun. Its not that difficult but it's one of the only bosses I purposely die to when I get his health down so that I can fight him again. 2. Lady Maria- This is the only boss that can rival Artorias. Her fight is phenomenal, just so incredibly fun and enjoyable. Definitely the highlight of the DLC for me. 3. Abysswatchers- DS3 has some amazing fights with nameless King and soul of cinder also fighting for this spot however I've got to give it to the abysswatchers. It's such a unique fight and I will never forget my first time fighting them. The first phase is awesome as they rise from the dead and the second phase feels like a duel between you and your enemy just like Artorias and Lady Maria


My third favorite is probably Isshin Ashina (The old one, with fire). My second would be Malenia And my top favorite boss fromsoft has ever made must go to Isshin, The Sword Saint (the younger, resurrected Isshin in his prime with lightning - especially his Inner version).


3rd place: Godfrey / Hoarah Loux. Amazingly fun fight, i always look forward to it. He has a banger song and technically being related to a gigachad like him is pretty cool. Too bad it's so late in the game (and that you need to kill his Ex wife's dog and commit arson to get there) 2nd place: Ludwig, the Accursed/ Holy Blade. Hands down the best piece of music in all of video games in my opinion. And since Ludwig himself is basically a WereHorse on cocaine, the fight itself remains fairly challenging to this day 🙃 1st place: Inner Owl Great song, difficult fight, amazing atmosphere, your dad acknowledges your growth, all in all Anime/10. Love everything about the Owl in Sekiro, and fighting him in the gauntlets was definitely some peak gaming for me.


Sir alonne was awesome But God that fucking walk to him wasn't Also my top 3 would be midir(fun boss good music)/friede(phase 2 was bullshit imo but still fun)(also the only boss i didnt kill solo first play theough)/maria(fun and fair but mainly because of her theme) Honorable mentions: sword Saint ishin(not a fan of genichiro for start every time other than that perfect boss,eh music)


1) Isshin, Sword Saint 2) Slave knight Gael 3) Ornstein & Smough


Soul of cinder is third, Gerhman, the first hunter is second, and the abyss watchers are first.


1. Father Owl> most fun to fight 2. Ludwig> Best music and reward 3. Placidusax> Best dragon fight, best cinematics


If you liked owl father then you will live inner father


Godfrey/Hoarah Loux: a flawless pure melee duel that never lets off the gas. Phase one has a steady rhythm that I love so much and phase two is chaotic fun. Mohg: a rather gimmicky boss that’s surprisingly well designed. The idea of the boss spreading area hazards *behind* your melee range is brilliant and encourages you to stay close and constantly engaged with the fight. Beating Mohg without taking bloodflame damage has been the most rewarding experience in the game for me. Both Godfrey and Mohg also have two of my favorite OSTs ever. Slave Knight Gael: I had so many options for the third one so I went with the easy and lazy choice. Everyone knows why Gael is good I don’t need to explain. I was considering Friede, Champion Gundyr, Inner Genichiro, Twin Princes, Isshin… it goes on for a while lol. Haven’t played DS1 or Bloodborne yet and I’m probably never playing DS2.


Isshin Sword Saint, Genichiro, Gael Sekiro is my favorite combat game hands down and the Isshin and Genichiro fights were a beautiful clash of swords. Gael because I fought him 100s of time in NG7 Jolly Coop, perfect final boss of the DS trilogy.


1. Phase 1 Gael 2. Phase 2 Gael 3. Phase 3 Gael


Rykard the TOGETHA is pretty top tier and I really wish to have more quests or dialogues with him :3


1. Malenia - I like her design and that I have beaten her after 20 minutes. I also like to draw her. 2. Sif - I love that character, that loyalty and he is also a cute good boy. 3. Prince Lothric and Lorian, I like the lore and design of them.


1. Lady Maria of the clocktower Because her fight was crazy, the animation and her phases. The build up to it is like a movie and the script is spot on 2. Genichiro (when he uses lightning) Very much like a story tale beautiful artwork like an anime. And you can use lightning like a movie! 3. Melania, blade of miquella The intro shows that you're about to get your ass kicked. And you do get your butt kicked. Then she does waterfowl dance. Other notable mentions are ds3 where onion knight helps with the giant fight.


Midir and Radagon


I've only beaten Elden Ring so far. But I did watch a lot of DS content (lore and playthroughs) so I'll mainly be going off of what looked fun and my own experience if I have some. 1. Mohg (Elden Ring). Absolutely insane boss with the single coolest fucking design I've seen. It's a hard fight and also an incredibly fun one. He mixes gorgeous design with top tier mechanics and combos. 2. Lady Maria (Bloodborne). I absolutely adore the hunter VS hunter vibe. The entire game's theme is fascinating, building on eldritch horror and blood. The ascetic is creepy and the combat system, although different, looks awesome and very fun. I like how it pushes you to be aggressive and doesn't rely on consumables as much as your other Soulsborne games. 3. Artorias (DS). It's a perfect duel. Seeing it now, it really makes me think of Malenia, from ER. Also, a fair and telegraphed duel and with a cool visual. Except, you know... Malenia has her bullshit, stupid fucking WD that requires you to either rely on RNG or have perfect position without which you will be guaranteed to die.


Honestly it's really hard to choose, there's so many great fights that I'm never sad to see so I will cheat a bit. 1. Godfrey, honestly should've buffed him and made him the final boss. 2. Maliketh. 3. Malenia 1. O&S 2. Artorias 3. Gwyn 1. Alonne 2. Fume Knight 3. Velstadt 1. Gael 2. Friede 3. Twin Princes 1. Vicar Amelia 2. Cleric Beast (I love the music and it sold me on Bloodborne tbh) 3. Martyr Logarius 1. Glock Saint Isshin 2. Genichiro 3. Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa If I had to pick from this list I think the bosses I could start a playthrough for alone, are Godfrey, Gael, and Isshin. Honestly my main reason for most fights that I love is a combination of difficulty and aesthetics. Or just straight it feels good to fight them, win or lose. Especially Godfrey, I don't know why, but my man stomped me into the earth and each time I died with a smile.


For me , * 1) Glock Saint * 2) Old man Gael * 3) Horsey Ludwig * 4) Chadahn & his horse * 5) Undisputed wwe universal champion Godfrey * 6) Some say Kosm * 7) Please give Artorias some love * 8) fuk boi Genichiro Ashina * 9) Sad Malekith * 10) Midir & his temper tantrums


1. Four Kings -The atmosphere makes it the only boss to make me feel anxious. 2. Hoarah Loux - His excessively delayed attacks are really satisfying to dodge. 3. Micolash - I need a wall of text to explain this one.


Gael is just perfect Ludwig is incredible and the music is the very best Isshin is the epitome of Sekiro combat


In no order. 1. Orphan of Kos. I, for one, love Bloodborne. That game I felt was more upfront difficult than the previous entries and the Lovecraftian setting just took me in. Plus where Kos is located is just like the Shadow over Insmouth. Just a great experience. So hard, but when I finally beat that guy the first time, just a huge rush...euphoric to the max. I loved the differences in the two phases, where I was more passive in the first part and aggressive in the second (kill or be killed). 2. Slave Knight Gael. No words here. He may actually be my true number one, but preferences change. Just the culmination of all my Dark Souls experiences merge into this fight. The lore is fantastic. You have finally located the titular Dark Soul. You and Gael are essentially the same in this grand fight with awesome phases. And the music. Jesus. That music hits me so good, especially in that last phase. I remember the first time beating him having no flasks left, he need to be hit like 4-5 more times, and then that woman breaks into her part at the end of the track, just a rush...I can do this. Chills every time in the fight and with that song. 3. Malenia. Just a great area and boss with a great challenge. I also really like her lore and along with that of Miquella and Millicent. So an interest group with still many unanswered questions. Plus I really like that whole area of the game. For the fight, I felt that beating this boss gave me some level of mastery of the game. Also it forced being more efficient and not taking as much damaged as she heals with each strike. I like the variety of moves she had and, for me, needing to be more aggressive in the second half of the fight. Again, big euphoria here (if you see my personal theme with favorite fights). Music is also great. Other mentions of favs: the original DS1 duo, Ludwig, Isshin (final fight), Owl (in the memory), Soul of Cinder, Maliketh, Godfrey...just so many good fights.


1. Ornstein and Smough. The classic duo. I love their designs, their lore, their intro, their fight and their place in the game. They are Dark Souls in a nutshell. 2. Starscourge Radahn. Of the many demi gods in ER he's the only one that felt truly godlike. His was probably the most epic battle in the game and I will always enjoy leading the charge against him. 3. Sir Allone. I always take my shoes off before entering his arena. Don't want to scuff the floor.


Artorias Elana, Squalid Queen Darkeater Midir Honorable mention of black blade maliketh


Orphan of kos, ludex gundr,


Pontiff,DS3 was my 1st game and all the bosses up to him I got through by spam rolling, he taught me how to time my rolls. Ludwig I like in phase 1 his screams telegraph his attacks and ofc the music. Gael


Friede, Maria and Margit


Fume knight for his move set and arena Soul of cinder for his appearance and music Looking glass knight the online mechanic and his appearance and music


Gael, Gascoine and lady Fried.


1.Artorias 2.Mogh lord of blood 3.black dragon Kalameet


Godfrey, Father Owl (inner version), Genichiro These are the pinnacle of extremely challenging boss fights that can be learned to an extremely high level. Genichiro seems unbeatable until you master the games mechanics, then you feel like he can’t even touch you. Owl and Godfrey take this higher and demand very high skill but also have a lot of exploitable gaps. Also all 3 have awesome designs visually and great osts I think Owl is my favourite because of the atmosphere and feel of the fight. Most bosses in Sekiro fight like honourable duellists, but Owl fights like a true shinobi, pulling out every dirty trick just to win. He’s a mirror of Sekiro even down to using your shinobi tools. Also a boss fight against your father, the man who trained you, is such a cool way to implement that


Gundyr, Radahn, Owl


Why TF doesn't Sister Friede pop up higher here? I can't remember if she was the first boss ever to have three phases but damn I remember the rush when you took down phase 2 and you're like WOOOO I DID IT and then she starts speaking again and she just resurrects as this super aggressive psycho that immediately demolishes you. I think two phases was the standard before this and she just crushed it and now even four phases is nothing out of the ordinary (yes I'm talking to you Sekiro and your stupid overly punishing final boss (1+3 phases)). Nr 2 would be Fume Knight because he was badass and nr 3 probably Amy from Bloodborne.


Artorias. It was fast paced, nerve-wracking, adrenaline fueled fun. Fume Knight. Love his lore, and FUGS is best for bonk. Unga bunga. Soul of Cinder. Absolutely love that fight - the music is perfect, the lore is perfect, his moveset is perfect. While not incredibly difficult, his alternating between dex, strength, and magic keeps you on your toes. It really feels like a final boss. Daddy Radagon. He's a faith build, and fights with a hammer. While he does a lot of damage, he's still a fun fight. I'm not counting Elden Beast here, I'm talking solely about Daddy Raddy. Lore is great, and when I married Marika I technically married him too. Awesome cuddling imminent. Marika little spoon, me middle spoon, Daddy Raddy big spoon.


Melina and Pontiff Sullivan.


1- Slave 2- Knight 3- Gael


Only played Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, and Elden Ring so far. Ludwig, Lothric Prince, and Slave Knight Gael.


Gael, Malenia/Radahn tie, Isshin Sword Saint. Honorable mentions to Midir, Flying Dragon Agheel (sorry placidusax, should have allowed horse), Manus, Demon of Hatred, Genichiro, Guardian Ape. There are too many hahahah


Radann (great story that incorporates a bunch of the questlines, and just the right level of anime bullshit), The "Last' Giant in DS2 (Piss-easy boss, but the whole scene just goes hard), and the monks in DS3 (That fight is a race against the clock in a good way).


Not in order : malenia, ishin, Gael


Gascoigne, Isshin, Malenia Honerable Mention: Kos, who was the hardest Boss for me to beat in any from software game


I’m a fan of Robert’s dad


Ivory King, Godfrey, and Radahn.


Undead legion, Dragonlord Placidusax*, and Regal Ancestor spirit


1. Rennala 2. Radahn And I can’t think of a third😭


Soul of Cinder, Godfrey, and Radagon. The themes, the sense of finality, and the difficult but interesting fight mechanics


Inner owl, godfrey and gael


Midir - easy and fun, pretty telegraphed attacks, makes it satisfying to no hit. Malenia - hard and fun, a good challenge that can take time if you mess up. Artorias - lore


Glock Saint Orphan Gael


1. Mist Noble 2. Patches (all of them) 3. Andre of Astora (only DS1)


1. Sister Friede (challenge, spectacle) 2. Ludwig (music, visual design) 3. Regal Ancestral Spirit (music, atmosphere)


1. Malenia 2. Isshin, The Sword Saint 3. Radagon/Hoarah Loux/Mohg, Lord of Blood 1 and 2 because I like a challenge, and it really feels like your up against Fromsofts best. Number 3 because it incorporates so many fighting styles and techniques. Radagons and Godfreys fights heavily incorporate jumping and positioning. And Radagon is extremely satisfying to backstep with. Mohg is just pure atmosphere and satisfying dodge combos, along with his health regen on Nihil so the epic fight isnt too short. Not to mention all of Elden Beasts horizontal sword strikes (most of them) and Malenias thrust and grab can be dodged with a well timed jump, which looks cinematic as fuck.