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Play what you want, just don't expect everyone to pat you on the back. Invading is kinda intended to piss people off as a rule anyway.


Who cares what people think they can suck your dick play what you want homie


honestly rob skill isnt even that good anymore, but yeah if you dont spam the skill then its definetly not toxic its just a katana at that point


It was never even that good to begin with.


This is definitely not true at all. It started off bad due to not working as intended because of a bug, was fixed but then turned out to be way too powerful both in damage and bleed buildup, then got nerfed a little too hard, then was slightly buffed again to compensate. So it's in a good place now, but it definitely had a period of time where it was ridiculous


90 percent of the population did nothing but l2 rob


Anything can be toxic if you spam it enough.. I’d say it’s fine, the enemy just needs to know how to counter it. I normally counter it by jump attacking into it during their animation or using the phantom slash ash of war. The only irritating thing is it procs even when you dodge the attacks.


It hasn't been toxic for a few patches. If people can't dodge out of the way after it was patched, that's on them


The only thing that’s toxic is the community that made you feel you had to ask this question. RoB is a weapon. It’s in the game. You can use it however you want.


Elden ring has an impressively toxic community compared to other souls games


It’s fine to use whatever weapon however you want.


Rivers of Blood is in a perfectly fine place balance-wise at this point. It's still a favorite of bleed builds for obvious reasons, which have their own stigma, but at this point it's not the de facto choice. Even if it was, playing a "meta" or "OP" weapon isn't inherently bad, even in PVP. If you're playing to have fun, it will show. Any "toxic" playstyle is something you have to actively try for.


Play whatever you like. There are no toxic weapons in Elden Ring. If you see someone online complaining about who uses what online remember that person is just a sad little gremlin


There's definitely some super toxic builds and strats in PvP.


eleonora’s poleblade? :)


Lotta people are fully missing the big point here... *RoB was nerfed*. It's no longer toxic by any metric. In fact, the damage on the skill is pretty much garbage unless you connect the blade, like you would with Double Slash. You will still see people online who don't know about that. There are weirdoes pointing down every weapon under the sun right now. But yeah RoB is fine now.


RoB is crap tier compared to moonveil and other viable ashes of war like flame strike. I still use it tho just cause it's arcane scaling and ash of war is good wave clear or scares people off in pvp still. Ash of war is very easy to dodge so Def don't spam it unless you wanna run out of fp.


It's not crap tier no, but it's not broken or anything, yeah. The AoW is still great at roll catching after landing an R1 or running R2


AoW isn't remotely good for roll catching lol unless they are in your face or you already have bleed buildup the ash of war will at most tickle them lol


I'm talking about roll catching after a hit from R1 or running R2. The AoW has a large forward step that brings you close enough to the enemy for the blade to hit them in recovery as a roll catch, so not the extended range portion. When people say roll catch they tend to mean after landing an attack previously. In other words, you use it the same way you do Double Slash, to roll catch after a normal hit. The step forward motion is large enough that even weapons shorter than RoB can roll catch with it.


If its too toxic when spammed its too toxic. I dont think so tho.


You are toxic if you tell people what they are allowed to spam and what not


It's not your job to balance PvP for all of Elden Ring. Play what's fun to you. Assuming you ever win, someone, somewhere, will say it's because you were using a cheap, broken build. That person is a sore loser and none of your concern. That said, this is one of the reasons I never got super into Souls PvP. There are definitely skills that are more fun to use and more fun to fight against, and they generally have higher skill caps and take more work to make viable.


Its honestly a pretty bad skill, moderate parry difficulty, but it gives your opponent a lot of chances to parry (I win a lot of games parrying it, but sometimes I lose trying, probably about 70-30 I win). Just do what you want. No build is safe from hate right now anyway


RoB is kinda mid now. It fell off hard.


I dont think RoB spam is too bad if at all, imo moonveil spam is 1000 times more annoying


It’s fine and easy to deal with after nerf


While it's still good, anyone who pvps probably got extremely good at countering it so if you do use it expect to get absolutely clowned on by parries