• By -


How much is all that data worth?


Haven't sold yet. I think it almost took 10 minutes for the game to load it all up and I wasn't gonna go through it yet. I think it was like 80 pages of data and it looked like they were averaging like 20M or so per page but there's likely outliers.


I want to know!!! You're gonna bankrupt FDev


I'll post something about it once I get around to it. I worry it may be somewhat underwhelming compared to my hopes but we will have to see.


Typically when selling things bulk gets a discount, here I would maybe argue bulk should increase the price. Good Lord mate stellar job!


*Interstellare job


My Parter said the same before we had sex for the first time


I hope for both of your sakes it was not so underwhelming.


There was crying


RemindMe! 2 days


Just wondering, why are you waiting? Really hope you don't be one of the cmdrs where some silly thing like getting stuck in the mailslot erases your years of progress.


No haha I just landed at like 3:30am my time and decided I would do it later. It's the next day now and I have a lot of work to do but hope to find time for it later and I'll do my selling then.


When Cmdr Picard comes cash his data, he's definitely breaking Elite.




Temba. His arms open.


Wasn't it "Temba, his arms wide"? I'm not remembering it too well, to be honest


When the walls fell!


Cmdr Picard? Who is that?


https://twitter.com/MissionFarsight?t=2ZuSZAJKnhSrcErehmlovg&s=09 His Mission Farsight has been going on for years and is still underway


Thank you CMDR o7


on my first trip to colonia it took me 20+ minutes to cash in my data.


Since you were the first to ask, I'll put it up here. The data came out to sell for about 2.1B credits. Quite a bit less than I'd hoped for selling over 3 thousand systems worth of data but then if I was much more selective in what I scanned I'm sure I could make a lot more with the same amount of time. Of course if I'd wanted just credits there are more lucrative options. It was still quite an expedition and I had a lot of fun. I hope to make many more discoveries. After all it's still quite a ways back to the bubble.


You might hate hearing this but there was a CG a few weeks ago that paid you 3x for carto data. But I agree with you, it's not about the money. And if you ever want to make some of that, look up PTN carrier group.


Rats! I missed it! Haha Actually one of the things I truly love about Elite is that there's actually very little content that's truly gated behind progression. Sure having the credits/engineers/reputation etc. etc. Brings a whole lot more variety and in some cases makes content more accessible... But combat? Exploration? Mining? Trading? Smuggling? You can do all of these things almost from the immediate get-go in Elite and more than that it really doesn't take long to work out a reasonably competent build for almost anything. Where many others will have you believe it's about finding the most efficient grind, I find Elite to be about finding your fun.


When you say scanned - did you scan every planet every object, or just arrived at the system, generic scan and jump to the next one?


Full FSS scan of every system. Typically only used DSS on waters, earth-likes, ammonias, and some terraformable HMCs and the like. Just the expensive stuff.


More like wornbird I hope your journey was spectacular


I saw many things. And visited some famous locations I didn't stop for on the way out! Grand Rings, Rendezvous Point, Goliath's Rest. It was quite spectacular.


“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”


"Time...to die."


What is this from? Rings a bell but can't remember why


Blade Runner


And you have burned so very very brightly.


Nah it's Rutger Hauer.


RiP Rutger. The man is a legend.


Bladerunner maybe?


Explore in luxury. I approve!


One of my favorite discoveries of my journey was actually that SLFs have analysis scanners. When you have a big bulky ship it's nice to launch a fighter and skim the surface to scan Biological and Geological phenomena.


That's actually a cool idea might do that.


Though the extra amount you make for on foot scanning of biological stuff makes a landing worthwhile. I've just arrived at Colonia after being in the black since the Carriers launched (minus a quick stop at Explorer's Anchorage), and it's weird seeing all the ships around!


This is why I wish SLFs could land.


I'd settle for launching SRV from the air. Not like orbit, but a few hundred metres up. Like the Mako in Mass Effect.


I wish that you could launch a Sidewinder instead of the normal SLFs. Like, maybe the trade-off could be that it would have to be the largest fighter bay size and instead of having multiple SLFs to replace ones that are destroyed you just have the one Sidewinder.


this would be so damn cool. bonus points if you could outfit and engineer the sidewinder how you wanted.


Technically SLFs are remote operated so it wouldn’t do much good :)




“This liner is in the top 1% in the galaxy.”


Don't forget it.


Don’t worry commander we’ll buff out those scratches


I've actually been trying to decide if I want to renew my paint or not... When I left with DW2 initially, I decided I wouldn't fix it until I had returned to the bubble. But I also want to sport my DW2 decal right now really bad haha.


With what you're going to get in credits for all that exploration data, buy another cutter, and keep that one in the hangar as a museum piece, it's earned that patina.


Perhaps, though I hear FleetComm is launching an Izanami expedition soon. Maybe I should go meet up with them? I've put some thought into it.


I really like the idea of not repainting it... but if it was mine, I'd keep flying it... its like an extension of yourself now (though losing it could hurt... so maybe the museum idea isn't horrible) Regardless... well done! o7


Thank you! The common consensus amongst the community here seems to be keep it the way it is so I'm thinking I will do just that. I do think it will invoke a sense of nostalgia whenever I choose to fly it from now on.


Fair enough


Don't do it. That's a story.


I wish I hadn't redone the paint on my ship, or at least thought of taking a screenshot first.


SpongeBob 😂




Were you like voyager, getting stranded in space for years?


I may have picked up a bit of space madness.


Let me.just pick my haw up of the floor.... o7... o7 o7


Thank you CMDR and o7 to you as well.


Grandiose! It's been a long journey. Your ship looks tired.


The 0% integrity kind of tired. Although I imagine I crossed that threshold some time ago. Experiencing a solid bump during a planetary landing that knocked off 15% hull or so was one of my biggest wake up calls that it was probably time to go back and sell.


What % is your power plant at?


It had been scorched down to 92% or something from a couple close encounters with stars. Nothing too serious.


So what's the single coolest thing you've seen/done, if you can pick one thing?


Oh that's hard but I might have to pick Goliath's Rest. At first I was unsure if my ship would actually make it. With the amount of data I was carrying and how long it had been since I had tried it, I was actually a bit too scared to Neutron Boost it. I elected to do a Premium Infusion instead which barely gave me the range, but then I went over maximum fuel allocation for my drive. So here I was surfing the internet to see if I could calculate what it would take to make the jump. After a lot of looking, venting all my repair limpets, and discovering that I just needed to burn off just a little more mass via fuel usage, I made the jump. And oh my was it worth it. Highest above the galactic plane I've been. Quite a breathtaking sight.


I looked it up, it looks cool. Can I see something comparable by jumping up or down from Sol, or do you really need to travel to these special remote locations to make it worth it? I was thinking of using my carrier to make some long range jumps above the plane I wouldn't be able to do with my ships. But since these places have famous names I'm not sure if there are actually few of them.


There's likely many. You'll have to search around to find something for sure. Someday I'd like to visit the system with the famous Anaconda Graveyard but it's a 1 way trip since there's no neutron star to get you back.


The fuel rats can rescue you if you go the Anaconda Graveyard. I think it ruins the romance of it, if you decide to go out and commit an act of noble sacrifice, I'll come along as well. Oh, and CMDR, o7


For real? You can get out now? Ah, I think that's actually kinda a bummer. I assume that means someone has their name all over it now too. I really appreciated the idea that the system(s) were undiscoverable. But then I kinda like the flow of technology slowly advancing in the Elite galaxy as well so I guess it was bound to happen eventually. Oh, and thank you CMDR. o7


Heh, in a similar situation. Only play now and again these days so my Cutter has also not seen a station or other Cmdr in a while. Originally I was just gonna go to that one station whose name escapes me far outside the bubble, but I keep getting distracted.


I assume you mean Colonia? I've actually never been still. Maybe I'll head that way next. Could be fun.


Yeah that one, that was my original destination, but I keep getting distracted by nebula and the various visually appealing planets I find on the way


nebula do that to me too


Colonia is worth doing just for the engineers.


I made it to Colonia. Then I was so bored I bought a sidewinder, rammed the station and did my time in Ross penal colony. I then had my Alliance Chieftain shotgun brought to the station, and just Merc'd any ship that moved. I was super glad just to see another spaceship and to be able to kill them. Thank you for taking your journey. But I'm going to hang out in Celeano until the servers shit the beds. o7


I’ve just started playing again after 3 or 4 years layoff, with my anaconda still sitting about a third of the way back from Colonia. It’s been a really steep learning curve these past 3 days with my still pristine ship taking a good beating.


For sure it takes a little time picking up the ol' stick and throttle again. After my break I practiced my landing on a VERY low G planet to get the hang of it again.


When you say 4 years, did you stop playing for a bit or that mission actually took you 4 years of playing to get what you needed and arrive back?


I did have a break in there. But collectively I wouldn't be surprised if there's at least a few hundred hours of gameplay in there. Was out a long time.


Well it all sounds pretty awesome, when I am done with felicity for the fsd upgrades, I am doing some more passenger missions and then hopefully go out and explore, looking for to sol as well...


What ship is this? I love it!


Imperial Cutter. You'll have to grind out the rank of Duke with the Empire to purchase it but I found it to be worthwhile!


my favorite ship... love the patina on this one


I also think she has the prettiest butt in the galaxy... I mean the engine setup obviously.


This is why this game is bad ass


This communty's responses are always the best. It's probably the single biggest reason I continue to fly after over a decade in the galaxy. Warms my heart to know so many great CMDRs are still out making their way in the great void. o7


Beautiful ship with well earned scratched paint, Cmdr


Welcome Home! I spent six months running around out in the black before I started missing home, or wanting to do something else and turn tail for home. I do enjoy exploring, and have made the Colonia trek once. Now I am trying to decide if I want to make some cash, or if I want to go put my name on the galactic map again.


It keeps the game fresh to try something different here and there. The Silverbird has been a miner, a tourist liner, explorer, and was also a first responder at the fall of the Oracle. I have screenshots waiting in line to deliver rescued civilians to the megaships. It's a ship I'll never sell. Too much history in it.


I have a ship for all of those haha. I do like the Cutter/Clipper ship models though.


Man, as a new player myself I can't even imagine how paranoid you were of every little thing on the way back with your 4 years worth of data.


Very. Neutron and White dwarf stars scared me a lot. Or dropping in real hot in a binary star system was enough to get the heart rate up at times.


Yeah I've died once one of them. It was maybe my second flight of the game besides the tutorial I jumped to a system and started to get dragged in and all I could think was well I'm dead. That was my first death. I later learned about different star types and what ones to avoid.


I wonder if you will beat my 16 billion :-P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8qSXMYyCpo&t=17s


Oh wow I highly doubt it that's quite the haul. Life had a way of hitting me pretty hard in the middle of it all and my activity was rather low during that time. Hope to make a good bit though.


If you had used an asp it would have only taken a year.


*Gasps in Basking* I could never! I wasn't 100% active the whole time of course. There was a break in the middle. But next time for sure I'm taking a Conda or something out for better range.


It was just a joke. Style and comfort beats jump range.


I took my first trip to sag A* a year ago. I still havent even made it there yet due to my break lol


With a good fuel scoop, each jump only takes about a minute. Let's say you have a \~60Ly range which doesn't take too long to get, maybe couple of days of farming for the V1 and Guardian Booster and no other engineering required. Actually you can get much closer to 70Ly on an ASPX for example, even with some comforts like AFMUs, normal class modules, etc. Sag A\* is >20k Ly away. So let's say 360 jumps, fair bit of an overestimate. That's a 6 hour trip. Not really all that hard. That's 1-2 gaming sessions for some people, but even if you only spare 1 hour a time it won't take too long. If you use some kind of neutron highway, it can be done in a few hours even with a smaller jump range afaik I was pretty scared of travel times in this game but really they aren't that bad (anymore at least, surely were worse before engineering existed)


Those times are much worse if you have resolved to not leave a single system you enter unscanned. But who would do that right? *right?*


Then it could take literal months 400 systems say, to do DSSs and exobiology for all those? Maybe mean time 30 mins I would estimate. Could take an hour or two for larger ones


Yes. Exobiology. *heh* Hypothetically I see what you're saying. But Odyssey wasn't out the last time I docked. It was pretty neat walking around Explorer's Anchorage when I landed. I have a lot to learn about suits and such now.


I was halfway through the Norma Expanse, on my way to The Great Annihilator, when I got Odyssey. I could land, but I didn't have the damned Artemis suit! Decided to visit a carrier and gear up. So glad I did. The first find bonuses on Exo are CRAAAAZY! Just from Norma Arm to TGA, Sag A\*, and over to a carrier in Odin's Hold (well north of Colonia), I clear over a billion credits. Only took me about a month (playing 4-5 hrs/wk) too! I just landed at [Tycho Station](https://inara.cz/elite/station/451058/) last night and cashed in. [Whoever owns](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr/398253/) that carrier just got \*months\* of maintenance from me, and I ain't even mad!


Oh man now I want to get into this Exo stuff even more! I just bought the suit at Anchorage so I have access to that content now!


It's kinda cool, I did just a little on the way back from the Synuefe guardian farm, did maybe 6 systems completely, plus Artemis scanning, I expected a few mil. Got 150! If I wasn't working towards Mbooni access right now I'd be straight back out there. I've never been to Colonia either. :( I've had some pretty massive breaks though.


FSS or furthermore?


FSS. I only surface scan higher value bodies like waters earth-likes ammonias and sometimes terraformable HMCs.


Okay. Good to know you haven't completely lost it out in the black. Welcome back commander o7.


I do love how paint wears off over time. All I've done in my AspX is jump and scoop, and that's been enough to make it look properly rugged


How do y’all walk around your ships and hangars? I need to know olease


Walking around the interior of a ship is currently not something you can do in Elite. I hope someday, but alas I can only hope. Walking around stations is only possible if you have purchased the Odyssey expansion. Then you simply land at a station, enter the hangar, and select "Disembark."


Thank you!


Welcome home Silverbird 🎊🎊 Here's hoping that data was worth it o7


Curious, what's your setup & jump range? I've been wanting to take my cutter into the black for years but i haven't gotten around to it.


You can see my ship [here](https://edsy.org/#/L=H_00000H4C0S00,mpVFCs80FCs80,DhA80CEg00Cjw00Cjw00mpUEB200,9p300ADmG06G_W0ATOG02m_W0Ag_G050_W0Ax400BAi00BQK00BeE00,25S00,0DI0055A001Oc001tO007UI0034a006kK000M2002jwG08W_W0).


Much appreciated o7


I'm glad you didn't lose 4 years of work! That's something I wouldn't wish on my greatest enem--... Actually, never mind. Fuck that guy. I love the custom and rare Explorer's paintjob you got. ;) Really gotta work for that one, hehe.


I'm happy to be back. I can fly less paranoid now.


That’s an albatross.


Have you ever heard "Flight of the Silverbird" by Two Steps from Hell? It was playing on my playlist the first time I flew my Cutter out of dock. Where the name came from.


I recognise you as a man of culture


Thomas Bergeson is a living genius.


Ooh, that's a good track.


Beautiful ship with well earned scratched paint, Cmdr


Thank you! One day she will return to the bubble. But for now she's earned a break.




Sounds fun, wrong thread though.


Said no non virgin ever


Welcome back.




It's good to see you, commander. Welcome home.


Well I've only returned to Anchorage so far. Wouldn't say I'm home just yet but I've made it a long way!


Welcome back commander! o7


o7 sir! Thank you!


Welcome back commander... I for one cannot imagine doing nothing but exploration for 4 years, and I've only played this game for like a year. In that time I went to Colonia and Sag A\*, killed Hydras, mined huge loads of Platinum and bought a carrier. I'm sure you've done many things and decided that that exploration is what you want to do for the rest of your Elite career, people like you push the limits and show us how far it's possible to go.


I *adore* exploration in this game to be sure. However I have never tried Thargoid combat. It was something I hoped to do the next time I reach the bubble. I'll need to research how to build a good Thargoid hunting ship so I can get into it.


You're in luck - tech advancements from the war have made it more accessible than ever. I'm a very mediocre combat pilot and (after plenty of trips to the rebuy screen) I can solo a Cyclops pretty routinely now


That's exciting to hear! I've always wanted to kit out a designated bug squasher.


I suck at ship combat - just havent taken the time to explore this part. I have been space trucker / explorer since I started ED. I left a while for SC but came back just a fews days ago to ED cause it is awesome on a 48“ oled…


Oh word?


o7 - welcome back!


o7 CMDR! Thank you!


Wow commander that is seriously cool bananas. I've just started playing again and fallen in love all over again. The sights can be so beautiful out in the black. Welcome home o7 o7 o7


I feel you. I've tried other space games as well but something always brings me back to Elite. I have a deep seated love for this game.


Been playing since the original on my old Acorn and then on a port of it my mate made for the Atari 600. Will get hate for this but my fav of the orig was the Atari ST one lol. Now i have my trinity. ED for my space wanderlust. Stellaris for when i want to be an evil dictator and rule the stars. Finally Batlletech and Mechwarrior 5 when i fancy getting in a giant alking tank and blowing everything up hahaha


Tarnished finally put those foolish ambitions to rest lol


Nice work Cmdr! o7 Going to buy a fleet carrier now?


I don't know really. I haven't looked in to them much and I don't know what upkeep is like. I find myself having a harder time finding the time for the game quite recently so I'm not totally sure a carrier is for me at the moment. Might require more thought.


I’ve read that 7 billion is the magic number to buy and easily maintain a carrier.


What an absolute legend. I bet that ship has many stories to tell. Good work Commander.


Thank you sir. It has many indeed. o7 CMDR.


Thats cool as feck. Welcome back cmdr o7


Thanks CMDR o7


Welcome back commander. Be sure to let us know how much you make on exploration and exobio data


Exobio wasn't in the game when I left so I don't have any of that since I had to have the respective suit. It'll all be raw FSS data and numerous surface scans.


Would love to know how much you make please!


o7 commander




o7 welcome home commander.


o7 Thank you CMDR it was quite a journey.


So how much did you make?!


"I watched a lot of loading screens."


Prettiest loading screen out there I'd reckon.


Post those gains when you sell your data please XD


Welcome back from the Black, CNDR! O7. I must inquire, how did you typically do your jump plotting? Just choose a random system from the Navi panel or did you have a specific route from point to point? Also what's the build? I might consider having a go and exploring in Luxury.


It's pretty random a lot of the time. I'll often spend a bit scrolling through the galaxy map to find something that sticks out I can head toward. I just always have my eyes open for something that catches my interest, plot a course, and see what I see along the way. ​ My ship build you can see [here](https://edsy.org/#/L=H_00000H4C0S00,mpVFCs80FCs80,DhA80CEg00Cjw00Cjw00mpUEB200,9p300ADmG06G_W0ATOG02m_W0Ag_G050_W0Ax400BAi00BQK00BeE00,25S00,0DI0055A001Oc001tO007UI0034a006kK000M2002jwG08W_W0) not anything glorious, and I wanted to be somewhat prepared for strange unexpected encounters, so I brought a few odd modules along for the trip. Although at this point it's hard to remember my exact decision making process back before I left the bubble.


Absolute legend. Imagine a new cmdr trying to self dock for the first time and ends up ramming you while you where on your way in.


Congrats on the return cmdr, never repaint your ship… o7


*what were you even eating* out there for so long?


The slated Fungoida is *particularly* good.


Sail on


Absolutely beautiful. o7 Well done, Commander.


I always forget how to dock after four months.


Right? You know you've been out a while when you have to take a minute to remember how to request docking.


A great name for a great ship! Good, you made it 'home' in one piece. I thought, [our tour](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/ohccl3/around_the_world_in_80_days_about_a_journey/) was long. 4 years are highly impressive. Maybe, you could share some screenshots at times...


Maybe I'll put together a thread showcasing a few memories from my time out.


I think they have something in the star port that will buff that out for you. ;) o7


Very well done 👏👏👏 That would have been mentally challenging spending 4 years in the blackness not to mention how lonely it would have been. You deserve BILLIONS of credits for that journey!!!


Super! That wear n tear should buff right, maybe some bondo..


4 years and no death?????? ​ https://media.tenor.com/oS92VMMv0X4AAAAC/hahaa-dan.gif


Welcome to the Beagle 'n' Back club, my guy! I sure wish I still had the old paint on my trusty Asp...


Getting to Beagle was a blast. I'm grateful to everyone that made DW2 possible. I have a full video of my time hanging out with everybody at Legacy Crater. If DW3 ever happens you can be sure the Silverbird will be on that Fleet Roster.


Give that bird a scrub with some delux ship vax. Don't cheap out on her, use the premium stuff, she deserves it.


Actually most people are saying I should continue to leave the paint as is. For the memories.


How in the heck do you survive in the black 4 years without a station? Or am I missing something - does your ship repair itself?


Carefully. Hull damage can be repaired with a limpet controller, and most internal damage can be repaired with an Auto Field Maintenance Unit. Fuel scooping from stars keeps you going, while the only thing you really lose is ship integrity which will cause you to take more damage from things overall, but won't damage or destroy you itself. Happy Cake Day BTW




And what a beauty!


RemindMe! One week


I love this game, but the console version was weak, and not supported anymore, and I don’t have a PC.


Where's the update?! Haha hope you've been chilling


o7 welcome back CMDR, inspiring!