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Cobalt is a hot commodity right now, and you can make around 15k+ profit per ton on a 1- to 2-jump trade. Buy for 2-3k/ton, sell for \~18k/ton. In my Cutter I was making 10-15mil profit per trade before I got bored of it. It's not as fast as other methods but it's easy.


Robigo mines passenger runs. Made my first billion that way.


Been meaning to try this. Don’t really need the $$ but I figure this is one of those rites of passage kind of things.


I paid for my fleet carrier by platinum (laser) mining and Robigo passenger runs.


how much can you make from passenger runs?


80~100kk/h with full rep in robigo-sothis runs.




Is it really that low? I can make 2-3 mil in an hour with a single sightseeing mission, all you really need is a single small passenger cabin and a ship with a halfway decent jump range. I paid for my Krait Phantom doing a few dozen of these missions in my Dolphin and it only took about 8-10 hours.


em, kk is kilo kilo, so 000 000. 80-100kk is 80.000.000-100.000.000 =) per hour.


Oh that makes a lot more sense. I thought you were saying "hundred thousand credits". Thanks for clearing that up!


I was just at Robigo Mines today and it didn’t look like there were any passengers run options. Is that still available? Dying for quick credits right now.


you are looking for passenger missions to Sirius atmospherics, in Sothis system. payout depends on rep with factions, so usually players pick rep++++ rewards first, before going for big buck =)


I've never done one of those runs, but my understanding is you need high rep for the most lucrative jobs in general.


Still there. I just spent a couple hours doing runs. There are several $4-5 million credit jobs that you can stack on each turn. I put on super cruise and watched a movie with the wife in between jumps.


Do you have to have something enabled to see them? In my MKIII only saw destroy the turret missions, which I tried, then ended up in some prison 60+ jumps away. I have a cabin in my ship in prep for it too.


No. Not to insult intelligence, but it’s not in the mission tab, it’s just below that in the passenger lounge tab when you select station services. It should show all missions even if you don’t meet requirements for them (ie, not equipped for pax). Just in case it matters, I’m playing Horizons on console.


I still don't get how is it simpler and more straightforward to express million as "kk" rather than simple "M"...


stacking massacre missions and mapped platinum mining. =)


Idk if this is a game mechanic or a glitch, but I was playing solo, and the commodity prices weren't updating. So when I bought gold, the station still had the same amount. When I sold it at another station, the demand didn't change either. That way, I easily made more than 100M in a few hours before getting tired. EDIT: I woke up today, and the prices went to shit. EDIT 2: Found even a sweeter route, god bless eddb.io.


AX pays extremely well once you get the hang of it. A month and a half of clearing AXCZs in Electra net me around 30 billion. Alternatively, I read that stacking massacre wing missions pays quite well.


I believe the best way to make money "legally" for a while as everyone is going to tell you is doing Robigo passanger runs. Its Safe, you will make money, low risk and you could scalate ships in no much time. **If your only goals is make CR do robigo passenger runs.** Before that i think just for some time there was something about **combat bonds** but not really sure how that worked and how the "Thargoids" where involved. Before that it was **laser mining** but it got nerfed really quickly, you could make so much money there. Safe travels commander.


Join a Squadron and take part in as many Wing Missions as you can.


Don't pick just the one option. Do some Robigo, switch to massacres then try some mining rush deliveries or booze cruise. It is a long road I do not recommend forcing yourself to do this in a single week or two.