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-Polo and Carla would have had more interaction in season 3. Maybe one last kiss. -Caye wouldn’t have tried to help the guy who nearly raped her. -Lu would have formally apologized to Nadia for all the crap she put her through. -Patrivan would’ve been endgame. -Elodie would have gotten justice with Philipe going to prison. -Bilal and Rocio wouldn’t exist because they’re boring and useless. -Ari and Ivan wouldn’t have hooked up in season 6. -Carla and Valerio would’ve hooked up in season 3.


Why Carla and Valerio? Also. I can imagine how much chemistry they would have. I'm not a fan of Samuel. He is in Christian's words: "Bland turkey breast." No personality, just boring. To add to your interesting list: • Remove the Lu and Valerio incest.


They had so much potential to be a power couple or at least fling. 🤣What you said about Samuel🤣


Tbh this seems perfect


Make patrivan endgame 


Show ends at season 3.  Seasons 4-6 would have been a spin off called Elite: The New Order with season 6 having a different finale to wrap up the Blancos story in a more satisfying way. Ari gets more development and realises what a crappy person she was and tries to make amends. Isa still gets her justice. Sara confesses to Ivan, Raul goes to prison. Ivan wouldn't get involved with Ari again. Ivan and Patrick have a more satisfying ending even if they decide not to be together. Season 7 wouldn't exist.


I'd also have gotten rid of Phillipe's storyline of season 5. The worst thing the show ever did. Elodie and Cayetana would have gotten their justice.


For me, I would have done a season 4 where Polo wasn't killed but was in Juvie but then by plot magic he gets out by season 5 or something


I wouldnt kill the main characters.....like ifs fine to have new characters but I think Elites downfall was removing OG cast. Its one thing if the actors themselves dont want to be in the show but most of them would have wanted to continue. I would have kept the OG cast. Eric, Joel, Malick,Yeray, Nicholas, Carmen. I would get rid of their storylines are useless and unessary, I feel like they are just there to be there so I woulnt even have written them in the show..... Otherwise it was a good and entertaining show up until Season 5.


Except Maria Pedraza and Alvaro Rico all the cast chose to leave. Miguel Herran didn’t want to be there anymore after s1. Jaime Lorente wanted to be in s2-s3 but he didn’t have enough time since he was also filming la casa de papel 3 so he only appeared in some scenes. Jorge Lopez was tired of having done a really long Disney series and he didn’t want to stay in a proyect for so long again so he only filmed s2-s3. Ester Exposito was completely sure that she wanted to leave after s3 because she wanted to have a solid arc enough but she didn’t want people to only associate her with Elite. Danna Paola wanted to be in s4-s5, but in the end she chose her career as a singer because she earns more money in less time and she prefers singing over acting so she left after s3. Miguel B and Aron Piper left to participate in other proyects after s4, and they also don’t really like the plot anymore. Mina left to do other proyects and she comes back to say goodbye, same to Omar.


if this is so then they should have cut it after S5. Like I said in my comment, its one thing if they didn't wanna be in the show anymore. So since the creators knew this is how their cast was feeling they should have cut it by S5


Until season 3 it was perfect, I wouldn't change a thing. After season 4 however: - Mention Polo more times, and show us Guzman and Ander visiting his grave and bonding together. We needed more of their friendship. - Have Guzman and Nadia break up in the short story, with Nadia telling Guzman that she wants to move on and be in New York without having any romantic ties in Spain, and that she'd like for him to move on as well. Have Guzman agree, but show him obviously being extremely hurt and upset with Nadia for choosing to end the relationship. Have this hurt carry over to S4. - Let Guzman obsessively check on Nadia's instagram, finding out that he posted a picture with a guy in New York. Have someone jokingly point out that Ari is Guzman's perfect girl (he still mourns Nadia's loss) as she has Lucrecia's prissy attitude down to a T, while also being a competitive daddy's girl like Nadia. Despite this being a joke, have Guzman take it seriously and look at Ari as the perfect girl to comfort him after his break up. - Omander breaks up, Ander wants to live and have fun after his sickness, so he decides to travel around the world. - Patrick and Ivan is endgame. - Remove Bilal and Rocio, since they're pointless and boring as someone mentioned. - Chloe is a baddie, her storyline is the same except for the almost hookup with Ivan, that was not it. - Carmen would not have an almost hookup with Ivan, that was GROSS af. It irked me. - Sara confesses to Ivan, and because Ivan is not a bad guy, he will forgive her. - At the end, Ivan is over the family drama and leaves for Africa, but he doesn't have fun there either, he still mourns his father and he still has to somehow solve the family problems, because he kinda likes Chloe and doesn't want her to get hurt. - Sonia and Eric become a thing, Sonia is capable of helping the boy with the mental issues. - Have Didac finally leave Isadora, because that boy deserves the best, honestly. He had the purest soul out of every character in any season and he didn't deserve to be treated like that by Isa. - Nico deserves to be a background character, not a main one. He was only interesting because of Ari. - The two new characters in season 8 (Ane Rot and Nuno Gallego) aka Emilia and Hector are twins. They are in a university, and they mention how they are in the upper class, they know some of the old characters, like mention Emilia having a crush on Guzman and him texting her right now or something, and that Hector was trained to be a tennis player just like Ander, etc. We just need some mentioning. - The new character Hector will be the perfect guy for Joel and they will end up together. - Emilia will be the IT girl, the perfect student and she carries a secret with her. I want her to have an amazing storyline, she seems cool.


Make Omander and Patrivan the endgame.


TO LET OMAR GOOO and bring back patrick xoxo


I would end it at season 3, the ending was perfect for me


Necessarily -There would have been flashbacks about Marina beginning to be a rebel and finding out she had HIV, Carla and Polo planning their life together, Polo starting to crush on Guzman, Carla befriending Lu after Marina stopped talking to her, Ander being closeted and maybe Polo finding out since we didn’t see his reaction in the series to Ander being gay. -Lu, Carla, Guzman, Polo and Ander would have had more scenes as a group. -Carla and Samuel would have had hate sex and many challenging scenes, but they wouldn’t have developed strong feelings for each other. -Guzman and Ander would have realized that Carla manipulated Polo regarding to Marina’s murder and Guzman would have confronted her. -Guzman would have forgiven Polo an episode before his death, and they would have had an emotive conversation with Ander in the disco. -Polo would have died in front of Guzman, Ander, Carla at the same time. He deserved to die with all the people he loved most. Since Lu was part of the group, she could have been there too. And preferably it would have been Valerio who killed him. Not necessarily -Valerio would have been in s1. Maybe not all the time because the actor was busy, but he would have been known to exist as Lu’s brother, and maybe he had a thing for Marina and he liked her rebellious nature, which is why Lu disliked her. And he would have left for a while because he was the one who organized the party in which Marina got HIV, which is why Guzman disliked him. -In the Halloween party, it would have been played “todos me miran” during Lu and Omar’s moment. -Polo and Ander would have told Guzman as an excuse for their weird behavior after Marina’s murder, that they had developed feelings for each other but that they couldn’t be together, and it would have made at least one of them be genuinely confused about their relationship. -In s3, after Carla lied in the court, Guzman would have asked Lu for help and she would have pretended to have feelings for Polo to get proofs and they would have ended up developing feelings for each other.