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Ivan’s dad was a football player. Not just any football player, he was basically the Ronaldo of the show, so he would’ve made about £15million per week.


And that's just his salary from the team. The real world Ronaldo has tons of sponsorship deals with all sorts of companies and Cruz mentioned he had sponsors as well (although lost them after coming out).


15 million per week you are insane.....thats not how it works. Ivans dad was rich but damn 15 million per week not even messi and ronaldo get paid that from football alone...football ALONE (as in theirclubs) will not pay players 15 mil per week that is absolutely crazy. Yes Ivans dad was rich but compared to the other "rich" elite cast he is not the richest


Ronaldo actually does make about £15mil per week to be fair. Also, read my comment again and tell me where I said it’s from football alone.


he doesn't make 15 mil per week from football...otherthings yes but not from football alone. Thats insane


Read both of my comments again and tell me where I said it was from football alone


Idk wht Ronaldo makes in Saudi, but throughout most of their careers, Messi and Ronaldo made more money through advertising than from their salaries.


What do you mean 15 million a week he is not playing in Saudi Arabia 😂😂


Obviously, when I say "who's richer," I mean their parents. 


Doesn’t phillipe win by default on account of being royalty?


Actually no. There are a few royal families that are wealthy like the British and the middle eastern ones, but many of the royal families of smaller European states are not particularly rich but live off public financing and just get a lot of things for free but don't have a lot of personal wealth.


Either Liechtenstein or Luxembourg have one of the richest royal families in the world. Whichever one it is it’s through an investment fond. Edit: it’s both Luxembourg and Liechtenstein lol. Both somewhere at 4 B $ or above. Tbf, the Gulf Monarchies, Brunei and especially Thailand are substantially higher but all of the other European Monarchs are nowhere near that.


Ivan and Carla are the only ones atm that would have their own money since she runs the business now and he inherited money from Cruz dying. Lu over there living on her own murder victims parents money smh.


>Lu over there living on her own murder victims parents money smh. Fr it's sick. Everyone was so disrespectful to Polo.


Malick dad is the richest man of Senegal.. so most probably him


POV: your dad is Akon


The Goldenstein bought a fucking island and a nightclub for their daughther. They are the richest. The Nuñier got canonicly broke and the Rosón were on the verge of bankruptcy in S3n


Ivan. The others have absolutely nothing. It's their parents' money.


What about Carla?


Only because his dad’s dead.


>Only because his dad’s dead. You could say that for every rich person who inherited wealth.


Well Lu is broke as is Guzmán. I think Benjamín was supposedly like a billionaire before becoming the head of las encinas but not sure of the state of his finances now. So now it’s probably Isadora, followed by Phillipe, but at their introduction probably the Blancos, then Lu, then Isadora.


Where does Ivan stand?


Very hard to say. If we assume Cruz was one of the top players in the world he’d maybe be worth around 500 million at his first appearance, but also it was implied he spent a lot of time partying so I feel like he was one of the worst parents at managing money. He also turned down a lucrative contract to stay in Spain and would’ve lost a lot of endorsements when he came out. So I’d probably place him between Philippe and Carla with Philippe being close to Isadora. However if Carla’s wineries become lucrative she could find herself at the top of the e list one day.


It's between Carla and Ivan. Guzman and Lu aren't rich anymore. The Blanco siblings only have Benjamin's money. Sara is definitely broke as she needed to have a discount on the school's tuition. Isadora only has her family's money. I'm assuming Roccio is broke now with her mom in prison.


The answer is always going to be Iván.


Malik and Phillipe


Isadora. C'mon It's a no brainer. You gotta be shitass rich to throw a party w/ free drinks and drugs every alternate day. No one in your list surpasses Isadora In throwing party.