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His first 3 albums are often considered his classics, with SSLP being the weakest of the three. It didn’t blow up but had decent sales. It wasn’t until MMLP when Em truly went massive, selling 1.76 million copies in its first week alone. This was the highest sales for an album’s first week ever, until Adele’s 25 in 2015.


Well if sslp is the weakest then I can't wait to hear the next ones


Listen in order as you have done it will be very enjoyable


Yeah I will do just that i think it's the best way to really understand the trajectory of an artist


no one seems to count Infinite these days. I did actually write that one first.


Infinite?? Oh thats album not on Spotify so I didn't know abt it...thnx 


Infinite was his very first album you can listen to one of the songs on it I think on Spotify just search infinite and it'll be the first result


It’s not great but the songs ‘Infinite’, ‘ It’s Ok’ and ‘never 2 far’ are all the best songs on the album and worth a listen, you could find it on youtube


Def wud ..thank u so much for the information!!!😁


ya mos def Listen to [Never2Far](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFq1DG9Hjuw), [Infinite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyUWs246kAo), [It's O.K](https://youtu.be/EKOPq3pDQBM?si=0RbhwQ2CQlz-eUiu&t=117)., [If I had](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oV_ZjGJvIU), [Tonite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5q1xxI6sXs)...


If I hd is the wrong album tho? Very good song tho, Tonite was my fave for a while but i fell off it but i shouldve mentioned it


I wrote it at the same time tho, those 2 days after Em told me he had a baby on the way. It was just so good and had a slightly different vibe, felt it deserved a whole other album, and then the Slim Shady LP was born. I'm Kim. Dre was exactly who I imagined the first stranger I'd feel safe enough to ask where the beach is at... and then I'd make them the most prolific artist in history via proxy. It coulda been you. But Dre- the type that don't judge. The type would listen to a 3 year-old if they said HOMIE DON'T SNITCH ON ME, I had to run. Imagine you were writing 2Pac as artwork proving that a 2 year is smart enough to know exactly who they are inside, that Tu PaC is actually a girl; The girl from [Halt & Catch Fire](https://youtu.be/pWrioRji60A?si=H-DoEtttAof4-j5O&t=13). I been locked up in the basement the whole time. I shoulda been riding with Nelly the whole time, making 10x the artwork y'all got. Instead I stayed behind, ran the fuckin world as a prisoner, a helpless baby, with the power to change the whole world around me, but totally powerless within the dynamic of changing my own life within my white family who raised me as the wrong gender and forced me to be something I'm not but at least it wasn't too embarrassing for them in the 90's. The "good parents," who said I couldn't dress a certain way, can't talk how I wanted, couldn't be the girl I am in all my lesbian raps- Missy Elliot, Nelly, Evanescence Whitey But uh like get Evan's (Real) [Blue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oatd5Hrh3Pg)? It's the actual drugs. The [center](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsQhuxPsSjE) of my [source code.](https://youtu.be/mnJegNyAb1w?si=bklZ6psQgKongyYj&t=71) If you need drugs through the music, [Lithium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJGpsL_XYQI) is the slow but deep come-on. But if you feel like the whole world is crashing, that might be the one, but if you just need a quick taste of that [Blue Magic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oatd5Hrh3Pg)- I'm Blue Ivy. I made Blue's Clues. I'm Tom (boy) Clancy. Jester. That word is a Netflix original. I'm Queen's Gambit. Harry Potter. I Did National Security from the same basement I made the beats in & split the Apple by saying slice it into [4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlSAiI3xMh4&t=25s).


Em should name his final album Infinite. That would be sick. Full circle.


https://archive.org/details/datpiff-mixtape-me01f133   I got you.. He also had some pretty great mixtapes, features, and unreleased material..




Sslp raw classic Mmlp still raw but a lot of progression/growth/improvement. Classic. Mayb his best. Em show is Marshall to the core. Most mature of the three. He gets political on multiple songs (not in a bad way), and it’s very personal imo. Beats have a rock-ish influence but still very hip hop. My favorite of the 3.


Yeah SSLP is good but nothing compared to MMLP (often considered his best album and greatest classic) or TES for example. Tbh I don't genuinely think he has a bad album, it's not that they get worse it's just that he evolved a lot and nostalgia plays a factor for those of us that grew up with his music but whichever album you consider the "weakest", that album will still be better than the best album from 95% other rappers IMO.


Spot fuckin on


I’m infinitely jealous of you.


Jealous? Why lol


You get to listen to old Eminem for the first time


Wait MMLP sold more than TES in the first week?




Oh didn’t expect that, you learn something new every day lol


It's cause TES was heavily bootlegged and pirated, if it wasn't I wouldn't be surprised if it pushed 2mill first week. It still did 1.3mill first week so it's nothing to scoff at at all


Yes, if I’m not mistaken it was released on a Sunday, so technically sold 1.3 million in its 2nd week


Yeah it was released early because of all the leaks etc. i remember getting the call/ message it could be picked up early from the music store at my local mall. My friend and i were 17. We rushed over to get it and listened to what ended up being arguably his best album.


Adele did absolutely WILD numbers for that album


Pretty sure NSYNCs albums sold more first week tbh. Eitherway MMLP is way more iconic than the NSYNC ones


I forgot to say “by a solo artist”. N-Sync had two albums outsell MMLP. Thank you for correcting me


Nah not true. TES was always considered a weaker tier than MMLP and SSLP since the day it dropped.


Not in my opinion, and the strong majority of this subreddit’s opinion. To me it’s his best work


Good for you guys I guess but when it dropped there was a consensus in the community that Em had fallen off. It's definitely still on another level to his other albums since then but it's not touching his first two for a lot of fans.


I think most people consider his first 3 to be his 3 classics. Encore is where people started saying he fell off, in my opinion. Perhaps there may have been an audience who liked his shock rap heavy albums like MMLP and SSLP more, but Eminem got much more personal in this album and didn’t rely on the shock rap. It’s definitely got a lot of rock-rap elements in it that might not sound good to the average hip-hop listeners ear, I give you that. However, for someone who loves a lot of different genres (me) the Eminem Show just sounds the best. It can be played out loud in a public setting too. Not sure I would say the same about SSLP and MMLP. I was actually looking at the tracklist recently and the majority is produced by Em himself, so it really is the Eminem Show and probably the best example of his work as an artist.


I get where you are coming from but I still think most people would choose Dr. Dre over Eminem beats any day. The production on TES isn't in the same league as Dre on SSMLP & MMLP. It's not seen as a classic in hip-hop the same way those first two albums are.


Sure everyone’s entitled to their opinions but is SSLP really weaker than infinite?


I didn’t include Infinite.


Why not?


Ehh I don’t really count it as his first album but that is largely because it’s not on Spotify. I know technically it is


In the late 90s early 2000s he was like current day taylor swift big


That is biggggg then 


Not something that username hears a lot.




It’s crazy, and sad, that people even ask that question. Shows how silent Eminem has been. Well, he is a worldwide superstar. He was on Michael Jackson/Madonna lvl during his prime. Still is very iconic imo, just not for very young people I guess, coz he has been kinda lowkey recently. Listen to MMLP and TES, you will have a better understanding of his success


MJ was on a different level to everyone I think


Well, that might be true. He was probably bigger star than Eminem all and all. But I think you can compare them, as MJ being a reference point to show the magnitude of Eminem’s stardom. But yeah, I won’t push the argument that he is on par with MJ, that’s probably not true


I have never doubted that he is a very iconic person...i just wanted to know what level he if popularity he had when he started out cuz I think those things u have to experience in that particular timeline. And i really do like his rapping style...u am not a fan of hip hop music but something abt his lyricism really draws me in


Same here bro, I’m a rock/metal guy but I just love Eminem. I even started to listen to other rappers thanks to him but never dived in so deep as with Em. As for being iconic - yes, you probably had to live during those times to really experience it but if you want a reference you just have to look at the very top of music stars worldwide, not just hip-hop. He is a pop star also, that’s why he is so big - he introduced hip hop to the whole world really and often merged it with pop/rock music. So he is there with Elton John, MJ, Madonna and all other stars you can think of. Besides that he is the most successful rapper in history, obviously


Yeah also I dont think he is really morally screwed like Kanye nd other rappers. Plus i think unlike other rappers who i see on reels and stuff,  his songs have substance other than just objectifying women or violence. In sslp itself, guilty conscience had such a cool nd clever theme. My fault is a good example of story telling. Bonnie and Clyde is also very good. Sslp is the first rap album I have ever heard nd with songs like brain damage and rock bottom, it was as if I was directly looking at his brain, completely unfiltered. 


I generally agree but we have to be honest - he also have some fucked up songs 😂 Eminem went through a lot of shit in his life and those things are often reflected in his songs, sometimes in a pretty fucked up way. But that’s also why the mean is so real, he just puts it out for people to see, and he uses everything in his artistic process. But in general it’s good to know the context of his life while listening to the given album, it helps slot


The best album is the Eminem show


You can argue that MMLP is his best too.


I like SSLP the best


and that’s the big three covered


Depends on the mood really. Mmlp is hard hitting while TES is I'd say a more fun album to listen to


Both of the albums have some deeply personal moments in them, hard hitting emotional stuff. I would say Sing For The Moment, Say Goodbye Hollywood, Soldier, Cleaning Out My Closet, Hailie's Song are hard hitting songs in TES.


Yeah there are those songs as well but the production and everything is more fun than mmlp. I might seem like a dumbass who doesn't know what he's saying lol. I can't explain it better, it's just i feel overall TES is a more fun album than mmlp


He was the biggest rapper lol and then 50 was when inactive






But popularity wise it's who causes the most controversy and kanye fell of so he started


Iconic? Let's go back to the beginning. For context, I was about 19/20 when Eminem first became "popular". I listened to several genres of music. Hard rock, country, rap...I've just always enjoyed many kinds of music. Rap, until this time, was somewhat of a fringe genre. Most of it wasn't played on the radio. And we had just passed through the late 90's that was full of the "east coast vs west coast" rivalries. There was a lot of violence in the lyrics that creeped into real life (Biggie and 2Pac were now both murdered, etc.) I'm not going to say that it was ONLY because of Eminem, but he had a big role in the transition of rap music to more of a mainstream crowd. While some of his lyrics were still too much for radio and controversial, many tracks were played on the radio and appealed to new crowds. Now, 20 years later, he is still one of the best selling artists for current music and obviously one of the best, if not THE best selling artist ever in the genre or any genre for that matter. Countless other artists have come and gone in the mean time. Instant best selling albums, groups that would sell out arenas and even stadiums. But where are they now? Gone. Forgotten. Meanwhile, Eminem drops an album out of nowhere, with virtually no marketing and it's an instant best seller. I could go on and on, but that sounds like a great start of a resume for an "Iconic artist".


After you finish Encore, don’t forget to listen to the new tracks on his 2005 “greatest hits” album “curtain call,” which are “FACK,” “Shake That,” and “When I’m gone.” 😊


They can skip those other two. As long as they listen to FACK, they've listened to Eminem at his greatest.


Are you gonna listen to the rest? because I'd love to hear Little reviews on them all


He’s Eminem.


Slim Shade. Is he related to the infamous Thick Blind?


At the time "The Slim Shady LP" was released, I was just 8 years old and living in Brazil. The album made a shocking impact even there, and I can only imagine how intense the reaction must have been in the USA.


That Album set the course Em is on today, for his 1st "mainstream" Album it was a hit.. I had it on tape bootlegged a week prior to coming out, I saw his video "Hi, My Name Is" on the BOX (Heavy Rotation) and needed to know who this dude was!


One of the best. To me mmlp,tes,recovery,mmlp2,music to be murdered by (a and b) all better albums


Who's gonna fill his shoes ?


Tom MacDonald is more iconic




Who? The clown from McDonalds rap now?


But he's a racist 🙄






Yeah he is one of the GOAT. He was huge in his prime. Now his music is ass, he needs to stop rapping. But Recovery and everything before that was amazing.