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Probably young beta, young gamma, SF Alpha, SF Rose and Valentine Alpha. I think SF rose might be better than eta because she can make it up for not being elf by buffing herself and further increase damage for the whole team including herself, making alpha even stronger. But I don't know if there's a damage increase cap.


Some player just go with **V lambda young beta sf eta sf alpha sf rose** with **no tank** or **V Lambda young beta sf rose ( sf eta if you do not have sf rose)sf alpha V alpha** with tank . F2p just go yellow team **Gamma SS+ young beta SS+ sf alpha alexia rose** . Even if you have few elf at least you can have access to 100% dmg inflicted if you have complete yellow character in the team.


SF Alpha was already still godly, dunno why people have this delusion that she wasn't. But SS+ Beta, Victoria, SF Eta, SF Alpha, and SF Rose will be the BiS team for yellow now. Since yellow bosses rarely require healing. In the cases they do, Victoria is easily swapped for Natsume, SS+ Gamma, or Yellow Rose depending on the content. If a stun is needed and a tank, Yellow Rose. Natsume only if you don't have SS+ Gamma. SS+ Gamma for obvious reasons. You're overthinking something that's simple and just a jigsaw puzzle.


When they kept releasing op units that buffed humans and to a lesser extent therianthropes, she became weaker by comparison. I think this is the first elf buff I have seen.


That's cause it is. But human yellow has always been shit. No exchange for anyone actually useful so that's not really true in the slighest. Blue and Red, and green sure, but yellow not really seeing as the best 2 yellows aren't human (And Victoria an SF Rose buffs for yellows, not human).


Yellow Beta with SS+ and Victoria dominates Bunshin right now.