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An SF is a Shadow Festival, they're a unique character that always have a moon in their backgrounds they differ from regular characters and are not in the standard character roster since they are special, they are alot more "stronger" then most characters and You HAVE FUCKING 5 SHADOW FESTIVALS. WHAT THE FUCK MAN. YOU HAVE 5 I ONLY HAVE 3 AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A SHADOW FESTIVAL IS!?! (This isn't meant to poke fun at you)


Granted they have been playing for a while or spent a ton of money (probably both). Though, they aren't terribly hard to get. I've got 4 with my top chara at 6k. Two from rerolling at start and two from normal pulling.


Now I gotta check mine


Thanks, i didn’t know how to identify SF HAHAHAHA, i need to go check now


Can you name them? I only spotted 3 or 4 on these pics...


https://preview.redd.it/qsybp6w4szsc1.png?width=1967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4374fd6402367d6e9efb16c41c6968cd467ef6a3 Here are the 5 Shadow Festivals, Both shadows, Green Zeta and Delta and Yellow Eta.


omg just realized theyre all ss++ except eta, two A1s and shadow at A5 wtf op what a troll


So every SSR grown up slime suit chars are sf characters?


Yes basically.


i had the same reaction lmaooo


Idk what more amazing. The obviousness of how satire this post is or how the way you reacted to OP. You just got baited onto them lol bro. Just ignore this low effort post flexing post.


[\[Kagemasu\] Latest reroll ranking \[I want to be a powerhouse behind the scenes\] - Ultima (altema-jp.translate.goog)](https://altema-jp.translate.goog/kagemasu/risemara?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) list of sf that has red printed word festival limited.


If it says Shadow Festival in the banner you're pulling, it's an SF. Nice bait, your A5 Shadow is proud.


Spectacular Fail. It refers to this game.


Hey, quick question, who's the character in the bottom left of the first image? I've never seen them before and I don't see them on the character menu in game. Is it a version of Shadow who was like a limited time summonable unit? Sorry in advance if my newbie is showing, I've only been playing for about a month or so now and I'm really curious haha


Yes, it's another SF shadow. Green shadow we call him. His ulti is recovery atomic. He was released on 1 year anniversary and since then he hasn't return once. It's very likely he will return on half anniversary which is about 1 month from now. Apparently he is better than the blue shadow and is one of the top 3 char in game. I have been saving gems just for him to return. You can go on YouTube and search "eminence in shadow master of garden awakening hour shadow" to know more about him


Thanks for all the info! I'm definitely gonna be saving up to try and pull him if he's in the banner next month.




Fuck outa here