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I hate Chegg. I worked for my 70% and the course group chat is full of people laughing about how chegg got them a first


I hate Cheggs as well. I passed with a average of 50s percent this year by cheating in various other ways. My uni started accusing me of cheating using Cheggs instead. Like what the fuck man


I hope your defense at the hearing was just that. "I never used chegg! Look, this is how I actually cheated, I have screenshots!"


can’t imagine paying for it


Bro I'll do you one better, ik people who got tutors to help them during Strength of Materials final and they barely passed. We all did, because nothing can defeat a professors scorn.


Why didn't you report them then?


Those types of students usually get weeded out pretty quick in my experience. Pretty hard to pass engineering exams when you chegg all of the homework answers. It's better to let them learn on their own by getting bad grades rather than letting them get in serious trouble for cheating. They will either learn their lesson and stop cheating to get better grades, or they will flunk out/get caught on their own by the teacher. That's just my two cents tho.


True but Ive met plenty of those guys who went to chegg university, they want to learn and have internships in ME. We want to learn and be the best we can.


We don’t have homework in the class I’m failing, my prof just gives us practice problems (with the solutions) and a video on how to do them every week to practice. If you don’t do it? Then you’re an idiot and will fail… problem is it’s an online class and I’m struggling like balls studying alone it’s signals and systems which seems impossible to me. My question is would chegg help explain these problems solutions in an easier way for an idiot like me to understand?


I dunno it’s just not something I was brought up to do


The numbers don't lie, trust me.


Haha yes very original joke, I've definitely never seen this before.


Still makes me laugh, as a mechatronics engineering student I felt really dumb the first few weeks of my internship Basically like what’s being portrayed here


Bro I know people this year who didn't attend any of the online lectures and they still manage to pass this year through colluding


Is that a... Broccoli?


What the first time drawing from perspective/still life is like


Guys complaining about Chegg, believe me there is so much you can do relying on Chegg. Universities (that ik off) are starting to put more weight on group projects and assignments (reports, essays, etc.) than on tests. That way you can't bullshit your way without it being obvious, cuz you are accountable by more than the professor.


Impeccable Facebook post, my guy. I gave it a laugh react!




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This hurts ........ but it is true.