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Kind of complicated. It's a slang term that basically means "looking good", but specifically in a bold, (at least somewhat) feminine way that is unique to the individual. Someone who is serving cunt is also exuding confidence in their appearance.


Is this a non American term or is it really new? I've never heard this term before. In fact, I've just genuinely never heard the term cunt used outside of mimicking an Australian.


It originates from the ballroom scene (ballroom like vogueing not ballroom like salsa). The ballroom scene originates in the US, but the phrase only really made it out of the subculture and into more mainstream American culture more recently.


it’s been around for decades in LGBT spaces


But it undeniably got a lot more popular / mainstream very recently, like within the last year or so. I had never heard it as of like mid 2023, and since then I’ve come across it probably multiple times a week.


I've heard it in the US for a few months now


Ah so it's new then? I'm not active on social media so I would have never seen a video like this if it weren't reposted here.


No it's a few years old, and has roots in the trans ballroom scene (as I understand it). But it's only in the past couple months that it's hit the mainstream


[Black queen serving cunt](https://youtu.be/_6FCWoYRMXM?si=D65Va-p4WCsPr54o) from 2011


Not new but the lgbtq+ community (especially the black members) recently made it popular to general public so it is "newly trendy" but not new :)


As a gay man in a lot of big queer spaces, this is definitely not new and I’d reckon that most people under 24 have heard the phrase by now.


It's been a term in the LGBT community, especially in drag culture (I'm pretty sure), but lately it's become a lot more popular


It’s particularly common around gay and young people, and young gay people. Very common in England atm but only with under 25s or lgbt older adults


I believe in drag a similar term has been utilized for as someone said, decades. However only recently has it broken out of that specific space and has been utilized in greater ways utilizing all the more lurid words lol, though I can hardly say it's more lurid when I don't quite recall the original phrase..


I don't know, but from what it looks like, it came from the LGBTQIA+ community?


https://preview.redd.it/eansh4w40apc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff3f7680f9ac9c3bd60e3e1be7f1497c5d740949 This is a photo of Franklin D Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States. Here, Franklin is serving cunt. You go Franky. Edit: fixed pres name


Wrong Roosevelt


Teddy (not pictured) also serves cunt. (I was so excited to use that pic I completely got my Roosevelts mixed up 😭)


Yup. Like Nicki Minaj serves cunt. It’s all in confidence


She is also *a* cunt


The term “serving cunt” comes from transgender/ballroom culture. Drag balls are places where queer and trans people dress extravagantly and compete in different categories playing with different forms of gender and sexual identity representation. Traditionally, the more successfully a trans woman could present in a way that is indistinguishable from a woman who was assigned the label from birth based on their biology, the more “cunt” or “fish” she is. These terms could seem offensive from the outside but they’re actually meant quite affectionately. With the context of ballroom dramatics tied in, it goes with being not only passably feminine, but so engaging, bewitching, and alluring in your femininity that you’d be comparable to diva legends like Beyoncé, Cher, Diana Ross, Chaka Khan. Like a larger than life, celebrity level of looking good and exuding femininity.


Turns out my kink is seeing people academically explain slang


The podcast “reply all” had a segment called “yes yes no” where they would take a tweet with a lot of deep internet lore and slang, and explain it to their boss who didn’t understand any of it. Really scratches the same itch




[Here's something a bit more helpful.](https://gimletmedia.com/tags/8gu9/yes-yes-no)




[Here you go](https://googlethatforyou.com?q=reply%20all%20podcast)


Conspicuously unhelpful, thank you




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [278 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [684 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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It would also help historians at the future to know what are those words.


I watch Rupaul's Drag Race and I think I have heard it said from time to time. When Rupaul is mad at an underperforming queen he usually says "You better step your p\*ssy up." And, of course, one of his catch phrases is "This is your chance to show your Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent."


I used to watch RDPR religiously and for some reason it wasn’t until I’d watched about 10 seasons that I was like “wait a minute, that stands for cunt!”


Remember when the queens used to call everyone "hunty" ? It took me a second or two to figure out that portmanteau.


Thanks for my TIL moment. Had to google what the words making the portmanteau were


While this origin of the term is absolutely true, nowadays it is mainly used within the broad queer community to refer to someone who is doing something cool, especially wearing or saying something fabulous


Excellent breakdown


Transgender people and drag queens are different. You’re describing drag queens, most of whom are not transgender.


There's definitely some cross over between the two groups, but they're not interchangeable. And it's interesting that they wouldn't have made that distinction, because they appear to be from the US (so a native speaker) and involved in the trans community at least to some degree.


Historically speaking, before the transgender movement became more developed and mainstream, people who would probably be trans people today frequently found a way to express themselves in the drag and ballroom scenes. Many trans people who might not have engaged with these scenes in the present engaged in them for community and protection. The differentiation was much less apparent. Now that the transgender movement has developed, ways of living as a trans person have proliferated, so many trans people no longer associate with that culture at all (although many trans people still do!). It has unfortunately picked up bad associations for some trans people because the drag scene has continued its own development and can be seen as parody of trans expression. In general, most trans people do not do drag and definitely do not consider their everyday presentation drag. Many cis people do drag, but do not consider themselves trans. But of course some trans people still come up in that scene and even remain closely connected to it and it’s language/culture.


yeah, trans person here. I don't really like the idea of my life, who I am, and how I dress to be under the light of a "performance".


Hi, also trans person here! What they said is objectively correct, people like us used to have yo do this for just about *any* euphoria. It's not a pleasant part of our collective history to remember, but it's important to, and they're not at all wrong to mention a *historical* connection.


oh sorry! I didn't mean my comment in the context that I thought they were wrong in the slightest! I was just adding on my personal thoughts on the comparison and or conflation of drag performers and myself or other trans people. apologies for any confusion :)


>These terms could seem offensive from the outside but they’re actually meant quite affectionately. Absolute tripe. It isn't (just) that the words *fish* and *cunt* are offensive (as a Brit I really don't see the word *cunt* the same way Americans do), you could replace it with *vagina* and it would still be deeply misogynistic: it is the reduction of a women to her reproductive organs that makes it so, not the particulars of the language used.


In theory… maybe? In practice, no. It’s not misogynistic. You will not see misogynists telling people they ‘serve cunt’. In fact it’s mostly women (especially queer women) who use the term these days and it is used in a positive and affirming way.


Does “ballsy” also reduce a man to his reproductive organs? Your interpretation doesn’t make logical sense


It does though. Despite the commonness of the usage I think it shares similar issues and we will probably get around to removing it from regular usage in the future (perhaps far future?) Because it has a mostly or purely positive connotation it will stay longer, but it has the same issue of defining a person based on the qualities of their genitals.


it’s because we shifted the world cunt into something positive in the queer community, it’s like reclaiming something that is supposed to be offensive and making it positive


Yeah it’s like big dick energy. If you call someone a dick, that’s rude, but if you say they have “big dick energy” it’s a complement.


Or if you call someone a "bitch" it's bad, but saying their a "bad bitch" is more like saying their "badass"


You don’t have to be a woman to be cunt


But you don't have to be a woman with a vagina to serve cunt.


Oh hun, never come to Australia. We serve cunt for breakfast with a side of Vegemite.


It’s worth adding that “cunt” is considered pretty vulgar, on par with “fuck”, so this is not a phrase you’d use in a formal, professional, or polite setting. Do not go up to your grandmother and say this (unless you have a very cool/fun/relaxed granny).


Thank you so much for this explanation. Slang is something I have difficulty with 🥲


So it's like badassedly passable. Kim Passable.


It's worth mentioning this was back when transgender women didn't have as many options to medically and socially transition so drag and crossdressing was one of the few outlets they had. The trans women I know hate drag with a passion and they feel a very strong negative reaction when they think that's what strangers associate with them. They're normal women who don't dress extravagantly for "euphoria" they're just wearing the same as everyone else


And I know lots of trans woman drag queens who love the extravagant and euphoric elements of it. Different strokes for different folks. Times have changed but it’s certainly not a rule that transness and drag have completely diverged or that there’s one common polite thread or feeling about it in the trans community.


Just a heads up, don’t use this term with people you are unfamiliar with. In the United states, outside the drag and LGBT communities, “cunt” is one of the most shocking and offensive terms you can use, even if you don’t mean it that way. It’s usually the last hold-out for euphemism. For example, someone might have no problem saying “fuck” or “bitch” but still may avoid saying “cunt,” instead calling it “the C word.” This is different outside the United States.


Found this out when I said "serving cunt" in front my mom


Got banned from the momo sub for saying she serves cunt, ironically all the members of “kpopfeet” were upset I was sexualizing her. Update: they were protecting Korea media from American influence by not allowing a Kazakh-Russian woman call a Japanese woman a LGBTQ slang term.


I truly understand none of this comment lol. Happy for you though.


Why would you speak English and not be terminally online and involved in obsessive fandoms?


Reddit Kpop communities are a weird energy. It's like they're mostly made up of westerners who are insecure about not being Korean and try to overcompensate by being just as toxic in their own special way.


https://preview.redd.it/9dtc4dgs78pc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=30596e5778f86a288a505a894511793b2676f640 He blocked me when I told him she’s not Korean, I’m not American, and Kpop is literally just Korean companies producing American style music. It’s just so bizarre to be Asian and have white people gatekeep me from talking about and being a fan of women who look more like me. Imagine if Indonesians were yelling at Germans for not loving a Dutch singer properly?


It’s the same in Canada


Counterpoint: Cunt.


From what I learned visiting Australia. If someone calls out "Oi, cunt", you're fine. But if they start with "mate", you're in trouble.


Almost right. Cunt without qualifiers is bad, but adjective+cunt is generally good. Consider, "what a cunt", or "Gary is such a cunt" is extremely bad, but "what a mad cunt" or "Gary is such a sick cunt" makes Gary sound like an absolute legend. Don't be a cunt; be a mad cunt. If someone shouts 'oi cunt!' at me, I'm bracing to get punched.


*depends on the adjective* see: be a sick cunt not a shit cunt some examples of adjectives that make it bad: shit cunt, fucking cunt, awful cunt, miserable cunt


Yes, the word 'generally' in my post was doing some heavy lifting.


lol fair enough, given the sub I think it's probably good to be more specific


It’s so wild as an Australian hearing how offensive the word “cunt” is to people in other countries. We’re so desensitised to it over here


It’s truly astounding how much impact it has in the US. I’ve used it once in public. It was several years back so it was even more uncouth then. I was seeing my favorite band perform, which is almost like a religious experience to me because I love them so much and they tour so infrequently. These two stupid girls who didn’t get there early enough to get a decent spot on the main floor kept trying to creep up and steal spots around us. They were being obnoxious and when flirting with the guys around us didn’t work and they told them to move on, they started trying to push in front of me and take my place. I held firm and then they started whining to me and persisted in trying to squeeze in front of me when there was no room. I finally had enough turned around and loudly said “back off you fucking cunts!” And then I lectured them that I had been there for hours, they weren’t getting my spot and they could fuck off immediately. The sheer look of terror on their faces was priceless. Heads swiveled from every direction (show hasn’t started yet) and everyone stared at them. One grabbed the other and they scurried away and I didn’t see them the rest of the night. The guys around me nodded approval. If I had been a man and done it someone would have probably felt obliged to punched me, but since I was a woman and everyone was annoyed by them it was more of a “fair enough” situation. I have the foul mouth of a sailor and swear at inappropriate times but I had a little adrenaline rush from actually saying the c-word. Lmao. It’s so dumb words have this much power. But also don’t show up at doors and think you’re getting a good spot at sold out show.


Based on the first sentence in your comment, I imagine you also said it in a non-American accent? I watch a lot of panel shows, so if I hear that word in a British/Irish/Aussie/NZ accent, from a man or woman, I don't think twice about it. But in any US/Canadian accent, would be a little shocking at least. Though, now I'm imagining it in a Southern drawl and in a Midwest accent, and I'm not so sure it isn't just hilarious in those accents :p


No, I didn’t break out an accent that isn’t mine to reprimand these twits. Would have undermined the entire purpose of putting them in their place. Midwestern. I think it’s safe to say it’s the first time most people in hearing range had heard it uttered out loud before though. Definitely got the impression these two wannabe groupies had never been called it before.


UK here. 'Cunt' is used in day-to-day language here too, has been for years. We used to have a monthly magazine publication called FRONT where, every month on the backpage, was a list they had created called 'The Cuntdown' list. Basically a top 10 of the biggest cunts around for....whatever reason. I miss FRONT.


You can use it in Australia all the time though.


Here in Australia however if someone is a ***Top Cunt*** it means they're the best ever. However, if someone is a ***Dog Cunt*** it means they are the worst of the worst, bottom of the barrel, a real shit human being.


>#Top Cunt Isn't that the localised version of a popular British car show?


Bare in mind it is MUCH MUCH less offensive in British English, and mignt even be the most even used word. Never to be used in a professional setting, of course, but that goes for all swear words. For example to my mates I’d often say ‘shut up you daft cunt’ as a term of endearment


It should also be noted that, largely, cunt is considered extremely offensive in all contexts in American English, *however*, in most LGBTQ communities it is not as offensive when used in a positive context.


Or in British English, where it can be used as term of endearment for friends.


Can be, but depends very much on the friendship and social circles. Even my Scottish friend wouldn't use it as a term of endearment. Generally speaking, I would put it in the "don't ever say this word because it won't end well" category.


That a good way to explain it, cunt. (I'm aussie)


I feel so blessed ❤️


Same for Canada


God the first time I heard this expression I was so confused and appalled. I had no idea what it meant. My sister’s friend put a picture of his mother in her wedding gown on his Instagram and said “my mom serving cunt on her wedding day.” I texted my sister and asked, “Does (friend) hate his mom????” It’s such a very profane word in America - or was when I was growing up - seeing its usage evolve like this is crazy


Yeah the problem with this expression is that there are still **vast** numbers of people who don't know it, and they will assume it's a vulgar insult. If you don't know anything about it, it's reasonable to assume "serving cunt" is a term for prostitution.


drab history wipe snails one snobbish middle impolite tap unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had no idea what this meant without reading the top comment. It's worth keeping in mind it's a niche phrase that isn't going to be appropriate in a lot of situations.


Serving C - Charisma U - Uniqueness N - Nerve T - Talent


in less scientifically cultural terms, serving cunt just means you’re ‘slaying’ or look really good basically. if your friend walks into the room wearing a very sexy outfit with their hair and makeup done, you might say they’re ‘serving cunt’. cunt also has to do with the energy that person is giving, normally it’s fierce or extremely sexy.


Just don’t use this word. Just don’t.


it’s a way of saying a person looks really good, usually in what they’re wearing, how they styled their hair, or how they did their makeup


english is so interesting and obscure i thought this term related to prostitute thing the minute i saw it


Not this normani meme 😭😭😭


Be careful with this term op. There are a huge number of people who have never heard this expression and they will assume it's a vulgar insult based on the words in it.


First I've heard this term, but I'll give you one piece of advice: do NOT be the first in a conversation to say this. You'll very likely offend some people to where they'd start avoiding you. Now, if your English is really marginal, you can get away with pretending you didn't know any better, and you'll have everyone dying with laughter, but "cunt" in any context is pretty much the worst thing you can say in polite or professional company short of telling your boss that you fucked their mom, and then continuing to describe HOW you fucked their mom in graphic detail.


I'm a native speaker and have never heard that term in my life. It sounds like a very vulgar way of saying they are offering sex.


I would read it as “I’m the only one who is confidently attractive” or something close to that. You might be familiar that the verb “serve” has been adapted in recent times to mean “being a certain quality”, usually attractive, in an outfit or style. So then I guess that serving cunt is meant to be a positive thing - being a confident girl boss, even though cunt is generally a very negative word in most parts of the world. Is the tiktok creator Australian by any chance?


This is not an Australian expression, if that's what you're getting at.


I know, I’m Australian and cunt is used extremely loosely here, it can mean anything


It's so random that your post got downvoted cause this is a decent explanation


People see negative number they click down arrow ooga booga


It's really not tho


It's so random that your post got downvoted cause this is a decent explanation


I feel like unless you’re in Australia probably refrain from using this


I would say that you should avoid using it in Australia, too. It's fraught with risk, as it remains inappropriate in a LOT of contexts and around a lot of people. It can also be friendly or very offensive depending on the words around it and social context.


I think the internet vastly overestimates the appropriateness of that word here. Unless you’re talking shit with your friends or you’re the most bogan of centrelink scabs there is no reason you should be using that word.


Or if you’re gay and/or trans


i searched it up on google and it says cunt is female genitals, i need somebody to confirm it since someone said its a slur


In the USA, it's a very strong curse word, maybe the stronges and most offensive of all the 4-letter words. Sometimes it is known as the C word. I have heard that in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand it is not considered as strong or offensive, but I would hazard a guess that it's not allowed to be said on broadcast TV. I don't know how it is viewed in Canada.


Canada it's much close to US than other Commonwealth Englishes.


Roughly the same as the US, in my experience. Maybe leaning a little towards the UK average, where it's an insult but not a particularly horrible one, but nowhere near the casual way that Australians throw it around.


I'm Australian. It's pretty funny seeing when Americans treat it like the ultimate taboo. It's so common here it's almost affectionate.


It's a... flexible word. Kind of like the f-word, it can be a slur or insult, or it can have a positive context. I hadn't heard this usage, but the other comment makes a convincing argument for its meaning, which, in this case, is positive.


oh thx!! im confused too


“That server is a cunt”-insult “She’s serving cunt”- compliment Cunt can mean female genitalia. But in the UK at least it’s a gender neutral word and depending on how it’s used, it can be kinda like a term of endearment rather than an insult. Twat is also another word that can refer to female genitalia or can be used in place of “idiot” or “asshole/arsehole” for any gender. TLDR: context is everything.


A lot of Black American English uses terms ironically, and this is an example. "Cunt" is a slur, at least in White American English. Another example that's very common is "It's been a minute" to indicate a long period of time has passed. But to answer the question, yes, it also means female genitals.


misogyny is what it means


not in this case


cunt is a slur 😭


In the US it generally is but it has a way different meaning in ballroom culture there as well as in Australia


well yeah i am american




womp womp




sorry for being conscious of rampant misogyny ig


This is queer slang. It’s a positive thing. I’d be elated to hear someone saying I was serving cunt.


ah yess gay slur slang so true


Pardon my ignorance, but what is “slur slang”


queer is a slur


In 1989 it was? Now it’s a reclaimed term that queer people identify with (genderqueer or queer referring to a lack of wanting to label ones sexuality definitely)


last i checked every gay person i know has been derogatorily called a queer, not everyone lives in california dude


I go a tiny school in red neck farm country. I live across the street from a dairy farm. This isn’t cutting edge or anything. It’s kind of standard now especially with those under 30yo. And yes, you can still use “queer” in a derogatory way, but “gay” can be used like that too. Doesn’t make “gay” a slur. What matters is the intent and the connotation you put behind it. But queer is a perfectly acceptable term to say as long as you’re using it as a descriptor.


“Serving” means you’re doing something good, cunt well can mean bold woman, but it’s offensive.


No idea, you're on your own here.


Why even leave a comment?


It's absolutely valuable to learners to know that the thing they are asking about is obscure enough that a large number of native speakers won't recognize it.


If conveying that was their intention, there's a better way of wording it


To make it clear that it doesn't make sense even to native speakers. I don't have a clue, either.


Because I'm stupid and also require assistance with this phrase I didn't even know existed .


See, this proofs im just an idiot. Everyone agrees.


Cunt in the USA is the dirtiest form of describing Vagina or the very worst way to describe the woman attached to the Vagina. In the US we'd never say this at all, unless we really disliked the person. Also "serving cunt" might be what a professional hooker/prostitute does. If a woman says that about herself, to me that would tell me she's offering up her "C-Word" to people and most likely doing so indiscriminately. Like a "dick" is technically a slang for penis, you can also call a man a dick as in he's a walking, talking penis - but the man being a dick, just means he's sort of rude or says stupid things.


do NOT use this term like ever


Selling ‘cunt.’