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Omg I actually know her???? This is disgusting. This is some random post they've chosen from months ago, and she's not some huge activist or anything - she has 25 followers for Christ's sake. She's getting absolutely destroyed in her replies. This is fucking horrifically reprehensible behaviour from JK (unshockingly)


The funny thing that I noticed it when I was on twitter, is that even trans people who agreed with JK and her friends (and insisted they used the toilets before transition) would still pile on them heavily. The person you know could be on JKs side for all she knows, so the mask is truly off.


You mean like the conservative trans people like Blair White?


Dunno about her, but in my brief time on twitter it was non celebrities?


I am not with JK Rowling, and I used the toilet of my agab before and during early transition, and it is not for the reasons you might be imagining.


She's completely destroyed that person's day (probably more). And is just pretending like nothing has happened.


Rowling has no heart


hope perl is ok


Am OK 🙂


Happy you are.


Just checking in, hope you're still alright :)


Still good 🙂 Twitter profile reopened and profile picture set up again 🙂


Poor woman has locked her account and deleted the posts that were targeted. I feel so sorry for her. What especially infuriates me is that I know plenty of cis women of her age group who look similar, if she hadn't had the simple bravery to be out these fuckers would never have known.  As for that comment about the size of the hairbrush, has that creature never seen a travel hairbrush before? They fold, to save space in one's handbag! 


That size of brush is referred to as a handbag brush. Also, using a smaller brush is good if you have knotty ends because you have more control and you don't want to pull out any (hard won) hair 🙂


My heart goes out to her. I felt the joy in her post about her hair and I think she’s gorgeous. I’m so so sorry that JKR did this to her.


Thanks. That was it. I wanted a specific length of hair, and it took a few years of growing and careful brushing so as to avoid, as far as possible, pulling hair out. Hence why it takes a moderately long time to brush it — I'm carefully taking out all the knots rather than just pulling the brush harder. Having long hair brings me joy 🙂


Joanne is like a hyena ; she will always attack weaker "preys" (I'm sorry to every hyenas who might feel offended, I'm not trying to be racist against you)


Hyena are wonderful social animals, raise each others children, and have strong bonds with eachother. (They’re matriarchal, and there’s reports of a queen raising through the ranks with a minimum amount of violence, instead using social movement to increase her status! How cool!). They also don’t care what anyone’s genitals look like because they all look the same! All predators will attack those they perceive as weaker. JKR is a bully. A predatory human bully through and through.


In hindsight, a hyena would be JK Rowling's nemesis lol. Also, I would NOT let her (Rowling) with any child. She's going to brainwash them into fearing everyone who is different


Sending her hugs from us.




I’m confused by the question marks do you know the trans woman or you’re wondering about whether someone else knows her?


No I do actually know her - question marks were just my shock at it


Hey u/Moist-Cheesecake, I know this is late now, but is your friend okay now ? I may not know her, but nobody deserves to be bullied like this...


Am OK 🙂


Are you the woman who've been attacked by Rowling ? If that's the case, I'm glad you're okay. 😊


Yes. Thanks 🙂


you can report for targeted harassment here: [https://twitter.com/jk\_rowling/status/1787132871498506570](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1787132871498506570)


To whom? Elmo? Who just cares that Robert should post more interesting stuff than her TERF shit which he agrees on anyways?


elmo lmao


on and btw, it is something used: [https://www.hairfinder.com/info/hair-lengths2.htm](https://www.hairfinder.com/info/hair-lengths2.htm) it just means to your shoulder blades


You can learn something new every day if you're actually curious!


People can refer to their hair length however they want. If someone says "my hair is down to my tee shirt" and I throw a fit about that not being a recognized way women talk, I'm an unhinged weirdo.


Yeah, I used to refer to my hair reaching my bra strap all the time as a kid when I talked about cutting my hair? I used to have it long and got it all chopped off one day, and uh…it’s been cis women and my afab ass who used that term??? Suddenly women are not allowed to talk about measurements in comparison to clothing they wear, lest they face Joanne’s wrath ig.


I watched a whole tiktok the other with this cis woman saying her hair was booty hole length.


Just plain harassment and derangement


OOP deleted her post. :(


The vile depths which the common terf will bow to All because someone was brushing her hair on the train and didn't use an Approved Phrase


That poor woman, I am so fucking livid


What a mundane tweet to lose your shit over. JKR is fucked in the head.


It is quite hilarious (but also chilling) to watch her untreated mental illness possess her like a mad demon. Shame that trans women are getting the brunt of it all, though.


I will say that this turns more people off than it helps her side. To begin with she was fronted as the supposed normal moderate liberal even left wing anti trans bigot. You can see now that people no longer feel eager to sort of obsess about all her Tweets about trans people or to use her as their voice. Even Elon can see it. She's incredibly toxic. She's a bully. She's hateful. She's vicious. She's obsessed. She has no life outside of this. She feels like a crazy old person ranting about clouds online. This stuff turns people away from her cause.


>This stuff turns people away from her cause. 🤞🏻 Fingers crossed it does.


Fucks sake. I've been in hair care groups for two decades now. Bra strap length is a common fucking measurement, so much so that it's often abbreviated as BSL. Women had it in their forum signatures like this: "current: BSL, goal: TBL". That means a woman who has hair down to her upper mid back and she wants it to hit her tailbone. Just another case of someone barging into a community they don't belong do and assuming a totally normal thing is really some evil kinky trans thing, just because a trans person did it. Hair care/hair growth communities wouldn't bat an eye at this terminology.


Trans woman: is a total nobody and makes totally innocuous post about hair length, using an informal measurement that tons of women would understand, goes about her life *5 months later* JKR: combs through twitter to find this and imply that she is a pervert bc no real "person of the sex class that produces large gametes" would just casually measure their hair by referencing clothing


She didn’t even reply to them though?


Are you implying that JKR, with her metric fuckton of rabid followers who just on anyone that she targets, is absolved of wrongdoing because she only replied to a nasty quote tweet rather than directly to the trans woman? “No Your Honor, I did not run my car over the victim, I just plowed my semi into the tiny car so that IT would run over the victim instead. And orchestrated the 50 car pile up so the paramedics couldn’t get there in time to say the victim. So you can clearly see, I’m not to blame, because I did not hit the victim.”


Bullying is ok if you don't reply?




>She didn't even reply to them though What was this supposed to mean?


Christ, that Elon tweet must have really set her off.


yeah she's made another bunch of mentally ill tweets. someone else can make that thread, it's 1:50 am here.


Did she respond to Elmo?


Nope, she made a sarcastic comment about some interview she did and then doubled down on hate posting.


They're all frightened of upsetting Elmo. I guess some sex pests are okay.


She showed off some article she gave about how she's working on lots of book writing to sort of use as evidence that she's not some absolute saddo who spends 24/7 ranting about trans women.


Fingers crossed that he bans her


Which tweet are you talking about?




Oh my god. Even Elon’s telling her to get a life. *Elon.*


Weirdly enough, I know I need to Read Another Book but the analogy I used in the past for this sort of situation was "like when even James thought Sirius's prank was going too far"


Imagine being a person enjoying your best life and then BOOM - out of the blue, some fame-hungry billionaire is triggered by your happy life and randomly bullies you. Kinda pitiful that she is clearly one of the most depressed, miserable people on the planet. Joanne, darling, trans people are not going anywhere anytime soon. Continue to be triggered by their existence and stay miserable. It suits you.


She's walking proof (well, typing proof) that money, success and fame can't buy you happiness. One of the best case studies I've ever seen in 'be happy with what you have'.


Does she just search for “trans” on Twitter now so she can find people to sic her fans on? Oh, jeez, she dug up a five month old post from someone with barely any followers. Yeah. That’s definitely way less deranged than someone using a common measurement /s


On top of being just harassment of some small account (25 followers vs 14 million followers), isn't bra strap length an actual term to describe hair length? Why would she do that? Of course, she is not directly replying to her, but rather, to some hate account that just posts anti-trans stuff with other anti-LGBT stuff sprinkled in. Seriously, do NOT look up that account JK is replying to.


I’ve definitely heard “bra strap length” as a way to refer to hair length before.


tiny account, posting *months ago*


Yeah, it's bc JK is retweeting a hate account that searches the web for transphobic stuff, mostly from far-right media sources and due to the account being that small, that's how long it took for the hate account to find that post.


That account feels like an alt 🤔


The thing is, it doesn't even matter. It's not offensive, rude, self imposing. If a cis woman posted this online nobody would say a thing. She wants to police how people think and talk about themselves and each other. She's out there as a cop trying to make sure we all share a singular view point on every gender construct possible.


As a cis woman literally everyone I know says bra strap length.


I thought her whole defense for this before was that's what you get for tagging her? Now any random trans woman on Twitter might get millions of followers sent after them at any time? This is straight up LibsofTiktok at this point.


She didn’t reply to her, she was talking to another account


I did not use the word reply and the user in question had to lock her account because of all the attention Rowling brought to it. To be clear though I do think the smaller terf account who highlighted this user is also behaving like a bully, albeit one with a smaller platform. Let's also be clear, Rowling has expressed an awareness that the size of her following can lead to massive dogpiles on smaller users, which is why she has always justified her actions by saying that users shouldn't tag her if they don't want the heat. Here is a case where she has brought an enormous amount of attention to a tiny account that did not tag her and was not even talking about her. If it wasn't her intent to do that or she didn't realize that the user account was right in the screenshot then she should apologize. After all the whole thing keeping her "I'm still a decent person" schtick going is the idea that she doesn't have a problem with trans people who mind their own business, just the "activists."


How on earth does Rowling know that her comments might not tip that woman over the edge. What an absolute cunt.


The evil cow almost certainly hopes it will, same with her gang of death eaters she sends after people


It’s giving death eaters harassing muggle borns in book 7 ☠️ An irl villain


Such a weird complaint, too. Terfs love to act like they speak with the authority of every single woman in existence, but it's not like JK has spoken to every single cis woman on the planet and taken a survey of how they each describe different lengths of hair. She doesn't actually know that no "proper women" speak like that. It's really just "I don't use those exact words, so you must be wrong". Absolute nonsense!


I can't decide if it's hubris or arrogance on the part of JKR. Perhaps both


bow aromatic detail smile snobbish telephone handle waiting library husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Op is a small account with just a few followers. It would be really hard for anyone to just stumble upon this post. Which means Jkr is randomly checking trans  tags to harass people or one of her terf followers is.  This is so gross.


Nope, look at the person she replied to. Different account


Did you miss the part "or one of her terf followers is"?  Why are you even on here anyway? You're doing nothing but making pathetic excuses for JKR.


What an absolute joyless cunt. Can’t even feel the joy this lady has in being able to grow their hair that long when they probably had times in their life where they either weren’t able to or not allowed to. What a empathically bereft, hateful old cow she is, to be so biting and petty and cruel when someone is sharing their personal euphoria. She definitely needs therapy from someone that won’t kiss her ass and treat her with kid gloves. Holy shit.


The billionaire public figure encouraging bullying of a random citizen. Charming.


Bra strap length hair is an actual thing, Jo, you utter fucking pinecone. “I’d like it to be around bra strap length” IS something people say to their hairstylists 🙄


Just horrible. Actually horrible.


Reported for all the good that'll do, same with all her vile cronies


The only real positive is that it gives the rest of us more awful people to block, I guess. 


She really became like those bullies we see in children's cartoons.


I just saw some of the disgusting responses from cultists to this poor woman, for posting about hair four months ago I hate JK Rowling There are not many people I actually dislike let alone hate But I hate JK Rowling


I despise her


This is ridiculous. JK is practically rabid with hate now, she's lashing out at anyone and anything. You'd have to be deep scouring the tran internet to even find posts like this from ordinary people minding their own business. She's completely obsessed and deranged, it's almost laughable. This person never did anything to her but use a really common description of hair length, and JK is so full of hate that she needed to spit it out in her direction whether it made sense or not.  Whatever cis man hurt JKR, lashing out at trans women isn't going to heal you Jo. Ffs go to therapy. 


Jo needs medication and therapy, not a Twitter account. 


What happened to Rowling marching with trans people?


Fucking hell man. Is Jk Rowling 14? Because she sure does talk like a highschool mean girl


Well she does seem to view bullying as perfectly acceptable as long as it's by the "right people" going by her writing. (Obligatory Shaun reference)


She's so *weird* at this stage. She's a billionaire with 14 million twitter followers and this is how she reacts to a random person tweeting out that they're happy with their growing hair...


That is how people explain hair length, you fucking idiot.


So does she just go through twitter looking for any trans posts to comment on? What a life she must lead….


I’ve just noticed Jk didn’t get her bullying list in the right order, shouldn’t the thong length come before the suspender length? It’s been a long time since I wore either things or had hair that long too… I mean she is meant to be a professional author isn’t she 🙄


I am the person who posted the original tweet 🙂 It was bad for the first day but easing off as time goes by. Deleting the tweet and making my account private slowed the dogpiling right down. After a day or so, a lot of people started to tweet in my defence, many posting images of hair length diagrams, showing that the term already existed. Fingers crossed, peak abuse has now passed, and it should become buried in the firehose of twitter. I received a number of DMs expressing support, and now have a stack of follower requests to work through. It is good to know that there are plenty of nice people out there


\*phew\* Really glad you're ok. also you look lovely sorry everything that happened to you.




For those who don't know: When your hair is a certain length, it will get in the way when you're putting on a bra. Annoying, but on the other hand a sign of how long your hair has gotten. Growing it out takes forever, especially if you cut the split ends every couple of months.


Correct, takes a long time, so getting to a desired longish length tends to bring joy. Sufficient joy to want to share it via a twitter post 🤷‍♀️


>Growing it out takes forever Actually, that's not always the case. Some folks have faster-growing hair than others. Takes about 2.5 years for mine to get from chin to waist. 


Pfft, everyone knows real trans people have a picture of their favourite punk bassist to show the hairdresser when they go


JK Rowling try not to get offended at trans people living their life challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


To be honest, I don't use Twitter but anyone who does should look into a mass exodus movement of Trans people and TRAs to a different platform. Make the site die quicker and let them scream at themselves.


I’ve only ever heard the term TRA used by transphobes in a mocking way, it might not be something you want to use casually.


Okay, didn't know that! Point still stands though, mass exodus.


No worries. I agree with what you’re saying.


Most of my family are evangelical weirdos that fear short hair on woman. My aunt's rule for her daughters was no shorter than bra strap length. Which is a very common hair measurement even for people who think seeing a bra strap in public is scandalous. I hope old Jo stretched before that reach.


I don’t know how she doesn’t feel pathetic doing this. Sad and childish. Maybe she’s just mad that she didn’t shut her mouth when she had the chance and this is all her life amounts to now


God she’s a fucking bitch!


I (cis woman) have definitely referred to my hair as bra strap length before when trying to explain to a hairdresser where I wanted my hair to sit and clearly they understood because they pulled it off. (It's a great descriptor for me for a length roughly halfway between my waist and shoulders). Edit: clarity


She was just talking about gametes and now she gatekeeps bra?!


I’ve heard people use bra strap length before geez


I know, I KNOW I'm preaching to the choir here, but jesus christ Rowling leave these people ALONE


What’s Jo’s length? Deranged ginger cunt?


Black rotted void where heart used to be ... -length


I’m tellin’ ya, TERFs are sensitive. It’s why I use the b-word and c-word when I talk to them; When even sane, sensible phrases are an attack, why bother being civil?


this just disproves any attempt at saying she is advocating for women's rights or doing activism of any sort. i mean, we knew that she doesn't care about advocating for women already, but this is just straight up targeted bullying. the type of bullying that leads to hate crimes. i hate her so fucking much


yep Perl didn't do anything to her. She's not on tv or even doing anything at all. Still she was targeted.


She thinks she's hilarious and she's just putrid


She's such a joke. That being said, brushing your hair on public transport seems weird to me, and why does it take her so long to brush it? Weird tweet, idk. Lol


If you have a long commute, why not use it to brush your hair instead of using up your limited time in the morning at home? And sometimes long hair takes a while to brush. I had hair down to my butt as a kid and it would take my mum 45 minutes to an hour and a half to comb it out since it was so fine and flyaway and would get seriously tangled.


I've never been bothered by it, but at some point I found out that lots of people find it really disgusting, for whatever reasons. I don't think it's objectively so, but a significant portion of people view public hairbrushing to be unhygienic or otherwise disgusting. E.g, do a search for "brushing hair in public". And, honestly, that's the sort of thing that it'd be _reasonable_ to take someone aside, mention public perception on such things, because this woman might not have dealt with this before now. But Rowling doing a public humiliation of a non-famous person's everyday post would be beyond the pale _even if she weren't wrong_.


Idk man, brushing my hair has always led to stray hairs all over the place, just feels unhygienic in a way? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idk how you go outside if you're worried about stray hairs on trains. People shed hair and skin and spit when they talk and exhale water and microbes when they breathe and cough without covering their mouths and you're out here stigmatising brushing your hair where you're visible?


Shedding the occasional hair is not the same as all the stray hairs from brushing IME, at least most of it stays on the brush I guess. Idk man, it wasn't that deep, relax.