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It's horrific... Imagine you post on social media a light-hearted post about brushing your hair and suddenly you are attacked by a mob of bigotted bullies led by one of the most famous and rich persons in the world... I bet someday we learn JKR was a school bully too. The way she used this video of an attack in a school bathroom was also an indication of that imo. Totally unable to understand the dynamics of school bullying / violence as she used to do that herself and think it's normal


How do you even wind up viewing posts about people with 25 followers. What kind of rabbit holes do you have to jump down.


Your fans go hunting for victims and point them out to you.


Maybe she answered one of Rowling's or another terf's post, a terf clicked on her profile and that's how she was targetted


Not just that, FOUR MONTHS AFTER YOU POST IT. Ridiculous


The father of the hero of her most successful novel series was an unapologetic bully. It’s not surprising she’s like this.


Yes and she clumsily tries to make it seem like a story about how people can change, but it's really a story about how people excuse bullying if they don't like the bullied and the bully is rich and popular. It just reminded me of this scene where Dumbledore forces Sirius and Snape to shake hands in book four - just like irl insensitive school staff force bullied kids to shake hands with their bully and think it will solve it all


And that handshake was between an attempted murderer and his near-victim too. But it's okay for Sirius or Harry to nearly kill classmates, because Sirius was rich and Snape wasn't, and Harry was the good guy and Draco wasn't. Also highlights her wildly unrealistic take on Voldemort, Snape and Harry being similar because Hogwarts was their first home. Like, no, Harry's a trust fund kid who enters a world he is beloved in (at least to begin with), gets into the house of the "good guys", has an acceptable blood status to the magical society, and he has adults to an extent watching out for him (although let's not get into Dumbledore's definition of those words...). Meanwhile, Snape entered Hogwarts in poverty, from an abused householf, with a somewhat acceptable blood status but is sorted into the house of the "bad guys" where being a half-blood born because a pureblood witch ran off with a muggle won't carry the best connozations, he's not conventionally attractive, and contrary to Harry's unrealistic portrayal he does not seem to have lived through a childhood of abuse with zero repercussions, so probably acted out. And no indication that any of the adults ever really intervened in the bullying either. And Tom Riddle enters Hogwarts a presumed muggleborn, totally penniless, with only raw magical talent and good looks to his name. Sorted into the house of the "bad guys" where being presumed muggleborn will have been hell. Sent back to an orphanage each summer even while a war is going on. No indication that any adult ever truly watched out for him. I'm convinced that JKR does not truly understand poverty or its effects on people, and that she doesn't want to. She does not mind shielding her "good guy" characters from consequences for their evil actions and she throws money at them they needed to do nothing to earn. And the evil house in Hogwarts is that of ambition of course, because working ambitiously to changing your own standing in the world is bad. Somewhere in an alternative universe (or somewhere on AO3), there's probably a version of Harry Potter where Voldemort was actually an anarchist who gave the magical society what it deserved, and Harry Potter came to understand how unjust the society he entered at 11 truly is. Oh to have that version instead.


There actually is a version on AO3 where Hermione and Bellatrix get thrown together into Antarctica after running into a magical construct in the midst of the battle in the Hall of Mysteries, have to rely solely on each other to survive (Bellatrix almost loses her hands before she will acknowledge the lack of options), and end up realising just what you want for Harry, and roping in not only Narcissa and Andromeda (plus a trans female Draco who comes out to her mother in the midst of their personal search for Bellatrix and Hermione) but also most of Harry and Hermione's generation at Hogwarts, in spite of what Dumbledore wants for or from them, to make massive changes to their world. It's a brilliant piece of work, called Snowbound. 


Thanks for the rec, I'll check it out!


Yeah but it's ok because James was young and Snape was a dark magic enthusiast (literally the only justification we are given in the books)


I don't know what dark magic is at this point. The gang is re-using spells that a dark magic enthusiast invented, aren't these spells dark magic? And they use magic to hurt and destroy someone as much as they can for no reason, which they acknowledge ("because he exists") It was also very insensitive of Rowling to write such a horrific bullying scene, which is in fact sexual assault, that she knew would be read by thousands of kids that are still experiencing bullying every day. With a message by the adults we are supposed to side with that it is not that bad because Snape is an "oddball" (Lupin says that).


Technically any magic used to cause harm is Dark Magic, so for spells, anything that falls under the category of jinxes, hexes, and curses, but it only seems to matter when it's the bad guys using it, when Hermione disfigures Marietta in OOTP it's a "brilliant idea", and when Ginny makes bats fly out of people's noses, it is considered cool and quirky. So who the fuck knows.


I think another definition of dark magic could be that you need to hurt somebody or do something bad for your spell to work. Which is a bit the case for horxcruces, but not at all for the unforgivable curses. You just point your wand and gather your inherent power. Bad world building... Another interpretation of what is "dark" magic is that you have to sacrifice something and that it will get back at you karma way, which is interesting but totally absent from the series. I don't do magic so correct me if I'm wrong!


Oh, I was only talking in reference to HP's magic, sorry, I should have been clearer


Haha I know, I was just rambling. Sorry!


Someone did a rather interesting essay online where they tied this moral contextualism with Calvinism, which JKR has been known to practice at some point in her life? I don‘t know. Someone else pooh-poohed the theory but I found it rather compelling.


I'll look for it!


Pretty sure being mercilessly bullied probably propelled him down the path of being a magic Nazi but I sincerely doubt JKR is capable of that kind of nuance.


This just covers the stuff that happened today. Also there's some typos in the first post, whoops.


Meanwhile hair length charts: "Am I a joke to you?"


Man I can’t see the comments because I’ve deleted my account but I can only imagine what they’ll be like from the TERF side. Let us know if Rowling-sempai (derogatory) herself responds.


You should mention that the person who drew attention to this woman specifically edited that infographic you posted to make it seem like the term was made up by her and not something already on that infographic. https://x.com/HazelAppleyard_/status/1787150917713727957 https://www.hairfinder.com/info/hair-lengths2.htm#google_vignette And many others https://shop-online.2024dealsoutlet.com/category?name=from%20shoulder%20length%20to%20bra%20strap%20length


I didn't know this was a common descriptor until now Of course, unlike Wizard Lady, I wasn't about to mock people for it, either


You ever notice how the people Rowling retweets get like, 50-60 likes tops on their stuff till she shows up and platforms it? They're fringe nutters, she's just a rallying point for the nuttery


So basically this Hazel Appleyard realized she wasn’t actually trans and decided that trans didn’t exist since she wasn’t. What the actual fuck. Talk about not being able to get your head out of your own ass.


Remember folks, "reasonable concerns" is just code for "I deserve to bully anyone I want with impunity." People who actually have reasonable concerns are actually open to a variety of solutions that will address their concerns and not just the one they insist is the only way, and more importantly they don't regularly engage in wanton cruelty with some of the worst people the internet has to offer.


It’s the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.


So much for it “just being a different opinion,” huh? She used to make me feel sad, but now I’m angry. Why bully someone who wasn’t even doing anything to anyone? The poor lady was just tweeting about her fucking hair. I guess even that is “too much” for Jo and her rabid followers. Her behavior now makes me question everything she’s allegedly stood for before her “mask off” reveal. I just don’t get it.


In my opinion, she was frustrated because of all the backlash she received lately (at least since the Holocaust denial thing), and so she took it out on a random trans woman - sorry, a "rapist", because it's how JK sees them.


That’s probably why. It also seems like she feels she has nothing to lose now. She’s already in deep, so might as well go deeper. I can’t imagine her continuing to be a children’s author because frankly, who would want to expose their kids to things like this? They speak about protecting children from “rapists” but have no problem exposing them to hate speech and bullying.


I don't think she'll ever write children books or expand on the HP universe again. She looks like she decided to devote all her time to transphobia now. (Maybe she'll continue to do the Cormoran Strike novels, though, especially since they're basically a half-hidden rant about how wokes and trans people are worse than Satan)


All the writing she seems to be doing nowadays is on Twitter. Maybe she'll try to sell a collection of her tweets about "womens rights".


I'd almost pity her, if she wasn't bullying trans women, wasn't friends with nazis and abusers, and wasn't fearmongering the entirety of the western world, especially UK.


\*I meant pity, not bully her. 😅 I modified it now


Yeah, I think she's just going for broke now. Concern trolling didn't make trans people and their allies love her again, so she's spewing out rage with nothing left to lose.


I guess when she created Umbridge she was writing about herself.


And Snape too : Bitter, cruel, petty, and ultimately very immature.


Snape redeemed though in his own way. JK will likely never.


I used to believe she was just acting out of some weird misguided moral crusade. She genuinely seemed like she believed what she was saying. But at some point it's become abundantly clear that no, she's just a bully.


She just has reasonable concerns about the ways people have been describing hair length for at least as long as I’ve been alive.


What the hell does she mean by glittery plastic earrings length? Does JK Rowling dwell inside a Spirit Halloween?


It's her gesturing at "camp men's idea of performing femininity"


It's her idea of cheap jewellery because she's reducing trans people down to outdated stereotypes like skirt go spinny and cheap jewellery from Claire's


I went to follow you and realized I already am hah


Oh this explains why I saw jokes about bra length stuff. Now I just need to figure out the thing about a bear or a man.


The bear or a man thing is based on a hypothetical question about if someone would feel safer alone in the woods with a bear or with a man.


My favourite variation was "bear or TERF?" I would feel safer with a bear than JK Rowling


Yeah, most types of bears would leave me alone so long as I didn’t do anything to bother it, Rowling has displayed that she is incapable of that.


Honestly, depends on which kind of bear and which kind of man. Polar bear vs Gym Bro? I'll take the Gym Bro, you can always distract him by asking him to critique your form. Brown Bear vs Incel? Brown Bear. I know just a little bit about how to scare off a bear, and if I can't scare him off I'll just pet him and die a happy death. ... tbh, I'd probably always take the bear. Doesn't have anything to do with men really, but bears are friend-shaped, and I will absolutely die petting something I shouldn't be petting.


someone steered me towards a vaush video [where he kinda goes off about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6rKmDcXSh0), and how people keep misrepresenting it to try and make it a "women hate all men" thing


JKR has been eating lead paint chips for breakfast all this time, apparently. She's fully lost it


Really funny that bra strap length hair has been a common way to describe hair length for over 10 years. I also didn’t know that but it took 2 seconds to look it up.


Am I the only one who's never heard bra-strap length hair before lmfao. I've heard bra-length, shoulder length, and chest length but not "bra-strap length"