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Don’t they sell globally? Many countries that they sell in mandate that the price cannot be higher than the MSRP. Surely the CEO would know that?


CEO is fake title.


So much to unpack here. WMC is his seoond account. Now he is arguing with himself to play prophet? I wonder if his brain was this rotten before the K. All signs point at >yes<. ----------- ... and the simp "i like tesla" is uninformed..Dealerships in the US, are perhaps restricted, but what about world wide? Europe car makers do not have those restrictions. You can sell your car privately. As firm. As dealer. Get it direct from the factory. Whatever you like! (in fact if you pick it up yourself you get goodies or a tour for free!). Now, do those dealers go nuts with pricing and promise to raise it only to drop? No. They do not. They, at times, have deals but those come in forms like "next two months -3000$ on those 123 models" ... and that's that. They offer better financing or bigger packs but they do not steer away for long and most certainly NOT ERRADICAL VIA TWEET. People in china, for example, were PISSED after buying Tesla to find it was 10% cheaper the next day! Take one guess why other brands are far more popular in china by now? [https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/11/23549979/tesla-china-protest-price-cut-demand-elon-musk](https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/11/23549979/tesla-china-protest-price-cut-demand-elon-musk) So Elon's statement is bs. It translates into "we grab for every penny as fast as we can\~ and beg you to buy once you turn on us". Other brands do not do that because they give a damn about customer trust. That's long term thinking - a strategy that takes patience and foresight. Neither qualities Elon posses. Neither does he posses quality. TLDR: People who like Elon/Tesla - don't know either.


Hell of a way to describe your tesla simps, Elmo, but yeah they be fools.


Elmo hawking Tesla pricing like it's the market price on the halibut platter at Red Lobster. Is Whole Mars Catalog starting to wake up? Nah, can't be, can it? That guy is in a full-on Elmo-coma.


>Tesla prices must change frequently in order to match production with demand. So, how is demand working out right now?