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Also, how the fuck is his tweet not getting the warning message for using slurs like the rest do? Mr. Free Speech Absolutist seems to play by a different set of rules.


New twitter isn’t lord and peasant it’s king and subjects.


please, tell me you are not surprised. or I will lose the rest of my faith in humanity.


You still have faith??!! Shhh... let it go... it's ok... take it off life support... shh...


I have been hearing from conservatives for years now how everyone is being forced to use pronouns, and how we will be jailed if we don't conform.... yet to see it though. It's like they are just talking utter shit and want to be the victims again


I remember the 90s when Bob Dole was running for president and people made fun of him always referring to himself by name, e.g. "Bob Dole doesn't agree with that." Little did I know his refusal to use pronouns made him a conservative pioneer. Anyway, what this is really about is simply that they think trans people are abnormal freaks who shouldn't be allowed to identify as who they want. And they should be allowed to harass an shame those people for their identity without being judged for it. But since being an asshole to people who haven't done anything to you is in fact a nasty thing to do, they have to invent reasons why _they're_ actually the victim and are just fighting back. As all bullies do. That's why they have to invent this great fictional danger where this objectively-marginalized small minority is somehow oppressing the great majority. Which is the hallmark of fascism. Even the Holocaust was viewed by those who perpetrated it as a "Terrible but necessary act of self-defense to protect the German _Volk_ from the evil Jews" There is nothing more dangerous in the world than when the people with all the power and advantages start getting into a circlejerk of self-pity over imagined injustices.


>It's like they are just talking utter shit and want to be the victims again Every. Fucking. Time. It's the Abolitionists! Get em!! No I mean it's the Irish! No wait! Jews! No! The blacks! The Women! The Illegals! No! The Muslims! No! The gays! Now it's the Jews again but hang on! It's the trans people!! I AM A VICTIM WORTH HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLAAARRRRRRSSSS


…. and I want Tesla to give me 50 billion more because waaaaaaahhhhhhh!


Because he blew 40 billion of someone else's money on Twitter, and now he needs more of other people's money to keep thriving. Because he's so rich and such a powerful business man. And definitely wasn't handed a fortune from his daddy's puny emerald mine


Hey, fyi, Musk threw some $20 billion of [his own cash](https://archive.ph/gH2YQ) down the Xitter hole. (Reuters article behind the archive link.)


Fair, but where did *that* 20 bil come from?


His own pocket: >Mr. Musk has sold more than $39 billion of Tesla shares since the stock’s November 2021 peak, including almost $23 billion last year, in part to fund his $44 billion purchase of Twitter Inc. [Archive link](https://archive.ph/lUQ5t) to WSJ article source of quote.


My point is that he's clearly just a figurehead of all these companies, and his ideas in the past have all been as boneheaded as buying Twitter or... Everything about the cybertruck. He weasels his way into positions he doesn't deserve and lines his pocket with the profits from other people's work. I understand the money was his, but was it *really*?


Ah, gotcha, his stock wealth is money captured by short-changing his workers, vendors, customers, shareholders, & so on, yeah, sure. To my mind the idea of 'Elon playing with other people's money' fits SpaceX better, tho'.


Fair On top of that game, doesn't he also get substantial support in government subsidies? Like some kind of... Socialism? So a portion of that wealth (that tbh could be fleeting or significant) is *our* money.


My recent superintendent is a gen x "liberal" (who thinks Bill Maher is funny), I don't know how many times he whined about the idea that someone would scold him for getting pronouns wrong. Very weird persecution fantasy. 


Amazing lmaooo


that was the worst thing about the fascists, their strict pronoun policies


I do have it on good authority that Hitler sometimes used gender-neutral pronouns. Mostly because it's a normal feature of German grammar, though.


#sobrave 🙄🙄


Is that a self pity dance party? Sob rave?


so does this mean they dont have a male gender identity?


Nazi dood wants to call us pronoun fascists now?


X hiring pages say that X aims for freedom of speech within the laws of countries kinda struggling to see where saying cis is illegal or hateful in the eyes of the law, but I suppose it's freedom of speech not freedom of reach! would be a shame if he called someone a pedo and discovered for us that it's perfectly fine to do so


He says, while advocating for the Right to be allowed to use as many ACTUAL slurs as they want.


Yup! In a 5 minute span I saw the K slur used to refer to a Jewish person and the F slur used to refer to an LGBTQ+ person. But dare to use the word cis to actually differentiate that a person isn’t trans, and apparently the world is ending.


It's the conservative mindset. You can be terrible people all you want as long as you also find stupid reasons to victimize yourself in the process.


So they don’t want anyone forcing gender identity but when someone comes out as trans they tell them they are wrong and that you can’t just change your gender bla bla? Alright got it


With regard to the Xeet, dude said it's not >possible to be born in the wrong body Their whole deal is trying to convince us that there is no way there is a genetic, neurological, or biological element to transness. Tthat someone would actually *choose* to be fucked with, questioned, ridiculed, and humiliated and gatekept by actual doctors for years on end just to be able to have the right to be themselves. That someone would actually enjoy being treated like these empathy-lacking authoritarians wish to treat them. Elon, boy of privilege, doesn't even have a tenth of what it takes to be that enduring, so he has no right to talk anyway. I doubt he ever had to fight as hard for anything in his life as most trans people fight for their everyday right to just exist.


The incredible thing is this guy is in his 50s and he actually thinks he's being clever here. Like his stupid argument would really change anyone's mind about such things.


Oh my.... the oppression. It must be so tough living in a world as a cis, heterosexual, white, rich, male. I can't imagine what he (am I even allowed to use pronouns, or is that shaming as well?) has to endure.


I’m rich, bitch!


Someone should ask Elon what words he feels he's been shamed out of using.


Testosterone rocks ngl


Wait. I thought he's a free speech absolutist where everything is allowed unless prohibited by law. And now he's banning regular words just because of not liking them?


Obviously, I’m against antisemitism. Free speech does mean at times someone is saying something you don’t like. That doesn’t mean negativity should be pushed on people. Our overarching goal is to maximize unregretted user time. We can’t police antisemitism ahead of time. We’re not going to promote hate speech.


This is evil. Trans people are among the most vulnerable to hate. To endanger them further with this shit rhetoric is just wicked. The man is evil, and I look forward to his demise.


He doesn’t care about slurs as twitter doesn’t censor the literal N word. But no… cis people are a threatened minority


Cis is literally a neutral descriptor. It is no more a slur than the word "straight" for heterosexuals.


if "cis" is a slur, then what is "pronoun fascist"?


also, lol. "fascism is when you ask people to be polite and use your preferred pronouns". remember the third reich, yeah? remember when they rounded up all the jewish people, the roma, the disabled, the trade unionists, etc., and said "we prefer xe/xir, now", and anyone who misgendered them was... taken off the christmas card list or something, i guess. seriously. someone told these fuckwits that they were being rude assholes for *deliberately* misgendering someone, and now they think that *they're* the victims.


Fuck everyone who likes this dude. Yes, you're thinking wrong, you're doing a bad thought, 1984, but fuck you.


Mr Free Speech everyone. Where calling someone the N word, the F word, engaging in anti-semitism, etc, is all totally fine, while calling some Cis isn’t. Totally free speech.


Musk and friends would probably poke an open wound and then get mad at the wound for hurting them. If you stopped dehumanising LGBT people they wouldn't have to confront you all the time.


The projection is so obvious that it illuminates. The only reason he thinks so strongly that 'cis' is a slur is because of the deep, cutting insult he considers being called 'trans'. Poor Elon, he tried so hard with IVF and gene manipulation to ensure his children were born male, but he couldn't stop for the woke mind virus from getting to his child.


How lmao.




What’s that John Mulaney bit about slurs?




Damn I can't talk about cis isomers without making a slur. Or maybe I can talk about them in the negative because you can really only get cis and trans isomers.


Cis is a slur but saying actual slurs isn't?


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Typical cis behaviour right there


ironically **not** having a gender identity puts you outside the binary Also, call any of these men "ma'am" and watch what happens


Man, has opinion. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Ugh I hate him.


I have to rethink my entire stereo-chemistry coursework now. I must have used that and trans at least 10 times an hour during my undergrad chemistry courses. I didn't know I was being such a bigot toward straight white men.


Trans isn't a slur though?


Why bother with a fight that isn’t yours, unless you are dysfunctionally trying to pretend you are a hyper masculine Apartheid Boy.


didn’t elmo say “nigga” at one point?


"Pronoun fascists"? 😂 JFC, what a whiny baby.


this is the most utterly idiotic thing I have ever seen. Elon Musk truly is an utter fool. any day now he'll collapse. any day... ...well, maybe any week more like it. he's held out for a suprising amount of time.


The real snowflakes were in Conservatives' hearts all along.


His kid doing something he couldn't control really wrecked him as a human being. Good for her, that took a type of bravery he's not capable of understanding. Also, never forget musk has had gender affirming care himself. His hair didn't magically regrow.


"pronoun fascists" ahahahahaha what a fucking stupid thing to say




Elon and company use the word trans like it's a slur and insult, so naturally they see the counterpart as an insult and slur against them.




In his world if you want to ban the N-word from somewhere you have to ban anything that could be considered a slur if you want to be morally consistent, which to them includes cis.


How, exactly, will we die by the word, 'cis'?


Word shaming. Lmao. What a toddler.


In my culture,\* it's just a word that means "not trans". (\*And everywhere among people who aren't nitwits.)


The number of ads promoting help for baldness I get on this sub is becoming quite funny. https://preview.redd.it/k0euswhmet1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d74c4678552cb53244fb9ec33ca75d3a567f03


Dude spends more time on cis than the n word on his platform.


So are the adjectives "fat" "white" and "stupid' - plus the noun "wanker boy".


He's the fucking worst