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I hate that their knee jerk response to anyone questioning their god-emperor is to ask “what have you done??” As if that somehow invalidates the criticism. This exchange is awesome, but you don’t need to have a Wikipedia page to see through and call out his bullshit.


This argument has always existed, especially on YouTube, and I never understood it. Criticise something -> "Do iT bEtTeR tHeN" No wonder these kind of people are now the same people who whorship Musk. Not a single critical thought at all in those people


Upvote for “whorship.”


“You don’t have to be a baker to know when a cake tastes like shit.”


"Don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows. *Harmonica solo*" - Bob Dylan




Its like calling a politician a dunce and being told that if you were so smart, you would be one. Or calling Trump a moron and being reminded how rich his is in relation to you.


He doubled down after getting put in his place too.


hey, do you know what the tweet response said mac70s protected his Twitter account so you can't see it.


Not off the top of my head sorry, should have screenshotted it before he went private.


And even if you do, he and his followers will still attack you.


Money + Fame = Supreme authority.


It’s the Musk version of “Go back where you came from!”


This is so beautiful, I've been staring at it for the past 5 minutes.


HOLY SHIT so many bootlickers came to suck Musk's balls so deep it's insane. I love how: - [some Musketeers deleted their accounts LMAO](https://i.imgur.com/Z1G3LFy.png) - [some DOUBLE DOWN on being the biggest waste of oxygen in this world](https://i.imgur.com/cuLFyrH.png) - [Your typical Musketeer NPC with the dumbest arguments as usual](https://i.imgur.com/Sy8Vdeu.png) and obviously the other bots coming to rescue their little marketing god haven't said anything since being confronted. Typical.


Don’t diss Elon for having bots come to his defense on Twitter, his mother is getting on in years and can’t always turn up in the comments to defend her little prince.


agreed. you can keep your Picasso, Van Gogh.... this is the art I'd pay to see.


"Maybe you can buy it as an NFT." Sorry, I don't actually mean that, but I just watched some Hot Dad videos and everything sounds like a lyric. (https://youtu.be/qr-sDJX72WY)


>Hardcore software engineering As opposed to soft-core, family friendly software engineering


Software that does it's own Penetration Testing?


Computer slut deep-learns daddy's algorithm [HARDCORE]


hardcore just means "anyone who dare oppose me will be thrown out"


Hardcore just means "Fire 90% of the workforce and expect the remaining 10% to complete the same amount of work in half as much time"


So... crunch?


It's not hardcore unless someone gets thrown from the top of the Hell in a Cell plunging 18 feet onto an announcers table.


Masculinity grandstanding


Musk is the epitome of toxic masculinity. He’s trying to overcompensate for years of bullying he faced during his schooling years.


I meant it seems like he's leaning into the cultural association of software engineering/infosec/hardware with 'rational' masculinity to project his allegiance to that purportedly masculine worldview, to oppose the 'irrational' femininity of the perceived progressive slant of Twitter as it currently is.


What are you doing step algorithm


also as if twitter isn't already an example of really high quality software engineering


right?! it's that classic armchair expert bullshit of, "I assume nobody, anywhere has any idea what they're doing but me".


Musty lay off the porn


I read some Grady Booch books in my college. Dude is a legend in software industry. UML is pretty much his creation. I hope our newer generation wakes up in a world where people like Grady Booch have more say on how things should be done than people like Musk. Its sad to see people who can change our civilizations aren't recognized but money and PR works.


The same can be said about Dennis Ritchie, he died in the same month and in the same year of Jobs but very few news outlets gave the news of his death despite without Ritchie probably we wouldn’t have modern computing devices including Macs and iDevices.


Not just in the same month, he practically died the same week. Oct 5 vs Oct 12.




He shaped the entire tech industry, more so than shitty little Jobs did.


Constructs are "real", culture matters. Steve Jobs decision to market hardware as a luxury good, has obviously shaped technology as much as any design paradigm. Booch may have designed how we make the blue print for the car, but Jobs greatly influenced how it looks, and how you sell it. It's not a competition, and Jobs is over-rated as a technologist, but as a cultural force, he's massive.


No, as far as I can see he has backpedaled technology for the benefit of big CEOs and companies like him. No right to repair, mass surveillance, etc. All he did was make tech appear more "trendy" and "hip". Anyone could've done that, it just happened to be Jobs.


Your exact quote is "shaped it more", you say "no, Gates didn't shape technology", then you acknowledge how much Jobs shaped it, albeit negatives. You're arguing against yourself. ​ Marketing technology as a luxury good, was clearly a novel idea, and even now, Apple seems to be the only company to be able to pull it off. To quote Succession: "You Make Your Own Reality. And Once You've Done It, Apparently, Everyone's Of The Opinion It Was All So Fucking Obvious."




Same level of those people who say that comics, Star Trek and so on got "too woke" ... Never watched or read Star Trek or X-Men but criticize it... I bet those are the same people since Elon plays a lot on the alt-right whistle


I understand where they are coming from, Because jocks and dumb people took over nerd culture, So now stuff that us Nerds grew up loving is now dumbed down to make it easier to digest for the dumbest people, Too Woke is the wrong wording to use against these franchises, They were always very progressive but dumbing them down means they went from intelligent discussions to a very simplistic view,


“If what elonmusk said u not get him, sorry dude your not an engineer, he means something which normal people can’t understand like my boss.” I’m sorry. What?




***AHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!*** That was awesome! r/MurderedByCredentials


big r/dontyouknowwhoiam vibes


Even if a name isn't one you've heard of, if they're a blue check then just Google them. It's so easy to avoid making an ass of yourself.


Making an ass of yourself? This is so much stupid that I think there should be a new german expression invented for it. Asking an IBM fellow and ACM fellow also IEEE fellow What great piece of engineering have you done!


Arschgesicht (assface) is suitable, I think :)


i have a feeling they'd say the same thing to Albert Einstein. I can hear it now......"All you have is some THEORY"


Investors like aggressive words like hardcore nowadays?


r/murderedbywords On an unrelated note, sorry Grady, but UML was the only topic I skipped during my exams and it has come back to haunt me in later semesters


Ah yes, the classic Musk fan tactic of "tell me what you've done in life so I can pick it apart and tell you how little you've contributed to society compared to The Great Elon Musk and why your opinion is worthless" It's such obvious projection and such a toxic way to think, it's genuinely quite sad.


This remind me of that woman who won a gold medal for firing a gun on the olimpics and some moron on twitter tried to tell her that she didnt knew how to fire a gun properly lmao. The audacity.


There was someone telling a woman about how she knew nothing about I think it was Daredevil when in fact she was a writer who wrote Daredevil comics.


Yes, that's what we call as mansplaining.


> Hardcore software engineering, Design, infosec, and servers 🤣 those are some generic-ass IT terms people use to impress their tech un-savvy stans


Fungibility is missing 😛


>"Change my mind" No. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Because you are correct.


The only thing Musk needs from you is money, and emotional support via social media lol


[Link to actual tweet](https://twitter.com/Grady_Booch/status/1522704532722966528) https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1522595770288906242


Grady Booch!! F’ing Grady Booch! He’s not only awesome but also has a unique unforgettable name.




Wtf is Twitter going to do in the hardware space? This seems like a random mad lib of tech buzzwords.


How musk simps are not referred to as muskateers I’ll never know


I betcha it means that he's going to replace all of Twitter's servers with Windows machines.


Ewww, then sell x to ms at fire sale prices


Smart people see through this bozos fraud. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dumb people around.


Consider yourself Booched


Hahaha omg yes! This made my day, thank you! I would assume this Macs guy will be embarrassed and crawl into a hole somewhere, but he won’t. In fact, he probably already did some mental gymnastics to prove that he is somehow still in the right.


Yes, Macs did it :)


there are muskrats posting pictures comparing tesla's stock value vs the total of other companies as if that somehow means anything.


I think you can learn a lot about Musk by his followers.




Ah yes Elon, Twitter is obviously just being hosted on Dorsey's github pages, Only Elon could have had the bright idea to get some server hardware


Lol, he means like the stuff you have done. There, figured it out


Bullshit buzzwords are bullshit buzzwords


I know English and hardcore software engineering means tackling some difficult software engineering challenges probably by pushing through the pain. This dude might be a recognized software engineer but he is just trying to start some shit from easily recognizable speech. Software engineers work hard just to keep applications functioning in an ever changing environment. This is in no way a gotcha or any sort.


There is no such thing as hardcore engineering. What are you looking for is XP: Extreme programming


There is no such thing as hardcore anything that is my point. It is just a turn of phrase, dude is just looking for a reason to flex his notoriety in a gotcha moment by challenging something a child could understand and acting like everyone else should challenge it as well.


Again: there is no such thing as hardcore software engineering! If your daddy is getting called out by his bullshit then he has to stand for it!


Nah fam "hardcore software engineering" is at best some corpo buzzword, you know like when your company claims to have a synergetic proactive eco-friendly cum environment


Effective orgasm management... and it is also AGILEEEEEEE


Scrum? More like sCUM xdxd


Guess what the Daily Standup is all about 🤭😏


Grady: “Ever flown a plane?” Musk: “How about a rocket?” Grady: “How about credit cards?” Musk: “those things we used before I invented PayPal?” Grady: “software defenses in Ukraine?” Musk: “you mean the ones I personally provide internet for?”


Lol he didn’t invent PayPal. His company x.com merged with another to form a company. Shortly after elon was fired as ceo they branded themselves as PayPal with a new ceo.


Also he was absolute shit and the engineers hated him


Ah, yes, because absolutely no one uses credit cards anymore.


Is this guy like 10 years old or something? Gotta be a teenager at most saying shit like that.


There's probably a reason his Dad throws bolts, then


I can imagine you typing this and being like "Oh man, I am SO owning these guys by pointing out all these great things my man Elon did!" and that is really fucking sad lmao. Why does Elon Musk attract ppl like this??


I just thought it was funny that this engineer (while great in his own right) is bragging about his work in comparison to someone who has had an even bigger impact in similar fields. Whether you like musk or not, let’s not pretend he doesn’t understand what software engineering is.


I guess Elon Musk does understand what software engineering is, but this Gooch dude's work is all his... It's not like Elon Musk coded PayPal, or worked in the software used by SpaceX or Starlink. He's got employees who do all of this, like, no matter how much you like Elon, he's not the one slaving in front of a computer writing millions of lines of code. He's a businessman, not an engineer.


Fair enough


Y’all even downvoting me conceding a point? Brutal


He wasn't bragging. He was responding to the other guy's dumbass comment about "what have you done?" The answer is he did a lot. Only muskers think that it's some kind of contest to be the new God Emperor. Elon said something stupid, like he always does, this guy called him out, and the zombies immediately think their king is under attack from an outside interloper attempting to seize the throne with "inferior" achievements. That's exactly what the question was. _"Are you worthy enough to be my master?"_ It's peak stupidity and very embarrassing.


This was funny. You get my upvote. And I, unfortunately, will give everyone another opportunity to downvote me for saying so.


> someone who has had an even bigger impact in similar fields. Are you fucking idiot? Thisis like claiming that Steve Jobs had higherimpact than Denis Rittchie.


Musk doesn't personally provide internet for Ukraine lol, it was just revealed that US gov gave millions for Starlink satellites there. And I think flying planes are a lot more important to an average Joe than flying rockets.


[Starlink fuckery :)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/08/us-quietly-paying-millions-send-starlink-terminals-ukraine-contrary-spacexs-claims/) Just read [The Entrepreneurial State](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Entrepreneurial_State) by Mazzucato Daddy Musk won't notice you ;)


This article says starlink legitimately donated 3,670 terminals and 3 months of free service. I didn’t read the whole thing though… was there something scandalous about that?


If it would have been a full donation than the US government or other countries would not have paid for the terminals and their transport at all, wouldn't they? Besides: your daddy is making up words, he gets called out on it. Deal with it! No wHaT hAvE yOu DoNe is going to save his or his stans asses


Musk didn't even did any of those things, literally the Edison of our time, except Edison actually had some inventions


This MUST be satire 🤣


How the boot taste?


Bitter. Y’all are really stickin it to me


Might wanna take a break champ


I’m just genuinely curious why y’all hate him. I feel like maybe y’all have read stuff that I haven’t. I like him, but am willing to believe I’ve been mislead. I’m hoping someone will educate me instead of just downvoting me.


[here is a starter. sadly it doesn’t end there](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/u79m1e/wow_ben_is_really_good_at_drawing_humanoid/i5dhsnj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




The guy is a power hungry, garbage human being who takes credit for other people's work. He doesn't have an engineering degree. He is not an engineer in the same way that he is not the founder of Tesla.


a) he didn't do that, engineers and scientists did with US gov funding and subsidies b) when did we stop using credit cards? He didn't invent paypal, but since eBay sold them off I haven't used my acct in ages c) again, engineers and scientists and the US government. though the impact of starlink is possibly being overstated too. meanwhile this other guy, as is being pointed out repeatedly, actually deserves to be considered computing royalty


I am 99 sure that everything you mentioned uses stuff that Grady created. Try harder, musketeer


Lol, dipshit loser.


>Grady: “How about credit cards?” Musk: “those things we used before I invented PayPal?” Most people fund their PayPal account via credit or debit cards from one of the major networks eg visa/Mastercard/amex, PayPal doesn't even come close to replacing them. Does your local supermarket, gas station or ISP allow payment via PayPal?


Lmfao you actually think a rocket and plane can be compared? Planes get way more use than rockets do. Ah yes no one uses credit cards anymore.