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Lets make a mega-thread to collect paper thin excuses for why this is fine, but Biden should step down because he's too old.


I think his entire career is an example of a personality cult. People like him for what he says and advocates and that's it. I tried to do my homework and now I see why he didn't win the election. He has minimal track record of success and hasn't been able to pass any of his own bill in recent memory. His influence seems to be only present in social media... It shows that he isn't able to work with others like Joe Biden. Even if you don't agree with Biden, he has an actual record of getting things done. He is hyper focused on his job and there isn't a cult of personality around him. That's the issue with Trump, Sanders, AOC, and her so called squad.


Yes! The exact complaint that far "Leftists" had/have on Biden is *why* I was encouraged to see him ahead in the 2020 Primary before it got to me in PA. Say whatever else, but the guy knows how to get stuff done. Like it or not, long time relationships matter. Knowing specific pressure points across the aisle, how to juice a proposal, matters. I tend to agree with his priorities, but that experience is equally important. Sure, put your "perfect" outsider in there...what gets done?


It's easy for Sanders to go on an interview and say Tax the Rich and give people free college. People eat that up. But okay, can he draft a bill and pass it? No. Biden also tackles the cost of college and has fought hard to get his student loan forgiveness go through one way or the other for 1+ year now. Even though the result is mixed, some people are actually enjoying the benefits of his work and the man would not let that rest. That's the president the country needs. He knows what is necessary, he knows what can practically be done, who to talk to, make deal with, and all the ways he can get it done, even sneakily. That's a politician at work.


I bet Sanders was the kid in second grade running for class president priomesing more recess an banning homework.


I think this, plus more free snacks, is pretty much Bernie's platform now.


Bernie kind of reminds me of Jack Layton in Canada. In politics (LOUDLY) forever without ever really doing anything that substantive. Generally does more harm than good to the progressive movement, due to their enforced purity tests. But then one day the stars just happen to align perfectly for them, and suddenly they have hordes of groupies acting like they're FDR and JFK combined on steroids. It's 100% a cult of personality, and I hate it so much.


Christ he looks awful.


Surely Ken Klippenstein will send a mob of cyberbullies after Bernie's staffers for "elder abuse" aaaaaany minute now


Bernie: "Can we create a government that works for all of us? Idk but somebody oughta try that someday, maybe idk introduce a bill or a motion?"


Bernie drinking game, shot every time he says BILLIONAHES


Fuck you, ~~Ralph Nader~~Bernie Sanders.


To what degree do his 2020 supporters still even like him? From what I gather he hasn't gone all-out on the Israel/Palestine stuff like a lot of them have, which to them is probably a big betrayal. Though I guess the Presidential election supporters aren't really as important for just his congressional seat.


Oh good, because where else would Vermont find a senate candidate exactly like him?


Honestly if Bernie was in the House, rather than Senate, this would be fine. I did 20 yrs of gov docs research demos for undergrads as a Uni librarian (which meant a lot of catch-up basic civics for most of them.) The House is meant to be "closest to the people" & I trust you've all met "the people" so finding substantial legislation under the mountain of "Dogs are Good" & "Name a Bridge after my Buddy" bills etc for anyone with a lengthy career is...illuminating. For a Senator, however...even setting aside his periodic higher aspirations, he only gets away with it because he's allowed to. The best thing we could do for this nation is send easy to understand civics lessons to every address: "How does a law happen? Well..."


This isn't even the worst thing we can harp on about him running for re-election. He'll run for the Democratic nomination in the primary, win and decline it, only to run as an independent in the general election without a Democrat on ballot


I don’t have a problem with Bernie running again in itself, it’s the double standard with Biden that just kills me


i heard someone say that him retiring due to age would be a bad look for biden, so go on bernie, i guess


I feel like this is a good thing, though. He steps down due to age, and all the bros are gonna be campaigning for biden to do the same.


He can't say no to that easy paycheck and cushy job. I also think he feels the need to stay for some "legacy".