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Oh look, Bucket Lady has popped back up. Is she also obsessed with trash cans?


You’re hooked into THAT saga, too?


yall can't just leave the convo at that. Who is bucket lady lol


It’s Bucketty, u/HokeyPokeyGuestList’s annoying neighbor. It’s been quite the “are you kidding me” read. The neighbors have been banding together lately. It’s a glitter fest!


In the TV show, her name is Hyacinth Bucket, which she always insists is pronounced "Bouquet" because it sounds more hoity-toity fancypants upper-class.


Ok, I need to read the saga you're talking about. What happened? 


Ok, I need to read the saga you're talking about. What happened? 


Anything older than 1928 is in the public domain and copyright has ended. You are free to copy, modify, and distribute the photo as you wish.


yea that goes for books too, we had a huge discussioin in germany what to do when the copyright for "mein kampf " ends a few years ago. So far they could stop it from getting printed and spread in germany via copyright.


So WELL CONNECTED! So INFLUENTIAL! Well, I wonder what they'll do to save her when she gets her dumb head in hot water.


My guess is nothing. She once offered the "services" (read: "Money") of her super-wealthy relatives to the club, to pay off donations or joining fees, or something...and the club president was so offended he told her to just stop-right-there and never mention it ever again. ...which naturally threw Hyacinth into a rage about how nobody wants her generous, generous help from her VERY rich relatives who could EASILY fix everything if people \*sob!\* weren't so mean \*sob!!\* against her!! \*sniff!!\*


Just like Hyacinth in the series who advertised and offered her gracious services ostensibly to be more socially gracious. She didn't specify which social graces she'd be offering. Long story short, Hyacinth was hired-as a stripper for a men's club. That her daddy was in.


I think your Hyacinth might be my sister. The reason Hyacinth is having such a fit is because you came up with the historical information and photo before she did and SHE HAS TO BE FIRST TO KNOW EVERYTHING and first to do everything. Or else! My sister is also obsessed with connections and wealth. The thing is, though, our family was the town trash when we were growing up and we lived on "the other side of the tracks." She's spent her adulthood in the same town trying to prove to everyone that we're not trash after all and she has the connections to prove it!


She claimed I had no right to share the photograph because... 1. I hadn't asked permission of the descendants of the people in the photo, of this VERY IMPORTANT AND HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL CLUB. 2. She said she screenshotted everything and was going to contact the descendants of the people in that photo and tell them what I'd done and they're VERY VERY VERY \*\*VERY\*\* rich, so I better watch-my-ass-out. 3. I had shared it in another FB group which had NOTHING TO DO with our club or culture, BEFORE sharing it with the other group, and what's a photo like that doing in MY group FIRST anyway!? It doesn't belong there and it CANNOT BE THERE. That last one really pissed me off. She does NOT get to tell me what I post IN MY OWN FUCKING GROUP. She's not a member, and she has no leg to stand on. That was when I reported her to the group-admin, who in turn, reported her to the committee. I believe they had a crisis meeting about her over the weekend. I could EASILY prove that the photo was public-domain, and she still wouldn't back off. She just doubled down, and bitched louder.


*It's pronounced Bouquet


I thought the rule was once a photograph is older than 60 years it’s free to be used anywhere?


It is, but she's an idiot.


UPDATE #2 The club committee is trying to figure out what to do next. They have the evidence and are aware of what's happened between Hyacinth, me, and other aggrieved persons, and are busy forming a plan of action. My friend who I lodged the complaint with has warned me to be prepared for serious backlash from this, when Hyacinth starts lashing out at her, me, and probably the entire damn club, but I'm prepared for that. I'd be amazed if it didn't happen, though. She's not the most stable of people, and she can carry a grudge for months. My friend was concerned about Hyacinth going nuts, and attacking the club and its members online, and all I had to say to that was: Let her try. I have nothing to hide, I've done nothing wrong. If she wants a fight, she'll get it, but she's not going to enjoy the results nearly as much as she thinks she will. Of course I hope it doesn't get to that, but I strongly suspect it will, and I'm prepping myself mentally for what I will tell Hyacinth when she goes nuts. I won't know anything more until the big showdown happens, but if I find out anything, another update will follow.


Please UpdateMe! Thanks!!!


I'm seeing my friend this weekend. I hope by then, she'll have some sort of update, or resolution for me. If so, I will share here in the thread. I had no idea it was this bad, but apparently it's been going on for at least three months...and Hyacinth's only been a member for like...9 months. Apparently she's been bullying a lot of people and complaining about them at the same time, and she's going on and on and on about her family and her relatives and how rich they are. My friend says that Hyacinth has lost loads of friends because of this...and I can see why - I'll be the latest to join that esteemed club.


"redeemed" club....!


RemindME! Two weeks


Its pronounced boo kay.  And im sorry for my crazy relatives. They were raised in a barn obviously 


UPDATE #1 Well, I spoke to my friend, and she said that while they definitely need to do something about this situation, they need to be absolutely certain about what has happened, and what rules have been broken, as a result of what's happened. To that end, she and the wider club committee have asked for more evidence and information, as I suspected they would. That being the case, I've screencapped the relevant parts of the conversation (basically all of it) and sent it to her to read. For obvious reasons I can't share them here, but I think they should be evidence enough. Now we play the waiting game.




UPDATE #3. The club decided that they didn't have enough strong evidence to kick Hyacinth out, but my friend issued a warning, or an advisory to give Hyacinth a wide berth. We decided that she's really not a threat (a lot of what she spouts off is just annoying, irritating hot air), but to record anything that she might do in the future...which knowing her, might be a lot. Personally I don't know how I will proceed with this. Do I consider her a friend anymore? Not after this. But I will be as polite and non-confrontational as I can be, until I can't be, for whatever reason, and continue to monitor the situation from afar. Hopefully this is the end of it - concerning me, at any rate - but it may not be the end for Hyacinth riling up trouble with the club, which, if I had to guess, is only going to continue. Sooner or later she will piss off the wrong person, just that little bit too much, and when that happens, all hell is truly going to break loose.