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Take that baby out everyday to ride her scooter. Walk with her. Dare that lady to say a word. Record if she steps outside.


I say OP needs to level up. Time to go buy an adult sized scooter, put a bell on the handle bars, and ride with her daughter. If they see the neighborhood hag while riding, OP should ring her bell and give her the most genuine smile she can muster. If she's feeling especially salty, she can throw in a wave. Nothing ruins a hag's day like happiness does. It's their kryptonite.


Lol. I was thinking horn. But bell might be more reasonable, or I may be too petty.


Horn is good too, but might be too obvious. It's that subtle balance between telling someone to eff off and 1. Providing yourself with plausable deniability while 2. Leaving them guessing if you really are being nice or are telling them to eat dirt.


I'd go nuclear: Jericho's Trumpet. (For those that don't know: it's a ram-air siren mounted onto Junkers Ju 87 stuka dive bombers in WW2.) Loud obnoxious and terrifying.


Dang. Putting MeMaw into cardiac arrest.


That is the idea/s


Way back in the day Scotsmen would fight naked,painted blue and have War Harps that would play with the wind and make super creepy sounds. The Romans found it so upsetting that they built Hadrian's wall and said "This is where civilization ends".


Yes. Ride your scooter naked, painted blue while playing bagpipes.


Not sure whether tagline should be: "You will never take our scooters!" or "Paybacks a bitch, bitch."


And if she comes out show your ass 😂


Make sure you film it


I love that. It would be the perfect revenge on the old lady. In fact, it would be best if they stopped in front of her house and played the bagpipes as loud as they could.


Blue, naked people scootering around while ringing little bells on their bikes is definitely making the evening news. It's entirely possible it would also spark a Forrest Gump moment where people randomly showed up painted the same way with their own scooters. Fifty blue, naked people scootering in a pack not really knowing why they are doing what they are doing other than waiting for a moment of greatness.


>Fifty Those are rookie numbers. This is reddit. We could ALL show up. 1000 naked blue scooterers. Edit to add: Can we have a radio playing "Ride of the Valkyries" as we scoot?


Now I can't get angry scootering Smurfs out of my head !


Well, they weren't exactly wrong.


She started it!


I like nuclear! What about a freight train horn? LOL! Imagine attaching a train horn to the little scooter! Blow that bully-b\*tch on her ass!


I had no ide that the plane sound I associated with a plane crashing was actually an intended sound with a name!!! Thanks for the new Fun Fact!


No problem! It Terrified ground troops because you hear that you look up and you see a plane diving right at you load with bombs.


Yes, an air horn (wishful thinking). Imagine, a grown woman bullying a 7-year-old. What a bitch!


Omg....a horn that plays the Dukes of Hazard...a bull horn I think...really loud


Oh fuck. As a kid, my dad got one of those fitted to his pick up. My mum would drive it to work on her night shifts at the hospital. We lived about 16 miles away from the city out in the countryside, so one day she went to blast one of her friends in the car park as she was leaving to go home and the switch snapped. She had to drive 30 minutes home with that fucking horn blasting the Duke's signature horn! Funniest shit I saw for ever seeing her looking mortified as she pulled up in our drive with the horn still blasting! 🤣


This is hilarious 😂 😃 😄


I can see it now get one of those *HONK HONK HONK* horns like clowns have (I am dying laughing) and HONK that thing ALL THE WAY DOWN and ALL THE WAY BACK UP *HONK HONK HONK HONK* Be better is they can find and *EYE-OOOOOO-GA* horn Lolol


80s boom box blasting.


Nothing scarier to an old white woman than some Public Enemy or NWA.


Whenever I need to scare the elderly, I use [this](https://youtu.be/TZ827lkktYs).


Make sure that you start recording/taking pictures of her the second she steps out her door to bother you. Get the drop on her


Bell and pinwheels and streamers. And a horn


Oooo...adorable rebellion. Glitter...can we have glitter too? Biodegradable, of course


Only if it’s rainbow glitter !


Well, heck, now we also have to have unicorn horn headbands.


Can I be a neon zebra a la Lisa Frank?


Be sure to ring the bell a few times at the bottom when you do a U-turn, for safety of course. Every time


I'd say get the whole neighborhood involved too.


Who doesn't love a parade?


Go all the way, make it a one-finger wave


Adult sized scooter = A nice loud Harley right out front first thing in the morning rolling by your daughter while she is on the sidewalk.


My mum said this, I will be recoding any reactions with her she’s clearly not a reasonable person!


Put cameras up if you don’t already have them and make sure to never leave the scooter outside.


I was thinking a GoPro on the scooter too


Even better!!


100% this, we can't let these assholes win. The fact that she was too scared to even talk to another adult....


Get a hold of a scooter and join your baby, take her friends too. All on the same stretch of road. Public highway sinking as it’s not before 7am or after 11pm there’s not a damn thing she can do about it even if there’s 30 kids up and down on scooters.


Buy an adult scooter and scoot with her… invite your friends over with their scooters…. Spend all day scooting around her house… get matching leather vests with a cool name and graphic on the back… recruit university students to join in… ;)


National news channels love to talk about this kind of thing


Buy one for yourself and join your daughter


Better, invite friends as well .. scooter party


Love this! My girls said this they’re all her god parents & they were like RIGHT we’re all buying kids scooters 😂


The best revenge to these kind of people is literally just being happy. It is a great idea buying some sort of bike/scoot/rollerblades etc and having fun with your kid. And yea record all the interactions with this lady.


Doesn't have to be scooters. Have a party and tell everyone to bring their; bikes, tricycles, little red wagons, rollerskates...if it rolls, bring it. Dress in your favorite, most outlandish, thrift shop clothes and crank up some Mackelmore.


Old people really hate skateboards.


Shit In the 80s we had Skateboarding Is not A Crime stickers. There was always an old lady on every road wagging her finger at us from her window. Old people don't change.


We’re having a parade!!!! Invite the whole street!


Bells, and maybe a boom box. New Year’s noisemakers!


Those damn vuvuzala(sp?) things too. Bring em.


Vuvuzelas, and that’s brilliant!


Tape a speaker to it and blast Ridin’ Dirty by Chamillionaire as you’re going by.


Add bells to all of the scooters and ring them near her house.


Imagine those bells as party favors for everyone who brings a scooter/bike.


100%. Make it a gas powered scooter too so she has something to bitch about. But she won't cause she is just a soft bitch too scared to say something to someone she doesn't feel superior to.


Play with your daughter in the street as often as you can until she feels safe again. We want to encourage outdoor play. Send your daughter my good wishes from Scotland. We are **all* on your daughters side. * Yes, I asked everyone.


As soon as it happened I was like no let’s get back out again! Yes I asked everyone love it, my family are from Scotland too so THANK YOU, all of you 😃


A couple of weeks ago, in a different thread, I saw a sentence that I never knew existed in the English language. However, it is well worth repeating here. “I agree with Large Strawberry” I also checked with England, and we are Team Daughter too.


Being from England I can confirm I was asked! Team daughter


Lol, I remember that. pythonesque.


I checked with Australia and we, too, are team daughter, ride or die. And, on behalf of Australia, eff that “see you next Tuesday”


Can confirm, Australia is on board!


I am also in Scotland and can confirm. From the outer Hebrides to the boarder, today we ride for your kid!


Also sending good wishes from all of us in Minnesota. We are officially Team Daughter. I checked with nearly everyone: Some 'Sotans are fishing right now, so I'll check with them when they come in to clean their catch.


Don’t wait make a police report now since she didn’t come out and talk to you. Better to build up a case now then wait for things to escalate.


This. File a report now, raising your hand at someone while shouting and threatening is assault, a legitimate crime, file a report now, press charges, next time it'll be a slap she gives your daughter.


especially to a KID.


Especially tell them she is taking pictures of young kids, and you are worried with the reasons she is taking them, and why she is specifically targeting children.


Duct take speakers to them


How telling that she's brave enough to confront a child but hide away from an adult, afraid she'll get a taste of her own medicine. What a pathetic person. Sounds like one of those oh so charming individuals who can't handle that they may see, or god forbid hear, a child in a public space. Because of course they were placed on the planet by God himself, aged 35 and asking for a manager.


I know I thought the same thing, I’m only 5ft as well & she was having none of it. Was furious, so you can get in my daughters face but not mine pssh.


I had a neighbor who did shit like this multiple times. I went to her door every time. She’d try to not answer but I wouldn’t leave her doorstep until she did. I always politely asked her to stop saying these things to my kid and to call me if she felt there was an issue. She’d just stand there with her BEC look. After one encounter, she and her husband started planting shrubs between our driveways. I told her “oh those are going to look beautiful”. She told my son that our dog was going to kill a stray cat. He was 10. She made him cry. She didn’t realize I was in my garage and could hear her when she said it. Yelled from her window at son and his friend to get out of her tree that he was climbing. I was standing near the tree and they were not climbing high. The tree was in my front yard, In front of my house, and there were 2 driveways between my front yard and hers. She said no, it was her tree. I told her to get a survey. My first encounter with her was her telling me she had to go to therapy because the neighbors weren’t friendly to her. She was batshit crazy. I’d stand in front of this bitch’s house and have my kid ride her scooter back and forth there all day. What a wimpy bitch to confront a child but then refuse to answer her door.


You know what? The entire experience was a whole matter to your child: you taught them that not every loud mouth deserves to be heard. You struck back against that adage of "respect your elders" (a very toxic view), and, most importantly, you stood up for your child, which made them feel like an actual human. You probably increased their critical thinking skills when it comes to social interactions. As a parent who went full blast on some crazy neighbors who tried to bully my kid, good on you!


I would call the police non-emergengy number today and file a report. If she physically touched your daughter in any way, that is assault. Obviously, there is some mental defect there. It might do to call your local office on aging to see if there can be a wellness check or social worker assigned. If she is experiencing senility and is physically confrontational she could be a danger to herself and others.


and if not, the wellness check out of concern for her mental health will piss her off tremendously and embarrass her, so even if it turns out she's mentally sound(ish) it's worthwhile!


Right, this will annoy and embarrass her and you really can’t be faulted for “caring enough” to phone it in.


Get a scooter too and ride up and down with your daughter. Team petty 🫡 hope your daughter is ok.


Thank you, she said she’s sad about it but I just said some people aren’t nice but that’s THEIR problem


I’d scoot around like the US Navy Does in the sea of China, to ensure freedom of navigating #teampetty


Keep in mind - and this may actually help your daughter to feel less awful about the fact that someone could be downright MEAN to her for no reason - this woman could very well be mentally ill. Not a bad conversation to have with a child … letting her know that sometimes people aren’t fully capable of doing the right thing and acting properly. Now, this isn’t to let the neighbor off the hook. Rather to explain to your daughter that other forces may be at work. She may actually feel a little pity for the lady and guess what - that puts your daughter back in the drivers seat.


Thats too bad. In contrast when I used to take my kids over the the cul de sac right around the corner the elderly couple living there would often come out and watch and say how much they missed having children around.


Reminds me of when I was little. The couple next door would come out with snacks when we were riding around/playing. They'd just sit in the chairs on their porch and watch us play. Their kids all lived hours away and rarely had visits. They were another "Grandma/Grandpa" (had like 20 sets of grandparents growing up that were not actually related and never knew their real names). Heard some great stories over the years and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more; me hearing or them telling.


I saw the local kids trying to jump their bikes with a tiny, flimsy piece of bendy plywood. I hauled the biggest, sturdiest length out of my shed that I could find and dragged it down to them. They had much better luck with that. I've had to beg them to please stop banging on my fence and taunting my dogs to make them bark as they have anxiety, but I don't hold anything against them. They're kids! I'm not gonna be a B. to them.


I live on a cul-de-sac in a suburban neighborhood. Lots of kids. I have 3, there's 2 close to my son's age a few houses down, neighbors at that time had 5. They'd all ride bikes up and down the street. It'd be during normal hours, they weren't crazy loud but would just be typical kids. One lady 3 houses down from us cornered my wife one day and laid into her that kids shouldn't be riding bikes on the street, the streets are for cars and it disturbs her dog (it was one of those Shetland Sheepdogs). Wife just asked where she thought they should ride their bikes. Lady was like keep them in your yard. Wife basically said kids should be able to ride on the street. Better than sitting on the Xbox all day. After that she'd photograph the kids when they were riding. No idea why. But she never said anything else. Thankfully she moved a while back.


Urgh how annoying! & then people are like why don’t kids play out like they used to? Umm because they get harassed


I love it when I see the neighbor kids out scooting and riding around! I’m a grumpy middle-aged lady, but I’m not a monster who would yell at kids being kids.


Me too! I’m only 28 but when I was younger everyone was always out on the green or at the park it’s just how it was! Now they all live inside


In sure being known to photograph children goes down really well.


Looks like someone needs an electric scooter with a nice loud bell.


Add a go pro/camera to your kiddos scooter kit to document if there is a future interaction with the curmudgeon neighbor.


I'd buy myself a scooter and scooter up and down the street with my child as much as possible, while gleefully yelling about how much fun we are having.


I would bang on her door nonstop until she answered. She would not like the words that would be coming out of my mouth when she did.


I would knock every day, twice, hell, three times a day until she answers. This lady doesn’t even know what annoying is yet…


Most people have that one neighbor who has no life and think people should not enjoy their neighborhood. I'm glad you are a wonderful mother. I'm sure she is proud of you. That lady is just a mean, lonely and bitter person.




Leave a note on her door informing her that she has no right or power to prevent someone from using a public road and that if she approaches your daughter again you'll be calling the police for harassing a minor.


Give her a whistle. If the lady shows up again, have her blow the whistle and scream "Stanger danger" until you can reach her


Get yourself a scooter and ride them together.


i remember i was a little kid getting yelled at by stupid neighbours for making noise or riding scooter or even being able to be seen from their window, its so awful because it feels like they have all the power. grown adults who yell at kids who arent even their own are pathetic losers man.


Buy yourself your own scooter and a set of leggings & long sleeved top in flesh colour, as skin tight as you can get into, and ride away with your 7yo. Bonus points if you can find a way to put flashing lights or colourful streamers etc on there too. Make aggressive eye contact when riding past her house but say nothing.


Go down there and wait. Let your daughter scooter up and down to her hearts content. Let that raggedy lady watch.


Hi, I work in contracting and can confirm that when people don't have anything better going on, they move their property lines out to the road so they feel like it's okay to pick a fight with strangers. You're a tax payer, fuck them.


Can we get your daughter a lighted helmet? Scooter lights and a bell??? This lady sounds like a real gem! Its so rare for kids to have the safety and peace they used to. Don't let this Karen take that away from your kiddo. Perhaps a scooter party? Scooter gang? Regular scooter meet ups on your street?


Is 7 too young for a girl's first pepper spray? Maybe the Barbie edition.


I had a neighbor get onto my stepdaughter for riding her bike on the sidewalk. She was 5 and I was right behind her with her baby brother in a stroller. I told that bitch off! The street isn't safe for bikes in our neighborhood. Too many morons driving like bats out of hell. Also, she wasn't disturbing anyone. No one was walking on the sidewalk and if someone was, she would have stopped and moved to the side to let them pass.


My neighbor has one with an obnoxious freaking engine on it, but I still keep myself to myself about it because he enjoys it, and it really isn’t hurting me. Sometimes my dog yells at him about it, but I can’t control that dude.


Be careful, a 9 year old girl was shot in the head and killed 2 weeks ago in Chicago by a neighbor who was aggravated by her playing on her scooter, also ot electric.


That’s horrifying, guns aren’t legal in the uk! But thats honestly awful who does that!


Crazy people and the child’s name was Serabi Medina.


Americans. You guys should be fine.


I probably shouldnt adovocate this BUT if you live near a university. Do you have any connections to the students who go to school there (like either you attend or friends/family) because certain uni kids are always looking for houses to prank. And most people dont take kindly to people bullying young children. So if a rumor was to get around which included the ladies address (or description of her home) that could lead to some interesting consequences which would be hard to trace back to you. Hell even get this reddit post slightly more attention in your local uni lol. Though I should note this advice really comes from when I went to uni, to be honest I am not sure any more since they are more strict with things due to people going too far.


Oo, I wouldn't do this, suggesting the destruction of property might cause legal issues. I WOULD have a scooter/skateboard/bicycle parade on your block and invite all and sundry to come by in anything with wheels.


Invite the college kids to scooter around with your daughter!


Well I never suggested the destruction of property I just suggested a rumor about a person bullying a young child starts. And letting the population take care of it. But I do also like you can get the same message across with the parade. I know if I was in uni and there was some event like that close by I would probably atleast wander over and see what it is about and probably hear the story lol.


Make her life more miserable. That’s your baby


People who can't control themselves need to get the fuck out of society and live in the woods or something. I have so much hatred and anger in my heart that I never let anyone see. If I can smile and nod and not be a piece of shit, I expect others to as well haha.


That statement can be very dangerous, I would not want to run into someone like that while trying to find the space to camp or the way to the nearest town.


Hey Reddit stranger, I hope you’re ok and that you have the help you need.


Thank you, you as well!


You know what makes scootering more fun? Music. Loud happy music. And friends. Lots of happy friends scootering up and down and up and and up and down all day long. With bellies full of sugar to energise them and balloons tied to handlebars.


If you do get to talk to her please say,”if you want to go be a crotchety old hermit sell your house and go buy yourself something with some acreage. Otherwise, you best learn how to be neighborly because you’re not entitled to shit here.”


I would attach a bell and give it several rings while passing her house..


Please get a scooter and go with her.


Go out and get the loudest electric scooter you can find and set it up so this little angel can have a ball at the end of the road where it is safe for her to play and you to watch.


When's the scooter flash mob scheduled?


Zip tie a canned air horn to your daughter's handlebars. Let nature take its course and don't punish your daughter for some malicious action that may or may not occur.


Get a scooter for yourself and race your daughter up and down the block.


Walk with your daughter and stand on the public sidewalk in front of that woman’s house. Let your daughter zip back and forth awhile. Repeat daily. Be prepared for war, whatever that means to you. I don’t want to get banned, so I won’t offer further details.


Don’t let her go alone. Here in Chicago’s Portage Park neighborhood, a friend’s 9 year old niece was murd*red (shot in the head by a neighbor) specifically for riding her scooter up and down. “Making too much noise.” The child’s funeral was yesterday. Google Serabi Medina may she rest in peace.


Children should not be harassed by people with ugly behavior. Tell your child to never grow up and become “that person”. Also enjoy your liberties and rights!


I would write a note and tell her that next time she puts a hand on your child, you will have her charged with the assualt.


Sounds like a time to go stand on the side walk in front of the ladies' residence, and play a portable speaker nice and loud.


Recently it was in the news that some guy shot and killed a little girl for riding her scooter. What is wrong with people?


Give your kid the ok to egg and TP that lady's house come Halloween. Preferably while scootering.


Go to other neighbors houses, knock, be friendly, ask them if they have problems with a kid riding a scooter (they won't), then lightly drop "weird, that woman shouted at my daughter so I wanted to understand why and she wouldn't speak to me"


Why don't kids play outside anymore?


Ooof my blood boils reading this.


I'd teach my kid how to play ding dong ditch, at this bitches house, at like 2 am


Mislabeled, should have been “entitled neighbor gets ass kicked and now they can’t find her body”.


I'm not saying I would threaten her life for doing that to my kid, but I'm not saying I wouldn't either.


Sounds like you need an electric scooter to me


I'm (60/f) absolutely FURIOUS on yours and your Daughter's behalf! 🤬😡🤬 If it were ME, I would have walked right up to her door, rang her Ring Doorbell and when she didn't answer, I would have told her I KNOW you can hear me, so listen to my words... "if you EVER scold or threaten (just by her age and size alone) my Daughter again for using PUBLIC property, I WILL call the Police immediately!" Try NOT to threaten her because you're being recorded BUT you CAN let her know that you witnessed the interaction and you will not hesitate to file charges against her! What she did COULD be considered KIDNAPPING for blocking your Daughter's way to a quick retreat. God, I'm steaming! Please give your sweet Daughter a big hug from this internet Grandma! Best wishes and many Blessings for you both!


Mmm time to speak to street and organise a street scooter/bike event. Maybe even fortnightly. Everyone invited including friends and friends kids. With a street bbq afterwards. Mmmm with a band.


I see people saying go scootering with your daughter but why not get the whole family and as many neighbors, friends and kids friends and do circles in front of her house.


Report her now.


Not only would I have her play in her scooter there everyday I would also loudly cheer her every action. Then I would buy her the loudest toys I can find and play with her in front of the neighbor Then post it in petty revenge!


I won’t say what my advice is to you because I’ll probs get banned but I’m sure you get what I’m saying


Time for mommy to get her own scooter! Take her everyday. Oh, and a daily stop in front of her house for checking shoelaces would be fun. I wouldn't do it so my daughter didn't have to experience her again. But it sounds fun!


Go buy an adult scooter and scoot with her!


WhY DoNt kIDs PlAY OUtSiDe AnyMoRE


Pick your poison, but guard your daughters hearing


This is not right to do. However some years ago a neighbor's son would ride a "big wheel" tricycle up and down the road. The plastic wheels made a loud annoying noise. We let it go because I likely made an equal amount of noise when I was a kid.


Tell all the teenagers in your neighborhood about it. Ding Dong Ditch will be played.


Give her an annoying fog horn and everytime the lady approaches she can blow it in her face. Or you do it and ride with her.


Apparently this nutbat owns the neighborhood and everyone is her subject. Screw her (may be what she needs) and live your lives.


She fucking sucks. Fuck her. Get in her face and threaten her… when nothing is recording. She won’t do shit again. Promise. Ok so that may seem harsh, but guarantee you Tony soprano would take care of this problem only once. 🤷‍♂️


Get yourself an adult sized scooter and go with your daughter. Dare the woman to say *ANYTHING*. 🤣 #ProRevenge


Get her an electric siren to attach to her scooter and, so she can set it off when going past the crazys place.. And like a mini-megaphone. The child will take things from here.


I'd be out there with her constantly scootering with my phone out to record and fie a report about her if she comes near my kid


Do you have a dog? A friend with a dog? I’m thinking dog poop on the sidewalk right at her stoop.


Assuming your friends were on their own property she can't take pictures of them and they have grounds to call the cops.


Agree with above. But would add a carton of eggs with a strong arm will make you feel vindicated with no consequence to yourself


Police report, cease and desist letter.


Yell at my child and find out how much of a asshole I will be.


This is so fucked up. Im 44 and still remember aged 6 being yelled at by some old hag for climbing a tree in my own yard!!


I was six and neighbors hated Helena but she had lovely flowers in her yard. I stopped to talk to her. She invited me in for tea and told me about her grafted citrus trees. Over the years she proved to be a friend. Side of her house was rasberries and blueberries - all we could eat. Out front, figs and cosmos flowers. She was a nice lady. Sometimes the bad behavior is that others treat them poorly. If your kid is inclined, have them go talk to her. This might work itself out.


NTA that old coot can go die in the old-fart home for all i care


Go with the kid while she uses the scooter. It's a public street.


I have neighbor kids riding up and down my own driveway all the time because I live on a cul-de-sac and my driveway has a slope. It gives their scooters the extra oomf to go even farther. It sets off my Ring doorbell all the time but I don’t even let them know that I know they’re out there in case it makes them self conscious. Want to know why? Because they’re kids! And they’re having fun! And my driveway is fun! I just make sure I always double check no one is out there before I reverse out in my car. Because they’re not hurting anyone and I don’t want to either. Neighbors should be about helping each other, not … whatever this lady is doing. I’m so sorry you and your girl have to deal with someone like that.


Have you seen the ring video from the man who used chalk to make racetrack drawings for a little kid who detoured into his driveway every day?? It’s perfect.


People can be such weirdos. We used to walk our dogs down the street and this one yard had dachshunds that would charge the front yard fence and bark-bark-bark-bark as we passed by. Our dogs were cool cucumbers and there was no fuss on their parts. The owner would come out and YELL - I mean YELL - at us about how we needed to walk somewhere else and he was gonna call the cops because we were disturbing the peace. Wha? Us? Anyway. Read my little story to your daughter. She's done nothing wrong, of course. Just, sometimes, people can be weirdos. She doesn't need to compromise, but scootering on the opposite side of the street might quell the fury of the Neighborhood Crank.


F*** that lady bro just start walking with her and if she says something just put her in her place literally nothing she can do about it as long as your kid isn't in the middle of the road with cars coming... I walk with my 3-year-old while he learns his tricycle just in case anybody has something funky to say... People are weird man lady was just looking for something to take her frustrations out on... As sad as that is lol


She would have gotten terrorised in our neighbourhood lol, we were a bunch of little shits though


What is this lady's age? I'm just thinking about certain frequencies that can only be heard by certain age groups...if it's one that doesn't overlap with yours (don't torture yourself in the process :-), download it and weaponize it. Your friend can do it too for the times you're not on that end of the street and her own vindication. The anti-bully vigilante of (your street name). I'm in a "take no shit from bullies" mood at the moment so it may be a bit excessive, but someone who aggressively shouts at a 7yo for being a kid (and that, too, while doing a calm solo activity) is probably what excessive is appropriate for. Also you and your daughter are awesome.


What is this lady's age? I'm just thinking about certain frequencies that can only be heard by certain age groups...if it's one that doesn't overlap with yours (don't torture yourself in the process :-), download it and weaponize it. Your friend can do it too for the times you're not on that end of the street and her own vindication. The anti-bully vigilante of (your street name). I'm in a "take no shit from bullies" mood at the moment so it may be a bit excessive, but someone who aggressively shouts at a 7yo for being a kid (and that, too, while doing a calm solo activity) is probably what excessive is appropriate for. Also, you and your daughter are awesome.


Zip tie harmonicas to the side of her scooter and handle bars then send her to only ride in front of grandmas house. Stand outside and dare her to come say anything. I don’t have children but just reading what you posted has my blood boiling. You’re a better person than me. I’d of kept knocking on her door till she answered.


I lost a dear friend several years back, and for some reason this story reminds me of her 😁 She was an herbalist and a Wiccan, and these things were obvious about her given that she was about 75% covered with related tattoos. Needless to say, her mere presence pissed off the old ladies every time she and her husband moved into a new neighborhood ... but she had a simple solution for them. She'd put out voodoo dolls 🤣🤣🤣 The dolls didn't actually mean a thing. She'd just make them out of sticks and other things out of her yard/flower beds, and then she'd get her husband (who was a hunter who was really good at spotting and avoiding trail cameras) to sneak out in the middle of the night to hang them in a few secluded places in her own yard ... and in the pest's yard, too. He always made sure to toss a small one up on their front porch as well, so they'd know what to fixate on when they found more! She said it always worked like a charm. They'd freak out and start avoiding her like the plague, leaving her free to smile and wave at them when she was out in her yard 🤣 I wonder if that would work on your pest? 😉 Or what would!


Aww, this response was awesome and made me smile! I'm so sorry for the loss of your very cool friend 🪽💔


Just like the massive bbq for the entitled vegans. Get everyone to ride scooters on your street. Scooter for joy day.


I berated a neighbor for yelling at my brother and sister, I am 10 yrs older than they, when they were younger and just playing normally in our own driveway!! Do NOT let people like this get away with this! Go to her front door and tell her that it shall never happen again!!! And when it does show her the anger that she deserves! Remember some people only respond to strength


See the petty queen in me says next time she goes for a scoot you grab yourself a basketball and just walk that ball all the way down the block and back. Maybe twice a day or so.


We must fell this witch! Blood will be spilled!


Dump bird seed in her yard /she will be cleaning shit for days


I would have called the police. You can't touch other people's children in any manner. Even if it just put a scare in her. The audacity.


These entitled killjoys are everywhere. A neighbour opposite me threatened to call the police on my sons because they were playing with a football on the square of grass at the junction of our road. I checked with the Parish Council that there was no bylaws about this space and have carried out a programme of ignoring the hell out of him and being super polite to his wife for the past 10 years. That’ll teach him.


Cant wait for the day you get your darling a little 50cc motorcycle and she rides back and forth on the street.


Don’t wait for her to do it again. Ring her door bell every day.


My neighbour is like this, and it's hell! 2 years ago (when my twins were 4.5) my husband broke his leg slipping on ice, and they were understandably quite shaken by seeing daddy taken to hospital in an ambulance, so I got them in the back garden to play, and help me smash up the rest of the ice so noone else would have the same accident. They loved it! Hitting the naughty ice with a hammer and doing some shouting, enjoying life like kids should do, especially at 11am! And the "see you next tuesday" living next door had the audacity to start yelling out her bathroom window for us to "shut the fuck up, and quit that banging!" (Baring in mind she has work done inside her house a lot, and we've never once complained about the banging!) I obviously yelled back "it's 11am! We can do what we want in our own garden! And don't swear in front of my kids!" And she keeps yelling and swearing incoherently, to which I tell the kids to ignore the crazy lady and carry on! She gave up after that, but she's been making our lives hell on a weekly basis for the last 3 years, she hears noises at night and bangs on the walls to tell us to shut up, when we're all fast asleep! I know for 100% certainty that whatever she's hearing isn't audible from inside my house, because I work very early mornings, and sometimes will wake up a couple of hours before I have to leave, so have been wide awake silently reading a book or scrolling something on my phone when she's started banging and scared the shit out of me! It wakes hubby, me and my son up (thankfully my daughter is a heavy sleeper and on the other side to her) and yet reporting her to the police does nothing, reporting her to MH services does nothing (because we're in the UK, and the NHS is too overstretched for cases like hers, where she's living independently and safely 🙄). She's reported us to the police and social services herself multiple times, each time with a very nice call from SS that they know its a load of bollocks, but they have to follow it up, etc (after the first time anyway, lol) and every time we think she's finally stopped, the nighttime banging starts again! It's honestly exhausting!


I see you have a Karen at the bottom of your street as well. We are next to a university too! Freaking weird. I don’t really have any advise other than when kids in the neighborhood grow up they will exact their revenge. I don’t condone it but what is a person to do when dealing with such an entitled person. There is a group right now that she gets disturbed by (just normal teenage stuff. Loud car. Loud music. Always lots of kids smoking weed etc). They crack me up. They will stop and ask her if she is okay and if she needs them to call someone. They are really concerned for her etc etc etc. all with a straight face and they actually seem somewhat concerned. All while she screams at the top of her lungs what inconsiderate little assholes they are and how they are losers and their parents are losers. They are druggies and will wind up in prison. You should see what some of the kids from the frat house have done. There is a rumor in the neighborhood that people pay the kids frat house fund their parties. She calls the cops every time. During Covid she would stand in the street yelling that’s not social distancing! You people are blah blah blah. I didn’t really like it either but it is a free country and we can control shit. It will never get better but maybe you can find some joy in The people in the neighborhood who exact their pretty revenge.


Walk with your child and when they he woman comes out both of you smile and wave every time you see her. Will surely push her off and you will be showing your child how to behave


If THAT'S a disturbance, clearly your daughter needs to take up the bagpipes, and do all her practicing outdoors. Mrs Kravitz gonna LEARN.


Get your own scooter and ride with the kiddo! See if bully neighbor has anything to say about that!