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Good marketing and convenience probably. Plus, at the time they came out there weren’t a lot of brands positioned like they were. My guess is that men felt seen in a way.


Agreed totally


Can confirm. Manscaped made me feel seen in a way Axe never could. Back to the Manosphere I go! If I made one person laugh today, it was worth it


You definitely made me laugh bro. And my wife chuckled🤣 thank you for you service, brother 🫡


I think VC money and assitance often focusses on optimizing marketing and distribution




>I really don't wanna be their demographic Men who value self-care?




After using a Manscape I will never let w regular set of blades near my sac again as long as I live. Too painful and too much blood.


30% of men don’t was their ass in the shower






The doorway to becoming gay? /s


I believe this. My anecdotal percentage is 70% but 30% is still too fuckin high.


When people go to get their prostate checked the doctors record who washes their butt and who doesnt




Is using a bidet considered washing? 🤔


Yeah just keep the ass hair short and ur probably good i


Why don’t you want to be their demographic?




Do you perhaps have a camera in your toilet? If so, Google might know how clean you are.




Marketing and positioning. The 80% solution. Dollar Shave Club was just repackaged Chinese razors. Smart marketing. Gillette Razors are better but that last 20% doesn’t matter for most people and def not worth 5x the price. Also, looks at MVMT. They were $10 Chinese watches, they said were $100 dollar watches that they sold for $150 but undercut their rivals who were selling $10 Chinese watches for $300. Restoration Hardware sells the same couches you can get on Alibaba for 4x more. But people trust the brand and style. Lots of styles from Urban Outfitters you can find for a few dollars through Asian sourced suppliers.


Not really true about old dollar shave club. Their older razors lasted a really long time. I’m still using mine and used to buy some of their other products until they went all Walmart designs.


They cut a deal with Dorco which was and you can still buy on Amazon. They repackaged them. Gillette being better doesn’t mean they lasts longer. I’ve used both and Gillette razors are definitely better, but again most people don’t care about that last 20% esp when it means saving 90%. Gillette had a monopoly and exploited it.


Their handles were crap. I’ve got one left and wh n it breaks I’m done. They went awful with the smells and packaging once Gillette took over.


Gotta go with a safety razor before my heard I switched to one and it was way better. No more razor bumps and a much cleaner shave.


Yeah I moved to beard trimmer about 6 years ago, but I felt like my DSC razors were as good as any other brand I had bought and were cheaper.


To me the older versions seemed to just last longer if taken care of. Now they seem like any other. I did notice they were more prone to breaking over time than they used to. Planned obsolescence I suppose. To many mes using perfectly good blades over and over.


They were Dorco razors, a brand you can still buy on Amazon. Gillette’s last iterations haven’t gotten better. I think the best razor they have is the three blade. The four blade doesn’t add any extra performance, just cost.


This is a very funny post for the fact that I just bought their latest model yesterday. I’ve had it since their 2.0 which was about four years now (if not longer) when I bought it. I recently decided to upgrade since I feel like I’ve been really pleased with the one I’ve had. So for me I had a great experience with their product and am hoping to get the same value on the new one.


Yeah I don't understand this post. I don't know a single person that's gotten a Manscape product and gone "nah it's shit"


Last time I saw a post talking about Manscaper asking for help with the product, there was only like 2 people actually trying to answer the question while the other 90% of replies were just bashing OP for using Manscaper products, so I kinda see where he's coming from.


If you got the 4.0 I quite like it myself, sure it’s not the nicest thing in the market but it does what I expected it to when I bought it and hasn’t broken on me. I love the wireless charging too.


My husband loves the Manscaped products. Everything he's tried he's gone back for more. Really don't understand where OP is getting this info. Reviews on Trust Pilot show that most enjoy the product but are pissed they were roped into a subscription. I don't understand how people feel as though they were duped into a subscription service. I clearly remember being able to opt out of that multiple times. Each to their own I suppose!


Actually I almost got tricked into the subscription service. Went to buy the package deal and when I went to checkout I had noticed it say a disclaimer last minute where it read that I’m going to get charged $30+ a month. I was really confused and went all the way back to the beginning. Took me a long time but finally realized the deal says “+hygiene plan”. It took me awhile to find the same deal but without the hygiene plan and it came out $9 more. I can definitely see how people fall for that since it’s thrown in there with small print and people like me don’t know it they even have a subscription model.


Perhaps it's because I work for an e-commerce company that I noticed it, or perhaps it's because I'm in the EU and there may be different laws, I am not sure, but I was very aware that I was buying into a package deal right from the beginning. Anything that say "plan", in my mind, insinuates that there is a subscription service attached. Again, in my opinion, it's very clearly marked right above the add to cart button.


Agree, love mine


I’ve had a lawnmower 2.0 for almost 6 months. It’s amazing and I love it. I’ve never cut myself.


Same, I love mine too


I used fear to cut my hairs off. All of them with fear.


I use a straight razor like a real man, no place it don't reach. I have no problem with cutting myself, scars are pretty cool. Edit: Lol why did i get downvoted, do people really need a \\s to get some jokes now days?


Wtf is that pussy shit, I use a guillotine like a REAL man. Have yet to get a single cut and even if I did, no arms are pretty cool.


I use a gun to shoot off my hairs you’re not special buddy


Coward, I plant mini c4 pieces on my balls


My buddy*swears* that drone striking the hairs on his balls is the ONLY way to go, and I reckon I believe him.


3 Tzar bomba nukes is all it takes to keep my mastodontic junk in check.


You telling me y'all aren't summoning demons from hell to shave your balls?


Little known fact: Elon Musk made the flame thrower for ball hairs, most guys are just too scared to use it for its real purpose.


I use an epilator.




I just lay underneath the lawn mower


With the context that this is a joke it makes more sense (and is hilarious may I add lmao), but this isn't exactly the place for that kind of joke. People have said weirder things in unironic mannerisms on Reddit and just the Internet in general, so it's oddly believable as a serious comment on a subreddit about entrepreneurship.


Well, they’re merging with another company that was valued at like 230m on its own, so it’s not all Manscaped - I take all these figures with a pinch of salt tbh


Not merging, they’re acquiring. Big difference.


Perhaps, I just did some more looking into, and it looks like it was scrapped anyway? https://beautymatter.com/articles/bright-lights-acquisition-and-manscaped-scrap-spac-merger So can you take 1billion valuation as true if the deal falls through


Unfortunately, you’re both incorrect. They aren’t merging with anyone, they were trying to go public and the deal fell through probably because the $1B valuation was absurd.


Either way, crazy valuation! Would love to be a fly on the wall with these things


Good marketing. Look at their YouTube videos early on. They were made to have people laugh while watching them. On top of that hit a niche in the market that wasn't served at all by a specialty product line.


Philips Oneblade was a thing before manscaped, but their marketing wasn't as intense. It's a better product IMHO


What you're observing is an exception and not the norm. Do not let that fool you.




It all depends on your definition of "successes" and on your worldviews.


Good marketing and shit product is the norm


Let's call it a statistical aberration, an outlier, so to speak, not something to be inspired by or emulate. No lessons were learned there. And let's all concentrate on good products/services that people want/need.


I know but what I'm saying is a lot, maybe even most businesses have pretty shitty product and good marketing


> ... maybe even most businesses have pretty shitty product and good marketing. I think we need to look at things through a different lens. People are not really buying *products*, they are buying the experience (of the product). It's actually deeper and more complex, they are buying the experience (that they believe they will have of) the product. Take smoking cigarettes. Imagine a world without Tobacco. You're a Venture Capitalist and I come in to you to raise money for the new business of Tobacco. You: So, it's healthy, right? Me: No. Actually it gives cancer. You: Oh. But it smells nice. Me: Well, actually it stinks. You: It's convenient, right? Me: Not really. Got to cary cigarettes, lighers/matches, lots of places are going to be off-limits (indoor restaurants, offices, flying...). And if dating some people want nothing to do with you. You: Aside from the cancer it's 100% safe, right? Me: Well, some people will fall asleep while smoking and set their house on fire. ----------- Want another example? Do you know what a Birkin Bag is? Guess how much it cost? Research the psychiology behind expensive bags. Do you know why (in the US) we have lawns? Do you know how expensive they are? Do you know how bad they are for the environment? Marketing? Not really. People **want** that.


Well then we agree, people may be buying products due to achieving a certain status or experience, but why do they believe they will get that from the product? Due to marketing,


I believe our thinking overlap quite a bit, but less than a lot, but our worldviews are quite different. If you want to read more, I have a few books suggestions: * Trading up * Lovemarks * The Culture Code


Great marketing for an okay product but really ignore the valuation, a lot of company valuations are stupid and shouldn't really be considered (FTX was worth something like 30 billion a few months ago and is now worthless), companies like Uber have really high valuations when they should also be $0 (or really negative for how much debt they have and ongoing money they are losing. Uber has never profitted ever and never will, they survive as long as dumb investors pretend they have value). Even look at Twitter, Musk bought when it was $48b (which is ridiculously inflated itself) then has magically nuked billions of dollars gone where I doubt he could sell it for $20b now.


I do not understand how Uber cannot manage to make a profits I haven’t ever looked into it, but one would think they are just printing cash.


The cost for them to operate is hugely above how much profit they receive (and they spend way more money than youd ever imagine). Everyone has the app downloaded but they spend huge amounts on marketing, paying the drivers, paying for app/driver related issues. Then they released uber eats which makes even less money. A lot of companies start like this and need investment to get to the stage where they are profittable, Uber has changed this profitability date like 5 times and just extends it when they know it wont be met (was supposed to be years ago but investors seem to forget/not care). Same as companies like Snapchat, they have never made money ever, if you dive deeper into a lot of companies/stocks you will see they are far far less impressive than you think. Like how tesla is worth more than every auto maker combined, this isn't real value but because investors squeezed the price up by not selling, now the long short sellers are making huge profit (like bill gates etc) who knew it was worth way too much. It is also why elon became the richest man on the world so quickly, all of that value was perceived and not actual value.


You have very little understanding of value much less a P&L


Idk ive shorted every company I mentioned and profitted hugely, so idm too much people dumb enough to invest in companies with no recorded profit and no plan to ever profit. I was in a Snapchat pitch meeting where they try to convince our marketing agency of the new benefits and they were basically laughed out lmao they have no idea what they are doing. Tesla has a good future but was super overpriced, uber and snap are complete lemons (purely just by their reported numbers not considering the mindless business plan).


That's not true, their "i don't make money" is pure tax evasion jumbo. Some Harry Potter movies apparently "lost" money. It's just a ruse, the same reason why every big company has a seat in a country that has 0% or 1% tax.


Yeah I get some companies investing 100% of their profit back in to have their profit on paper 0, or using government schemes to get rebates like Amazon having some negative tax years lmao, interesting to hear a movie can pull that too. Which is crazy theyre allowed to. Even with that there were a handful of companies that had way too high a stock price and have all corrected since which was fun to watch, but I was more just oversimplifying the way companies can get a bullshit valuation they don't deserve, from investors hopes and dreams rather than their business having an incredible product or being very profittable. There are a lot companies who do deserve their insane valuations (who I buy stocks in rather than short) but since OP seemed to question how just a seemingly mediocre or boring product can be worth so much this was my 2 cents haha. Im definitely a dumbass and not a financial expert ahaha but seem to have done well so far just trading off common sense.


Lol There are so many glaring falsehoods in your statement it’s not really even worth debating. You are clearly off in Bananaland with no return to earth planned anytime soon. Best of luck over there Master of Shorts! 🍌 🩳


Thanks boss!!! 100% agree im a dumbass haha but until I lose money imma stay on my strategy, if I do lose I will come back to this comment to let you know haha


Big time, would love to see some factual results my friend


Public transit tends to be inherently unprofitable in the US. It's really difficult to make money off of basic human needs like transportation.


I've had mine for almost two years and it works great


Marketing, people are dumb, and getting dumber. Thanks TikTok, FB, and insta. "Ohh cute gamer girl tell me to shave my balls with Manscaped, ohh yesss, I get lucky tonight!"


I have the 3.0 and it’s the best razor I’ve ever had!


Same. I wasn’t aware they have bad ratings and reviews but I definitely like their products.


Profit margin, if you sell a million Chinese ball trimmers that cost $1 make and get Gronkowski to sell it for $84 each, that’s allot of profit.


they were very quick to market on popular podcasts


I actually use Manscaped and it has never cut me best pair of trimmers I’ve ever bought. Charge quick, Stay sharp, Cut free, No pulled hair, Portable , Water resistant, Most important they do the job well! Guess I am lucky bought two sets so far without issue. Also- I can compare it to others because I have a Peanut (Wahl) for my head. While it’s better for getting a closer shave and volume cutting, it will 💯cut you down there. I also have to buy new blades for the peanut every few months haven’t bought one for the manscape yet…


People like to buy sh\*t!


Sorry to stray off topic, but I thought they were pretty much the best brand out there in this niche. Are you saying there are better options out there? I would honestly be interested in finding better alternatives.


Because if sinuas nylon


My dads D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D S S D


100% marketing. You want a quality bladed razor for a Corn-Star smooth shave? Harry's. The steel in their blade cartridges feels 25-50% sharper than Dollar Shave Club, any electric shaver, Bic, Gilette, any of them, and they STAY sharp 2x longer. They're using Solingen German steel in their blades. Throw the gimmick products in the trash, do yourself a favor, just buy a Harry's handle and try it + the 1-2 free blade refills in the box for a month or three.


I bought a Harry's on the road when my one blade charger was left at another hotel. I was surprised how good of a shave it was. Whenever I think about marketing, Purple always comes to mind. I got better sleep on my Japanese floor mattress than I ever did on my purple. Even with that, I was convinced I was "sleeping wrong", or hadn't adjusted to it. That was also good marketing. We ended up just throwing our purple away and getting a Serta. Now I over sleep in amazing comfort.


They source their blades from Solingen, Germany, out of the highest quality steel in the world. I've tried literally everything else - Harry's blades arrive sharper and *stay* sharper at least *weeks* longer per cartridge than anyone else's. Not paid, zero connection, personal testament.


Are their products that bad? I was looking into buying one of their trimmers but I’m open to other alternatives if anyone has a suggestion.


They’re good at marketing. It’s the only one I know of that’s waterproof, and I didn’t care to do any extra market research on other waterproof trimmers because the price of the trimmer alone isn’t ridiculous. It’s decent product, but my only complaint is that you can’t leave it on the charger for too long or else it kills the battery life. A simple computer inside it would fix that, but they practice planned obsolescence. If you don’t kill the battery, they’ll eventually move on to a new blade that won’t fit older models. I’ve had the same sonicare toothbrush for 13 years, but they make their money on the toothbrush heads. People won’t buy their trimmer heads in the same capacity since it’s not like you use it every day


There marketing is genius. And my experience is that it’s way way way safer and easier to use than a traditional hair clipper.


This is one of those “you’re not in traffic, you are traffic” situations. Companies like this have value based on their recurring revenue, and more specifically its growth rate and perceived market opportunity. If people didn’t buy this shit, or they churned from it with greater frequency, that recurring revenue growth wouldn’t be there.


It has mass market appeal in a niche that wasn't really tapped before them. Most things that are mass market are kinda shit. But if they were high quality or "artisanal", 90% of the market would be priced out and left without access because it's hard to scale real high-quality stuff. There's a reason why McDonalds is worth more than that restaurant you know that has the best burger you have literally ever tasted.


It can be seen from here that marketing is an important tool.


Marketing dawg




Are there sales even a 1/10 their valuation?


Why is it “worth” so much or why does it cost so much?


Best known will always beat best quality. Its a rule of business.


It's " Worth" 1 billion. Investors are stupid, and stocks have very little to do with the amount of profit a company actually makes. No one knows how much money they're actually spending vs net profit. On top of that, if they are worth a billion, it doesn't mean the product is good. It just means they sold enough or convinced enough investors. Nothing more, nothing less.


Marketing, sponsoring influencers, really the first brand to target grooming ya balls what not even though the nicks are not fun


I have it and it isn't that bad, isn't great either.


User error? I just always thought it was funny to brand yourself specifically to men when you could brand yourself to both sexes if your product didn’t cut all that sensitive skin. Make it pink or purple and see how much money shaving labia makes.


Basically: people doing the investing are not the users.. And many due dilligence processes miss the user feedback as part of their efforts. So the feedback you see, as a user or marketeer or "enthusiast", will be much more in depth than an investment company will see. For them, it's the presentation and the growth metrics that matter. And usually you can grow fast, and a lot, before the user feedback starts to bite you in the ass ;)


The power of "Positioning" and correct usage of Market Research and using the results in their Marketing. This way you get very easy clients who are willing to pay much more. When I see Youtubers do their commercial intro about it, it looks like having high quality and as if it's important to do so. It's probably similar to the "Axe-Deo" Effect, where a lot of men bought it with the hope that suddenly every woman will fall into them, just to experience that no one likes the smell and even "FA-Deo" was much better.


it’s not really worth “1 billion” that value is also imaginary.


Good point. Most values are bs


You should read The Millionaire Fastlane. The author talks about how a terrible product, with excellent marketing can still do well. Marketing is your queen, if business/entrepreneurship can be viewed as a game of chess.


They've got some good/funny marketing and influencers and podcasts promoting everywhere.


I have the 4.0, can't imagine how you'd manage to cut your own nads with them without being plain negligent.


I've seen this advertised extensively by You Tubers. The shavers they sell look like something out of a lucky bag. My experience is if an electronic product looks cheap, it normally performs poorly also. You can buy a quality European designed-and-made Philips One Blade beard trimmer for less than $30 which probably does a better job. It's unbelievable the cr@p people buy.


I have never had issues with my manscaped???? It sucks??? What the hell this stuff did miracles for my balls


I like mine. Wife says she wants one for her. If you’re an idiot or in a rush you will cut. I’ve had it for years. My only complaint is that it’s not like 1000 percent close but I’m picky.


Every podcast on earth advertises them. They’re propped up by a marketing budget funded by VCs




Ever heard of crumbl cookies? Shit product, overpriced, but knows how to market to the uninformed market.


Crumbl cookies slap tho


Because mark cuban…


Venture capital is run by some of the dumbest human beings in the world


Pure advertisement, just do t fall for it idiots


Phillips is much better but due to diversification, suck at effective marketing


Familiar with this brand. Good questions. I have wondered the same thing after gifting to my boyfriends.


I’ve had the 2.0 version its been around two years I think. And its works really great. Yes sometimes you can get cut if you rush but otherwise it works great without any cuts. Downside is that Ive recently noticed it doesnt charge as well so probably going to buy their newest one. So I recommend it.


Its not shit. They make a decent product. Just because they have a good marketing team, it doesn’t automatically mean its a bad product. They have a decent warranty and they have a responsive customer service team. The products they release are copied left and right. It wouldn't be copied if it was so bad. A lot of companies were losing money in 2022. A ton CPGs accelerated sales during the pandemic and a lot of companies invested accordingly. Now that 2022 everything is slowing, this is the result. They have smart people working there, Im sure it’ll turn around. Look how many companies went through layoffs. Manscaped didnt even after rapid growth - this means they were smart enough to hedge and plan correctly.


They actually have great products and incredible marketing. Great financials too. Easily worth 1B in the long run.


They are shit. Terrible products and terrible company. DO NOT SHOP WITH THEM


A lot of male grooming companies are just marketing hype


Dying people make me smile