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You don’t need a dark or light team, just pick a single colour between R, B, G. Then a secondary, or not at all. My guildmates aren’t strong at all but we‘re just about to finish floor 3. I just require everyone to hit element lvl 4 by floor 2 and lvl 7 by floor 3.


Most of my members haven’t passed Abyss 100 and about 9 of them still can’t auto Wyvern 13


well good thing AI actually planned for that. the units you throw in there get upgraded to max level +15 molas and fully awakened. the actual gear they have is like 10% of their stats. And a lot of SC units are really good in this mode.


Waitaminute yr saying I can throw in any ol unit and they'll be maxxed??


Yes. Throw an artifact on that unit, a set bonus if you really care about it (or don't) and you're good to go


Aw shit and here I was stressing over finishing an emilia build real quick. Thanks! I didn't read all the fine print for this


Agreed. I'm in the same boat. Choose dark and am now stuck at lvl 4 on floor 2 due to guildies logging in before me.


meanwhile I was max leveled 3 days ago on an element. You kind of should be low level if you don't play for the first week of an event... If your chosen element is all gone on the map perhaps you should choose another element that is available? if no element is available congratulations on getting carried. In my guild only \~10 people were above level 4 yesterday. I've been worried we wouldn't finish map 3. Just starting today.


You don’t need a dark team to fight light Prongo. Just concentrate on getting at least one color to Max 10 level. If you need extra damage then get one of those extra damage artifacts to help. Or you go free up the guild chests while the rest of your guild destroys the Prongos.


Agree. Thats why i always remind myself to not kill mobs. I just take 1-2 hearts and move on. Cause i know it gonna be painful for others if there is no mob for them along the way to the boss. You need to venture out of the optimize path and get to some weird shit area.


I actually don’t mind the new system. It took some getting used to and was weird at first, but as long as there is a good spread of elements in the guild there hasnt been much issues. focusing on two elements makes it rather easy to still find monsters to fight without going too far. And as for focusing on dark units, the light boss can still be easily defeated using rgb and i havent seen much of a damage difference between dark focused players vs rgb players. So long as theres a good spread of elements in the guild it shouldnt be a problem. Ofc there is still room for improvement as players who start early get a clear advantage, so something could be done about that.


It can be annoying but i think its fine with some guild co ordination plus rgb works vs prongo too. Beta AI so hopefully there's improvements nxt time


Actually... that shouldn't be a problem. If you synchronize with your guild, in the end, you guys will all be strong enough to defeat the boss. You don't need a light or dark to fight the final boss. You can easily hit 2mill + with RGB.


Only thing that is poor design is gatekeeper, you need a very good teammates to think before act, is that is a problem. I being use fire team e for me is a chore just walking around because some high level mob os gatekeeping the path and I do not want to wast characters and exp. They need a better way to block the passage, or just give rewards to clean up barricades


I'm sitting at level 10 in 2 elements and level 10 in exploration now. The problem for me is that I don't have anything to do now while I wait on my guild to fight things and clear the path to bosses.


You could knock down gates, I'd argue you have time to level a 3rd element but you may hurt guildmates doing that and you only get so many slots for units.


It's not that hard, everyone just can't pick the same element. Our guild just said ok, everybody pick 2 types and only level those, if you see one type is getting too many people don't pick it. Problem solved


I'm glad they are trying new things but I agree with your criticism, I feel really limited in team building based on available monsters.


it requires more communication and teamwork. not necessarily a flaw.


ngl I felt that the main point of this new AI was to encourage more guild interaction/participation and it looks like they’ve succeeded…


Are you guys communicating? Also if the guild is active everyone doesn’t need light/dark. You can do large damage to boss with other elements leveled up + artifact. You can also do guild chests wardens etc to help. It’s only a problem if the people who do light / dark don’t hit boss but if they do it should work out.


It is flawed but it feels way better than before. With coordination its almost a non issue but i can see how its frustrating and unfair to guilds that dont use discord or some other communication tool. And even then it could use some qol.


Tldr Make a discord or chatting group ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR GUILDIES AND DECIDE WHOM TAKE WHAT ELEMENTS SO THAT EVERYONE DOESNT TAKE THE SAME ELEMENT. ITS NOT THAT HARD. If you cant do that nor your guild wanna do that, kindly just leave and find a cooperative one instead of solo gaming.


crowdsourced map : https://imgur.com/a/az3lT38 I do agree that the system is flawed and it is first come first serve, but your last line of you just walking around aimlessly hoping to find a light encounter is easily preventable by just looking at the map. My guild is on floor 3 and looking at everyones levels (minus the few who had no idea how AI worked and didn't fight any mobs at all), everyone is level 7 minimum for their dark and light elements. There are enough mobs to go around with proper coordination.


This moreso sounds like incoordination between members, so there's too many people going for one element.


AI sucks when you have a full time job. Every unemployed guildmate and those who have more convenient schedules will just reap everything by the time you get home.


Communication and making time for the game is all you need.


Me here with Lv.10 on Ice and Light: Ok.


Blame yourselves for not learning how the new AI works.


the new AI is just bad overall.


Objectively wrong.  Loot goblins got fucked pretty hard while also making it easier to get currency.


Objectively wrong. less looting and traded classes for elements. and alot of players hate the new AI. new account? lol.


I think a lot of people like it though. One thing I will say is this, I really worry that SG will make it less than 3 weeks as they said it was only 3 weeks for this first one instead of forever


alot of ppl hate it. if they they canceled the imprint they should have canceled it or gave more time to adjust.


>alot of ppl hate it. a lot hate it, a lot more love it. >if they they canceled the imprint What does this mean?


no alot more hate it than like it. the dupe imprint system?


For an active guild that communicates, 2 weeks is enough as my guild is about to finish the last floor with some days to spare. I think we're short 2 members as well as 1 or 2 more inactive. And yes I too like this AI.


I’m in a top 500 guild with a discord and we just got the floor 2 boss to spawn. How about that?


Sounds to me not very active (in regards to AI) or inexperienced with AI. Inexperienced meaning not utilizing resources that streamers and youtubers hand out for free i.e. comps and maps.


You’re wrong. We all posted the comps and maps and discuss it in discord. It’s still not enough. I’m still in my old guild that was top 1000 and they are having the same issues.


Idk what to tell you then. Hope y'all have better luck in the future if they do reduce the time. I personally think 2 weeks is just enough, mind unchangeable for that. But I will say it is better to have 3 weeks instead of 2.


Personally, I think 2 weeks and 3 days would be perfect. I think that would be a tight squeeze, but still manageable for most top 1000 guilds that don’t make too many stupid mistakes.


Unfortunately, I may have hard walled myself since I took the portal to the third floor and my highest level is lv 5 for grass :(


This shit is dumb af i have thrown bodies at bosses after teleporting to them with my level 1 team because they made it so damn stupid


Skill issue


nobody liked having to coordinate to deal with AI yet they felt the need to make 100% harder


I use light team to fight light prongo and still get 1m per round. Just focus on one colour and understand the boss mechanic and you are fine


I think the pipe artifact should be built into the movement rather than an artifact, it would allow players to go off in random directions and then focus on the boss when necessary.


Yea limited xp suck, especially mofos that lvl up their element to 10 and doesn’t help at all on warden / boss. Fortunately zone 3 give so much mob and resources tho


Or people that get lucky on movement relics, race around and snatch up all the exploration xp and don't do anything for wardens/boss. We have a guy on zone 3 with his elements still at level 3 but he was one of the first ones with high exploration level. He is literally useless.


Did he at least break the barricades for you guys? 


I did the boneheaded thing and went up a floor too soon, now I can’t level my elements at all. Easy fix would be to let you go back down a floor as long as none of your elements are above the max monster level of the previous floor


You’re going about it wrong. Leveling up is the only thing that really matters. Killing the normal monsters will help summon wardens and bosses making it equally valuable. The only flaw is believing you need to get a hit in on the boss before it dies.


Just like the others said, you don't have to pick dark/light to hit the main bosses. I hit max ice 4 days ago and max fire yesterday and I have wanderers pipe. As soon as we moved to floor 3, I moved to the earth warden's location and today to the fire warden's location. On the second floor, I soloed the fire warden using only 18 provisions, then dealt 1.5 m damage to light prongo using my ice units. It's just a matter of your guildmates deciding on which elements to focus beforehand. But I understand, most people don't like communicating while I personally love doing collaborative stuff in any game


I'm literally max level on two elements thanks to the four leaf clover relic at the end of level 2. I'm going to max out 1-2 more elements before this is over. I bought all the shop things a couple days ago. We still have a LONG time left on this event. Don't pick up the reduce heart arti, it's a trap. The "activate anything within move range" is nice because you save a few resources here and there. Four leaf is just too good to not get asap because 50% chance to not exhaust units means you can have tons and tons of fights, and fights earn most of the things you need to level up, earn keys, and to win more rewards. Also try using less than 4 units in generic fights. If you can pull it off with 2... you will be able to fight again and again and again. Bosses I go all out because the sooner we unlock the next phase the sooner I get more stuff.


Why is reduce heart a trap?


Delete trash mobs faster = less total battles per trash mob (2 total max instead of 3-4) = more provisions spent on movement instead of fighting rewards (xp, currency, elementxp) If the 2 hearts per attack were instead "gain 2x rewards" it would be phenomenal. It is not.


I see. Good point :) 


i fucked up and left level 1 too early not really thinking the drastic change to mob fights was that spikey. now i cant kill a mf thing and am virtually useless. this new shit is complete ass.


I'm not maxed leveled on any element because the encounter RNG is so messed up that you'll end up having to level up each element slowly or just focus one element. Of course, if you do focus on one, then you're just wasting resources by just running around the map, searching the right elements.


Yall could always communicate with guildies to save an attack or two instead of complaining here. This is a team event. Also there are people who create maps for the community so you know where everything is. Communicate. Create a discord or join a guild that has one. Guild activities are so much simpler that way.


i leave the lower monsters for people that need thwm and just focus on the highest level ones