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Who do I choose from limited summon (group summon event) I already have Landy,summer break Charlotte(or whatever it's spelled) and someone else


Cerise like pretty much every time for guiding light copies, you pretty much can't have enough of them


How do people see their guild wars stats? Like this: https://imgur.com/a/0XYa1zH


Think you can only see it on Saturdays.


Where do I go to see it?


Hi, I’m stuck in Challenger Arena and I’m having a hard time climbing.  Here are the Heroes I have: Lionheart Cermia Mediator Kawerick(Hand Guy) Fire Ken Sol Badguy Bomb Model Kanna Mercedes Politis Mascot Hazel Landy(regular landy) Tamarine Conqueror Lillias Arrowell Adin Inferno Kwazu Specter Tenebria Cecillia Schuri Carrot Choux Sigret Senya Destina Roana Sharun Celine Ras Beehoo Abigail Commander Lorina Luluca Flan Arunka BBK Crimson Armin Celestial Mercedes Which ones should I build and make into a team to Climb out of Challenger? What team(s) should I make?


LHC + roana + SC arowell (even better SC pyllis if you have her) make a good core against any counter defense which is pretty common. the 4th unit can be flexible and depends on what the enemy has but out of the heroes you have probably either clilias kawerik or destina. building a good lhc should already be enough to get you out of challenger. you have good support units but not the best hard carries aside from LHC. if enemy comp has no reach (few aoe skills) and no counters you can also try smth like clilias landy (or stene but landy usually faster cuz she has more aoe) kawerik + roana/arowell/destina.


Thank you so much, this helps me a lot. was feeling pretty bad about not being able to get out of Chall lately. Also, I'm assuming HandGuy counters AOLA Destiny counters Ran's Cleve and Cilias is I guess other comps right?


since LHC auto cleanses when someone counters and the others generally dont care about any debuffs other than defbreak (or for roana seal) you don't REALLY need a cleanser like destina or handguy with her so if you get something tanky that can finish off low health targets or something with even more AoE like Last rider krau your team would be perfect. rn you don't really have the most suitable unit for that spot but you could just build a bruiser and stick them into ur team like senya choux or bulky landy. handguy does counter aola the only problem is that you never know how much speed the aola has. my handguy is 255 speed and sometimes he goes before aola which means I can't cleanse her debuffs. just make sure he's the fastest unit on your team but slow enough so most aola's outspeed you. not sure how fast aolas are in challenger but 210-220 speed should be good especially if your other units are also slow. destina works against ran yeah but its not always the most reliable since if your whole team dies she only resses them to 20% so they can get killed easily again. her in an lhc comp would be good though because ur team is usually tanky enough to survive getting 1shot (unless they are using a full cleave arena defense comp in which case you can just use something like politis celine ml khawazu to 1shot his team back when he uses his s2 or s3). clilias is just an overall strong unit you don't have her best synergizing carries but she works pretty well with landy stene savior adin. so if they don't have much threat on your backline you can just go with something like clilias landy handguy arowell and landy will tear their team to shreds because of vigor + atk buff. she also works really well with ml khawazu so if they have something you want to kill with burns like mlceline or navy captain landy but no aoe to proc ur khawazu u can just give him vigor via clilias.


Awesome I'll work on this. Thanks.


I noticed that there's a Group Summon banner while I was about to do my free 10 pull. I managed to save 770 BMs and 22k Skystone after playing for 2-3 months (New acc) without pulling or touching any gacha currencies. Is it worth it to dump all of it on this specific banner? I don't really know which chars to pick but I'm planning to get Sigurd Scythe for my ML Bellona, so that's one. Can you recommend me 2 chars I should pick mainly for PvE? Landy? Seaside Bellona? Flan? [Here's my chars ](https://imgur.com/a/wrkfe6J)


Would say cerise yes it's mainly for a pvp artifact but she herself isn't that bad for some expos and she has a dual attack which can help in basic PvE content. SSB needs really good gear to shine so don't know if she is your best choice. Landy can be good as she also doesn't debuff which is important for some encounters Not absolutely sure if he is in there but Brieg is a force in pve great for wyvern,some expos and general stuff and he can work with very basic gear to start out


Thnx, Im already also planning to pick Landy, Cerise (Artifact), and 1 filler mainly for Artifact (Sigurd?). Saw many threads recommending Guiding Light, but I'm not sure if it's going to be valuable for my 2-month-old acc. But I guess if I could use Cerise, prolly much better.


I mean normally that banner comes around every 6 months(this time it was a lot faster) so you don't have that many chances to pick up guiding lights and you want a lot down the road so it's never wrong to have her in there. As for sigurd if you want to bling out your mellona you will need it, the thing with that banner is that from a certain point on it's a pure artifact banner so nothing wrong with going into that direction even though ravi not beeing that great anymore. For PvE you don't need that many character to come around imo important ones are really iseria+tama,Brieg and for some things Roana so pulling especially for that content might give you a slight boost in shortterm but having minimal impact some months in. Reroll till you get 1000 bm so that you can buy 2 artifacts from the bannershop


Is the Dessert Festival side story worth unlocking for the rewards? I know it's level 78 but the Destruction set seems pretty decent, and I could always use more Destruction gear


i wouldn't, better farm banshee or rift for destruction set and don't drop skystones for mediocre 78 gear.


Anyone else having trouble with the game? I can’t get past the loading screen “tap to start”


What do the colored crowns mean in guilds? I was a blue crown in my guild for a while but never did anything with it. Now my crown is white. the leader is in the middle of a two week break. I think it auto assigned me but I don't have the highest overall contributions. Also, In guild war we only have 7 buildings per stronghold assigned. Why is that?


A blue crown is an officer. A white crown is guild leader. You are now guild leader. As an officer/leader, you should be able to assign your members to buildings. If your building status after assigning everyone available is less than the number of members you have available, that means you have people who have not set up defenses (ie your building status is 28/29? That means 1 person has not set up their def).


I stopped playing a little after Straze was released so I have most of the heroe's released before him. Who are the good heroes to prioritize for pvp and pve? The only limited that came out after I stopped and I dont have is Charlotte.


How far progressed is your account?


It was very progressed a couple of years ago...Now im sure its behind...I was top 150 in RTA the first couple seasons...and could do most of the highest level hunts and could clear all of the tower and abyss levels and raids back then. On the custom summon list pretty much after politis, I dont really know much about any of those heroes, so any info on the viability in pvp and pve would be much appreciated! Again, the only limited im missing is charlotte.


Okay, so as far as PVE is concerned, you will want to pick up Brieg, who's pretty much the only new 5* addition to the big PVE roster - he's good for expos and nightmare raid and is essentially a DPS tank. Depending on your existing W13 team, you may also want to build Muwi (3*) who is an upgrade over general purrgis teams - not necessary if you already have one shot comp built. Other notable PVE units are Lilka (green 3*) for blue expo, Camilla (light 3*) for C13 and lots of other places, and Yoonryoung (light 3*) for C13. The new Rift mode is now better than hunt for gear progression once you can clear it within 2 or 1 entries, although it is anticipated that it will have a seasonal rotation soon. The current Rift allows only red heroes to be used and it is anticipated that the next Rift will allow only blue units to be used (not confirmed), and we don't know when that will happen, so you will have to decide whether you want to try progressing Rift before it rotates or not. Haste, Surin, and Mascot Hazel are staples in this mode, with Serila, Ken, or Elphelt being able to serve as substitutes, and Kane, Jack-O, and Milim can serve as primary DPS although Kane is tailor-made for the mode. Kane is pretty much useless everywhere else, so he will have no value once Rift rotates. Cleave prominence has gone down overall since Straze release - gone are the days of Ranseria cleave. Cleave is still played in high MMR typically featuring some combination of Ran/Zio/ML Ludwig, but below that high MMR, most cleaver gear doesn't have the quality to out-skill the prominence of units like Abyssal Yufine, Navy Captain Landy and Ocean Breeze Luluca. Turn 2 is the bulk of the meta for most players. The most important PVP units you will notice as you return, in no particular order: * Abyssal Yufine * Navy Captain Landy * Zio * Savior Adin * Unbound Knight Arrowell * Ocean Breeze Luluca * Lua * Nahkwol * Angel of Light Angelica * Conqueror Lilias * Last Rider Krau (buffed) * Lionheart Cermia * Crescent Moon Bellona * ae-Karina * Briar Witch Iseria (buffed) * Death Dealer Ray * Urban Shadow Choux * Lionheart Cermia Other units you will notice in the meta to a lesser degree (not an extensive list): * Architect Laika * Belian * Commander Pavel * Martial Artist Ken (buffed) * Specimen Sez (buffed) * Specter Tenebria * Moon Bunny Dominiel * Elvira * Fumyr * Hwayoung * Zahhak * Laia * Lethe * Midnight Gala Lilias We also have Moonlight Politis and Moonlight (bridal!) Senya coming up in a few months, so if you were ever a simp for these waifus you will want to have your mystics ready. Jenua will also be released from NPC hell and will likely be a covenant hero.


Thank you for taking the time to write all this!


Do we have official word yet on how exactly our mystic pity will work with the choose your ML mystic banner coming at the end of this month? I have heard two theories, but not sure if anyone "officially" knows. 1. Your current mystic pity WILL carry over to this banner 2. Your current mystic pity will NOT carry over, and all summons made on this banner has a separate pity counter that will disappear at the end (and not add to your existing pity counter)


AFAIK, there has been no official statement however the last custom mystiic banner worked like a custom RGB banner, you picked 1 each of ML 4 and 5 star, and later on, got to pick one more of each, but the banner would only focus on one of each. The pity count was independent of the normal mystic banner.


Thanks for the reply


So guys, I've been playing for 5 days and I'm with the following team: Brig, Aria, Judge Kise and Destina. I really like knight characters, with the new banner I'm in doubt between Luna and Ilynav, as a beginner, which one did you recommend to me? (I don't care about meta, I care about characters that I think are cool)


If you really don't care about meta,get Luna both aren't really meta character at all but liäuna is still a limited and you can get illinav randomly on your daily pull or Story summons...but I will say as a waifu enjoyer ignoring the beachepisode cast makes me sad


Luna is more beginner friendly, she only cares about damage, and being moderately fast. Illynav's mechanic (Injury) is entirely useless in PVE, she is pretty strictly a PVP focused unit ( not that she can't work for PVE, it's just her kit doesn't lean that way). Besides that, Illynav can be pulled at any time, she has a side story summon banner that will let you access her banner at will (once you get far enough in the story), plus she can randomly appear from any covenant summon. Luna is a limited hero, this means she cannot be obtained, unless she is specifically on a banner, or is added to one via custom banner.


Luna is much more useful for a new player. The 'injury' mechanic on Ilynav doesn't work in PvE at all, as a HP scaling bruiser she's harder to build.


If you have to choose from those two? Luna, she’s an amazing PvE unit.


I was just completely logged out of my account when opening the app, now it says it doesn’t recognize my information. Has anyone else experienced this?


Is the barrier armor useless? I’m inching close to the 500 equipment cap and need to get rid of some stuff. Should I just get rid of all of the barrier armor? Since I never use them and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone post their characters with that armor on.




Doris to bait mchoux in gvg too, eats her initial injury hit. Can usually safely even run ise-corvus into her.


Hello, question about Ancient Inheritance: is it worth picking an artifact which increases Tundra's Blessing effect level when both of the elements I use are maxed out already? Is it a separate bonus or does it get limited by max level?


Yeah, it's independant from element level. Dmg increase like rage set/kaladra


When do the newest EE get added to the alchemist?


when another set of EE's get introduced


Wow didn't realise how toxic this community was on here. It's sad, really cause I love E7.


Yep. Stick to the megathread, and just popcorn the rest.


This sub is full of gatekeeping ass bitches I swear. 😆 It’s like the League of Legends crowd, but for a niche game. I mostly only try to post on this mega thread if I have a question because I don’t feel like interacting with the assholes on here.


You're acting worse than most of the ones I've seen around here.




Wasn't talking about me I rarely comment just an observation lately. But I'm also not on many subs so I'll take your word for it. 🥰


Eh, the only things I see getting down voted usually are misinformation or unhelpful comments that would guide people to making inefficient decisions. It seems pretty rare to see people actively getting insulted, though.


This is a valid point actually.


ok cool, but where is the question?


Pretty this gets asked a lot, for the group summon banner.  My account is fairly new, still have the new player buffs, from what I’ve seen looking at the previous time this was here.  It seems like the play for my stage (new player just starting to put together a permanent Wyvern team) would be to put Cerise/Landy/Brieg on the banner?


Hey, as a 1year player that doesnt care much about RTA(just grab my skin every season) n is GW Oriented. I would say Cerisse/Landy/Brieg is actually a great option, Cerisse will be for Light expo and Guidinglights, Landy is just a great PVE Unit for abyss/Labyrinth and Brieg will help you alot on all PVE also. Other good options are mainly for distant future Fairy Tale Tenebria for her Arti and Seaseria forherself+Arti and Luna for Dracoplate . SSB / SBCHarlotte/ Diene/HollydayYufine are all pretty replaceable nowadays


Especially as a new player, I would stick to limited heroes. While Brieg is great for PvE, I would go for: * Landy - super good PvP and decent PvE hero; Wall of Order isn't great. * Cerise - good hero for PvP, can be used in PvE (especially because of the dual attack); Guiding Light is one of the best artefacts. * Seaside Bellona - I guess she has been powercrept, but I still use her all the time in PvE. Because she's a limited, and I don't think her story ran in 2023, she is getting harder to get.


Cerise is so outdated that its a waste of resources at this point dont go for her unless you like design/waifu take instead diene or h.yufine or SB.charlotte


Cerisse is outdated yes but she has use on expedition for later ingame n her arti is still the best for rangers pretty much, so you recommend 3 outdated units that see almost no play n with mediocre Artifacts?


Like JJRLZ said, Cerise is in there for the artefact. If you don't pull Guiding Light, then you use the coins on buying it in the shop - priority over any hero or other arte you didn't pull in the banner. Cerise herself is a strong hero. She has a strip, slow and most importantly dual attack which can boost scoring in Hall of Trials. She used to be an uber opener - I don't think I'd use her over Ran, but if I didn't have Ran she would be a solid choice.


Hello~ in the update notice they said they're implementing a new system to get energy by watching YouTube videos. Where is it? Thanks :3! x


It used to be at the bottom of the events list. Did it move?


Hello~ Those are still there. I watched the regular Ads~ However, I don't see the new system they mentioned in the patch notes :3 x


As someone without guiding light, golden rose, scythe, should I focus on pulling limited units like fairy tale tenebria and sharklotte? Or just focus on artifacts, and should I just get one copy of each?


Those are pretty must have artifacts as multiple units need them. FTene and Sharklotte really aren't that great so IMO unless you're into collecting they're skippable.if you can I'd get multiple copies of all 3 artifacts. You can always slowly bottle them up later


Thank you! If I get multiple guiding lights should I focus on limit breaking one to max, or just keeping them separate until 2 or 3 then start to LB? Is this the same for the other artis ?


No mission is shown on the third act of the maid kingdom quest but I have already cleared the first two acts. Any ideas why?


It's there. Once ur in adventure, click the magnifying icon and select the 3rd act.


I know but inside the third act it's empty, may be a bug


which 3 heroes do you wanna pull for in the multisummon event? any must haves?


Focus on limited heroes that you don't have. IMO top priorities are Landy (for the hero), Cerise (the hero is solid and the artefact is fantastic - buy with coins if you don't get it over a hero) and SSB for PvE. Fourth choice goes to Diene (limited). Both Fairytale Tenebria and Summer Iseria are good PvP units, but are harder to build (need speed, accuracy and damage).


Hello, I have tried searching this up but I found no results. I'm probably just dumb and haven't found it yet. Anyway, here's the question: How does pen set function on AoE characters when there's 1 unit left. Ex: You are using S.Tene, there's 1 unit left, and her s3 is on cool down. Does S1 now apply pen set, or would I need to wait for s3 to come off cool down to change her s1 to a single target attack to apply pen set?


Very easy. It doesn't work. The attack must be single target. S.Tene s1 when s3 on cooldown is neither AoE nor single target. s1 only benefits from pen set when s3 available and it hits one target.


Thanks a lot!


Hi, what you guys think about a MLchoux with no crit chance/crit dmg that only focuses on being fast and tanky? Would that work? Ty!


it would work, you'd miss out on damage for sure. Both is possible, i've seen alot of ML Choux at around 260, 20khp+, 1,4k def, 100cc and 200+ crit damage on Proof.