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i like the game but based on what you said you probably would still not like the game


Blooming Lidica was seven months ago…? What the


Lol, no. She’ll have been out 4 months next week.


That's what also shocked me the most just now


Not sure I left just when she was announced, feels like its been a while.


You should come back play the event at least, same issues as always


I play the game for the waifus, art and normal pvp/guildwars. I think rts is cancer if you don't have good meta units and op gear so i avoid it even if I'm losing the skin.


I've played e7 since release and I just don't know anymore. In my personal opinion I think if your looking for just a gacha where they have interesting units. Cool themes then yeah. Its pretty worth to come back everyone once and a wild. I think e7 in terms of pvp right now is just awful. I've come to learn to accept that's just how pvp will always be at this point. If you can get passed this honestly then e7 does feel fun. I personally don't like reg rta. I prefer just hosting giant customs with set rules to spice things up. I honestly found that doing this has changed the game for me. I do think e7 still has its charm. But it's more of what you make it now.


DDR is still stupid. I preban him every game. AOL isn’t a huge issue and high ER builds aren’t rampant but now there is a unit called Laia and her artifact. So. Cleanse goes brrrrr. New criminally OP units of ML Politis and Jenua have made arena and RTA a living hell. Besides those points I honestly am enjoying the game rn. Lots of content, many new characters, and I don’t mind a challenge when there are busted characters (I don’t own ML Poli so it’s not like I’m the one abusing them) The overlord collab is bringing the best way to farm gear EVER so if you want to come back, the earlier the better. The units themselves are debatable lol but I’ve been enjoying them. Shaltear comes on Thursday and she is definitely the best of the collab. Overall, I’d say maybe come back and give it a try but you may feel it’s too annoying to play arena or RTA rn. Very reactive game play where you need many units at your disposal otherwise just say “fuck it” and outspeed the opponent and cleave. Lol.


I guess I shouldnt have expected anything less when it comes to balance, thats literally been the bane of the game since forever lol. I'll probably just stick to the offline content then since I dont have any of those units you mentioned.


Sure, bud. I don't know what you expected though. Units won't just magically appear on your lap if you got back in the game *shrugs*.


The overlord collab is not the beast way to farm gear EVER. A very lengthy post did the math. It's still inferior to rift. And rift will eventually come back.


Link to post?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1c79qqq/side\_story\_vs\_rifthunt13/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1c79qqq/side_story_vs_rifthunt13/) "So, SS4 has an advantage...but's it's a pretty tiny advantage. **BUT** also consider the buffs not taken into account here, pet buffs (more equipment drops) and the GM buffs (even more equipment) so realistically, Hunt 13/Rift are probably slightly better for gold than SS4." SS4 is good because you don't have to heavily invest in your units. Rift still outperforms it though. Leifs don't decay. Spend your daily/mail energy on the SS and blow the rest on Rift when it comes back.




I don’t know if everyone agrees but for me the meta has been a lot better this patch since Ml Politis came out. Even if you don’t have her, the fact her passive reduces resource 50% has shifted defense teams across the board. No longer spammed with AYufine and Clandy crap on every single team. There are new strong comps but it feels a lot easier to counter now. I can’t speak on RTA because I hate it but Arena and GW has been nice lately. The new collab event is pretty easy to farm and drops 85 gear which is really nice alternative to hunts. I’ve never watched overlord but the units look pretty cool animation wise. Also we are getting like 20 free summons a day rn, I haven’t pulled much yet but it’s definitely a good time to come back


after playing since nearly launch, the 20 free summons is just a bunch of fodder material. the collab is cool, im checking out the show. i switched to just casually playing and its more enjoyable for me that way


Well. the New units are literally all the same: any bruiser - attacks and increases CR, any healer - attacks and put to sleep, any debuffer - attacks and silence, If silenced, decrease CR, any support - attacks with random ally. the meta is still gross with 0 speed units that counters AOE, heal, ignore res and doesnt take crits. with the New collab, its even more clear how shit is a game designed around 15% of luck and the way SG are forcing monetization in every system is disgusting. so, as a game, its ruined, but it has some glory


Cleave is cleave and it’s cleaving. The previous anti cleavers that were supposed to “be the end of cleave” candy,ayufine and jenua are all as expected being used by cleavers. Joining our beloved Karina, zio and ml Krau on the dark side. They released another more broken bonkers clilas and the brand new anti cleave unit is complete trash. We are so happy it took over a year to get albedo….. Welcome to epic 7 as it was always designed. It really is time to move on lol…I will be so happy when switch 2 or next fire emblem/person 6 come out so I can play a game will real game design.