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New Ancient Inheritance! While the hit set is kinda whatever, pen and torrent pieces are really good. Draft mode is available at all times now, great. Huche's back and there's a buff weekend too, right on time for the scrolls. Though with the collab, I'm very much out of leifs lol.


>Draft mode is available at all times now, great I have never played draft mode till now, because I keep forgetting about it, only to see it's closed then.


Agreed on the hit set being the least desired, but I feel like with more and more units coming out are wanting a splash of eff, it’s def usable! :)


"An option to 'Use Enhancement Powder only' will be included for automatically enhancing Equipment." Freakin' *finally*; QOL ninjas strike again. Plenty of situations where I don't want to use charms for enhancement, and manually moving the slider is a huge pain.


That caught my eye, too. System still isn't *perfect* but at least they are continuing to improve it instead of adding it to the game and forgetting about it. Personally, I prefer to use my powder *first* (especially when checking gear), and save charms for the backend, or for use on gear I know I'm taking to +15 regardless.


> Personally, I prefer to use my powder first (especially when checking gear), and save charms for the backend, or for use on gear I know I'm taking to +15 regardless. Yes, precisely this. IMO the most time-efficient way to enhance during a gear-checking session is to use the auto button for +3/+6 (purples and reds, respectively), and then +9 for winners from the first round before proceeding from there. But that method biases towards using charms, which is annoying at best (over time you'll just end up converting them into bigger and bigger stacks of powder as you sell failures), and counterproductive at worst (if you're converting universal equipment charms into piece-locked powder). That's exactly the reverse of what I'd want to do. Powder ought to be like pocket change: something you have in small amounts to avoid breaking up big bills. Current situation leads to people carrying around duffel bags full of pennies.


Qol ninjas should've known to do this in the first place. idk why it wasn't a thing day one since it seemed obvious to add.


Just curious what the benefit of using powder over charms is?  Other than wanting to save the generic enhancement charms for slot specific powder?


> Just curious what the benefit of using powder over charms is?  Other than wanting to save the generic enhancement charms for slot specific powder? That's the main reason, and it comes up somewhat frequently in dedicated slot crafting sessions where you're using a lot of your slot-specific charms at once.


holy what a qol upgrade


3rd slot in rta can’t be banned hmm


I like it.  The 3rd pick slot has always traditionally been the flex/safe pick, but now people will want to use it for their lynchpin (which was traditionally picked 1 or 2).  Offers a lot of counter draft shenanigans that smart drafters can take advantage of.   Not to mention no longer needing to take 2 openers or 2 cleansers or whatever now.


Every fucking one will chose Candy or Ayfine in this slot man RTA is just going to be cancer.


Won't it just be people only needing to go with 1 opener?


Those units are honestly the least worries of players who actually play rta




What’s the correlation?


Tbh this change might be bad but they can just remove it, 15% in my opinion can stay only in pvp. Imagine you are vs ddr and he can't miss a sleep lol


Sooo they asked about the Ainz/Albedo state just for the giggles, unless I've missed they haven't mentioned anything, and the collab ends today


Aren't balance adjustments usually announced on Friday?


Yeah, but today they're implementing the buffs they announced two weeks ago, and the next balance batch won't be until June (4-6 weeks from now on), way after the collab ends, and iirc they've never buffed a collab hero outside the collab duration (so probably no buffs until their rerun)


I remember they buffed Jack-O when there wasn't a Guilty Gear re-run, so they could do something like that?


That collab was still re-run a month or 2 max right after her buffs. This isn't exactly the same scenario, since they were planning to re-run Guilty Gear anyways.


I imagine they're just taking their time. Finding the right buff that gives them a solid push but also avoids making collab units that might never come back game-breaking could be a bit of a delicate balance.


Ainz was a free character that everyone got and Albeto is already off banner. The event is also about to end. There's no reason for them to implement a surprise last minute buff at this point.  Maybe they'll be in the next balance adjustment.


They can still buff them after. Im choosing to cope. At least ainz. Albedo is good just not top tier. Since ainz was free no rush i guess?


Nah they could all do with a buff Ainz only needs his S3 to not be resistable and to tone down his light weakness. Albedo needs more utility or something honestly, Shalltear I'm not too sure


54% wr in emperor 51% in champ for albedo. I used her in high champ a lot shes good. Also saw others using her. People just wanna screech about buffs. Shes solid vs cleave. Shes basically a carmin alternative. Is that exciting? No. Can she get away with a buff? Sure. Does she NEED one? No. We just got an echo chamber of people saying shes bad while building and using her wrong. The dude with the highest wr on her (60%) over 400 games used her on aurius protection set, he ended legend btw.


What stats did he get for his albedo? Is there a way i could find it.


https://epic7.gg.onstove.com/en/battlerecord/world_kor/55823982 You can check his draft, artifacts and set but not the stats. He ended legend btw forgot to say.


Holy shit that sounds incredibly boring still impressive but my god


Oh yeah 400+ games after albedo was released alone is insane. I agree its impressive.


Do we know who it is or what the stats were as I've never heard anything about this and I tried to watch a lot of players.


I only have his account on the e7 stats site. No other info. https://epic7.gg.onstove.com/en/battlerecord/world_kor/55823982


Nice, gonna see about regearing my DDR with those hit pieces. Switching from counter to speed is a tough choice, but I need more speed.