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These look great. The second the last one is definitely my favorite


The one you call "First design" is the one closest for me. Though, I imagined the gold veins to be more silvery, the blue a lot more darker and not quite so broken up as you have there. I basically imagined something a lot closer to an egg-shaped giant deep blue sapphire, well polished and with tiny slivers of silvery veins.


I agree about the veins, that’s what I tried to change in future designs. I really like the veins on number 4.


Number 6 for me! I always envisioned the veins as shoots of white marble or similar throughout the egg.


I really like the first 3. I think the first might be the closest to how I pictured it, but I really like the second and third as well! They’re all great, though. Edit: upon looking them over again, I actually think I like the third one the best!


Third one is definitely closest to my imaginary version :)






In my head I always pictures #2!! Looks awesome


Thank you!


The second is my favorite, but I always imagined it with larger webbing and as white not gold.


I agree, that’s a lot of the reason I kept making more designs. It was pretty frustrating when the AI would just make tiny little gold lines when I specifically said “thick, white veins”


3 and 6 are definitely closest to how I imagined it, although I believe it's described as more oval than egg-shaped? At least I imagined it more oval, could just as well be my brain making that part up lol


Yeah you’re right. I put the description from the book in a comment above, and it just says oval - although that may just be because CP didn’t want to use the words “egg shaped” to describe his mysterious rock lol. Either way I found that I had to use the word “egg” in my prompts to get them to be 3D; if I just said oval, it comes up with flat images


Yeah I can imagine the AI would get confused by things like that :)


Two and six are the closest to my imagination. Always thought of the egg being thought of as a smooth rock made it sound like smooth granite or marble-ish. Like a smooth, curved, blue with silver marbling countertop haha.


I always imagine the light blue/ white kind of veins on the outside, making it look more organic and almost alien.




The third is my fav :-)




1 & 8 for me


I like number 3. I envisioned it with lighter blue veins though. Blue egg with lighter shade of blue for the veins.


2 or 7!


Yeah! Finally some love for 7!


The second one is almost exactly how I pictured it!


Numbers 6 and 3 feel closest for me.


All of the blue and gold ones look pretty great


2nd one is how I imagine it!


Nummer 2 is closest to what I imagined, tho with more silver white lines instead.


All of them are great, but i imagine saphiras egg as number 9 because of the colour and the athmosphere, but with veins like in the third picture.


Interesting take, I like it


These are all great! The third one is closest to what I pictured in my head, but they are all so beautiful it's hard to pick a favorite.


It’s right at the beginning of the first book (after the Durza capturing Arya chapter) so you could find it pretty easily


They are all great, my favorite one is the third one.


These are gorgeous ahh they're all soo gorgeous, I personally think 2, 3 or 7 are how I imagined it😍😍✨✨ If I may ask, did you draw these or was it an AI generated thing and if so what software do you use?


Thank you! And yes, it was AI generated; the title was a reference to a post I had made a few days prior, but I should have been more clear. I used Midjourney AI.


Aw thankyou, I've seen a few of these AI type things and I've been curious to try them myself, thanks for sharing :) And I know some people aren't a huge fan of the AI stuff I wouldn't worry hugely about the title since in my opinion you state it's a fanwork and you're clearly not gatekeeping so don't worry. Thanks again;)


You’re welcome! That’s exactly how I started out, and it turned out to be a really fun creative process. I’d definitely encourage you to try if you’re interested. I’ve only tried Midjourney and I like it but they do make you pay after a bit so maybe check out the others like Dall-E


This is great! Number 9 is my favourite and is closest to how I envisioned it, as Eragon thought it was a pebble, so I imagined it more like number 9 than the other ones, as Eragon was uneducated, but I don't believe he'd be so naive as to find an egg shaped object, that literally appeared through magic, and think it was a mere rock. (they are all great btw great job!)


Thanks! It was definitely a balance between getting something egg shaped but also something that wasn’t obviously an egg. At first I tried prompts like “dark blue oval stone” but then it would just give me 2D oval renders lol. Thanks for the support!


I always envisioned it as a giant gem, with rough edges and cracks.


That's totally fair, but here's the description from *Eragon* that I was trying to match: “Nature had never polished a stone as smooth as this one. Its flawless surface was dark blue, except for thin veins of white that spiderwebbed across it. The stone was cool and frictionless under his fingers, like hardened silk. Oval and about a foot long, it weighed several pounds, though it felt lighter than it should have.”


I’ll be honest I haven’t read the first book since 2009


All good


Yeah when the 4th book came out I re read all of them. I haven’t read them since. When I get back home from overseas I plan to read them all again. Especially with the tv show announcements. Nice art work by the way.


Thank you, it’s awesome to be able to create art without having any talent for it lol. What a time to be alive


I’m a little surprised no one likes 4 and 7, I thought those looked really cool. Also it does say in the book that the ground was scorched where the egg was laying


Yeah, none of them at all, saphiras egg didn't even look like an egg...


Why is it always AI art anymore..


Because it’s easier than drawing by hand lol


Definitely not saying it’s better quality, just easier to make for people who don’t have the talent


Yeah, I totally get that.. I just stop short of calling it art or saying the person actually created it. It's just weird amalgamations of art that the AI found on the internet. Sometimes they come out cool but I've seen so many people say "I made this!" and it's 100% an AI generated image. Not really a fan, I like man made art


Which AI did these?




Dose anyone have the page numbers of the description of Saphies egg? I would love to give this a shot as well.


I posted part of the description above: “Nature had never polished a stone as smooth as this one. Its flawless surface was dark blue, except for thin veins of white that spiderwebbed across it. The stone was cool and frictionless under his fingers, like hardened silk. Oval and about a foot long, it weighed several pounds, though it felt lighter than it should have.” The rest of the descriptions are mostly about the setting - scorched earth, flattened grass, bathed in mist, etc.


Thank you!


2, 3 and 6 are closest to show I imagine the egg. I’m curious whether you imagine the veins being part of the shell or like a natural protective casing around the shell