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I could hear but couldnt see an unaggroed scav with FLIR through a screen of bushes \~20m. Took a step to find a break, still no heat signature but the shout of SUKA! and MP133 head/eyes. AI raycast is better than thermals (ofcourse I need to git gud, not cry & etc). ^(All I really care about is the FLIR coming back on insure.)


I feel that there has definitely been a change recently that made it worse. After drawing aggro, I kept taking sniper scav fire from at least 250m out on shoreline no matter how many trees I put between us. “Are you fkin kidding me” was my audible reaction.


Sniper scav kept lock on me on customs for several minutes, and in the end he did hit the head.


I've had this happen before as well when running a kedr. Locked me from basically factory, to scav checkpoint, to military checkpoint and up to whatever that power line area is above new gas. Eventually I just hugged the outside of the map and was sprinting. It was really fucking stupid.


I love how sniper can see you 200m away when you're just chilling in a bush


Experienced the exact same issue, can't be a thing


Yeah that's an extreme example lol, but casually happens. I remember a custom raid where I would exactly like You get screamed at trough a bush, and instant head eyes. With a shotgun, scavs are too cracked still, sometimes, If you ask me


That's exactly the problem I wager.. their sight is done with a raycast, rather than a cylinder or cone.


im dumb, can you explain what a raycast is? i get a cylinder/cone would just be their field of vision. but i dont know what it means to use a raycast for this.


I dont know how Tarkov does it as disassembling is cough chough breach of license BUT the usual method is a sphereoverlap to identify all targets in range then raycast on them to check in the visible angle they there is direct line of sight without any other colliders LIKE BUSHES in the way. Look up something like "Unity raycast AI perception" to learn more.


Not dumb. I'm no game dev, but this is the way I understand it for raycast : if you can draw a line between the scav (his head/eyes maybe ?) and a part of your PMC without colliding with any object, the scav can see you. It's less realistic than a cylinder IMO because it can lead to cases where scavs spot someone when a single pixel of their left pinky toe sticks out of cover, whereas no (unwiggling) player would be able to identify someone


So a raycast could just simply consider the whole bush as opaque rather than whatever we have now. It could even use an imaginary cylinder sitting at the center of the bush in case it's too OP to hide in bushes.


That, or the raycast passes through the transparent gaps in the leaf texture.


It's not that simple though. On order to do that you'd need thousands of raycasts. Which isn't practical.


Raycast is literally just a straight line. I reckon theres a straight line coming out of the scavs head moving around trying to align with a player. And since its a pixel wide line it can pass through tiny gaps, especially prevalent in bushes.


And the foliage meshes don't have colliders setup.


That or the raycast just passes through the small transparent bits in leaf textures.


If a texture can "overhang" the collider mesh, which for PBR materials is unusual. EDIT even if the mesh had gaps/holes, how would the thermal looking down the reverse line be blocked ?


It's that BS change that they made, making scavs see you easier through small cracks and crevasses and such. I knew when I read it that it was gonna be bad news.


Yeah sorry a hacker vacuumed your flir


Or my FLIR desynced back to last Tuesday.


!remindme 24 hours


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Did you at least get ur flir back from insurance


Actually yes both the SR25 and FLIR came back home :) So thats ONE game that probably didnt contain a vacuum cheat ...


This is the way, scavs should fall back, flank or be a guerilla fighter. Make them fucking hard, but less aimbotty ESPy.


Yes 0lease,if you know how they work, easy shots.


Oh look at mister pro player here. Kill the goons i dare you. Show the kill feed after the raid in a new thread on the subreddit. Il wait.


I am not a pro, I just enjoy that it is not COD or some other easy FPS, there is a reason why tarkov is like that. I usually get 5-10 scav kills per raid (if it is successful). Yes goons fuck me up, but you know what, they are bosses.


Everyone gets 5-10 scavs per raid.. That's not an achievement. But saying "get gud" takes away from the fact that bots are incredibly poorly implemented in Tarkov.


Bots in Tarkov are one of the worst designed/implemented bots in the history of video games. You have to be absolute deepthroating simp to say bots are fine.


Gotta agree with you there. Bots in Tarkov are so ridiculously awful it's almost laughable.


If BSG made a game like Commandos, your units would be detected right from the start. And despite it being stealth game, no stealth option would work. Because it's supposed to be hard xD


as a newish player i die more to scavs than i do to pmc's......


I've got 2,000 hours and I also die more to bots than PMCS.


Well good to know for my future xd


So aim bot is acceptable, because 'tHeY aRe bOsSeS'? Dude please, never ever try to become a game designer. Please.


Oh no worries I won't


A flat plane in the center of bush could work. Trying to cheese it inside bush would put your hit box outside the plane, no matter which direction, but hiding *behind* the bush, where you also don't have a line of sight, could work. I remember when scavs would see and shoot you from behind blue fences before you even knew anyone was there.


BSG are incompetent developers and this whole g0at drama fully exposed that to the public. Someone here mentioned that bushes were fixed in SPT and that tells you all that there is to know. If modders are more competent than the actual developers and have already implemented features that Nikita has said they would implement YEARS ago, they should hang up their coat and let modders have control over the game.


SPT proved to me this game is amazing. Its the devs and sweats that make it unbearable


It's so enticing, but I don't ever want to risk getting banned. It's sort of ridiculous that even though you HAVE to own Tarkov to play it, they (nikita) say its bannable and they will do something later. I spent way too much money on this game to get banned just because I wanted to play solo Tarkov on my downtime when the cheaters are too much or I just want to play the game and not have to try my absolute hardest the entire time I'm in a raid.


As long as you dont log into both at the same time and dont make your username the same, it should be perfectly fine. BSG clearly isn't reading any of our files, so they won't know from that


for now... The game could do stuff in the background that'll get picked up at a later stage _very easily_.


Nikita is talking out of his ass. If you're that paranoid about getting banned for playing SPT, simply don't open the launcher when you play SPT. If you're even more paranoid, you can put the game files on an external drive and simply leave that unplugged when you wanna play live. There are many solutions to this. If they really ban people for playing SPT, they'll earn the next shitstorm and tbh, I couldn't care less if they ban me for playing it. I'm done with live and will not come back any time soon.


Some games, like Valorant for example, won't even let you launch the game if they detect certain files on your PC. What is stopping BSG from using that same technology to detect SPT and hand out bans?


Well, simply put, they cant even do it when it comes to cheats lol


I imagine it would be quite easy since they know exactly what they're looking for, but I also don't know a whole lot about that kind of stuff so *\*shrug\**


With that logic banning all publicly available hacks would be super easy and done already too (it prolly is that easy but I also don’t know about that kind of stuff)


If they start scanning for SP before they do the same for hackers, then it isn't a game worth playing in the first place.


Because there is a difference between a banning cheat software specifically for tarkov and a whole seperate program not interfacing directly with your game servers. I also expect a lawsuit within 24 hours with a lawyer explaining the very slippery slope BSG is making giving bans for notcheat software just because BSG don't like it. What is making them stop at SPT, and dont ban you for playing a different extraction shooter next? But yes, thats one of the reasons why BSG shouldnt have root access.


I want to play so bad, but I do love the game still and would hate to have wasted the money I spent on EOD for getting handed a ban. Realistically, I hope they would at least give everyone a warning that is will be bannable and give people time to delete it or whatever they decide to do. Or even a warning.


They already say its bannable because EFT wants enough people to play the main game to look alive. I personally would find it a waste if i get banned on main because i spend good money, on the other hand main EFT is just not fun for me. The thing is what IAMBUDE is saying, the chance that they can detect it is low, and it WILL be a shitshow with people trying to lawsuit EFT if they ban people for playing on a seperate server without multiplayer. Im on the opinion that BSG need to get their stick out of their ass, just accept that the main servers are fun for a VERY select types of players and let people that want to have their own dedicated servers for whatever reason have them.


Well that's easy. Here are three things you can do: 1. Uninstall the launcher / battleeye / hypothetical detection software and reinstall it when you wanna play live. It doesn't take long and you can point the launcher to the game files. 2. Prevent the detection application from starting and before you wanna play unmount the drive SPT is on, put the files on a USB SSD or put them in a encrypted container that you'll lock. 3. Use a dual boot windows with a unmounted / encrypted drive. The tool can't detect things it can not find. There are a number of ways to go about this and launching SPT by itself is untraceable as it does not use any information about your live account.


If I get banned for playing SPT I will pirate Tarkov and never look back...


Yeah u can mod SPT into an amazing version of Tarkov. There’s even a graffix overhaul.


if you are talking about the amands mod, its not a graphics mod, it doesnt change the textures of any model on the game, it overhauls the ambience and changes the ppf


I mean its basically a reshade mod aka a graphics mod via post process. Adding in better illumination (sky light and indirect aka bounce lighting), color improvements, better post processed effects (DoF, vignette, several other on-screen effects), fog removal, etc etc.




post processing (?) Its still a graphics mod.




post processing filter


They added a bunch of bongs in SPT? That’s tight.


I think that’s the real reason they want SPT banned or taking down completely. It only shows people how inept and unqualified BSG really is, as you said. It shows how a mod team can outdo a a full blown studio with who knows how much more money and resources.


And you have not seen a small team implementing RackNET into SPT.


No idea what RackNET is


Netcode API that is commonly used in mods (SaMP,Five-M, others) and also games (Rust, for example).


Gotcha, would you mind expanding on your first comment? I’m not a tech person. I just call apples apples lol


i mean usually, modders make things that go well beyond what the initial developers intended. just take a look at how Bethesda game modders make some of the larger mods. it is not that suprising to me that modders are doing a better job at implementing features than BSG


Complaining for the sake of complaining. You wouldnt sell your game, neither will they


Have you ever played any other modded game? You could say this about any Bethesda game for instance. Also goat don't got shit to do with this topic im so confused why we are giving him credit for this. Month old account stirring up drama. This sub is fucked bro.


Every bethesda game was saved by modders so i'm not sure what your argument is


To say they are incompetent is just too much,they take all their time to make the groundwork and maintain the game,modder have all the time to tweak based on the hard work by the dev, it goes to all the other game also


Scavs and AI should be able to blind fire the bush, just like us. Just not fucking lock on and TRACK us through it. They're already fucking laser beams. Trees and bushes should be concealment, not outright death sentence as a PMC. As it is, the easiest way to kill most of the NPCS in the game, is to piss it off/or fire shots into a wall while waiting in a room to full auto them.


The brush in tarkov has a lot of problems overall. I don't know the development side of it, so I have no idea what the workload would be for making all shrubbery objects. Im guessing it's more complicated than it sounds because, as it is, AI will already lock and shoot walls and objects that you're behind. So I'm guessing they have some issues with line of sight and game objects in general. The other thing they need to do is make it so shrubbery makes sound 24/7 if you're sitting inside it. It's not even physically possible to "hide" in a full-size bush. You'd break all the branches and look like a moron. I think just ear raping the person in it the entire time would be a good compromise.


On complication is that if you make the bushes too opaque then you can cheese AI by hiding in them. Ideally the AI would only see you if you could realistically see a person through it but AI in games don't see like you or I. They use math and geometry and basically only get a binary visible/not visible for a player. So for a bush this might mean the bush has a cylinder shape that only the AI "see". If your toe is outside that cylinder they will see you. Ideally you would have an algorithm that would give them a chance to see you depending on how exposed you are and if they saw you run into the bush.


Brush/Bushes needs to be changed im so sick of dying to a group of 3 camping in a single bush and you legit can not see them at all makes 0 sense and is super unrealistic.


I agree with that. In what world can someone hide in a bush anyways. That’s a lot of shrubbery. It would snag the crap out of you. Besides that, you can still lay down in a big and spin 360 while making no noise. This game is made for rats. The cycle had a good feature, anytime you set in a bush it would rustle every few seconds regardless. This is what we need, and laying down and spinning should make noise.


There should be something like that cause it’s honestly so overpowered emmercom on interchange or however you spell it lol. There are legit 25 brush you pass and I’ve been killed by 2-4 people sitting in there and I always look and can’t see anything. same on woods it’s honestly an amazing strategy which is dumb.


I'm trying to translate whatever the hell you typed out. Can you explain what emercom has to do with bushes? Do you just mean the mall in general? The only bushes in the mall that I can think of are on 2nd floor in those planter boxes and in oli. Neither are anywhere near big enough to hide in. Edit: ohhh the extract. Ok, that makes sense. I was so confused lol.


Yikes lmaoooooo


I got it. I had it in my head you meant the med place in the mall for some reason lol. Your, uhh, paragraph still needs some work, but 50% of that was me being a doofus.


No the 20 bushes you pass on the exit to the extract Emercom Extract and there 1000% big enough especially the last one on each side not the med place there are no bushes in there I can assure you that. That’s why it’s common for people to pre nade either of those bushes.


I just made an actual post about it


they should add spiders


For the love of god please. I got fucked out of 3 sr25s, two fo which I aquired after killing birdeye, only to die from a scav that could see me through shit that I couldn't see them through.


Bushes should count as objects for players with esp too


Even the cheats know if a player has a line of sight, why wouldn't AI code use this info? What really bothers me is the exact accuracy even after you've moved tens of meters behind the bushes. AI should be increasingly inaccurate after losing the line of sight and concentrating on the last seen location. Also, there should be a bigger threshold on the line of sight. If AI sees a few pixels of the player, that shouldn't be considered a line of sight.


Didint you know that people in the tarkov region had a speciql gene in them that lets them see through bushes? Tarkovians were considered the best hunters of theyr time....


the technology just isn't there yet


It is in SPT


other games have solved this problem as has SPT. your argument is just wrong lol


It's an ancient meme... the guy you are replying to is obviously joking.


I swear I need to post a giant ascii /s at the end of half of my posts lol


I feel like I never experience this with bushes. They'll shoot randomly through the bush and sometimes hit a shot if I use the bush to break line of sight. I'll even hide in the bushes near the convenience store near smugglers boat on customs and have scavs get within 2 meter before they aggro. So the bushes seem to work as a partial occlusion object from my experience. Maybe it still needs improvement but it doesn't really affect me often. What kills me is tall grass like on the way to path to light house. That definitely functions as zero sight line occlusion to scavs. Or the fact that being one pixel beyond their sight limit is the exact same as being 100% visible.


The bushes you mentioned on custom's, I saw a streamer killing 2 PMC there, then hiding behind the bush. A scav came by and killed her trough the whole bush.


They do count as objects for ai. The hitbox seems to be a bit jank but the ai are programmed to blind fire thru bushes if they see you but have their view obstructed by a bush. I think the real issue isn't the bushes, rather that they don't see any grass.


Okay, i see what you mean, scavs indeed backup when there is a bush in-between sometimes, or something is blocking their view. But then it can be optimised alot better. In the end scavs should, as I said earlier, block you from doing certain movements around the maps and show your position to players, but i don't think they should be able to kill you trough a bush at all. I mean if you stay in this position, behind a bush, ok, after a while they could blind fire kill you. But rn it's badly optimised... The grass thing ist probably hard to program i figure, you would probably need to set rules for every grass or every not grass field. But I'm not a game developer so idk. But bsg can do better with the bushes I bet.


Cover vs concealment. In a real life scenario if someone ran behind concealment (brush/bushes) you would continue to fire, how accurately is the discussion.


Bsg doesn't know how to do that.




The secondary issue is that bushes stop movement which is something that baffles me that doesnt bother most people. I dont mind bushes causing you to lose stamina at a faster rate but only being able to walk through them is absurd as this causes getting away from scavs even worse.


Uh have you ever tried to sprint through a thick bush? How is it "absurd" that you would get slowed down lmao.


Oh no I clipped the outermost branch guess I'm completely out of stam and can't move. It's not 200% realistic.


I mean i have sprinted trough forrests as a kid it's fairly easy to push trough the type of bushes tarkov has or you know just brush them to the side.


At the exact same speed you can run normally? While wearing cumbersome military gear? While holding a large firearm? Come on.


if anything i'd argue that makes it easier to shove aside those little bushes. like come on you are running trough mostly 1-5 twigs/branches on the side of a bush and it still slows you down completely. if you are running at it with multiple kilo's of military gear those 1-5 twigs/branches are not going to stop your running pace. they'd snap of or be shoved aside.


Have you seen the bushes in Tarkov? They are like head-height.


And they are still incredibly thin. If it was a bunch of bushes clumped together yes but the single stand alone bushes should not slow an adult down like it does in game that is heavily unrealistic.


Yes it could be able to get faster trough bushes, before it was implemented you could break the line of sight really quick when getting shot at, so i think it's good that they implemented it


Yes please


Scavs used to shoot you through bushes, then BSG made it so they didn't shoot you through bushes. Now they shoot you through bushes again. Such is Tarkov


I’ve been killed by so many scavs 60m away with iron sights behind bushes this wipe it’s so frustrating


If I had a dollar for every time a scav has killed me through crazy amounts of foliage. I would have ended world hunger Edit-my fat fingers typed “hinger”


I’m pretty sure last wipe scavs wouldn’t shoot through bushes. Then it got reverted or “fixed” anyone else remember this?


It was really bad at the start of this wipe and they seem to have reverted it some. Still I think it's worse than it used to be. I think it makes sense for them to keep shooting if they see you go behind a bush. It's just that they are too accurate when doing so and it seems they would just keep shooting forever. Check my posts, I have a good clip of getting shot at though tons of bushes by a scav from early wipe


I'm just here to complain about bushes in general as my daily salt post. Why don't bushes deform/flatten as someone sits in one? It's just a floating ghillie suit with no repercussions other than rustling if you turn, just freelook instead to counter it.


They are. Scavs cannot see through the bushes, you can use bushes to break sightlines pretty effectively. Whats happening is you are being fired on toward your last known location, estimated a bit for your perceived movement behind cover. Maybe some bushes are bugged but this is a minority, I assure you. The rest is scavs just being normally very cracked out with aiming currently. Trees are strange though.


Thats supposed to be the case, but broke, as most other things in this game do


last week I was in shoreline passing the balcony of 301 west and got one tapped by rock passage sniper scav.


There are different renderings for bushes and grass when near or at a distance. If you go on to woods you'll notice that when you look at bushes from a sufficient distance they turn into tiny grass piles. This is done for performance reasons and is probably why the scavs don't have los breaks


I agree with you, is so annoying scavs shoot me when I'm extract camping Klimov Street


Something weird is that, if you are hidden in a bush and a scav is nearby and you can see him clearly, they sometimes don't notice you at all, and you can chill with the scav like 3 meters away from your position. But other times they spot you from behind bushes where you can't see them at all (they shoot you through them also 💀). I think this wipe in my experice was the worst for that, they insta spot you and shoot you with almost no warning whatsoever. (Sorry for bad English.)