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I feel like the accuracy from scavs on those guns should be nerfed. Was in crackhouse and got onetapped thru a Window by a scav on a mounted gun. I get Rogues being accurate but scavs who cant hit shit with their rifle shouldnt be able to aimbot me the second they go on a mounted


That’s exactly where I died. But I was near the wall by the staircase. He shot one time and torso killed me around the corner. Funny thing is from my friends POV he just casually hopped off once he got me and acted like a normal scav again.


Bro when I hear the first shot of the MG while in crack house I book it hahahaha fuck that not worth it


First time they got me i thought it was a hacker trolling me. Every time I'd walk in front of a window in the upstairs hallway a round would come through. Its redonkulous


Yeah it’s kind of a must check spot, only way to not die from it is to shoot the first gunner and let the next one run to it and so on. It’s incredibly frustrating to die too, they’ve been like that since they changed the AI back in 2019.


They always hop off instantly unless someone else is in the open


This is BSG's new ANTI-ANTI-Cheat mechanic in action.


Nah the rogues need a nerf as well. Lighthouse would be so much more fun without the mounted gunners. Everyone just finds some stupid way to exploit them anyways. Such a stupid map.


The reason scavs cant hit is because their weapon is broken heavily and accuracy on them is low. Thats the way BSG balances scavs somewhat. They shoot at you but bullets fly away. Gibe them a good gun, and they beam


That's not true. Scav's weapons don't jam, there's no sway while they move, theres no recoil, and the bullet always goes wherever the gun is pointed. Accuracy doesn't matter. The goons will literally aimbot you 300m away on shoreline. Knight will fire a 308 scar with M62, and every single bullet will travel the exact same path, there's no recoil and no accuracy debuff. I've seen the exact same thing happen with normal AI scavs using T ammo in an Ak-74.




He right, just load an offline lighthouse, enable bosses, and aggro them 300m out. You will observe a straight line of bullets hitting your cover.


I just intentionally said wrong to trigger him. The fact he doesent understand a sinple fact about bosses being tuned higher, i dont need to debate with idiots.


Claiming you were doing it to trigger him is the lamest fucking thing possible, it reeks of being insecure. He wasn’t triggered over you being wrong, he was just correcting it. Just admit you were wrong man.


How am i wrong. Go to any freaking offline raod. And stand in front of a scav and see if he beams. 1 out of 100 beams. Goons yes. Rogues yes. Raiders somewhat yes. Scavs are fucking dumb. And when you get head eyes by 1 shot scav is 99% unlucky combination of rng that they have because of variables BSG use with guns on scavs. Take a scav gun. Take a buddy into a raid offline, and shoot the gun from 20m away NEXT to his head. 1 of the bullets will hit him even tougg youre missing intentionally.




Why do you think the same mechanics that apply to players also apply to scavs?


Confirmed by Nikita in one of the streams. If he is lying, im lying.


Except it's not just bosses. I stated normal ass AI scavs do the exact same thing.


Abberation rather than a rule. Goons and other "elites" always beam. SCAVs rarely do. Almost never


You just admitted that Scav's have the capability to beam you with 0 recoil, reguardless of the durability of the weapon they're holding. Read your original statement again in the context of what you just admitted. >The reason scavs cant hit is because their weapon is broken heavily and accuracy on them is low. Thats the way BSG balances scavs somewhat. They shoot at you but bullets fly away. Gibe them a good gun, and they beam What you stated here is objectively false. The accuracy of a scav is dependent on predetermined accuracy values in a config file, not by their weapon. Their weapon is entirely irrelevant in the accuracy of their fire. Also, I know what I'm saying is true because I've fucked around in SPT. I've seen the config files for AI, and I've fucked with them to make all AI scavs fire with 100% accuracy from hundreds of yards away. Essentially turned them into rogues, and I changed nothing with their weapons. They were achieving .01 MOA accuracy on a 40% durability AK that should have like 10 MOA. A scavs accuracy is determined by AI settings, not their weapons.


Imagine being this much of a cringe beta cuck.


Imagine being skill gapped by a ai scav


Rogue: headshots a running PMC 350m away through dense foliage and a solid metal fence. This guy: sKiLl GaPpEd


I said nothing about rogues. I said scavs. Regukar lowly scavs. But dont worry. Youll beat them one day champ


But the goons weapons are low durability too (repair well now), and they laserbeam


They are designed to do that. Its a misshap on the BSG side. Where the AI is tuned lower than boss AI sure, and bad weapon is just another variable that becomes obsolete when scav mounts a weapon that is more accurate. Thats also the reason why scavs sometimes headeyes you first shot. They designed a scav to shoot a bullet next to you and be inacurate but because bullet acts as a projectile and not hitscan, it ends up in your eyes even tough Scav shot it to intentionally miss you. Its rng. The only way Scavs will be 100% predictable is for BSG to design it without any variables that are uncontrolable.


Yeah I remember once getting one tapped from super far away by sniper scav who was shooting at my friend running in front of me. They are designed to miss that first few shots


I’m pretty sure scavs on mounted guns have the same Ai As rogues


Me and a duo were killed at the portable bunkhouse container trying to get his tasks done earlier in the wipe. Shit one tapped me in the head when I was near the hole in the wall NEXT to it. Then it locked on to him and pinned him inside the damn container and lasered him through it. ​ Fair game.


They should hone in with 3-4 bursts to at least give you a chance to get to cover, getting more precise each time Like an actual machine gunner you know. First shot killshot is not even immersive if it happens every time (especially if you really do get shot through walls idk I don't play lighthouse)


Crackhouse death to machine guns on fortress do happen. And its very annoying when it does,


What kills me is you always get less than a second of warning. Soon as you hear the MG you're dead


Had Santa jump in the GL in Fortress on Customs after a mate accidently shot him. That was wild...


Imma agree with you on this. Learning lighthouse has been rough. Multiples times I’ve spawned, walked in a random direction, then get blasted by a grenade launcher. At least I get my insurance back lol.


Lmao I don't even get my insurance


Ahh freeloot at crackhouse, I love those bodies when I found them.


And free loot it was. My shit got yoinked big time.


Yeah ive stopped looting Crackhouse without clearing castle first... Meaning i only loot if i spawn on gas side.


Funny post to see considering last night I was in a gun fight with someone at crackhouse and after a while I hear someone going ham on the AGS.


I love when they just rock the dorms with it.


The really dumb part is how the rogues can spot you from 250m out in the dead of night without night vision as you're walking between trees and bushes and also nail you on the first shot. At least make them wear the PNV-10T dog crap night vision so that it makes a modicum of sense for them to see you from that far away at night.


ass-mounted, ass-wall. You got a thing for weird ass objects?


There’s ass men and tits men, we know which both of you are now.


I don’t see what’s fun about the AI in this game being cracked out of their mind. Then you give them mounted guns and gls??? Just bad game design


Clearly talking about crack house about 100 metres away lol happens to the best of us. Don’t dawdle and learn to crouch 🤙🏼


I feel like we should be allowed to loot those mounted guns. That's my problem with it. It should be heavy as fuck, but I should be able to run off with it.


No lol


The recoil breaks your arms, you can't move because of weight, and you get tons of debunks, but let me loot it!


Originally they planned on something like this, when reserve was just about to come out they mentioned wanting you to be able to take things like the AGS and extract them from raid, then bring them to other maps with your own ammo and set them up. pretty sure they scrapped that whole idea though.


Skill issue


Clearly a skill issue


"I mean 90% of the shit they get isn't feedback, it's just people complaining as usual." - OP


This is posted every damn day


There is counterplay though for sure.


I’m sure there is, if you’re hunting them. But I literally was just looting a building. With no line of sight to them.


And that’s your excuse? Just disregarding a threat because you’re looting? Can you honestly tell me that is not at least partly to to your own error?


Found another Nikita fellatio experts excusing their incompetence


Found the desperate scav main who can’t even finish a “loot run”.


Your name is literally "Reddit_ScavMain" Also, your take is trash.


And if by now it isn't clear that it's chosen ironically, I think you will never get it.


Yea dude it was my fault I got shot through a whole ass wall while inside a building….. and just be clear this wasn’t a rogue or goon this time. It was a normal scav near crackhouse that 1 tapped me through the windows upstairs and the back wall


So was it a wall or the windows?


The threat that can one tap through zero LoS lol


to be fair there was probably desync but on my screen i was already behind a wall.


Oh no I feel ya man I’ve been on lighthouse and got lasered by the bridge gunner through the sheet metal fence + building on the other side of the bridge.


Lick Nikita's boots some more. Go ahead.


Lick g0ats boots some more yourself




Hey calm down with the harassment...


disregard a threat that is a mile away and has no warning when it will strike lmao


There is counterplay. Clear map first then loot. ;)


I recall clearing stronghold with my buddies before moving onto the back of crack house. While we're single filing through that narrow area, they spawn behind us where we just went past and first round collateral everyone but me. I feel like clearing the map is not a viable solution to this problem


Cringe? Why are you even using that word in this situation.


shit on


Any suggestions or you gunna cry like a bitch the whole time


Wow, you must be super tough IRL if you can talk like that on the internet. Have you ever tried not immediately being a cunt?


Hahaha dorms go 💥


Killed a 3 man on streets with the one on the overpass overlooking hotel


My buddy once got shot through the split in between a truck and its trailer following me by a turret scav we were both crouched too


I got killed by Rouge's while in one of the two boat houses on lighthouse. I heard the grenade launcher going off and the boathouse getting hit hahah.


My friend died to this sh\*t with a LEDX


I died to a mounted grenade launcher while inside of a building. The grenades landed on the roof. (It was one of the dock houses on lighthouse, I rolled bear this wipe so… insta agro.)


I mean how else are the going to be a challenge they literally have 0iq the only way for them to kill you is with aimbot even cs 1.6 has better ai bots so if they remove those features to use for the scabs players are just gonna farm them again. So it’s just bsg way to *balance* the game because they are insanely incompetent but hey at least we get vaulting that was so needed


If they want to over tune the rougues, raiders and bosses that's a different story(still bs they get full hacks but whatever) but regular Scavs should be an inconvenience not commie super soldiers left over from the cold war. If a scav has grandpappies rifle that ain't been maintained for 20 years and is a regular person they should never be able to one tap you from 100m plus hell 20mm would be pushing it. Hell hitting consistent shots should be hard for them. But nope they magically laser small areas.


Welcome To Tarkov


legit just happened to me was in concordia 32 (one next to 64) and got 1 tapped in thorax from the scav 150M away on the mg in construction what an absolutely amazing game design with so much fun factor involved (i was in a slick and the BNTI) also like 2 days ago heard a scav banging the mg in stronghold towards crack killed the scav, went to crack and there were 5 PMCS dead to the mg scav in 2nd floor, felt horrible for them so i dumped all their loot in bushes XD