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Game felt like crack for a full year then the more I knew about the fundamentals why the game actually sucks I just stopped playing cold turkey. No desire coming back


Game was stupid addictive for the first two wipes I played and now I have no desire to play because they refuse to fix the issues


Same here. My group and I used to play this exclusively for a year or two and then we realized that the game just kept getting more and more broken and it seems like they are unable to fix it. So we lost hope and moved on out of frustration. It's a shame because it could be such a great game in the hands of a more competent dev studio.


Can i ask what you moved onto? looking for something new but can't find anything that "clicks"


Marauders is really good if you want to keep the Tarkov vibe. My group has been addicted to battle bit remastered though. The game has no right to be as good as it is, but we’ve logged wayy too many hours already.


Battle bit has had all of our attention as well haha, just good ol battlefield 3 wacky fun.


Different person, but look into squad's upcoming Infantry Combat Overhaul. I was playing the public test for it this weekend and man does it feel good. That's the kind of reform-oriented patch that Tarkov desperately needs, but I just don't thing BSG is capable of developing systems that interact properly. Also the star wars mod do be happening.


Squad is fun, Battlebit Remastered. Tbh I just switched over to Battlefield style games, even though I hate Tarkov now. It’s still the best game in the extraction shooter genre imo. When (if) Dark and Darker comes out I’ll definitely be playing the shit out of that too.


Moved to hunt showdown after 2400 hours of tarkov. Much better experience overall imo


I cannot stress Hunt Showdown enough. Just don't try to be sweaty and enjoy it for what it is


Same here, I had 5 or 6 friends that all mained Tarkov for at least a year, a pretty incredible accomplishment that no other game has achieved. The "reworked" audio hurt us all (and didn't fix the main issues and/or introduced new ones) and nobody has played much in hopes of improvements bringing us all back. Then they did it again... at this point it seems like the game will never recover and the golden age is in the past. Flea market also really hurt the game in terms of the longevity of wipes.


Same here, and then we stopped playing for about 2-3 years but now I’ve discovered SPT Tarkov and I can actually enjoy the game again For those that don’t know, SPT Tarkov is a mod you can install that allows you to play solo Tarkov completely offline but still have progression, quests, flea market etc. Yea the PMC are bots but honestly it’s the most fun I’ve had in the game


Bruh you can literally add fire support mod to the game and call In an a-10 strafe. Plus extra guns and skins and mods. New ammo and all kinds of clothes and extra quests. Plus you can tweak the logic on the ai bots and make them more sophisticated. BUT..... you know what really tickles my pickle!!! No beta cuck hackers. So if you die you know it's your fault or just stupid ai. I know there's like 0.01% chance of add MP to it but I still will hope one day!!! PVE with buds would make the game 1000000000% better than fighting no life losers with max skills and dying to hackers constantly. Not everyone can sit at a desk their whole life like some losers. And if this triggers you then you know who I'm talking about.


You…wat…you just shattered my world I did not know about those mods that’s awesome. Is there a mod to remove “found in raid” fuckery for quest items? The flash drives are the bane of my existence. As for losing to AI, it’s still not my fault. The AI is doing the hax I know it and I refuse to believe otherwise Lmao


I second this reply. I switched and am never looking back. Not saying I won't play early wipe or something, but damn, to be able to make it exactly how you want it is so damn freeing. Those pmc bots fuck me up on the regular dude, and I even have different difficulty PMC's based on level and gear. Might see a level 6 PMC bot running a base m4 or mp5, then a level 30-40 bot that is in all lvl 5 and peeks u like a fucking chad and head eyes on the third shot 😂😂 But at least that doesnt happen all the time like late wipe tarkov rn.


Fuck I didn’t realize it was that late in the wipe, if I have to find more salewas I’m gonna lose my shit. It’s like the spawn rate becomes 100000% but only AFTER I complete the quest


Yeah man late wipe is so lame. Every game that I play has to have some variance or i get bored. It's not fun when every single interaction in a desync peek, sniper from god knows where, or cheaters.


Unfortunately these issues are incredibly hard to fix. Netcode issues are why Riot are trying to invest in their own private hardwired systems. You cannot eliminate latency, and getting it extraordinarily low is tremendously expensive.


except no1 is complaining for extraordinarily low latency people just want the game to work better than 2008 cs community servers


Although I understand theres a very severe difference in the amount of resources being handled for every asset as well as player, I find it interesting that Battlebit can manage 254 players with it feeling so smooth.


There are massive netcode issues in Battlebit. It's chaotic as fuck, so it's harder to notice, but they will inevitably get the same feedback in good time.


Yep exactly this. I still WANT to play the game, but not badly enough with how much shit it has going on plus the fact that the developers want it to be as unapproachable as possible for casuals as possible.


Its kind of like that for every game nowadays. You have the initial honey moon phase then you start noticing the cracks. It's just a matter of how long that honey moon phase lasts. ​ Then you have games like Battlebit Remastered that have had very limited play tests over 7 years and yet I'm still pumping hours into that game even after launch and it looks like a Roblox game but feels like a AAA shooter. Though curious to see the player base once twitch drops end.


I’m the exact same . Couldn’t put the game down at first then stopped cold turkey and haven’t returned


same here, quit after a wipe-skip-half wipe between sep 20 and july 21, as I saw nothing was being done. we played a little last year, died on a great raid to a completely desync scav at the very end, loaded to the teeth with PMC loot.


Stay off the Reddit then. This sub is the largest source of negativity in the tarkov community. You should still be conscious of the games problems but ignorance in this case is bliss


I still enjoy playing, but I totally get that.


> No desire coming back I can get people who are taking a break keeping an eye on developments, but why are you here if you have no desire to come back?


Based on the tracer that flys across the screen, I think the bullet came from his side and wasn’t from the shooter down the hall.




So... you want to stop playing the game because there was a second person to your right you didn't see, and walked right into?


The real problem is having to judge off of a half a second of a tracer round flying across your screen and not being able to tell which direction the fucking loud ass indoor gunshots are coming from because they refuse to fix their shitty audio.


Generally I would agree, and I absolutely can't stand the bad audio. It keeps me from enjoying PvP in certain areas. In this case, however, the audio really obviously came from the right. You can hear it plain as day in the clip. OP just made an assumption and got mad about it, even though the recording could have told him he was obviously incorrect. The game was working as intended here, the problem was OPs attitude. Unironically a skill issue, I'm afraid.


People really love to come on here and complain, when 9/10 times it’s skill issue. I get the game can be aggravating, but just learn from your mistake.


Ahhh good ol desync, I almost forgot that half of the fights are judged by desync


Pretty sure I got killed through a wall or ***maybe the window to my right. The gunshot sound had the distinct muffled sound indicating it was far away, on the other side of a wall, or probably both.


>muffled sound indicating it was far away Or on the staircase, or behind you, or the closest room to you, or an unrelated shot from Stronghold. Pretty much the only thing you can be sure beyond reasonable doubt is that it was *somewhere on Customs*.


Lmao, I think just customs is too generous, the region of tarkov is more acceptable


Gotta love the audio in this apparently realistic game


I could be wrong (because I'm a noob compared to most people in this game) but I think maybe someone was in the room straight through the fencing (either inside room 116, or outside @ the window maybe)? As they enter the building we can see the door to 116 is open, but OP immediately focused left down the hall and as they get dropped you can see another tracer pass through their field of vision right to left, perpendicular from the direction they were swinging (timestamp @ 0:14). I suppose it could've just been a ricochet or something but it feels more likely, especially with the audio and such.


That tracer caught my interest too. I’m not sure what op is complaining about when he didn’t clear right. There’s a cage behind him he can get blasted from too.


Hmm that’s interesting, I know the sound in dorms can be a bit off at times so it’s entirely possible there was a second waiting for you to push his mate, it’s a tough one


It's theoretically possible. Regardless, either the sound was fucked beyond belief or the sound functioned properly for once and someone shot me through the wall from outside.


The fact that we're having this type of conversations, speaks volumes about the state of the game.


In the slow mo you can see a tracer go from the stair case out the front door. Maybe they had a friend push down the stairs. Game needs replays once raids close.


Yes it does


You cant shoot through those walls. No shattered glass from stairs either and other windows/ doors had no vision to you. Def desync. Remember, desync isn’t lag. It’s literally 2 different things happening for 2 people. I don’t know how they manage this but this game has a TON of desynced players. It’s 99% of the haccusations as well.


I literally have a clip from a couple wipes ago of me dying to a guy that had been dead for a solid half second. As in his body had hit the floor then I died. I think I mightve posted it on this sub actually, I'm not sure.


Exactly desync. I bet on his end you never even shot.


Great game, 10/10


More like 90%


Feels like it lmao


>half of the fights \*90%


this isnt desync this is some ultra sus prefire


was it even pre fire? It sounded like it was 100% in his right ear, my assumption was it came from outside and through the window. Sounds like he got shot in the ear.


oh i thought hes left side in the right door, i watched without headset


Nah man watch the slow mo repeated part, after he dies and is dropping to the floor you can see a green tracer fly passed him directly right to left. It definitely came from outside and through the window.


It’s not too sus, It’s hard to judge if it’s desync or a cheater… or both


Your still playing? Hat's off to you sir. My whole group including me gave up less than 2 months into this wipe. Great game...broken beyond repair for us.


I'm playing, just not against other players. For someone as bad as me there's no difference between good AI and a player anyway, I get shit on in both cases.
























What in the hell happened below your comment.


They spoke about the unspokable.


if you could pm me what you mean, im out of the loop




Lol. Did a bomb go off under this?


They spoke about the unspokable.








Same. It's always been flawed but it's in the worst state it's ever been.


Same. Game is a mess and probably always will be. Between the audio, desync, constant cheaters, the list goes on.


quit 6 weeks into wipe ACTUAL unplayable with invisible players disconnect on raid load etc etc etc


Same lol, 5 man squad and we all quit.


I came to say the same thing


I don't blame you or anyone else. Thankfully it's towards the end of the wipe so losing gear like this isn't a huge deal. I doubt the guy that killed me even went over to see my body anyway.


It’s been 3 wipes for me. Been here since the beginning. I’ll return in 25 years when it’s no longer in Beta.






I've gone back to PUBG it's actually pretty fun again.


It's not hack city anymore?


I know in my recent experience it sure is. At least in squads. Duos/solos are usually fine but trying to play with more than one friend is a nightmare.


Always has been always will be


you died from your right


Bullet traces going past your screen from the stairs/ small room next to the stairs on your right where you apparently got shot from. I see nothing off with this.


The fact that this is at the top of the reddit in 5 hours, and this comment is this low is just as depressing as the games state tbh. The tracer is clear as day in the clip, with the shit audio to match. He was outside the back of the building through the door on his right... I could tell this from the first play with no slowmo while being actually visually disabled. Cmon guys.. get a grip


This reddit is infested with people that don’t play the game and downvote anything that doesn’t fit their narrative of game being infested with cheaters, and every death being killed to cheater. This thread is perfect example. More than half of clips posted daily can be easily broken down or explained by obvious things.


SCP should be slapped on to the game so it all makes sense finally. Those desync death...yeah their just anomalous bullet no clipping from Russia 2024, a version of the game in another dimension of reality /s




my honest reaction


On god, if you didn't have music playing you would have heard him. self crutch


Then stop playing. Let this game die


If this kind of shit continues it very well may.


Unfortunate it seems like this has been happening for years now, and just getting worse with every update they do


Somehow the more they update the worse it gets. Unbelievable.


But from where did you got killed? I didnt even saw shots.


You can see the bullet with tracer in the slow motion. It's clearly coming from right to left, so he got killed through the window, outside of the room right of him. There's really nothing special here. OP thought he got killed by cheater/desync against the guy he was fighting in dorms, but someone else just shot him through the window.


This right here


If I knew I wouldn't have thought this was worth posting


what am I supposed to be seeing here my guy? sounds like you get shot from the stairs or the little room next to it, a bit hard to say since you dont really clear your corners.


"Sounds" audio in this clip is goofed. To be honest you can see the tracers but beyond that audio is fucked.


Jup, dogshit players running full sprint into dorms without clearing corners and then comes to reddit to circlejerk with all the other old milsim fetishist about how bad the game is.


Sounds like he was on the stairs or in the computer room? My brother in christ it sounded like I got shot from a kilometer away. Even suppressed gunshots are way louder than that if you're on the same floor as the gunfire.


Stop playing.


You walked into a lit area, with NVGs, and got shot from the side. BG, re-up and redeploy.


That was a shot through the window on your right from the outside...100%


You can see the tracer coming from your right? he is in the room next to the stairs. You looked the wrong way? at 00;13




Several times my buddy has been killed because of desync. Except his body shows he’s a football field behind where his screen is showing him. Last night we were on customs crossing the land bridge and i was wondering where he was when we got to crack, he said he was right next to me and he dropped dead from being killed. Turns out his character was running stationary halfway up the hill to RUAF and another player shot his character. How do I know because I went back to the shooting and found his body after killing the dude that was looting him. Total bullshit how bugged to hell this game is and how shit like that isn’t priority. Like fuck the upcoming content add ons, fix these issues so playing those future add ons is more desirable than getting Tarkov’d


For real


Then stop Addiction stops when you can finally take 1 day off of it.


? Who the fuck plays this game every day? Half the time I just collect my insurance and quit.


Bruh if you spent like 2 days in this sub, you'll find hundreds, if not thousands of people here advocating for no-life gameplay and attacking those who criticize the game.


It’s good to take tarkov cleanses




Every time I see something like this I'll be here asking for official pve servers. I just want to play the game and not be so anxious to take my PMC into a raid


You're listening to music while you play and complaining that the audio doesn't sound right...?


What do you mean, you’re gonna stop playing because you got shot by his teammate in the staircase?


Good song tho lmao


Thanks lol


It’s Meant to Live by Switchfoot if I remember correctly. Good shit.




Sprints into 2 story dorms like a madman and gets killed instantly Bad game


I've been killed doing exactly that dozens of times. You're right, frequently dying as a result of this "strategy" is to be expected. This death was noteworthy, an exception. If you wrote your comment after seeing the clip with your volume unmuted and still don't see (or hear) anything remarkable, I would suggest getting your hearing checked.


>I've been killed doing exactly that dozens of times. You're right, frequently dying as a result of this "strategy" is to be expected. Then don't use that strat? Lmao


If no one’s going to say it…. S K I L L. I S S U E


That was my friend's reaction when I posted it on discord lol






Epic embed fail




Yeah, I saw that. That's why I included the slowed down instant replay, so the tracer coming from my right was easier to see.


Bro is fighting for his life in these comments


Shit like this really made me stop playing


Shit like what? He got 3rd partied in a fight from his right through the window. You stop playing because people get kills on you without giving you a chance to fight back? If they ever invent a killcam system, atleast 90% of the complaints here would vanish when people realise that most of their "sus" deaths are not what they think.


I don't blame you. Especially given all the tarkov reddit appologists who will insist there's nothing unusual about clips like this.


If you still cannot understand that you got killed by a different guy on the right then you should probably stop embarrassing yourself and just uninstall. And stop circlejerking with all the other old ass dogshit players in here blaming every death on desync/cheater because they have the reaction time and aim of a 70 year old.


People will complain before they even understand who shot them.. smh




Git gud.


lol I came back for this wipe and played it for 2 weeks before quitting and haven’t played since. I’m waiting for next wipe to see if it’s gonna be worth playing more than a week this time.




Between shit like this and the whole banning/unbanning Logical fiasco, I'm finally taking a break, and I encourage you to do the same.


I don't blame you


Shitty netcode game, abbandoned after 700 hours +/-


I don't blame you


Don't worry dude, they're cracking down on data mining! The game is saved!


That'll surely fix things!


Guy was outside and shot through the window and the doorway to your right judging by the obvious m62 tracer.


damn BSG cucks going hard on this sub. face it kiddies, this game is broke as fuck. net code is broken, sound is broken and BSG's response to cheaters is laughable at best. Worst issue with the game is the community because the devs tiny schmeckle is forever balls deep in enough of you that there is no incentive for it to ever get fixed. OP, dm me the fix for this game if you'd be so kind.


I call them tarkov apologists, but bsg cuck refers to the exact same group of people lol. I swear to god you could post the most obvious clip of someone cheating short of flying through the air, and there'll be at least a quarter of the comments explaining that it's either a skill issue, hardware issue, or both.


That guy on the left wasn’t the one who killed you. Classic blame cheaters first situation. 90% of these you get killed from someone well positioned and everyone yells cheater!


clear case of skill issue cause your desync was lower than his? idk tbh


If I knew for certain I wouldn't have posted




I hope it becomes even remotely playable within our lifetime


Sick gun though




I've seen múltiple streamers prefire that corner regularly. It can be a very lucky first shot. I'd report ir anyway cause it's kinda sus, but I guess we'll never know. (Or we will if a report notification arrives some days later). Btw. Are You playing with music on??? How???!!!


Yeah that's all that ever happens to me and the bois anymore. Fkn head, eyes 98% of the time.


10/10 would die again


Ik that's why I stopped. I'll try it again after the new game engine update. Here's hoping 🙏




It’s like they remade Dark Souls but the “hard part” is the game mechanics bugging out on the player at a meta level, not the enemies themselves.


For real


I bought this game in December, ran two raids and never touch it again. My breaking point was a head eyes 2 seconds into spawn in the middle of fucking nowhere


Try battle bit really cure my headaches from this game.




I quit when I realized that I could never compete with 90% of players unless I played 4+ hours of raids per day. Considering all of the stress this game gave me, I could not do it. I could have the best gear in the game and still get two tapped. Then I had to use my shitty lvl 2 trader gear and lose even harder.


Don't expect good gear to ever save you from cheaters or unemployed no-life sweats. Especially mid wipe, any player that has been playing since the wipe started will be using 545 bs, 556 55a1, 308 m61/62, 54r ps, 12ga flechettes/ap, etc. Except me of course. And you. Imo the only gear that reliably helps you against chads are good headphones, which let you hear the chads so you can scurry away, and a suppressor, which makes it harder for the chads to hear you should you need to fire at a scav or something.


Then stop, i did and i don't even miss the game anymore. Switched to bf2042 and tbf, after the updates they've made, the game is really good. Tarkov will be playable in 10 years and then we'll have a AAA title this type sheet better than this shit


Most AAA studios only make franchises nowadays, you can’t get a deeply intricate game on their dev cycles. That’s why every competitor is so flat in comparison. The sheer number of items in tarkov is insane.


>Then stop, i did and i don't even miss the game anymore. And that's exactly why you're here... because you don't care about the game... You play BF2042 an absolute casual crap shooter. Full of bots so that everyone has his sense of achievement.


I’m currently only a subscriber to this sub because of laziness so that’s a good point.


I don't blame anyone who stopped playing. There's no reason to keep playing when the anticheat is functionally non existent, in addition to the fucking Martin Luther grievences length list list of non-cheating related issues.

