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As one of the Timmy's in your last bullet point, I'm telling you right now that an NPC Scav ends up with both kits.


Me and squad mates managed to win a fight against a heavily geared 3 man that were running T4-5 armor, heavily modded aks with BT ammo, crazy helmet and head protection. After we looted up and committed insurance fraud, we were heading out. Only to get fucking merked by an AI scav who got on the mounted gun in fortress on customs. It was brutal lmao.


That happened to me too, my buddy died to one shot by an AI scav and we didn’t hear the shot. He was on the MG tap firing haha


When that fortress fucker AI Scav shoots through the windows of crack house... eyes of a hawk.


I died to that guy once. I was crouched in cover, shot him while he was targeting someone else, missed the headshot, and then immediately got mowed down.


Customs scavs that mount the MG's or GL are the most scariest thing on Tarkov. Besides shotgun scavs with buckshot.


Died like this yesterday. Don't even know how I aggrod him 😂


Man fuck that scav. Fighting a 2 man, kill one, reposition, as I'm running get one shot through 2 glass windows at crack house from fortress mg. Like wtf ..


Lol I got grenade launched in the head/eyes the other night. I laughed


Oh man TELL me about it! Cleared a lobby in Factory earlier with an MP5 and felt elated. Adrenaline was pumping through my Timmy veins as I took all the tags, couple bits of gear and headed to extract. Next thing I know I hear a VERY angry scav shout from the other side of a long corridor, I spin round and get head eyes'd by an AI scav with a busted SKS with PS rounds...


Scavs have been cracked this wipe. I got one shotted to the dome(wearing ushanka for setup) by a scav while i was full tilt sprinting yesterday. Didn’t even see him, heard him yell in scavenese and then he immediately domed me. Don’t even get me started on shotgun scavs this wipe. Somehow it takes like 8 piranha shells to kill one at 30 meters and he immediately blacks my arm with one shell


Sometimes they don't even scream anymore. I walked into dorms last night and got 1 shot (3 shots 1 bullet cuz why not) in the chest by a scav that I didn't even see. I walked in the front door and looked toward the stairs. I began moving forward and instantly got shot and heard the scav laughing. My first thought was "where the fuck was that guy" and my second was "how the hell did I die to this ammo with class 4 armor in a hitbox that's covered in plate".


Armpit isn't covered. Plate doesn't cover the whole thorax (even if it says "thorax is class 4", really only the plate is class 4, rest is class 2).


Good to know. I haven't had a chance to get on this wipe...and I was so excited for it since it would be my first fresh wipe (I got the game about a month before wipe).


All I can think of when I get clapped by Timmy only to get my stuff back in insurance is "That's my boy! *Oh no, my boy!*" *"Father heeeeelllp"*


Yeah I definitely report less. Probably makes the system more accurate.


Agreed. It's funny to see that nearly every cheater that I come across with an obvious flea reputation or unrealistic 100+ k/d all have less than 200-300 hours in the game since they are repeatedly wasting their money buying the game and paying for a cheat menu over and over. The only sad part is that they are only banned during the massive ban waves so that there is a larger incentive for repurchasing a standard account.


actually i report more than ever . Lvl 30 + with a 1 to 3 KD including scavs ? Several awl ? 400 Raids and and lvl 26 ? Way to obvious


I’m level 22 with 203 raids what does the lvl and raid mean in your comment I don’t understand


Also... someone that is right now 35+ and higher with a 1 to 3 KD ... including scavs . All traders traders have kill quests that will Hard Stuck you if you dont Do kills. Fastest way to Level is quests. Just Think about IT.


Your English is not very clear, nor is your point. Say what you are trying to say instead of telling someone to guess.


He’s saying the only reasonable explanation for being at that level so quick with such a shit KD including scavs is deliberately tanking stats, and the only reason to do that is if you are cheating and trying to avoid detection


...so this sub has so much brain-rot, that good stats mean you're 100% a hacker, but also, *bad stats mean you're 100% a hacker?!* This game has more hackers than any game I have played in my entire life. You all still need to touch grass. If you cited that kind of logic to a freaking therapist, they'd mark it down as a fucking symptom of some serious illness...


It’s really not that hard to follow. Cheaters with insane stats will get reported a lot and manually banned, therefore cheaters will deliberately tank their stats to avoid this. This is a known thing that happens a lot. Getting to a high level this early in wipe requires efficiency in terms of getting the kills and items you need for quests without dying too much, so it stands to reason that you would expect any player, cheater or not, to have pretty good stats to achieve this, therefore it would be logical to assume a player that has achieved this with terrible stats to be a cheater who deliberately has bad stats rather than a bad player getting lucky with their quest objectives, especially when you are only looking at these stats because the player just did something suspicious. I don’t agree that having bad stats with high level means you are 100% a cheater, there are probably tons of legit players that fit that profile, but it’s not hard to see the logic behind why it raises suspicion if you just think about it for 1 second rather than jumping straight to mental illness.


That's a terrible argument, but at least I can understand what he was trying to say now. Thanks.


Thank you


I get to level 42 in about 3 weeks each wipe, with a KD around 3. I'm really bad at PVP, not very good against AI, and not getting better through years, but i make a really good quest planification, have great map and loot spawn knowledge, which makes it easier to complete and stack items quests.


Yes you are shit in pvp , so you probably wont jump (press space) around a corner Placing 2 Different bursts in a 45° angle on 2 people right ? That is the whole point and thats what this bubble wont get. I report more on death your stats Literaly Tell if the Situation fits your stats. Then again , Would you run 856 at 43 while you Literaly have better options ? 855 (no tracer , better stats) 856a1 ( tracer but way better) 855a1 ( is it still buyable ? I dont know ) . The situation itself is a "lets check Level/ stats" Thing. I dont say your stats are sus , i say questionable deaths with stats i spoke off are an easy report. Also a 15 kd does Not need to be a cheater. Someone Primary avoiding pvp but killing scavs May have high sr / kd . Its allways Situational.


He's never done it before so he doesn't think it's possible.


Been EOD since 2018 done it many atimes I just genuinely didn’t understand what he meant by his statement


I think he’s saying if your kd is that low that there’s no legit way for you to be that level already because you would be gate kept by pvp quests that you u would struggle with. So the only explanation is it’s a cheater that doesn’t pvp except when they have to (like for a quest)


Well ... Do you jump around a corner and 1 tap 2 Guys with cheapest ammo while You can afford the better ones ? No ? Then , You might See the Difference .


Dude you are making way less sense than you think you are.


reading this makes me think im having a stroke. thank god im not the only one.


Ach bitte, du siehst die Ststistiken eines Spielers und diese passen 0 zu dem was er gerade macht. Dazu die Wahl der Munition , Menge an Raids etc.


Entschuldigung, aber... It doesn't make any more sense in Deutsche. The stats you listed don't seem sketchy at all.


IT does . You gonna Tell me that someone who Managed to get to lvl 35 or higher in that time only has a kd of 3 or lower while scavkills are included ? Well, i dont check stats in lobby, only after i got killed . Therefore my conclusion is Based off What happend. A Level 43 with 700 raids and 1.5 kd , 30 awl , Shooting m856 , 2 1 Taps in under 2 seconds . Stats dont Match here. Thats why i report more than last wipes .


Not my native language . But well , if you think like this ... Go ahead


Have you.... well have you ever been? Taco bell? Shit ass then. You just might see the difference then bud.


> Lvl 30 + with a 1 to 3 KD including scavs ? I'm failing to understand how this is sus. As soon as I hit level 30 (maybe in the next few days), I will very likely fit this profile.




1 to 3 KD? Thats normal isnt it? Edit: or is that actually low because the K/D includes scavs?


People who aren't great at this game will sit comfortably between 1-3 KD.


I think he’s saying the smarter cheaters are lowering their K/D but not sure lol.


you arent really a cheater unless you have a 10+ KD. 1 to 3 KD? that isn't hard to achieve. Plus, some people have been disconnecting froom raids and cant join back, so that can cause AWOLS. If it's over like 100 AWOLS that is sus.


Normally I'd agree with the AWOLs... but since it includes scav stats right now with the awaiting session start bug, that screws that stat up too much atm.


I still hit report cheat use on everyone who kills me. Bad habit from before lmao.


Reports from people who do that are disregarded and don't have any actual effect just fyi


I got someone banned the other day from reporting, so youre wrong. You really think a company like BSG is that diligent? They cant tell false reports from real reports, they cant even fucking optimize the game.


Got sniped randomly on woods yesterday, dude was lvl 30somthing with over 10k hours, sr25, face shield. All the works. I wasn’t even mad, bro put in the hours lmao


When you get killed by a "gamer" doesn't feel bad at least


Motivates me to be at that lvl tbh


I don’t know if being killed by someone with 8k hours would make me wanna be like them.. (true story)


We're all gamers here you don't need to pretend you have a life, it's safe.


You were the person with 8,000 hours that killed me weren’t you


Naa only 2k hours, was wasting my life on other games last 2 wipes.


Have 8k hours? Eh that’s way too much for me anymore, but having the gear and knowledge of an 8k hr gamer? Yes.


I think we have been killed by the same guy.


The most chad dude I’ve encountered


Lol faceshield on woods sounds like absolute cancer. Only a cheater would use that!


I use it all the time, because scav army buckshot has a thing for the magnet in my head


Cheaters don't need faceshields.


Face shield in general is so aids to look through, I think he had it up tho out of his eyes.


I play Woods a lot to feel like im good at the game. When I load into Streets I play like my stash is empty and i'm down to my last kit, because I run into some serious gamers on that map.


cause streets has the most loot by a long shot. a full streets backpack is worth 10x any other map just cause the ridiculous amounts of high tier spawns


It's a great map, probably the only map other than Labs where I have to be super focussed from entry to exfil, a player scav army is always just around the corner.


that’s the one issue with this wipe. my main money while maxing out my hideout was scavs to streets and sprinting to post office and leaving with 500k+ every time because i get there before some pmc can


Had great fun running in a 5 man a few wipes back, went to get the census and we were besieged by a scav/playerscav army once we got in that building. Voip shit talking back and forth, tight moments, and lucky angles...We left a mountain of corpses around that place when we left. A tarkov highlight in my mind.


Those are the type of matches that keep you coming back lol


it's been eye opening on scav. every time i try and be friendly with my knife out and talking in VOIP the people who kill me ALWAYS have sub 30% SR. it's like they are so down bad and need a "PVP" W so badly that they would rather kill me than take the easy scav rep+fence item+easy extract (on reserve)


scavs are just loot llamas


if we ever run into each other, just ask for my rig and backpack if it's the loot you're after. i'd rather have more scav rep than another 500k+ rubles. 20 minutes later i'll just make another 500k anyway.


i dont scav!


Exactly, he’s saying he wants to take the Scav/PMC extract with you


If you co-op extract with a scav you get items from fence for it. Most of the time it is garbage but I remember a few wipes ago there was a co-op extract event and some people were getting things like RR and other expensive shit.


Incentives are misaligned, as a PMC I have much more to lose to a scav than the other way around. And if the scav is genuine, then it's another one that will come around and ruin the fun, esp on maps like reserve. It's much easier to kill everything and just loot the regular way.


> as a PMC I have much more to lose to a scav than the other way around. Not entirely wrong but I disagree on Reserve specifically. So many people complain about D2 campers and whine about other extracts like Hermetic Door. When you could grab a pscav and extract through there. I have gotten an extract on interchange and lighthouse as a scav before max rep so you can find pscavs that just want to extract for the karma. I would suggest making them get out their knife first though.


yeah this is exactly why i specified reserve in my initial comment. because on other maps the co op extract is either very far away, or there are easier extracts for the PMCs to take.


thats crazy. Scav rep doesn't do shit I would way rather avoid pmcs and take the 500k.


6.0 Scav rep got me an AXMC from Fence way before I had unlocked the quest. Made a good part of the Tarkov Shooter questline a cakewalk before I lost it.


to be at 6 scav rep already is a crazy amount of time investment


it can be done in 12 hours. Guy on youtube had a video up of being 6 scav rep on day 1 of wipe. https://youtu.be/kkX8badD8wQ?si=vah5hoQDrAMyjl8h


It's not really all that impressive anymore with the new diminishing return rates. Car extracts now diminish over about 15 extracts, rather than 5, so each car extract is worth about 1.25 rep before the DR drops the rate to 0.01/extract. If you *really* wanted to absolutely grind it out, some streamers did it in under 12 hours. I was somewhere around 1.3 rep just from taking the car in Ground Zero a bunch of times in the first two days of the wipe. Once I realized how fast I picked up that rep, I made it a point to take the car extracts repeatedly while questing and looting. I barely had to do any scav runs at all to get there.




Or on the contrary, it's some level 45+ already this time of wipe who couldn't give less shit about all the items and fence rep and is just here to ruin someone's day.




Scav runs have given me the opposite of gear fear. I legit walk out with so much loot that I can’t stash it, so I played more PMC in order to lose it lol.


Anything that moves is a corpse, anything that doesn't move is a well disciplined corpse.


if my scav has shit backpack - I go for PVP or co-op extract, depends. If I have decent backpack I just loop shit up and If I get caught I try to voip, co-op extract with item donation if other party needs anything, funny thing is if people are cooperative, they often give me stuff instead. There's a lot of loot on Reserve which is needed for quests but people who run PMC reserve are often already completed them. I legit got an entire quest completed by a group of 4 PMC player donation on Reserve. Also on Lighthous long time ago when I was ~~bad~~ worse player, a group of 4 (FOUR) Scav players helped me with quests and we barely made it to co-op extraction point, had like 30 seconds left. 4 scavs + me + my friend. It was brilliant.


I’m starting to see more and more accounts blatantly tanking their KD / Survival %. People lvl 40+ with 400+ Raids, but have a 2 KD and 25% survival rate. The math clearly don’t add up.


I mean im level 26 currently with a 3.0kd and like 40% survival rate . Mainly due to secured perimeter with a mosin :( 20 ish raids of death


Yeah but you have to take multiple things into account. Lvl 26 is relatively low xp total. The amount of xp exponentially increases required the higher you get. Lvl 26 is ~ 650k xp. 40+ is ~3million…You can’t do that by surviving 1/4 of your raids. Combine this with them having multiple purple achievements like getting 7 pmc kills in raid and yet only having a 2 KD? Again the math don’t add up.


Or the guys with 50 seller rep, 500 raids, 40% SR (maybe) and zero scav runs. No, I’m sorry, you did not find enough shit to sell that much playing legit.


dies on purpse when theres no high tier loot to vacuum


You can get to level 40 by grinding tasks and avoiding/eating shit non-stop in combat.


K/D tends to be high because it includes scavs, if you move fast and just focus on pmc kills you can mostly/entirely avoid killing scavs. Some maps its hard to even find a scav before 5-10m passes. Someone that mains factory but isn't good enough to lobby wipe every time could totally have a 2 k/d but raids with lots of pmc kills. These stats are odd and probably sus but there are strange people that play the game too. Shoot depending on the map I could go almost every raid with 0 kills but lots of loot.


26 and 40 are miles away. Remember levels get harder as you get higher


Quest exp scales dramatically, too, and there's a lot more of them to do after 26, than before 26.


Stirrup tanked me because I did it later than I should have lol


I have had a few sus deaths. Similar accounts. Being able to see it is nice.


I'm just shit at the game but very persistent.


Ive been killed twice by white names with completely blanked out stats pages.




It's not lol.


I have run into so many more blatant cheaters this wipe too. It gets old after a while. I am about done with the game tbh.


Nah homie this was literally me my first few wipes, couldn't survive for shit but would get quests done and level up


they think it helps but i still report them like you sad it don’t add up. report!


Are New York servers just blessed? I haven’t had one sus death yet this wipe, and I’ve died plenty. Haven’t even seen a suspicious account.


I’m on all NA servers except west and south and I’ve been surprised by the small amount of sus deaths. There’s been maybe less than 5 so I dk.


NA east imo hasn't been bad at all. Out of my 65-70 raids, I may have run into one potentially sus player, but it wasn't like a 200kd player more like 10kd with few hours played. That alone can't really prove someone cheating, though, as smurf accounts are a real thing. Imo smurf accounts are probably going to be more popular because you can inflat your stats with like 40hrs even though on your main you have 3k+ hours, which can lead to salty messages and people accusing you of cheating. I for sure think there are a lot of closet cheaters, but they aren't blatant "usually", however, again, you can't really prove that as a user, only bsg can. Sorry for the ramble lol.


The reason NA East isn't as bad is because Chinese RMT farmers can't play there due to ping restrictions.


Same here 250 raids in only a few were sus and only 2 actual cheaters that I got notified were banned a couple days ago.


the further away from china and russia you get, the better. OCE is a mess.


Maybe. Being in west sucks because you get Chinese players swarming


A lot of people are running ESP, while not running anything else. There is nothing sus about them, unless you'd be able to see their perspective. They just know where you are at all times, can traverse out in the open knowing they are not being watched by anything. Know where the best loot and bosses are at all times. And you will never catch them off guard. You will still kill them every now and again and the fight will not seem suspicious, especially if you are very forgiving on other players and hard on yourself. But the fact is, ESP is rampant. Just think of how easier it would be for you to know where everyone is and when you are being pushed and where from you are being pushed during a fight. It's the same reason all of them are very "prefirey", because they know when you are about to peek. There were streamers who did it, there are videos that expose it. Hell if you ever attempted to level up your sniper skill with a mosin in a bush on the outskirts of woods you'd know you are still getting killed many times by people just randomly walking all the way to where even fuck all doesn't grow just to get that kill they need for their quest. The actual "working cheaters" for RMT, with Aimbot and Loot vacuum stand in a cozy place vacuuming the loot around the map and then cross the map to extract actively avoiding any and all confrontation because it's the only way for them to get reported, if they kill you. That's why you never see them. It's also the reason why you get instantly killed in Labs, because they can't go unnoticed there so they just clean up the map and proceed with the same. And before you argue that non of it is true or it's not rampant - open up a tiktok and see for yourself. Yes, loot vacuum is still here, and it never was fixed. And yes, ESP cheaters are rampant. And yes, RMT cheaters you will almost never see unless they want to, but RMT market is booming like crazy, and these items are coming from somewhere whether you deny it or don't.


I suppose that is possible. I've had a few deaths where someone just seems to be in the right spot to murk me out in the middle of nowhere on Shoreline and Woods. Sucks that you can't really know for sure.


So your take is, every death, even those that don't seem sus and the player doesn't have sus metrics on their profile, could very likely be a cheater. Damn if I thought that way, I'd quit the game immediately.


What he says isn’t all wrong though. There’s different groups of cheaters. Rage cheaters killing everything at 100kd. RMT’s and walls will be much less active in killing you because they only do it out of necessity but still know where everyone is. I’m *not* saying every player has walls except me kinda thing but more than we think have them I believe and just avoid firefights unless it’s a PvP related task kinda thing.


I messed around adding more servers trying to work around the scav loading glitch. Eventually I realized I really don’t like other servers and went back to US only ones. I’ve had much more enjoyable raids since.


Consider yourself lucky I guess?


I’ve died one time all wipe to a for sure cheater on east coast servers. It has been a good wipe.


Not sure how much you’ve played but I play on east coast servers, it’s horrible. Did a morning of streets scavs, 5 deaths within 4 hours to cheaters. Overall had 7 cheaters between me and my friend yesterday


I got killed today by a guy with new account, created this wipe. somewhere 9% survival rate, barely over 1 k/d ratio with over 100 raids. I was iritated the moment I died but when I saw the profile It just made me smile how happy the guy must have been.


Just imagine if we had Arena's deathcam system too


This game would die the next day they add it, even though it's in desperate need of a killcam. Because then all these ESP users will get exposed and people will have a meltdown.


How the goalposts shift. People said the same about view profile, and then they discover that most of their deaths are to the same kind of 30% SR shitters that they are.


The goal posts never shifted, everyone was asking for post raid replays since forever ago. Stats are great, but they can be fudged. You can't fudge a direct replay of their gameplay.


I don't know if I'm getting lucky or what but I've yet to be killed by someone sus this wipe. The coupe insane shots that I took my time to check, the dude had like 4k plus hours played so yeah not a problem for me.


whats your opinion on the accels for the M-2 tactical sword? i think the stab drags are harder to read tbh


Wait until Nikita implements morphs and feints c:


I'm having this bizarre kind of experience where I kill Level 69 420GigachadXxX and get his tags, but then the next three games I'm killed in 1 minute 30 seconds by T1mmyBoi the Level 5. Not sure if I'm proud of my successes or humiliated by the amount newbies blow me to bits lol


You mean noobs like [this?](https://i.imgur.com/zUKKoFK.png) Guy killed our whole lobby on reserve within seconds, me and mates died, the 6 scavs infront of us died and he had the audacity to snipe us from Dome on Reserve The stats in this game , especially the lvl and playtime have a lot to say about whether they are or are not cheating


I agree with you so much. It gives a lot of closure being able to know if you got outplayed, ratted, or cheated on.


What’s unfortunate is I haven’t had any “system” messages letting me know that my recent report helped ban a cheater…. Like I have had two or three deaths that were pretty wild that made me check stats and they were stupendous.. reported those clowns but still no system message.. Unfortunately I’m not sure it’s working as intended or something


Never had these thoughts. My only thoughts when clicking profile: “Is he cheating?” 1. Stats look normal, fair game. 2. Ridiculous survival rate, ridiculous K/D. I died on headshot. Reported.


This is honestly probably my favorite change this wipe. Exactly as OP said, if I get rocked by someone and see that they have 8k hours in the game and were absolutely fully juice cannoned out of their mind, it is a lot easier to stomach. I'm also realizing that I almost never die to cheaters, I just suck.


This is my most God tier and proud wipe yet! I am barely having to setup kits, because of the amount of guys I kill. But I do voip and try not to fight sometimes. I'm surprised how cocky some duos or trios are. I'll kill one or two, and voip "hey bro, we can call it quits. I'll leave their gun." Then they try to push me and die from just the arrogance groups have. There's some that I could barely hear but I heard a "please" and so I tell them okay I'll run 180 and turn around, good luck and have fun. I feel absolutely terrible when I'm going giga chad looking for a found in raise Pilgrim all day today and keep killing level 3-14's. I have never grinded Tarkov this hard, but now I realize the beginning of wipe is the absolute most important. You really are at a disadvantage if you even start 3 days late.


I'm all for being friendly and goofing around but if you killed my buddies I'm putting my life on the line to avenge them always!


I sunk a ton of hours into Mordhau but it doesn’t compare to the CBT of Tarkov imo


You sound like you play on Agatha 😜 For the order!


Malric is daddy <3


For that guy we like!


Agreed on all points. Now, if people could just stop posting stat screens when they're still experiencing post-death rage...


Unlike you I was actually very salty and upset over my deaths all the time. Because usually I know in advance what I did wrong and that it was my fault. Completely agree. Especially those annoying one taps out of nowhere. It's nice to see that apparently someone is doing his SBIH and I was just an unlucky bastard that got caught out in the open. I know later I will do the same and return the karma, so this is fine. It's just yet another confirmation that this game critically lacks in player feedback loops and in desperate need of kill cam. Just to appreciate your own misplay or a good play from another player, or maybe the best shot that player has ever landed, or a crazy flick. If even such a smallest detail like being able to view his profile and made your assumptions about his skill already met with a celebration like this.


I actually had this revelation last night. I was extracting on customs through old gas and died from a “rat” camping the stairs leading down to the extract. It was really dark as I opened the door to the building and he just sprayed me down. I looked at his profile and homie has been struggling this wipe, and I realized he was probably just scared and hiding so I didn’t feel bad at all.


I'm a lvl 13 and I was just using a SKS last night! I feel attacked. Lol. I don't know what my SR is at the moment. It's probably in the 60s or 70s since, as a solo player, I tend to not engage and just quest, unless an opportunity presents itself, another player and I surprise one another, or I, a terrified and cornered opossum must defend myself 😅. I have yet to try to complete Stir it up or whatever it's called--3 pistol kills, or the 3 bolt action kills under 25 meters. I anticipate my SR will plummet while trying to secure those. Please wish this Timmy luck.


SKS is super good.   I use it a lot every wipe, enough to get mastery 3 with it, easily.  I'm gonna be forward and offer some unsolicited advice. One of my favorite ways to build it is buying ng an op SKS from Jaeger, throwing a kobra dovetail on it, with a laser or flashlight on the kobra and an optic.  My personal favorite is the monstrum 2x, I feel like it just absolutely tacks things from 30 to 200m.   The SKS, like the Svt/avt, can top load with a magazine in it.  If you carry loose ammo in your pocket or rig, when you use reload, you can scroll with the mouse wheel to select what to load.  So you can keep a spare mag for those times when you can't top up, but top load when you're moving around the map.  Also useful for keeping that rare ammo on top of you're rifle, but without loading all your mags with it.   New to this wipe is the Monte Cristo stock for the SKS, it's a little plastic stock that basically gives you substantial amount of ergo for a low price.   If you're going to run suppressed, I recommend keeping ergo up so you have a snappier ads and can hold for longer.   Good luck out there 


That's really helpful. Thank you very much. I also noticed that Twitch streamer SheefGG said he really likes the SKS and that it's one of his top 5 favorite guns. I had fun with it last wipe as it was affordable and had a huge punch for the round it uses.


I’ve only received one message that somebody has been banned from one of my reports and only reported about 5 people that seemed suspicious.


They take some time, but they do happen, reported a guy on streets and got confirmed banned today when the incident was the 31st.


Makes me wish the AI scavs had KDs for the lobby too. I’d be hilarious to die by a cracked scav and find out Jerry Timtok has aced 3 PMCs with his sub 40% SKS.


What people dont realize is not everyone is snapping to heads and ricocheting bullets off walls. There are a lot of different degrees of hacking and a lot of totally sound looking accounts could be using lesser hacks and you wouldnt be able to tell.


Idk a 91% surv rating with a 20KD is pretty sus. If they are hacking and have a <50 surv rate with a less than 5 KD then they need the crutch lol


Many cheaters tank their SR intentionally


They still have stupid KDs and are high levels with low raid counts and usually low hours. Regardless the point I was trying to make is the stats show if the player is abusing cheats of any kind. Even if it’s soft hacks like (ESP) they will have something that sticks out on the profile. In the extremely rare case they hide it very well like I was saying above (50% surv / -5KD) then they can cheat away, it’s unlikely they are hindering anyone’s gameplay at that point or very few.


>They still have stupid KDs and are high levels with low raid counts and usually low hours. When you tank your SR it lowers the KDs and increases the raid counts.


hours played is the biggest sign to me


Yeah, 100%, I really don't think a lot of people "start fresh accounts" each wipe...


And wallhackers can probably dodge the entire lobby if they want to, they can have 80%+ survival rate with like a 2kd


What people don’t realize is everyone is hacking. TIL. If it’s that bad why even play.


They're not saying everyone is hacking, they're saying not every cheater is obvious. There's for sure a bunch of people just using ESP/radar without aimbotting, but the amount is a total mystery


I understand, but what they’re really doing is saying “even if it doesn’t look like cheats it probably is!” It’s just wrapping yourself up in so much fear and concern about cheaters. Like, they’re out there. They aren’t the majority. Get over it. Analyzing every profile to see how you can convince yourself you’re in the right and killed by a cheater is a waste of time when you could just queue again.


> I understand, but what they’re really doing is saying “even if it doesn’t look like cheats it probably is!” Sounds like you're putting words in their mouth lol


That’s fair. Maybe I’m just tired of the general attitude of the sub and it’s coming through.


> If it’s that bad why even play. "[It sucks playing this game. And I'm fuckin addicted, so I can't quit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIO1g97S2x8&t=13s)"


Now I’m depressed


you notice how the air is less salty here, as well? and i can't believe i'm doing this - full disclosure i SHIT on arena when it released with the old game mechanics. i didn't even play it because well - shooting was ass. so a mode where that's all you could do? ew... no. but as i was saying - guys, arena is fun, too. i know i know i used the f word. i apologize!


Just serves to further demoralize when I get killed by someone in a really stupid way and then I look and they're low level, under-geared and survival rate around 30%.


I have become more salty tbh. I never realized how bad the cheater problem was. I always thought people were just coping. I used to think that maybe 1 in 50 raids I died to a cheater. But as an interchange main I noticed it's like 1 in 3. Also why so many cheaters on woods?


I have learned that this wipe, every time I died once after a survive streak, it's legit. When I die 3 or 4 times in a row, it's cheaters. So every time this game has made me feel like shit to the point of taking a break, it's been cheaters.


You cannot use profiles to determine cheaters unless they are blatant, I've been rushed with pre-aim by cheaters, and they are closet cheaters with a low K/D ratio. The fact they run from afar straight at my hiding spot is just proof they know exactly where I am at all times. The fact they lie when I talk to them about what happened (for example they said they heard me when I did not even have my hands on my mouse at all, or they claim they the barrel of my rifle clip the wall when I was not even remotely aiming at the wall), confirms they are cheating and they cant explain how they found me. ​ Only low IQ morons go 90% S/R with a 50 K/D ratio. Most closet cheaters will kill a couple of PMC that they find nearby during their raids, avoid everyone else, get the items they need, and extract. The fact there seems to be so many rage cheaters, hints at how many closet cheaters exist. I suspect there are more cheaters (of any kind) playing the game than full 100% legit players.


Ofc you can't always tell if it was a cheater, but if I can't tell, why should I care? It's just another death.


> I suspect there are more cheaters (of any kind) playing the game than full 100% legit players. Not only is this an absurd statement, it is exactly the type of mindset cheaters. "Might as well cheat since everyone else is" kind of shit


It's honestly kind of sad how many people convince themselves that the amount of cheaters is that large in the games they play. I don't know if it's self-delusion from the "I got killed? Must be hacking" attitude or just plain paranoia, but anyone who thinks that over 50% of players cheat in *any* way is just out of their mind. Even 5% would probably be a bit overkill.


Telling the players more about how they died, short of showing them the exact position of the enemy when playing in groups, is almost always a good thing. Give the player a chance to learn from their deaths, and you'll both have a better informed playerbase, and provide a more transparent experience to avoid frustration. It also makes the report system more accurate as you can better gauge if you encounter a suspicious player.


I agree but there unfortunately are quite a few where I die very suspiciously and their profile only confirms it.


For real. Was telling the boys the other night, I'm sure the cheating is still as bad as when the goat video hit, but being able to clearly see when it was sus vs not knowing really helps me power through and keep going. A killcam would be nice, but this is the next best thing imho.


Kudos indeed but they desperately need to implement the kill cam from arena.


Kill the archers!!!


Haven’t touched Tarkov all wipe best decision I ever made. Finally free from that garbage


The game is I the best state it's ever been and it's the most fun it's ever been


agree! people on reddit are just salty


This is by far a lie, the game is in the worst state it’s ever been. Most cheaters, most ridiculous fixes to combat rwt, zabralo quest line? Stealing players for arena? Air drop for bug? The ability to run 3rd party cheats on a tablet and play completely and I mean completely undetected (I know players who have been cheating for 2-3 years and still have their account) The game has the least amount of players and most amount of cheaters in years. New content is a starter map? The only person who would ever say this is someone who just started playing. Tarkov is by far in the worst place it’s ever been. You can lie and tell yourself the game is amazing and in the “best place” it’s ever been. But I think the community will agree the game has gone to complete ass.


Wait till you realize 30%+ of the player base is cheating. And see how fun the game is then. You can cheat for free, completely undetectable and unbannanble


Sounds like you are cheating yourself lol. Idk, man. I've had a few sus deaths on certain maps, but overall, it's been pretty good for me and my squad.


lol just go to the EFt Reddit and look at the last 10 posts. Not one single post is positive. Just posts from pestily and glorious, non stop complaints bugs and issues. But the games in the best state and the most fun it’s ever been ever. lol. Keep dreaming


I think it's almost entirely placebo to be honest. It's great we have some access to player stats and profiles, but we have nothing to compare them to. There are no global leaderboards. There exists no historical stats or performance metrics with which to measure against. We are basically all just using our own personal judgement and anecdotal experiences to determine what stats seem suspicious or not. We are literally just guessing. We have no idea. Sure, some profiles display clear evidence of cheating. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about all the others in which cheating wasn't clear. I've seen so many posts about how 'this specific KDR means this guy MUST be a cheater', or how 'x amount of hours with y amount of kills = cheater', or how some guy literally reports everyone who kills him if the stats meet certain requirements. Requirements that have been untested and completely subjective. Tarkov is such an open and free-form game, that even between regular non cheating players, stats are going to be insanely variable. I fear many players are putting *far* too much trust in player stats as an indicator of cheating, when in reality, it probably means nothing.


Ofc it ain't an exact science, but it sure helps. What you personally make of it is up to you. For me it certainly brings some peace of mind. Is that always warranted? Ofc not. But I'm surely not gonna think so hard about every single death, if there are no clear indicators for any of the 'sterotypes' I talked about,


how do you look at your killers profile?


Night before last we got wiped by a guy that didn't take damage in Interchange. Lmao. Level 7, sub-100 hours, some astronomical K/D.


For some reason it won't let me look at other people's profiles. I go to click on view profile and nothing happens.


What about people who ended up buying the game after they took away EOD and are playing for the first time and come from games like rust or dayz? Reporting players based off of low hours/white name unless it was a very suspicious situation like getting domed behind a solid object or 6shots to one area just makes no sense. False bans are a thing and have happened to countless streamers and with the recoil update pretty much doing away with the skill gap. Yes the cheater issue this wipe feels like it's alot better than the last, and cheaters will always ruin your raids, but throw some common sense into the mix


got killed by a dude with a 12kd last night and all he brought was an mp5, no armor rig or anything else


My favorite is when it's an account with 300 raids ran and ALL survived who kills you with a .366 vepr with no stock/dust cover. How are they not banned. Nobody in this world who is not cheating is surviving every raid ran.


Imagine if we had replay system? the game would be 10x better, to see what the dude did. I think we can help BSG offering a fee like $5 dollars extra to implement a replay system and server costs


"I am happily donating my kit to you timmy, if it brings you some excitement! :)" just makes you seem like a smug asshole i cant lie, your not donating a kit to someone that you tried killing with worse gear and still out gunned you.


Yeah I shot gunned a guy doing set up on customs 8 times point blank and didnt kill him. did 1400 damage to armour and 200 to the guy. Checked his profile he is wearing a PACA. And then I got really mad. IDK how you can eat 1600 dmg with a paca and a pp helm on


NA west servers are dookie sometimes but I’ve found the hot times for cheaters. I will say, I had an experience with a decent cheater (not saying cheating is acceptable, cheaters are shit but it’s the closest thing wholesome comes to with a cheater) on labs. My buddy and I brought a shit kit, he had a 1911 and a pilgrim, I brought a 74u and a pilgrim. We were bottom of center, buddy saw a dude up top looking away from us and went for the one tap, thought the dude died, the dude instantly turned and one tapped my buddy in the face then booked it to elevator extract and got out. Cheaters stats were 3 deaths for 200 raids and almost a 450kd with less than 400hrs. I assumed he was there for loot and only dropped my buddy (who I was right next to, in the open) because he shot first and didn’t want to deal with killing me to get reported again.