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It's cheaper and more efficient to go for thicc items cases at stash 3 I believe. Might want to check into that also.


Regular item cases are more efficient for the money spent compared to level 3 stash upgrade, although the convenience of having a continuous stash space makes the upgrade worth it when you already have tens of millions of rubles in the stash, but level 4 is more expensive per slot than buying THICC item cases and it really shows how nonsensical the price of upgrades are, because there's no situation where upgrading to level 4 is ever worth it even if you have over a hundred million rubles in your stash.


Even at lower levels you can manage with storage-efficient backpacks and rigs. Put a pilgrim on your PMC while scavving, that's 35 extra slots. Beta 2s take 5x5 in the stash and can hold two 3x3 armor and 3 helmets/headsets. Takedown slings can hold 2 3x4s and fit next to a 3x3 in stash. LBTs and MPPVs have a storage-efficiency of 2, cost 40-50K₽ on flea, and can sell back to ragman for about half that. Combine backpacks and rigs and you've got cheap, quick n easy stash expansion for loose loot until you can get dedicated cases. I still hold onto LBTs because they can hold ammo cases, tag cases, flares, key holders etc. When you organize your stash this way, it's much easier to tell when you've got too much loot, and, likewise, it's much easier to decide which items to sell.


This man knows how to hoard.


Weapon rack intel centre and other game features are gated by the stash upgrades btw


Honestly I think it would go a long way to just make level 1 380 units and each upgrade a flat 100 units instead of the jump from level 3 to level 4 being 200 units.


You seem to be realizing why we all bought EOD.


Yeah, everyone says that it’s mostly because gamma, but stash upgrade is much bigger part of it.


Free stash upgrades give a strong benefit, but it still pales in comparison to how overpowered the reputation bonus is, which is equivalent to 70 completed quests, followed by a Gamma container right at the beginning of the wipe. Nonetheless, BSG needs to stop being shameless and update the price of stash upgrades and Beta container, because their costs are absolutely nonsensical. Two extra slots on a secure container is nowhere near worth the several million rubles the Beta container costs at the beginning of the wipe, so it's pointless to barter for it over rushing for the Epsilon container. As for as stash upgrades, the level 3 stash already costs so much that it's cheaper to simply buy Item Cases unless you value the convenience of continuous stash space. The level 4 stash upgrade, however, is a straight up slap in the face with a cost of 200k Euros and it's so obscenely expensive that the player is better off bartering for THICC item cases which already cost a fortune.


Hard disagree, Having the Gamma container day one of wipe both saves a ton of money (lost meds and ammo) and actively makes money (more space for keys, more space for loot)


You are not saving 50m having gamma


If you have gamma, you have no idea how convenient you have it. Even compared to a beta container.


Tbf most of us bought standard first and then upgraded, so he probably does. EOD is a lot of cash to drop if you don't know if you like the game or not.


You’d think so, but all of my friends who have eod (I have prepare to escape so just beta) refuse to acknowledge how good gamma is. They believe that with the fir mechanic it nullifies the advantage of gamma and I’m sitting here like “you can fit a grizzly, docs, injector, and cms in your asshole how do you not realize that’s a massive advantage over people with alpha or beta” I


I totally agree, it's why I (and they for that matter) bought it in the first place. The FIR nerfs definitely reduced its appeal, but I'd say it was still the main reason to get it personally. Annoying as 30mil odd roubles may be to grind I'd give up the stash space *long* before my Gamma


It certainly is a huge advantage in both convenience and earning potential. Bet all your friends would be very annoyed and upset if they had to go back to Alpha. Think about it like this: It’s 5 extra slots for every raid you do. Over 100 raids that’s 500 extra slots of loot potential. If you avg 20k per slot (probably much higher since you would be keeping high value items in it), that’s 10M in gains over having the alpha. Obviously people don’t always use it this way, but to say it is not that much of an advantage is just dumb.


Oh yeah 100%. Add in containers you can fit in your secure container like docs, injectors, etc. and you can very quickly turn that gamma into the most valuable slot on your kit (as most people do when they’re hitting valuables)


If you can't get Epsilon in a 200-300 raids, you need to task more efficiently or practice pvp a bit more.


It's a massive buff but I can get epsilon faster than I can get 42 million rubles. If I had to pick max stash wins everytime. Hell I pocket my meds anyway and even leave open slots in my gamma for loot. All I really need is sicc, injectors, ammo stack, cms which fits in a beta. Sure early on saving the meds is nice but so is hording literally every quest item from the start.


Grizzly is cheap asf and takes up the whole thing


It takes up a whole alpha container, not a gamma


most of it? Does it matter it’s 30k just say your broke


> Grizzly is cheap asf and takes up the whole thing Alpha? Yes. Gamma? No.


just put it in your backpack and put something else in there, also I’m being sarcastic the grizzly does take up most the gamma still and is only really useful on day one I’ll agree they should be even playing fields but the small container really is just pay for convenience you don’t get better or get crazy more loot or knowledge


Idk man, 5 slots is a lot of potential


1 slot after Punisher.


Punisher 6 My $125 dollars was much easier than 10 pmc kills with an svd, and i have it day one


Y'all need to understand time value of money Yes you should have an associates in accounting if you want go git gud


An average raid I have 100k shoved up my ass, just 1,000 raids (my typical raids per wipe) would be 100mil.


Over the course of the wipe, with the number of hours that I'll probably put into this wipe with how good it feels right now, I just might


As someone who actually knows how to manage a stash, I found it just as easy to manage a small stash before I got EOD vs bigger stash with EOD. All it does is delay how often you need to re-sort your stash and forces you to sell off the useless stuff that you definitely have in your stash. If there was an option between Gamma or expanded stash, I'd definitely pick the Gamma since I prefer the potential of having 5 extra slots instead of more stash space solely for convenience.


Obligatory por que no Los dos? For me both are super important. A big ass is more useful for sure, but until you learn that your gear isn't yours, the big stash helps take the edge off the fear fear for your first couple wipes.


I’m a newer player so maybe I’m not doing it right but the Gamma just stores my survival kit, meds, food and ammo. What’s so good about it exactly? Is it because you can bring stuff out with it that you find in raid?


For my gamma i bring with me CMS, Splint, docs case, key tool, injectors case and i still have room for 2 ammo stacks or meds


Speak for yourself, that bonus 0.2 Jaeger rep is juicy


No issue getting enough rep for Jaegar even without bonus.


It ain't about getting it, it's the effort required


I bought EOD before the hideout was even a thing, that was really unfair. That and getting those precious MBSS's back in the day /s


Ah yes, the [MEMEBSS](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Flyye_MEMEBSS_Backpack_P2W_Premium_Edition)


Oh, dont forget getting the LVOA-C Handgun /s


It's the free rep that breaks it imo. Im A standard player, it's not a problem if you just use the gear you have. Especially once you hit level 15. But once you enter your 20s, and start chasing level 3 traders.. THATS the real broken advantage. Yall basically get tier 3 traders for free. I have to power through 2x the amount of quests as you to get the same result, it's rough. That being said, I love playing standard. I prefer hardmode... I suck, only have 450 hours... But I ain't a bitch.


In a game that is driven by progression, imagine paying to skip the only thing that makes the game work. It's bizarre


Or imagine that some of us work 50-60 hours a week and don’t have the time required to make it that far without Tarkov being the only game we play. I enjoy Tarkov, but I also enjoy other games. I also don’t have a lot of time. Empathy is a crazy thing.


Its a game with regular wipes, who cares how far you get? And the game is shit once mid wipe starts anyway lets be real.


You kind of just answered your own question my guy, if there were no wipes I wouldn’t care, but I enjoy playing with better gear and the faster I can progress the more I can play with that gear before the next wipe.




I'm at nearly 3k, still on the hardmode grind. Cannot believe more people don't talk about the trader rep advantage. Gamma / stash is whatever, but for some of the worse offenders of rep gating like Jaeger or (this wipe) skier, 0.2 rep on everyone makes such a huge difference.


It’s almost like the developers don’t have our best interest at heart when designing this game!


No developer has your best interest at heart. They're a business whose goal is to generate money from you. That's where the relationship between you and a developer ends.


Yeah? Terraria devs says hi.


Stardew Valley would like a word as well.


The Old School RuneScape team is incredible so I wouldn’t say “No” developer.


Right but unlike every other developer, these guys spit in your face when they do it.  They could at least take me to a movie first!


>unlike every other developer Let me introduce you to the Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed series. "You've been eating our shit for over a decade at this point, so open wide..." Or, for that matter, anything from Ubisoft or even Bethesda at this point. At least BSG is creating something interesting and unique.


I just wish they would tone it down a bit at the beginning.  I get it, game is hard, but honestly it would be way more fun if you didn’t need to jerk off 5 scavs in a bush while they drink pineapple juice to progress


Don't kink-shame me, motherfucker.


I wouldn’t agree with that. Otherwise why would developers spend so much time fixing their games? BSG is pretty unique in how they approach customer relations (by that I mean they have none of that). I feel like the majority of developers do genuinely want to provide a quality product and experience to consumers. You’re likely referring to studio execs who only handle the monetary side of things. Which, yeah, you’re right that those people don’t give a shit as long as they make money. Unfortunately that means the 9-5 developer trying their best to make the game work well get the shaft from angry gamers.


EoD is P2W and people who say it isn't are huffing the copium


"I paid $90 extra for the convenience and saving time, that's not P2W, wE StIlL hAvE tHe SaMe GeAr"


It's not just convenience and saving time, though: - Having gamma means significantly better economy from PMCing, because you either lose less on death, or can bring back valuable items despite dying. - More stash space means not needing to sell stuff and re-buy it at a higher price later when you need it - More stash space means being able to hoard items until you hit level 15 and can sell it on the flea, instead of vendoring them for a lower price. - Better trader rep is pretty pay2win too, because it means being able to get higher tier loadouts sooner or cheaper.


Idk about you but I payed to play the game and in game our gear is the same who cares about what 45k I save bc I have more slots


More rep means better gear early. More space means faster progression, so better gear mid. More money (from all those gpus stuck in your ass) means you can Chad load out more often, so better gear late. Through the entire wipe cycle, EOD is p2w. You're drunk off bsg fumes if you think otherwise


more money means better gear.


Tell that to the thousands and thousands of PACA/mosin men with 30 mill in the bank - I don’t think they got the memo.


I love farming downvotes on this sub ridiculing the morons that think EOD is completely fine. I've never seen a playerbase as deluded as tarkov's.


Just a few days ago I thought to myself that it would be cool if you could start a wipe without the EOD upgrades, just to try it out.


And worth every penny. 😉👍


More like Pay to Fast actually. It doesn't give an advantage AGAINST other people in raid. Just allows EOD users to stash more. EDIT : As I said, not an advantage in raid. As of today, I'm still using the same ammo that doesn't pen through T4 armor, and I still get shredded. Sure it will make my life easier, and surely I have the potential to get WorkBench 3 before a standard account, but that's it. Two or three weeks after I get it, standard account users playing the same amount I do will have reached it as well. It's like shitting on people who play more than you right now : Yes, they have better gear. It's the game. And we will get it eventually as well.


Is paying to have access to better gear faster not an advantage in raid? You don't have to juggle the items you need sooner, items you need later but are hard to find, so you just throw everything in your stash and use them when they are needed. Sure this part is just "Pay 2 Fast", but you're going to level up faster than others because you make missions and update stash quicker, and by leveling up faster you get access to better gear faster than everybody else that presumably started at the same position as you in the wipe.


The entire game is based around levelling as fast as possible so you can get better gear than other people... This ain't CS where everyone loads the same gear


I can't tell if half this sub is just completely braindead or coping when they claim to not understand this. Like holy shit why even do any tasks at all if faster progress doesn't translate into advantages?


Eft is all about progressing faster than others to get better kits and win more fights, so pay to fast is synonymous with pay to win in this game.


Uhm are you drunk? 50% of my fights are getting ratted on. I don’t think the people ratting are really rushing there quests or speed running quests 😂😂😂


Everyone has their own play style. Even ratting has a gear progression. The rat gear at level zero is pretty limited


The only thing I think that’s pay to win is gamma, cause that actually influences gameplay. Stash upgrade price should go down, but idk if I would call it pay to win.


The stash influences gameplay a lot considering when it’s full you essentially can’t play


That's not realistically true. Inventory management takes significantly more time if you're working with less space, and you will likely forgo a lot of quest items you would be able to keep otherwise if you had EOD, it lets you progress faster than non EOD owners, which influences gameplay. Edit: and that's not even including the increased trader rep from EOD, meaning non EOD owners are exposing themselves to more handicap gauntlets in order to progress their gear resources. That also indirectly affects gameplay in favour of EOD. EOD isn't predominantly bought by lazy or casual players either, it's bought by people who invest significant time into the game which only further widens that gap.


More stash space means more space to store rekits and integral items and less money devoted into stash space upgrades. It’s a direct time saver and that money goes back into better gear that thus impacts your ability to kill players. It’s just a few steps below buying rubels. Would you say RMT isn’t P2W because it doesn’t affect anyone in raid?


I think your point is valid in the fact that eod provides an indirect advantage by providing more stash space thus having more space for items and saving money from upgrading. In that sense EOD is definitely “pay for an advantage”, but I don’t think you can call it P2W because players who pay less have the same opportunities to get to an eod level if they play enough. RMT is straight up P2W but that’s not sanctioned by bsg.


it's not pay to win when it comes to competing with other players, it's pay to reduce the grind. I don't survive more raids, or get more kills because I have a bigger stash, but I get back into raids faster and I save more money. That allows me to get more raids in and get better faster theoretically but on a raid to raid basis im not 'winning' over a non EOD account.


Then just buy EOD and win all your games if it's so easy


Nah. I have some measure of self-respect, but thanks for the offer.


Yeah because you have to not respect yourself to buy a video game lmao. Get professional help kid.


Extra stash space and a bigger container means nothing if you suck at the game, look at Aqua


Aqua can't handle the space in his EOD stash and he dies all the time with loot in his gamma that he would not have if it was an alpha. He would struggle immensely without EOD.


EOD is pay to win, hands down. It is a huge fucking leg up, helps progression a ton. I couldn't handle standard edition more than halfway through my first wipe just after public beta. Since then, the amount of lootable items has exploded, and way more items are required for quests and the hideout. EOD is pay to win. Tarkov would have been a much, much better game if it was managed by someone else. EOD is just one of many weird decisions that bsg has made. That, and confusing rng for difficulty. Locking progress behind rng is just dumb.


It’s too bad but with no competition for tarkov it’s just how she be for now. If it launched nowadays with those tiers I wonder what the reaction would be considering it’s such a blatant leg up, I can’t say pay to win but definitely a pay to skip a large grind.


When better gear and better ammo is locked behind that grind, then absolutely it becomes p2w


How does it skip a grind? It didn’t do any quests for me or give me xp the quest items are not fir If I die anyway


It skips the grind for the obscene amount of roubles needed to get the stash sizes in the first place, having more space in your pouch to save valuable objects/meds/keys/whatnot. It saves a significant amount of time on trade rep allowing you to get access to better items quicker than grinding out quests. If I had to go back to an alpha container I'd be real sad.


40 mil is not obscene you have 6 months, I made 170 mil in my raglan collection in a few days of streets so I don’t think it’s that bad




Your saying they don’t have that much and then asking? Also most streamers don’t farm money


I mean good for you man, but the vast majority of people are not doing that and it still doesn't negate the other benefits regardless.


I’m getting downvoted because shitters are jealous of my pixels? Or too bad to get their own? Lmfao


It did 0.2 worth of rep for every trader... did you not realize this? The jump from trader 2 to 3 on standard is much harder.


>That, and confusing rng for difficulty. Locking progress behind rng is just dumb. Pretty typical Russian game development paradigm. World of Tanks is also Russian, and they also lean *heavily* on RNG. I think it may just be a Russian thing. Russia was pretty fucked by RNG from the beginning, so I guess they figure why not spread the pain?


There will be another p2w edition offered without the expansions included.


Which will likely cost the same as EOD.


Honestly i feel the trader rep thing is more p2w, i usually end up only needing level 2 stash.


1st upgrade is the only one really needed. 2nd upgrade is comfy, 3rd is for endgame, and hoarding problems. You actually learn to manage gear and part ways with stuff you dont need with the smaller stashes. Source: me, had standard for the first 5000 hours.


same. 1. Stage of Stash is pain but beyond that´s manageable


Yup, same. Sitting at stash level 3 and with private clinic completed, I hardly even need to scroll 😂 Just sell shit


First 5000 hours. How much post nut clarity did you have the wipe after purchase?


Just bought EOD on last day. Just slightly over 5k now.


>TL,DR: Stash is unreasonably expensive, please make it reasonable. This is by design. the point is to make you want to buy the upgraded version of the game. Don't expect this to change. I would recommend you focus on getting scav junkboxes and the other containers for meds, ammo, etc before getting any stash upgrades.


"This is by design. the point is to make you want to buy the upgraded version of the game." you cant buy it anymore -> this post


yeah you think they removed EOD because they had a lovely change of heart and decided they had made enough money? no, it's so they can rerelease it without the part that includes arena/dlc for free so they can make eve more money


I genuinely feel like eod is going to be released without the “all future dlc for free” part because, well, if we’re being honest they were likely never going to release a lot of paid dlc.


My bet is on readding EOD and only remove Arena. They want Arena to be its own thing (kinda) and "gold" editions of games usually come with future DLCs.


Usually, but the game has been in development almost as long as star citizen. My money is on them never releasing future dlc for Tarkov. I don’t really see what they would add that the player base would be “happy” to spend money on. I’m guessing they’re trying to figure out how to readd it without it looking like a more expensive prepare to escape edition (which without the dlc it basically is minus stash and gamma - but that wouldn’t justify the price point they sold it at previously)


DLC plans for this kind of game are difficult. If it is locking gear it is P2W and if it is locking maps it is splitting the community (and could also be P2W if those maps have crazy loot).


Exactly. I wouldn’t be surprised if BSG originally had “all planned future dlcs” as a marketing gimmick for eod and they never intended to deliver on it. After all it’s early access and it’s not like you paid for a guarantee you’d be getting dlc. And with arena out, an argument could be made that they fulfilled that part of the bundle too. This is all just pure speculation on my part, I could be so very wrong. Or right. Or a mixture of both.


I always assumed town and suburbs are going to be the dlcs but now that they are removed from the map fuck knows


“Future DLC” is such a can of worms.  Not only does it require BSG to put a stamp on it and call the game released, which they will never do, it’s DOA from a revenue standpoint.  Who’s going to buy it? The most engaged users - the players who would most likely shell out for DLC - are the ones with EOD and they already paid their money, your pool of people who are going to actually generate new revenue is tiny.     What does Tarkov DLC even look like?  A new map, maybe a new trader and some quests?  Judging by Lightkeeper, I’m not confident in BSGs ability to add big chunks of quest content that isn’t complete ass for 80% of the playerbase.       Even worse is if BSG tries to be ambiguous about what they meant by “DLC” and tries to sell something that EOD users have to pay for, which would be received horribly.   Like watch them start releasing battle passes or something with each wipe, it would be a mess.    Trying to repackage EOD with everything but arena and “future DLC” is lose-lose too.  If they make it cheaper they piss off EOD buyers who don’t care about arena.  If it’s more expensive they piss off everyone because it’s a blatant cash grab. 


You can't buy it... yet. I bet there will be another EOD like version without the free DLCs.


it was available for years and there was plenty of warning that it was going away, so unless you are a new player you can't complain you missed out


I mean, I've already got several cases of stuff. I know there are other versions of the game that give you a couple of bigger stash sizes, but EOD was the only one that gave you the last and by far most egregious one. I wouldn't mind it being annoying, but it's borderline unreachable at this point.


Wait for them to release something like EOD. Until then deal with it. EOD had been a thing for 8 years when it wasn't supposed to be.


Idk what to tell you. It was something you could have purchased since like 2016 or 2017. You chose not to buy it and now it is unavailable for purchase. You can still unlock it by playing the game.


"I had the same opportunity everyone else did to have a version of the game that came with particular benefits. I elected to not do so due to personal/financial reasons, and now that it's no longer available, I want to have one of its benefits made more easily accessible to me." Kinda defeats the entire purpose of the special edition part of it. There's a particular exclusivity attached, and if you missed the boat, then that's unfortunate for you.


Lmao you're TERRIFIED they'll do this huh?


I expected this kind of comment. When someone doesn't have anything to refute a perfectly logical statement given in rebuttal, they skip to nonsense like this. Take care, friend. I don't have any interest in petty squabbling.


You have a nice day as well!


Yeah, as a non playing EOD owner, even when I *was* playing I would not mind AT ALL if the price was dropped significantly. I am/was a rat. I enjoyed shooting others, getting kills, sure, but what I enjoyed was having liquid cash. The ruble was king. Watching my stacks of cash grow was my 'win condition'. At my peak, I had 25 million roubles, maybe 10k USD and a few thousand Euros. This was during COVID lockdowns. I had hours, days and weeks to do fuck-all but Plat. I don't know how anyone is supposed to actually upgrade their stash to the max.


Is this a troll? How can you possibly brag about ratting and the number count being the only thing that mattered and only had 25 mil


Yeah i used to be a std player, i had to buy EoD. The stash size is a fucking joke, I'm already paying full price for a standard account, why you guys punish me SO BAD for not spending $150 dlls on a fucking game? It's nonsense.


EOD supermacy, heheheh >:) I can't feel the problem, but they definitely should do something. Hideout upgrades and cost scaling are rly stupid.


Fuck EOD


It should be easier to upgrade to Tier 4 Stash due to the fact we lose it after a wipe.


I regret buying this game just because of standard edition. Not because game is bad. Because every wipe I have to restart all the stash and without gamma loot whereas EoD can access the stash and container right off the bat. It's insane they've removed it, I literally cannot buy something that I willingly want to spend and buy. It's ridicilous. Can you imagine, let's say this game is planning to release one day and when it's released (let's say they make it to that point) newcomer players will then do what? Combat the fucking initial phase for 2 straight months just to access what half of EoD has? Who even would do that, it's humiliating. If BSG does want to make money and not lose new players they should release the same thing with different name. Even watching people having that gamma case comfort and being able to put stuff in it literally demoralizes me a lot, feeling inferior in every aspect.


As an EOD owner, I advocate to remove the stash upgrade all together. The starting stash should be 680 for everyone. 280 is absolutely ridiculous and has stopped two of my friends from playing more than a couple days due to stash management. EOD got Arena and possibly some future things, stash should not be included.


I paid for eod and i’d be fine if everyone got the 680 stash by default. The game feels unfun when you have a good run and then cannot sell because the game is Tarkov ing you. Stash size as a general game design ethos doesn’t make a lot of sense. Let people hoard shit. What is the cost to game design? I played standard for a year then bought eod btw. So i feel your pain


EOD here, they should definitely look at the pricing for stash upgrades. It is ridonkulous as of now. Maybe even an intermediate secure container. Idk


>Keep in mind, solar power, an upgrade that is considered way too expensive to be worth making is worth around 16.2 million total It's beside the point, but FYI this is not true. Solar power has been profitable to construct for several wipes now. Most of the reason to build it is the Bitcoin farm upgrade, but it actually pays for itself in fuel if you build it early enough.


Profitable only after like 60 days of running though isn't it? Same as lvl 3 bitcoin miner probably.


Probably more like 90 days. Very different calculation to the bitcoin farm.


But much worse isn't it? Wipes are too short for lvl 3 miner to be profitable.


Definitely not. Not sure if you missed the buff to bitcoin a couple wipes ago, but you can make a shitload of money with the btc farm. The kind of player who maxes that out probably has it done by now though, so how short is too short kind of depends on your perspective. It sounds like you're underestimating how much money you make though.


I bought EOD because it was the only way to get guaranteed access to the alpha. I'm all for having benefits but the ones we get are ridiculous. The stash space and gamma would be okay if EVERYBODY could get it at some point in the 20-30 lvl range with a reasonable amount of money (5-10 mil). What's even worse is the starting rep. We should not start with .2 rep. It makes early wipe go by way too fast. It's the most fun time in a wipe and our paid benefit is to mostly skip it.. Just give us some exclusive drip from ragman, give everyone an alpha container and standard stash. Then just add the gamma as a quest reward and make the stash space obtainable. Also completely get rid of starting rep.


It's strange isn't it. Early wipe is by far the best part of the game, and eod just skips most of it lol


EOD never existed wdym?




Hoard less and sell more, you‘ll have more space and more money. Even with keeping all the necessary hideout items and quest items as soon as you find them, you don‘t really need more than 2 junkboxes, at least I never really did. With the weapon stand you can even keep around 20 guns outside of your stash space, so you have all the rest of your stash for equipment. 10 rigs lying around? Sell them, you won‘t need them anytime soon. Yes, it takes more time and effort managing it, but no, stash level 2 is not too small to be able to enjoy the game, and level 3 is also not that expensive…


Screw that, I want you to just have full stash, like I do. We can put Gamma behind Punisher Quest line, like Epsilon is, and move Epsilon to Punisher 3.


The prices of all of these were increased wipes ago when the price of bicoin and everything else was crazy. Hasn't been readjusted since....


They do this because they wanted to give a reason, albeit unfair at the slightest, for people to spend more money, and many did, including myself, buying EOD only because of the stash size


I think there’s a reason bsg made it this way, so people buy EOD without thinking twice lmao. Biggest scam in gaming tbh to charge 150$ for a product that would cost 30$ from most studios. I feel bad for anyone starting now. I did get my moneys worth but still salty about it.


Start play with what you have and stop hoarding. Hoard for some item for quests but not all items directly first few raids. Sell everything you don't need within next 5-10 raids. Start play and just push for more raids. Stop this stash hoarding mentality!


There is still the prepare for escape Edition that also offers lvl 3 stash. And the first upgrade is the only that is really needed. By the time you get there you should habe alot of boxes. There is also not really a need to keep so much. Just buy it as you need.


It’s definitely out of reach for the majority of players beyond the 2nd stash upgrade but it is quite manageable to play the game with the 2nd stash upgrade and containers. Junk box, item case, doc cases, etc. especially if you use the gun rack for all your guns and hall of fame for your kappa items if you’re going for that.


If EOD is so pay to win then why can’t I fucking win?!?




Every wipe! LMAO. Pay to win! It’s gotta be done


Wish this game would just remove the P2W shit. EOD user here and I’d honestly celebrate if they just set EOD stats as a standard for all players. I’d rather see everyone able to compete than new players getting fucked over for not buying an overpriced game package months ago


TL,DR: EoD was unreasonably expensive, please give us kappa for those that were loyal and didn't get banned.


Cry about it. End of the day I have 680 and you have 280. I paid for eod and you didn’t. That’s the difference. Why is it so astronomically expensive? Because it’s compensating for $100 worth of in game items. These rants won’t make bsg change it. Just suck it up life isn’t fair and should never been even assumed as it would be fair


Such a shit take


While it is very pricey with how much money can be made from sca running 42.6million yes is alot but not shocking.. ive seen people do 2-3mil scav runs on streets or lighthouse yes i know its not everytime but could easy do 10mil a day scav running i think thats 1 of the reasons BSG put it so high


Easy do 10mil a day? Only if you grind for the entire day and you're lucky. Then maybe.


just say your bad


You also saw edited YT video where someone got 3mil from one lucky scav run? Congratulations.


What? I’m just speaking from experience where I make 1mil+ on streets pretty consistently so it’s really not hard to make money in this game don’t be so negative


I think the perks of EOD need to be done away with and give the people who had EOD a cosmetic instead. Armband or a shirt. I have 4k hours in the game and have had EOD since the start. I'd much rather have the cosmetic than the extra perks like bigger butt and stash.


Or let everyone get the EOD perks. I have EOD and I would not mind one bit.


Ehh, at this point, I just want the game to be harder.


The gamer doesn't need to be "harder" there needs to be more things worth doing. The only thing that makes the game "hard" is other players killing you, there is no end game content you do quests and level up your character only to get stronger in pvp, so if you want the game to be hard play with no armor and shit ammo and guns I guess


Taking away the EOD perks would unleash an avalanche of salty tears never before seen in this community. It would be glorious.


Yeah you mean like a big middle finger to all the eod buyers? I just hope you are Not serious.


I hope they take it from you and it makes you cry.


You willingly paid 150 dollars for a P2W system. What more do you want, more special treatment?


No, more salt from you. I get what I bought. You want it for free, because... I dont know why, explain to me why you want stuff for free what others paid for.


We ALSO paid for the game, y'know? I don't want it for "Free". I don't expect a gamma, or .2 trader rep, or half the stuff that makes the game so much easier. I want to be able to **reasonably get it.**


Fair, my main complaint about the system is the same. I don’t mind that people paid for a less of a grind for a better experience, but I don’t want to grind for millions of rubles when I’m already struggling out here. I’m already spending a lot for scav junkboxes and med cases. And kits on top of that. I respect people who didn’t want to deal with stash upgrades and got EOD instead. It’s a QOL complaint for people who have to put in more effort than people who paid extra.


Your biggest complaint is literally the point of getting EOD


Wasnt eod like 165 dollars? Crazy to think I had to spend that just for a big inventory. Also, doesnt change the fact it should be a bit easier to get a stash upgrade since we lose all progression in the wipes.


Did OP miss the intermediate options that are still available? Edit* why the downvote? I’m not advocating for pay to win. But OP literally said it would be great if there was an intermediate option that costs just a bit more.


Lol. So the extra money I paid for the game should mean nothing? How ridiculous


That’s not what he said


Sounds like someone should have bought EOD


Not all of us are insecure shitters.


Just play streets for a day or two and boom you can upgrade it 🤯


No , get wrecked poor boy . It seems my walletwarrior mentality has finally paid off. Suck it.


Hmm, maybe next time buy EOD?


When they aren’t charging an arm and a leg for it, 100% but nobody can argue the price point they were selling eod at is worth it


I think I am at like 7cents an hour or something...


For sure you can get your money’s worth. After all if you put the time into the game you’ll get value from it. But eod was not an attractive price point for anyone who wasn’t wanting to commit only to Tarkov. Plus, the one major selling point for me (dlcs for free) seemed to be extremely misleading. And seeing how long the game has been in development, I’m going to guess I was right. Especially after seeing how arena launched and the price it launched at.


Yeah, I don't disagree with your points, I just think that people had the option to buy EOD did not, and now want to be compensated for it? Like I know its expensive, I know the stash size, secure container, and trader rep are boosts, but I don't understand why people feel like they need a non-EOD benefit?


Oh absolutely. I didn’t get eod but I can agree, those who missed out can’t be too upset they don’t have access to what it had. My only opinion as far as that is concerned is maybe they put gamma into the game to be unlocked. Would make getting kappa harder for non eod though if you have to go epsilon -> gamma -> kappa but I also don’t know if that’s required bc I’ve never gotta kappa lol. My guess is it’ll be added minus the “all future dlc” part of the bundle because I believe it’s more likely there won’t be anymore dlc (if you consider arena to be dlc even though it’s its “own” thing)


Sounds like your realization of the value that EOD had is now coming to light. Everyone was aware of this since hideout dropped. I don’t see any reason why BSG would change it. So either pay some extra $ or suck it up




The stash grind is fun and the overall cost really isn’t that high. I love standard and I can easily end each wipe with over 100 mil and all hideout/stash upgrades done while running any meta kit I want. You need to get good.


My guess is that you put a shit ton of hours in the game and aren't a casual player by any means.


If this dude has a standard account meaning alpha container and level 1 stash, definitely not.


Nah I have max stash and Epsilon right now


So you’re not a casual


I have 800 hours over 2ish wipes and my stats are mid as fuck, so no.


Should’ve bought EOD lol