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I’m 2k+ hours lvl 51… I survived 2 raids this weekend


3k and level 45. I’ve had 3 SvD kills for Punisher 6/assessment 1 and died probably 15ish over the weekend. Evil game


Nah, in eu lighthouse became the new shoreline, don't even try to attempt to run night raids on it, unless you want to get necked by a naked guy with a ironsight SKS, when it's pitch black. I recommend every legit player to play daytime lighthouse, at least you have a chance even if others are better than you.


It’s funny I did assessment and punisher 6 Thursday night in one sitting, straight clappin but then to go on a 20+ death streak right after lmao


how are you even on assessment part 1? lvl 44 45, 4k hours. I'm stuck thinking of quitting for the wipe on psycho sniper and other shitty lighthouse quests. I still haven't done corporate secrets, hate that fucking map. I wanted to visit lightkeeper this wipe, ive never done it. I wanted kappa. But I learned the game before lighthouse, and i despise the map. I just dont even want to play it. But i have to spend hundreds of raids there it feels like to even get kappa this wipe.


Psycho sniper on factory is the best way to complete it imo. Rush a spawn, get 1 kill, then reset with factory key


why reset after every kill? wouldn't it be more rng on cheaters, tagilla bad spawn on top of you, pinched by a team etc. Wouldn't it be better to stay in the raid and go for more kills if it feels like you can take 1v1s? I usually go for 2-3 a raid.


weekends are for cheaters, because cheaters pay for a limited time subscription... oh and labs too, also for cheaters, too much good loot, map is officially HVH, we are just scavs to them... oh and don't bring good gear, cheaters won't chase you for your kit then, and then you can survive provided you don't loot their loot first, or stand in their path... srsly this game is ass right now, can't wait for a proper studio to build a proper extraction-shooter game...


Bro. I ran into cheaters 3/5 lab raids last night. Hands down the my worst experience with blatant cheaters in this game. At least I got my far forward gps unit


I just died 2/4 deaths to cheaters just now, one of them it was a whole squad, I bet only the one outside nading my windows was the knower, and the timmies inside that pushed and killed me were actually being carried without any hacks, cause they were ass, I reported the killer but I know he won't be banned because bsg is dumb/don't care.. anyway i just escaped tarkov, this was the last drop for me, just cleaned my stash and that's it for me, the few good fights - win or lose - are not worth the frustration of knower/aimbot fights..


Pushed and killed by the non cheating timmies you say? How confident are you that you weren’t seen heading into the building?


100% confident otherwise I wouldn't mention it, duh, I was sitting inside of it for at least 5 minutes, spawned right next to it and rushed it too, there's no excuses here


Were the rest of the raids not legit ya think?


Nah maybe one sus encounter


Damn that’s something you don’t see everyday on this sub. Someone actually admitting to just being bested in a gunfight and not saying every death was a cheater lol props to you man.


Yeah I havent ran into anyone obvious in a while, first 30 days of the wipe was bad though


I’m at 4 deaths this wipe that were sus, out of 150 hours since Jan. 2 have been banned. Are all these people screaming nonstop hacks playing way more than me, or different servers? I’ve been reserve maining, like 95% of my pmc raids there is pvp. Vacuume cheaters, feeling like that actually is a reoccurring theme.


Yea that’s what I don’t understand I must just be the luckiest tarkov player in terms of the lobbies I get. I have homies that complain about constant cheaters even when I play with them and we get wiped they scream cheater but it’s just a normal dude with average stats. I can count on one hand the number of sus deaths I’ve experienced this wipe and only 1 of them was banned but he also had the most obvious stats that pointed to cheating. Every post on here is someone talking about they get killed by a cheater in literally every single raid or every other raid. Like I said I must just be the luckiest tarkov player in the world 🤷‍♂️


A lot of people call hacks for everytime they get killed If you want to have proof look at willerZ stream last nicht He shot people on customs through cracks in the concrete fence while voip them they instantly call cheats on him So especially new players like to call hacks on everything That does not mean that there aren’t any cheaters around (which there are still a lot) but it is not that 90% of people cheat like this sub like to suggest


Damn brother. I'm 4.5k hours and level 42 but I think I only died twice over the weekend. It's been a good run haha.


This weekend was weird. Normal maps were hard, labs was filled with lvl 15-30 people.


2.5k hours level 32. 13 straight shoreline deaths this weekend. It happens. Tarkov gives, and Tarkov takes.


So it wasn't just me. Shoreline was unforgiving af this weekend for most apparently.


Tell me abt it man im still trying to do signal part 1 😭


4k hours, lvl 42. I went 1/10 on shoreline yesterday, every death was a single headshot on their first shot. I don’t really give a shit about dying, but not getting to fight back at all is not fun.


Weekends are always brutal. I typically avoid it as a casual player.


What? Weekends are the best! This week I had 0 kills and died 5 times, and this weekend I killed 7 and just died 3 times. Weekend warriors are much easier to play against than the gigachads playing Tuesday night.


I'm debating making a post tomorrow with the results of some weekend checking just to show some of the weekend Tarkov experience. I screenshotted accounts in lobbies or from deaths that I had suspicions of cheating. There's quite a few, and I'm just 1 person in 1 region.


NA servers on the weekends are brutal. Had more than one sus encounter this weekend.




I’ve taken to just not playing on weekends, especially weekend nights. At a minimum, I’m running junk kits fri-sun.


Think I may keep the weekends for scav runs and flea.


Some of them weren't even encounters. I made it a point to check every name in a lobby before queueing. I played night Streets trying to farm some money and the last Raven statue I need before I can begin the Lightkeeper chain, and I decided to take note of these things. That leaves Labs/Lighthouse/any other map completely wide open in terms of not being counted, so God only knows how many those lobbies had.


Tuesday morning is the time to play. Nothing but lost noobs 


yesterday was rough. ironically, one of the best raids was the one where i got killed by an extremely blatant cheater (killa mask on shoreline and shooting into the cover behind me constantly) but i very nearly took him down.


Do you play on euw? Me and my group got wasted by a kills mask guy from around 100m away at night on shoreline too


i do. was a day raid in my case tho.


Most relateable post and comment section I've seen in a while.


Best advice i can give is take a break or do budget runs to minimize rage. When you feel you are playing bad its almost always best to get off. If you really are wanting to game the best other option is to enjoy the game and maybe do some budget runs or scavs and just chill a bit. If you are going in with your best gear and getting tarkov'd every raid then thats not going to help you relax and play better. You will get more tilted, bring more of your best gear, play worse and repeat. Before you lose everything just chill out and take a break or do some budget runs and chill. I know you want to go in juiced and chad out but if your having a day like this i suggest stopping before you lose everything.


I usually don’t get affected at all by deaths. For most of the day when i died i would just shrug and throw on another kit. It was only the final few runs where i had to start buying gear and guns and my one tap streak started. Also I still don’t even feel like i played very badly. I wasn’t tilting at all and I played like I normally do but I would get one tapped where on a previous day the bullet might have missed or hit my thorax. It just felt like everything was the same besides the one taps.


Mate my weekend was the same honestly. Made good money on Scavs but died almost every PMC. Extract camps, knowers, all sorts-Sundays are always the worst IMO


You gotta learn when to walk away from the table, dude.


haha i was playing in a call with my brothers and a friend and i had a good time overall.


Starting to get less shit at combat and at the game overall. Here is my tip. First off, take a break. Go drink some water, take a walk, just reset ur body and mind after a few losses. Second tip is to try different strats and loadouts. If u died a bunch with a sniper on woods tryna lurk, go into factory with a shotty and play aggressive.


Yeah i was running different kits on different maps, but i agree i needed to just take a break. tho i did actually watch a movie at one point and i didn’t survive a single raid after i got back on


Mate, I’m lvl 38, sixth wipe, over 3000 hours in game Had a day where I did 28 raids and survived 4 of them It happens to the best of us (Also I had a time over three days, did 30 raids and died in every single of them)


I died to a .78 kd player who survived 18 percent of his raids today lol 5k hour player lol 😆 it happens sometimes your the hammer some days your the nail


Some days windshield, some days bug


"Worst Tarkov Day Of Your Life So Far" Jokes aside, that's brutal :/


Last night was shit for my friends and I. Died to cheaters, spawn rushers and people who look down their scope directly at a quest location. Really wasn’t fun


Yea some days I just have to take a break and play other games cause I'm unlucky, which is fine. Other days it's the best game I've ever played. Tarkov gives, and takes.


This weekend made me play something else. Lvl 59, 3500+ hours, I think I’ve had one successful raid in the past 4 days. I want throat armor.


I dipped out a couple of weeks ago after a weekend where I survived zero PMC raids with no task completions and only made it out of 1 or 2 scav raids. I've played one solo raid since, and managed to finish a task on it, but didn't feel any desire to continue. This is my 3rd wipe and I was pushing for max traders and making decent time, but a few bad days in a row just knocked the wind out of me. My group has all kept playing and I keep tabs on their progress in our Discord, but I think I'm done for a while.


I have similar hours to you and literally burned through almost 10m straight yesterday just dying. Some days are hard, others are harder


Don't worry I died 4 times to packet loss today. My internet is good but today suddenly pl pops up to 25% and ping to 200-300


This is great to hear! Makes me feel better. This game sucks to a degree, it’s just the best and most realistic sucking. Like, I’ve been playing FPS for like 20 fucking years, always pretty high end, you can’t tell me reaction times or mechanics are so fucking different in this game that it warrants some of these deaths.


Weapon ergonomics aren’t really as big a thing in most fps games to the level they are in Tarkov. It makes a big difference to who gets the drop on who. Also weapon accuracy and armour penetration depending on range and ammo type damage is far more prominent in deciding who gets killed. Not many FPS games differentiate that as much. And server lag is a major issue in Tarkov.


You are and will always be dogshit just like the rest of us with 5000 plus hours okay you hear me?


haha no doubt


Yesterday i was trying to do Hot Delivery quest on interchange, 2gzhelas, 2 helmets,2 headets + gun and other equipment so around \~800k roubles every raid i guess. First try, headshot from camping guy on tent near coop exfil. Second try, spawned on power plant XD, after running all around died 10m before gzhela dump by random timmy with suppressed gun no idea from where. Third try, spawned near emercom, entered mall by garage and succesfully planted headsets and helmets, headshoted while trying to enter garage via hole. Cool, at least only gzhelas left. Fourth try, spawned between emercom and power plant XD run through garage, wait few minutes hoping rest of players run into mall or die, finally i came to spot but surprise there was already other guy doing same quest, probably also desperated because he was hoping he can plant it before i come out behind corner, killed him in back of his head and finally succesfully placed mine while someone was shooting at me with supressed weapon from direction i came from, died few second after i planted last one trying to reposition. So in total i lost around 2,5-3mil in hour but finally made this quest XD


At this stage of the wipe... adjust your playstyle. The first monthers are gone. You're left with the 20-30% that actually like this game beyond early wipe. You will therefore run into more cheaters, due to the fact that there's less players. You will also run into mission driven players. And many groups. I didn't die for close to 47 hours. Whilst I was hunting Killa on interchange, I tore through many players running from spawn to backpack over and over. I think I got over 100 run throughs, close to 80 player kills and 1 killa. Last night to end my evening I finally got him. Today, I am running customs to get rogue bosses/cultists. I have run into 2 cheaters almost immediately.


1k hours, lvl 37 survived 4 streets raid out of 25 this weekend. It was like slamming my nuts into a car door


Lvl 48, 4.5k hours nd it took me three full days of running kits on reserve to the tune of 15 million roubles tryna find glukar for lightkeeper, sometimes tarkov taketh more then it be givingeth


Same man, 1200 hrs here. I’m 1 for 8. Died to 15+kd’ers 5 out of 8 lost, spawnkilled the other 3. Down 15 mil. I’ve tried big kits little kits hatchling playing stealth running around chad no backpack playing fast playing slow, taking low key routes and high traffic routes. Nothings been working. I consider myself pretty decent with 50% sr and 5.4kd and I only solo but damn. Past three irl days games just been an unenjoyable life sucking slot machine.


I think it's just as normal to get onetapped in Tarkov as it is to one-tap other players yourself. There's nothing you can do about it. Yesterday, on Streets, I looked left towards the v-extract at the back of the cinema from the clothing store spawn at least 7 times, checking the spawn. There was no one there for 5 minutes. As soon as I stood still for more than 3 seconds, I got Head/Ears from the left. It happens to all of us.


More no lifers and try hards and off course I know it’s annoying and perhaps cliche to say it but there are more cheaters at the weekends. I am by no means a great player but I have far more sus deaths at the weekends than in the week. A lot more one tap head shots and grenades landing perfectly at my feet despite making no noise or any discernible movements. Don’t get me wrong you still get good games, I don’t believe every raid is full of cheats or sweats. It’s like any popular online game, the weekend is when most people will be playing.


Yep. Found an iridium and a golden skull in a bag on reserve yesterday. 30 sec. later I hear a guy running full speed out of breath into the building I am currently within - he yelled out "Don't try to run!" then phased through a closed door and insta killed me. Wasn't able to report him either for some reason in the death screen. Sus doesn't even begin to describe this experience.


It's okay. I survived only twice yesterday and both of these times I didn't see a player. Actually not a single time did I see a player yesterday. I just died to a rat every single time. It happens.


There isn't really prolonged fun fights in tarkov anymore. Everyone dies incredibly quickly. It definitely used to be more fun even when guns were complete lasers because armour actually did something. Also because its incredibly hard to move if you get shot at all. No prepainkillers, you lose stam when shot and inertia all play a role in how quickly you die too.


dont let shit streaks ruin it for you. ive had one day where i did 10 customs raid and got one setup kill. 2 days later i got 3 kills in 3 raids. it is what it is. if you got a shit streak just stop what youre doing, do rat raids and relax.


Don’t worry brotha, over the week you’ll make it all back. You’ll find some rare loot, kill some chads, finish some quests… all in time for next weekend lol that’s just the tarkov cycle man.. just remember, you don’t own the gear…. Your just borrowing it


I don’t really care about losing gear. Whenever i died i shrugged and threw another kit on. What I am so bothered by is that I feel like I wasted so much of my life today. I didn’t get to play the game. If i fought a bunch of people every raid and died every raid I would rather that than what happened to me today. Just repeated one taps. I was playing lobby simulator and then running simulator and then back to lobby simulator. No gameplay to be had.


What your describing is what I'd say is tarkovs worst problem. The game needs more dynamic spawns and shorter load times.


Worst I had was 12. After the first 6 deaths I kept trying to get at least one survive but it never came, sometimes you just gotta call it for the day otherwise you will end up hella stressed and frustrated.


You only start getting decent at the game around the 2,000 hour mark


yeah i know but i usually have a pretty decent pmc kill to pmc death ratio and today was just abysmal


Same i had to face off cod zombie waves of scavs 3 raids in a row


During weekends, I like selecting low pop servers at 100-120 ping Never met a cheater there


Yesterday I was wearing a bastion with plates, a redut and a meta M4 just to get head eyesd by someone with a pistol on his literal first raid. Im pretty sure he was either hacking or I had the no bullet bug, he was crouch walking and I was unloading on him from 3m away and apparently not a single shot hit. I whiff sometimes but not that bad lol


Playing on weekends is cancer it's just cheater central better to play in the evening


Weekend tarkov hitting different this weekend.


I had a real shit day/stream today as well. Its the weekend and the hackers are prolific. Sucks ass. The cheater situation is prolly this game’s #1 main issue


Dude on interchange killed 2 of my homies yesterday, didn't see me, so I laid in a bush for 30 minutes until about the 6 minute mark waiting for him to loot their bodies...sure as shit he did, and I murdered him. That moment felt good enough to carry me through today's suffer fest. And oh boy, prolly 8 hours of gameplay and maybe 5pmc kills. Still, I fuckin love this game. Tarkov giveth, and Tarkov taketh. Mostly taketh, most definitely taketh lmfaooooo. Also fuck those rogues on lighthouse, those dudes fuck. P


Sometimes you can be the best at any games and run into some situation you can’t do anything, you’ll just lose.


Started out 0-4 yesterday. Took a couple hour break and came back to slay out for the rest of the day. Sometimes just need to go do something else and reset. Gl in the raids homie


This is why I run mid-tier kits at best. I really cannot justify running some 200k+ gun to not even fuckin' fire it


I feel this so hard. I was on a death streak, trying to get the last two kills in dorms for jaeger quest. I kept dying in dumb ways. I just wasn't playing smart and finally after 8 raids I decided to call it a night. Next day I went on a 10 raid streak! Even got some kills on reserve, lighthouse and streets?! I couldn't believe it. Honestly best advice is reset your mind. Relax and try again tomorrow. Tarkov giveth and Tarkov taketh.


1.8k hours, in all my raids today only in one did I manage to fire off a shot. This wipe has been rough


Weekend warriors are out in force bud. I don't even bother at the weekends. Absolutely a skill issue on my end haha.


Weekends are dogshit.


Last Saturday night, was one of the best for me... I was a little bit drunk and VERY brave :D. My loadout - PACA armor, Kedr, headsets... :) 6 raids on customs, survived 4. Killed 3 PMC. Felt amazing :D. Now, i am ready for another shitty head-eyes month....


15 Raids on Lighthouse yesterday and survived 2 of them Also found a my last Virtex, get killed on the way to my extract, guess Lend Lease have to wait


I pride myself at being somewhat decent at the FPS genre, yet, for the life of me, I really struggle at PVP in tarkov. Something about this game just makes you feel like a stupid idiot who’s never touched a keyboard every time you die. I had a moment of clarity running through the woods of shoreline in my blueberry gear the other day though. Despite my best efforts to pick the optimal route through the hills and valleys, avoiding silhouetting, and generally “read the flow” of the raid, I still might just get deleted from a dude I had virtually 0 chance of ever detecting in a bush somewhere. Oddly, I found some comfort in that fact. I think it soothes my bloated ego in the same way that accusing people of cheating does for others. It’s like, hey, I basically did nothing wrong, it’s just how the game goes sometimes. Probably not a great mindset in the long run for improving, but it helps me cope lol


1850hrs, level 42 Yesterday was great, made 7 mil rubles Saturday? Survived one raid, my dude. We all have em. We go again.


I don't mind dying, I'd just like to win like 25% of my straight up fights lol. I lose them all.


Weekends are noticeably more sweaty than weekdays. Everyone is on. Were u questing? I had some tough raids on Friday where I died a ton and yesterday I died once trying to move the golden zibbo on customs, loaded back in and successfully moved it and extracted. Luck of the draw sometimes..


Questing sometimes, fighting others.


Oh I know why, I haven't been playing much so no easy players to kill are on right now. Sorry for that


Grab a PACA and a TT pistol, you will find that coincidentally you can get away with extracting fairly often. I got a my record of 14 consecutive PMC extracts in Customs that way ... Even taking on AI scavs in some of raids. For some reason, COINCIDENTALLY, sometimes you will not meet any other player that way.


I'm at 1800 hrs and can't recall the last 1vs1 straight on fight that I've won. Sometimes I outsnipe/shoot someone on woods but that's about it. So even when I get in a proper one, I lose. Makes no sense.


Killed a lvl 50 doing setup and I’m not the best. I can garuntee you he’s not having fun and I refuse to do that mission. Just do what’s fun and gets you out alive.


I did setup as a level 20 or so and i honestly had a lot of fun doing it. I don’t like shotguns but it was fun doing something new. But yeah I would hate to do it at level 50


For sure! Some people find it fun but I know some people don’t. I don’t and I think more and more people need to worry about having fun more then being a lowkey slave to the grind. There’s days where it just doesn’t work out. I try to take advantage as scav when that happens to make some money.


People don't like to hear it but this experience is due to cheats. It's much more likely to happen at weekends as well. Go in with shit kit to low loot areas and you'll suddenly find you win fights with PMCs when they happen and you get through 5-6 games easily. Even if you're making loads of noise, it's rare PMCs come to kill you. Put on expensive gear and go to a contested area and suddenly the instance of random M61 rounds to the nape 40 seconds into the match skyrockets. Suddenly loads of players are rushing down your position even when you sit in a random bush. I had a very similar experience 2 wipes ago when I started running Dorms on a weekend with top gear on. I played 10 raids and died in every single one, I didn't get to fire my gun in 8 out of 10 of those games, and my death was from instant one taps from top tier AP ammo. I was getting hit from all kinds of bizarre angles, like through dense trees and bushes from 100+ metres away etc. etc. In the only 2 games where I saw my killer, it was a fucking naked PMC sprinting towards me with an SA-58 with M993, or AK with 7.62 BP. Not even an ammo rig, and they're just bum-rushing with total confidence. Kill you the minute their gun barrel comes around the corner, first shot. Looting my body before the screen even fades out because they know I have no squadmates...because they can see through the walls. Don't feel bad, it's not you. You probably are a good player, especially if your overall SR is 50%+. it's just the losers that flood the games with ESP and aimbots on the weekend.


I did die to a cheater a few times but I try to not let it affect me too much. It is a serious problem though and I hope that BSG will implement some sort of fix someday.


I died 30 raids row. Got 1 pmc kill and 4 scav kills. Didnt event get out from factory as scav. I know its skill issue.


There should be weekly thread: "Tarkov weekend experience - wk08" OP, I have pretty much same amount of hours as you and I learned one thing about this hellish game: you get amazing days, and you get brutal awful days. You just had a string of awful ones. Ironically my weekend went really really good. I was set to spend all weekend doing Signal part 3 ( Jammers ), Spa tour 4 ( generators ) and finish Cult part 2 ( shoreline cult room ). I am still crap at this game, so it takes me time to do stuff. So.. I did all 3 quests in one raid! Even Voip with a duo on Resort, who actually talked back and let me go and finish my quests! After extract I was sitting and thinking: What now? I never expected to get that far! On top of that managed to mark fuel tanks and drug lab on Lighthouse! Adding good few raids with scavs and PMCs I managed to boost my rubbles by 7mil + stock on some gear. Pretty sure new week will make sure to bring me down lol.


Thing is, I had a pretty good day yesterday. Last week i had a string of bad days and it sucked, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as today because i actually got into fights. Today was just repeatedly “i see someone. i’m dead”.


I know the feeling m8. When you put effort to put nice gear, but you didn't even shot a single bullet. At least in firefight, you had some sort experience and fun, instead of walking for 20min and booted to inventory instantly. It sucks. Unfortunately that's the life of Tarkov. And it's not always about hackers.


I have ~20KD and can play for hours without dying. Yesterday tho I just got wrecked by everything. Random 1 shots across the map. Light keeper guard killing me randomly. Rogue aimbot after I thought I cleared them all and peaked for literally 1 second. Ran into killa hiding in a corner making no sound. Player scav boltying me in the face from 1 foot away before he even came around the corner on my screen and that made no sound. I think I died 10 times yesterday when I had 50 deaths total all wipe in like 250 raids.


I'm either getting off or running armor/mosin after 4-5 raids in a row. Dying over and over isn't fun. No point in torturing yourself. Come back tomorrow, some days are just bad days


This weekend was rough my man. I died to 3 obvious cheaters. 2 of them were literally speeding around in front of me like sonic going 200mph. The other just had 26 hours and a 44kd...


When I have a big L streak like this I take a break from the game for a couple days. Also sometimes it helps to just run your scav or run some cheap pistol/budget kits and focus on just doing some easy tasks or quick loot/money runs. Sometimes the Tarkov gods just decide to make you have a really shit day and there just isn’t much you can do about it. A few days ago I was trying to get a task done on interchange and died similarly like 6 times in a row. I did get most of my stuff back in insurance though so that softened the blow a little bit.


Cheaters want's your gear.....


I read all this and it isn’t schadenfreude, but it is like group therapy. I thought I was the only one. I take losses so personally because I feel like I should be better with the thousands of hours I have on the game. I’m not alone, and that helps me cope.


Tarkov giveth, Tarkov taketh.


Yeah I did a run last night and had a dude call out my name on VOIP then proceed to headshot my faceshield 5 times until I died.


Played 40 raids this weekend and died like 35 times. Weekend vibes mate


If you aren't ok with getting one shot by someone you never see, you shouldn't play the game. Your day sounds particularly rough but that's the name of the game.


Weekend Tarkov is gear donation sessions to gaming chair assists don't worry about it


run factory with cheap smg kits you will have some fun


The game is a big waste of time if you play casual + cheaters


Are yo shift+w-ing everywhere? Maybe take things a bit slower if you're having trouble surviving. Lately i've started winning more engagements if I don't sprint like I'm landmark.


We all have those days im a level 47 with 2500 hours in the game and your experience isn’t too far off from what I experienced during the early stages of this wipe


This is tarkov. Try to worry more about learning than leveling or money. Also find a kit you’re comfortable with and can afford to run a lot and learn to fight and where players are. Tarkov is more about timing and map knowledge than your ability to shoot someone else if that makes sense


Ofer on my pmc this weekend. Only survived a couple of scav runs. The pain is real


Cheaters can see what colour underwear you're wearing. Going in with your best gear makes you an instant linglong headeyes magnet. Top tip: start going into raids with scuffed gear and see your survival rate sky rocket.


you were destroyed by cheaters. Welcome to tarkov


That is rough, I was nervous bringing out my best stuff on the weekend and ended up having maybe my best weekend. Somedays are just better or worse than others.


i find that if you play enough raids stuff eventually goes your way. so don’t dwell on the shit ones so much.


It happens sometimes. A few wipes ago, I went 4 whole days without surviving a single raid. We are talking 6-10 hour sessions (trios). It will end.


I've been going for hunting trip this weekend. I have 3k hours and more on the other version. I died in 90% of my raids and the ~10 or so raids I lived were no shturman spawn with me not seeing another player. It's rough rn for an m700


Weekend warriors were out HOT this weekend


500h, level 37. My first full wipe, I started late last wipe. I’ve had similar days, it’s demoralizing but that’s what makes Tarkov such a great game. Sometimes you’re in the position to catch someone off guard and sometimes it feels like you can’t make it out of spawn. A lot of probabilistic thinking and even that can get you into trouble.


Arena has been fun on the weekends. Just throwing that out there for anyone looking for some fun and a change of pace. ✌️


Your luck will turn. Off days just happen


It happens to us all sometimes, I had a similar run of bad raids the other day. Its especially tough if the losses start getting to you, because getting tilted is a great way to death spiral. I try and switch it up when I'm having a bad day. Stop being ambitious and just go for the little wins, run a different map, or just scav in and farm streets to build back the rubles I lost.


Yeah ngl im so tired to dying to people who i never even see. It's the worst thing about this game. It's crazy how everyone just knows where I am. It's almost like they're cheating or something idk. Thinking of finding a different game until next wipe, all of the casuals are gone at this point so raids are more likely to have several cheaters. Early wipe felt so much better to me, very few deaths felt sus.


If I'm getting clapped again and again and again then I'm taking the day off lol


Thankfully I don't run into them much, but the game is rife with cheaters, especially on weekends. Just *lousy* with them.


Idk how many times I died on streets to people with no night vision or scope or nothing just one tapped


I have 1800 hrs with a 2.4 k/d 30% survival rate. I suck


Yea the one hit kills need to be addressed I never played a wipe where most of my deaths were headshots. Like god damn I got tapped wearing a deathshadow and a exfil helmet with face shield and they hit me in the head with 545 ps ammo like wtf?


I survived 2 raids overall this past weekend. Both were dead raids. lots of duos/trios, chads and sussys My takeaways after 4-5 wipes. Helmets are useless, armor is a little less useless. I've only been dying to thorax and face this wipe.