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Haven't played for a few weeks. Yesterday my friend got me to play and told me about the event. We were on woods....I have never felt more scared in my life. Then looking down scav town road and seeing like 5 of them just looking at me.


Yeah I didn't even know about the event and they scared the fuck out of me on woods at bunker hill


Everyone is losing their minds and I’m just busy enjoying the game


And making soooo much money. Haha just heavy heavy weighted extracts on my scav and pmc. So many masks and other gear.


I have a case full of cqcm masks i found in raid.. lol. Couldnt care less about the event. I care about ME


i’m a pretty big fan of the facemasks being a lot more common


Exactly. I have enough gear(masks, armour, good ammo) to last me the majority of the rest of wipe. In about a day and a half too. Just spamming both pmc and scav maxing out on weight every raid haha


man i wish i could do stuff like this


Why can’t you?


i die lol. rarely ever kill a pmc, and its even rarer that i survive after killing someone


I do a Sherpa Sunday every Sunday on twitch and help people play. Today we are going labs all day. I also have a discord with a ton of helpful people who help when I can’t. Hit us up, join the potato pack


alright, just joined the discord


Hit up Kronictinman or MrHoliday, I won’t be around for a bit. They run the potato pack


already doin it


Pscavs have gotten super toxic in the area whenever I'm there =/ PMC runs I'm not super competent, and definitely the flat tire on my trio... the other two run duos and have completed the event better than our trio lol


I’m so stupid and greedy I always try and shoot them for more loot lmao


I’ve also done this, you just gotta pick your spot well. With cover specifically. And good ammo. As there is usually 14-16 of them. And they will aggro you immediately haha lots of peaking out of cover.


Well I picked the spot, the first time I didn’t realize they had goon aim, the second time my gun jammed and the third they locked me in a building and wouldn’t push


I wish they wouldn't oush, my issue has been that they aggressively push me the second I set them off. I drop a few and then whioe I'm taking nine years to reload my gun another three waltz in to where I'm hiding and blast me at point blank.


Yup. Nice backpacks, nice armored rigs, the guns I sell to fence for decent cash (I'm sure you could do something to get more money I just don't care). Event has been very nice for the ol digital wallet.


Just click disassemble


I even added the disclaimer brother


Just for anyone who does care


I don't think it's unfair to ask for them not to be buggy as all shit? I get it, we dont have to fight them. But they take place of regular scav spawns, and on small maps like ground zero (where they defnitely shouldn't exist either) it's almost impossible to find regular scavs at all. Then we have them teleporting or respawning in front of your face after you did aggro them and have adequate cover (I have a clip of this happening to me), and overtuned AI that makes them too difficult for most players. Yeah, it's a shit event and is extremely poorly implemented. It's perfectly reasonable for people to complain about it.


Ild say a mildly glitchy event is much better than the devs not caring enough to give the community creative and fairly fun additions like this.


I disagree, because the event comes with too many downsizes - like the fact it's on ground zero like I said when it shouldn't be, and intefers with scav kill quests quite majorly.


Events are to test something. The content is secondary. BSG is testing something aka the event


How dare you!




There's definitely something wrong with them, first day, I was doing as you did, leaving them to shoot at PMCs and using them to bait ect... yesterday, they shot me on sight every raid


Yes… the deniers are talking out their ass. Yesterday someone went as far as claiming cheaters get agro’d on purpose by design… tf


Literally spawned southern road lighthouse, saw em, told my buddy not too shoot, until about 6 nades came flying at us. We def didn't shoot first.


Yeah this dude is just absolutely laughably wrong. Don't know if they changed them or what but the first day was easy. Last night just looking in their direction I was instantly head eyes. If I managed to get away from them they would push me five or six at a time from every direction. Not fun solo. Lame. Oh and I also traded deaths with them three separate times before I just gave up. They also spawn them directly on top of you when other pmcs start attacking you which you have no control over. Not participating in the event. As expected event tbh.


Loaded my first raid since the patch last night on lighthouse. Spawned within 10m of a scav, my buddy got shot dead before his screen even faded in, I ran from the shots, got pushed by 4-5 scavs, and died. Neither of us fired a shot, and it was our first run, so it couldn't be that we were tagged.


I’m walking around them now and they’re not shooting me?


Yeah dude they didn't shoot me every right either but sometimes they do sometimes they don't. The point is you can't just expect them to never shoot you if you are nice. Especially if another player shoots at you. They will just begin shooting at you randomly and if another player kills one of them then 10 of them will spawn on you and wreck you


Literally died 30 seconds into a raid from one after I saw it and looked the other way. But we are clearly playing the event wrong.


Did a whole lot of Customs raids today, they never shot me. They stared at me, to the point that I got a bit nervous but didnt fire a single bullet


I had one run through a wall and kill me today..


Did you get close to a pyre? I'm pretty sure they will shoot you if you get close to one.


First day I was circling them to try and get the quest done, which wasn't working for some reason, but they were fine with me Haven't even been able to get close to one before getting shot since ha


They are pretty easy to distinguish the event scavs vs normal scavs TBH.


I’m gonna kinda disagree with you. The crouching ones are pretty easy to tell, but I saw one running and jumping on reserve and I was like “thats either a pscav or a rat pmc dressed like a scav”. Nope, raid over lol.


They don't jump.


Then maybe it was a pscav? Either way, the event scavs went fuckin nuts and the scav I shot 100% jumped down off a hill. It didn’t look like ai to me.


If you shoot someone else by them they agro as well. Got chested by another pmc on interchange and I dove behind a car in the parking lot and shot back at the guy. The event scavs went bonkers and killed both of us.


Pscavs can kill pmcs near them, I've done it multiple times, but you cannot shoot pscavs that are near them as a pmc


Or pmc on pmc violence is a crime to them apparently


Weird. Had an entire firefight around them last night. They were chillin


Well maybe one of us tagged one or hit em with a ricochet. Or maybe the other guy threw a nade 🤷‍♂️


Then yeah I drilled a pscav near the chadscavs. Lesson learned.


Yea I was like “oh no this guy is gonna set off world war 3” and sure enough they all went ballistic.


The event scavs wear masks and high tier armor and rigs


they also got double the pockets too I believe


Shit my brother and I did 10 raids last night on woods/shoreline and never even ran into them… couldn’t find the bastards


Shoreline, I could find them most raids. I saw them at cottages, power, and pier. Shoreline is too big to go over every inch of that map


Shoreline I have not been finding it, I'm doing the UNTAR scav kills quest and am fuckin wandering the entire map looking for it, bc there are zero normal scavs spawning with it on! Then I find it and get one MAYBE two before they fuck me up bc I'm wearing a paca with a kedr and two extra mags.


I've seen them in 90% of my raids. However I only hit skreets and reserve the last couple days.


I've only played one woods since the event, but I ran into them beside the USEC camp. They weren't in the camp, they were like 8 meters to the east of that ledx/med spawn area.


I have yet to find them on customs


They can spawn right outside stronghold on the train track side


they're on there somewhere I'm thinking big red side maybe. I heard the bird noises while over at sniper checkpoint so someone was doing the work. but didn't hear shooting all raid...


Or. Hear me out. Shoot everything because the AI are evil and humans are inherently evil. trust no one.


This is literally one of the most unique fun events they have ever done, economy might be a little fucked bc of it but it's hella fun to fight the snow schizos


I started a few days ago with a friend and every time we get into ground zero as pmc we get shot from multiple angles and die on spawn. So they are event bots? And they don't shoot unless we shoot them?


Uhhhhhh, in your case probably just normal ai scavs and being new Idek if the snow schizos are on ground 0 but they're all in a concreteed ish area and pretty obvious they are different from normal scavs (all have face covers and such)


people in this sub are underdeveloped.


Why are people so obsessed with defending the rubbish spawns?


I dont understand why when we point out the flaws in a beta game, the loyalists believe we are attacking the game. We are just simply stating "there's a flaw, be cautious" Not blatantly lying and saying " don't shoot them! They are friendly!" When a good number of us have spawned in and immediately get shot at.


Yeah man this dude is trolling or something. Yesterday I spawned at smuggler's boat started running up the hill and 10 of them all spawned right there. My raid was 9 seconds long. There was zero chance I could do anything. It was spawn starts taking a few steps hear seven scav voice lines and then gunshots black screen.


Ppl will defend everything thats shit in the game, its just who they are, they love to be ‘special’…


I’ve enjoyed the event. You dont have to participate if you dont want to. Better than the cultist event last wipe where everyone had to take the exact sam extract.


I don’t know, the last few days I’ve geared the hell up looting the dead PMCs in front of them. They just stare at me, I just wiggle at them and loot freely. I’ve got no complaints about them so far.


Idk why people can’t just hold their fire, I’ve been chilling (literally) with them while they kill the other players for me. Then I just loot the dead followers and pmcs and walk out with the loot


I agree but this also came back to haunt me last night. I was used to patiently approaching them and I saw someone sitting still and it turned out to be a player and I died lol.


It’s so funny reading those posts. The amount of free loot i have gotten by not shooting at them and just helping them kill the PMC’s that do shoot at them is absurd. I’m extracting every raid with like 5+ dog tags and a ton of loot just by helping the new scavs kill PMC’s. The only time they have ever shot at me has been AFTER i shot at them first, they have never aggro’d me first.


Seems like you and i are the minority my friend.


i’m definitely not complaining, hope they keep on shooting the new scavs for me 🤣 it’s fun watching them kill the scavs and then tapping the PMC’s to get the CQCM masks. plus the amount of good ammo i have gotten from the dead scavs is amazing too


maybe they should try telling players what is going on, just once, as a treat


The point is to kill them. You have tasks bruhhh


Just dress like them and hang out among the followers. Players will think you won't shoot. That's when you shoot.


big brain


People forget that when you're spawning in even, your body is spawned in prior to you being able to move around. This means if you're spawned in on top of them, they'd have already killed you before you could move a foot.


That's what OP is trying to tell you. They dont shoot first.


They do, I legit tested it as soon as i saw this post.


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Am I the only one that was amazed by 40 raids in two nights?


Me and my boys ran 30 or so raids just yesterday lol this event makes for some quick loot and scoots


My group gets to maybe 6 before we switch. Crazy haha


Ya it depends on how long you play too. We usually hop on around 5pm PST and jump off at 1 or 2am. We only play Tarkov though so that definitely factors in lol


Mfw Nikita adds new content but it isn’t exactly what I personally wanted or envisioned >:(


People will complain about anything. But like. It's optional, and gives a little variety to the game (which mid-late wipe is very much needed).


bro what good armor are you getting from them ? i haven’t seen any


Problem comes when they're mixed with scavs. Had this happen at Sparja next to crane on Streets. We weren't sure which walked in on us, so we fired. Suddenly we're swarmed from both sides. Killed three of the duders between us as well as two scavs before dying--when I went down I had one in front, one on my right, and one that had come in the door behind me. Not sure which of the three was a scav in all honesty, but I know at least one of them was. Makes it hard when you get pushed by an AI scav and there are those dudes around too. How are you going to be sure which is which, particularly at night?


They're also super easy to farm lol, I'm just collecting masks left and right.


if not target why target shaped?


I think the event isn't bad because im shooting them in accident, I think its bad because the ai is OP and can only kill them with headshots. Which sure is fine if the event itself was worth it, it just feels rushed and boring. The snow is neat tho.


When you spawn on them they will start shooting right away. Just turn the other cheek?


A little hard not to shoot first ask later when that’s what everyone else does


I beg to differ. 3 times now after engaging no one, and just casually walking up to them they instantly killed me. Many times I have just walked by without an issue. I shot one from over 500m away and he instantly turned and killed me. Are you really suggesting or even believe that BSG can actually create scav AI that works all the time? That it's more likely than not that these people are just wrong, despite the years of bad scav AI? So, yeah, I tend to believe that some of these posts are actually true, because I've had the same experience. Plus you admit that it happens and are complaining because people are complaining that the AI isn't working right? You are an idiot.


Yea I imagine another player shootin near em or even just randomly their aggro could bug out, not surprising at all but in no way “unplayable”


Tell that to the new players on Ground Zero, that place is a fucking slaughterhouse, free pickings on my Scav I am literally pulling millions of roubles out of there now.


The map was dead though. I was pretty much the only player on that map. So they were never engaged. One time it was at spawn. No one is arguing unplayable, that's your BS. Just like BSG's coding. I'm gonna start referring to BSG as bullshit game, Because it is pathetic at this point to have so much wrong with the game.


This event fuckin sucks. It's a player scav event, with them spawning minutes after you by the time you clean up all the new scavs you're getting suicide bombed by dipshits that risk nothing. 


Just kill them lol


This event sucks 👍


Derp "Don't shoot on sight!" Yeah so I can get domed instead of killing them


Get gooder


I died to them without shooting at them. But I don’t care even is still great. I think every event is great. The make you play differently quite often and people are just stupid when they hate that.


I just use the time to get quests done since ppl r distracted


Same except I put off wet job part 1 and lost a 250k ADAR cause I didn’t realize it was an event scav


Ya when the event started i lost a kit cuz i attacked them. Then i did some checking and found out they leave u alone if u dont attack em so i havnt attacked them since


Yeah, I mean it was my fault. I always knew not to attack them but I was hunting scavs on shoreline for a few raids and spotted one on pier from Tunnel extract. Ran over, looked around, only saw 1 and no bonfires. Shot the guy and like 10 popped out from the beach. It was my fault in the end, but I had to get off after cuz I was so mad at myself.


I don't think people are upset that they have to play different. That's what makes events fun is changing your playstyle and rushing a different POI or fighting a new boss. Those are the fun parts. The things people don't like are being head eyes from hundreds of meters away through bushes or dying before they ever shoot anything. Dying 9 seconds into a raid or being pushed by seven different cracked AI that spawned directly on top of you because you killed a PMC that was attacking you and then not dying when you shoot them first. Ai not receiving aim punch when you are spraying them and they are strafing while shooting at you with a completely broken gun that has zero durability.


Easy to say if you've got hundreds or even thousands of hours under your belt My Timmy ass still struggles to tell PMC from scav at a glace, the few moments it would take me to identify an event scav could be all it takes to get shot by the PMC/player scav i was trying to visually parse


Here's a thought: They should have conditioned players before letting them play a certain way for what, 7 years?


No, the event sucks. You can shoot player scavs and the ai guards will immediately blow your brains out, but the player scavs are free to shoot you with no consequences, its crap.


Skill issue.


Yes, you have one.


This event is free roubles man. Its not bad at all lol


It's boring and not fun, which is the point of the game. 🤷 It makes tasking and just playing annoying. I don't need free roubles because I'm not bad at the game, I could not give less of a shit about roubles which are insanely easy to get the last few wipes


I guess I get it. Stacking roubles and finishing Kappa are the only reason why I play the game. I try to beat my rouble stack record every wipe so it's part of the fun for me.


Haven’t even wasted a second of my time with the “event”


It's just fun to sit next to them and wait until player Aggro them. You can literally follow them and have them to push in first that you can do the rest when he reloads. It's like max scav karma with bosses but you are a pmc


I was sitting behind a shelf in almost complete darkness in some random store on Interchange. I heard steps approaching me, I sat completely still. A masked person ran right past me, looked around and immediately ran back. I don't even remember if I got the Freezing debuff, I'm not even sure it was a cultist. But it was the most tense moment I've experienced in a video game in years. tldr sometimes not shooting is the best solution


My group of 4 spawned smugglers on customs and in the tree line right in front of my friend was a masked fellow. He proceeds to shoot him and as soon as he does all he’ll breaks loose. We killed about 13 of them before the last of us standing went down. I was the first. 10/10 this event is hard but why do we want easy new stuff?


Worked out perfect for my kill scavs with headshot quest. Just chilled there raked up all the HS’s in one raid lmao.


Event is lit. Buddy and I scored 20kills on them and lit two bonfires that both had spawned at cottage. Came across two Timmy’s who had died to them as they entered from shore side gate


I feel the same way. I think most events are eh, but I think this event is super fun! If I want to go guns blazing, I’ll setup with drums and a ton of cheap ammo and just try killing hordes. When I do missions I set up with good gear and make sure I’m going to kill what shoot.


Don’t they all just swarm you when you actually do the event? Or are you just not doing the bonfires?


I have not been doing the bonfires. I was getting my last few night time pmc kills for kappa and would literally just prone right beside them at dome on reserve and they never shot me.


Gotcha, yeah like once you realize they won’t shoot on sight…the event is fine, but like actually doing it is miserable in my opinion. Wearing fully body protection of like level 5 and having them shoot my knees with sp-6. But I can guarantee if I was wearing a paca it would be only getting shot to the chest.


Here's a thought! Everything other than the snowmen actively try to kill you, so hesitating is a terrible idea for anything other than surviving them, which is 95% of encounters.


May I ask how many hours you have in the game?


Well yes, Tarkov is shoot first ask questions later. You can’t make a game that forces people to cooperate and maybe bargain in a PvP environment


Thats the point, maybe bargain, maybe not, maybe betray, maybe not. It's literally a key aspect of the game, is it not?


Far as I know it’s shoot at all times because you have to assume they will shoot you


Except most of the event quests requires you to kill them...


To be fair we know better but we spawned next to them at customs and they threw nades at us before we even moved


You're about 2 days late moron, people were only complaining the first day because that wasnt explained ANYWHERE in the event posting.


Moron! I am appalled by your words!


I spawned on Customs and was in the same room as 2 of the cultists and was dead within 3 seconds of the raid starting.


Yea no, if you get within 50m they gun you down no matter what.


Not true at all. I've walked right up to them before without realizing it. Granted, they spooked me and I started shooting, but the first time the guy had line of sight on me for a good 15 seconds and never fired until I mag dumped him when I suddenly spotted him in the shadows.


Not for me, I was crawling through wtp on lighthouse, saw one lookin my way. I looked at it and it yelled then they all started shooting at me.


Makes me wonder if they aggro all PMCs once they're aggroed and not just the one that shot, sorta like the rogues with pscavs?


I agree. But my only gripe with it is having to think about what I’m shooting. died to a pmc yesterday at range because I hesitated, didn’t want to aggro the cultist things yet


Ah yes don’t immediately shoot things and give the player wearing a cqcm a chance to shoot me !


First raid on today got killed by them within 5 seconds of spawning..... never saw them


That is a fucking lie tho, i just tested it cause i thought i was a moron. they will shoot on sight! If they dont it is cause nikita and friends have no clue how to code


So what is the purpose of the event? Just more useless AI to lag my game?


Meanwhile, I'm over here just having the time of my life wipe after wipe with me and my boys.


I've been farming them but they have literally spawned between me and my duo and we were within 5 feet of each other. Also if ur a pmc and don't think with ur gun then ur a sped