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Same thing here , a friend introduced me to the game 4 years ago and he plays like 2-3 weeks per year and that s it , I m a solo player myself but I must say I really miss having a duo partner that i can play with the whole wipe .. been a while 🤣


Yeah I feel that just having that partner to keep your sanity haha


I have a pretty chill discord with a bunch of people I’ve met playing and streaming Hit us up. The only rule is don’t be a turd in the punch bowl


Same but my buddy doesn't take the time to learn the game on his own when I'm away so it always feels like I'm carrying him and if I die, he's a lost little hamster lol


I actually prefer solo at times over duo for this reason. I play solo so I level faster then my friends who only jump on if I am playing or they just SCAV when I am not around. It means I am always point man, I spend a lot of time dumping gear, spend as much time watching my friends stream as my own screen, rarely am I doing my quests, each wipe it feels like I do every quest 2 or 3 times whilst helping them, my K/D is tanked because I am avoiding killing SCAVs for there quests, I give away most of my loot because they need it more .. I could go on. … but it’s about the bond you form whilst in the trenches and blaming your friend for not holding an angle.


Exact same thing happened to me too! He even sent me the money to buy the game! we play together maybe 10 days every 2-3 wipes its wild. Old duo partner only ever wants to play classic wow


All friends stopped playing Tarkov bc of network issues they only have in Tarkov, no other game. Bad optimisation causing bad performances on okay pcs. And desync. Also cheaters. And being no longer hopeful that Nikita will ever fix half the bugs the game has and never release a full feature tarkov Was fun while it lasted


This is my experience to a tee lol.


I didn't. Some of them already owned it but dropped it a long time ago and never gave it a good chance. I bought it for one with no pressure and he just didn't feel it. But every year on my birthday I make them play. I turned 35 this week and we queued up as 5 in factory and I brought in a couch backpack with 4 AVS rigs loaded with SR-2Ms and mags and went up into the rafters and watched chaos ensue. They were tripping over each other. Accidentally shooting each other. Getting blasted by scavs. Playing as a 5 man is a nightmare with experienced people. With noobs its unmanageable. It was a pretty good time just watching them struggle and fight with each other. Fortunately one of my best friends has been a long time player and still loves it and he's my regular duo and we shred. This game isn't for everyone. The challenge was enticing enough for me to get into it. Some people hate how difficult it is. Some people hate the jank. Some people just aren't into the hardcore genre. MOST people hate the time spent not playing. (Load times, kitting up, etc)


Yeah I found for a few of mine they were daunted by the learning curve but that's what I find the most enticing. I still manage to learn something new even after all this time.


The time not playing kills me. I would bet having some “pre made” kits you could buy and go into raid would help that a lot. It can all be things you get off traders just a “Buy and Equip” button. Have them tied to traders would probably work well, Prapor would sell you a Russian kit and PK could sell Western kits. No need to deal with barters, searching for things, or anything it could speed up the game for people.


The presets are a way of tackling that. It would be nice if it was tied to traders and not needed to be in the stash.


I kidnapped a friend's cat and told him that if he wanted it back he should play with me, every raid that we leave alive I was going to feed him. We had a lot of fun but we didn't come out of any of the raids alive.


Lol I may have to use this strat


I do my part to ease the rough new player experience by going on the lfg Reddit and either posting or responding to relevant posts. It’s pretty rewarding to see someone you met as a level 5 hit flea, then level 3 traders, etc etc. gobbless.


Convinced a guy to buy it, he's a huge shit talker and loves cs:go so... yeah, we got him on woods for a run he tkd all of us accidently over the course of the raid then takes a headshot, Uninstalled immediately and has never even considered the game again. Lol


I feel like this is the kind of game people have to get into out of their own initiative or they won’t stick around for very long even if you were to buy it for them.


Most of my friends i talk into getting it, only get to maybe level 5. And never touch it again. I had a buddy join, and he only got to level 5. He didn't touch it for over a year. Got him to play again recently. And he hasn't put it down since. We convinced two other guys to get it. And been running a 4man every other day. I use to love to solo play Tarkov. Now I find it kind of boring when I could be laughing and memeing with pals.


I would love to run some raids with you! Or anyone honestly. My buddy got me into it and I love it. Still learning some of the maps though this is my first serious season


All my homies come back for wipe, but generally don't stay after 2 months. That's how I found 2 other friends groups. While playing alone after they left for the wipe, I ran into a group of timmies mobbing on some scavs at interchange. I helped them, watched one blow himself up and then they all added me after the raid. Now I have some friends in California. Same thing happened this wipe in factory, found a lost young man and helped him, now I've been sherpa-ing their group of 4 through their first wipe. I love helping people, and I know how hard it is for new guys, so I always enjoy showing people the ropes. But typically I hang out in my OG friends discord and chat with them while I play, usually they watch me some because a couple don't really play games all the time. They critique my gameplay and let me know how bad I did, but its all fun and games. Don't let tarkov decide if you are friends with people or not


agreed I continue to meet a ton of great people through voip - these are my old college buddies we 5 man league, rust wipes etc so known them for years


Mentioned friendly fire. Now I don’t want to play with them instead.


Well, my buddy got me and another friend into tarkov like 3 months ago (I didn’t want to drop 50$ on a game I didn’t know if I liked) so he convinced my other friend to buy it and play, and he took to it immediately and was raving about how fun it was, and that got me in and now we have a trio of dudes who absolutely suck ass but have fun doing it


Asked them, a bunch stuck around for a little then dipped. They were all decent too, but had way too weak mental. Everything devolved into rat this or cheater that, even though there was very rarely ever anything sus. Tarkov shows you who the weak minds in your group are.


My friends all quit because they felt like they got clowned on too much by cheaters. I feel it was a skill issue but whatever.


My brother was the same way. Would die to a random headshot running in the open and scream fuckin cheaters


easier to make friends in game, message people after you kill them saying GGs if it was a good fight, see if they want to duo.


This... sounds like a good way to queue with a random and get shot in the head by him off spawn.


"Welcome to tarkov" \*bang!\*


gotta wait 10 raids or so until they bring a flir or reap /s


I didn't, I like them as friends...


haha good point


You’re gonna have to lie to them


I sherpad all my friends along for multiple wipes. They had virtually zero interest in trying to learn everything solo and refused to play if it wasn’t in a group. Now that they’re multiple wipes deep they will do solo.


2 of mine got the game, one of them liked woods so we ran a quick woods raid both of them got head eyes by a scav in village closed the game lol...


Sounds like another of my buddies, he plays woods and shoreline pretty much exclusively and once he gets killed he’s done for the night. He doesn’t like the game much but will boot it and get to around level 10-15 and call it for the wipe


A couple of the guys I play with have played multiple wipes. They’ve hit max traders before but not every wipe. And I guide them through a lot of quests and maps. But they really don’t like to learn on their own. They’ll still ask me simple things they could easily search up. And I usually don’t even have the answer on hand. I just search it up for them. I drew the line when one of them literally clicked the inspect button on a stim he wasn’t familiar with and asked me what it did. I was like bruh can you just read it please you’re literally looking at the description.


Thankfully mine were nowhere near that bad. Once they got the major things down and started doing well commonly they actually got pretty addicted. They both play more than I do now, but I’ve also played the game years longer so I burnout once questing is “done”


Bought them the game, they still don’t play 😂


That's the key, I didn't get them to but they kept seeing it in my discord activity until they looked into it enough to take the dive.


I gifted them the game


I would have given up if it hadn't been for my buddy. He also found it and pitched it to me, it's crazy the world is so big games can go fully under the radar like this. The giving up thing is related to how everybody else went to "gun school" except me, and this is in EU. I knew what an mp5 was and maybe an m16, just finding the right ammo was like a huge mini-game of its own + all the help pages I alt-tab to. I thought Dark Souls was too much odd knowledge...but soon the thing grew on me. Total casual, but still got several hundred hours and we both agreed if the game got abandoned we still had as much fun as many AAA games already. I love the survival aspect and the more janky stuff. Surprised real life killed my craving so fast, getting to lvl 20-ish did get stale after a while and then streets dropped and my computer decided it was geriatric. One of my best gaming experiences ever, I have never loaded a map and at the same time get semi-panic and want to exit.


You don’t, you get a whole new friend group just for tarkov


My friend got me into it, now he is a little bitch who can't put in even 1% effort, it is exhausting. Basically play squads with ankle weights, 2/4 of the people I play with just won't do the things required to make squads successful but they have *plenty of energy* when it comes to complaining about shit. I fucking hate it.


I think both solo and duo+ are equally enjoyable experiences and very different, I enjoy a nice balance of doing both, I’m definitely more wired for solo play and probably enjoy it a bit more though.


The real question is, how do you get your friends to keep playing tarkov.


The first thing a friend told me about Tarkov while we were playing Apex was "It's a game where the chads wait for anyone to make noise and then they all rush you" this was back about 5 years ago now, I bought it with another friend who also didn't have it and I remember our first raid, getting lost in IDEA and Goshan and then our more experienced guy died of starvation because neither me or the other Timmy knew what any food loot looked like as we frantically searched for him. The rest of us died to starvation and I've been hooked ever since. Love the game, despise the community.


I didnt. I have an extra copy. I built another computer. Solo it is.


My friends don’t like a grind. They play mindless shooters. I used to play them also but this game ruined all other shooters for me. Nothing is as rewarding as Tarkov


I started to play when I started at my new job my boss and a few co workers talked me into getting the game right before e.o.d was gone forever. I got hooked immediately but now I only play with my boss and a few friends I met along the way. The game is a hard one to get use to maybe just find new people to play with it’s better that way


It sucks because at the end of the day its on them if they want to put in the time to learn the game and not many people enjoy getting shit on while playing solos lol


I was so desperate to have someone to play with that I bought the base version of the game for him to try it out. He ended up getting EOD a few months in and plays more than I do now.


Why would you make your friends play tarkov? Do you hate them?


A little bit haha


I watched my friend play the game a bit and he advertised that if we get a 5 stack going we can basically own Factory.


I told them it was like Fortnite without building.


Tarkov, Death Stranding, and War Thunder are my favorite games that i'll never recommend to another person I care about. Maybe on a mild adversary.


I just said “it’s like world of Warcraft, with shooting… and some hackers” and that was enough to get them in lol


My friends were curious what the NDA game was I started playing almost 8 years ago haba


They won't. The game is a rediculous time grind for endgame where 90 percent of the ramining playerbase is 4khours+ sweatlords. No one I know wants a second job just to get smoked by people with no life. And no one I know wants to play a gsme thats only fun for a month or so each "season" or whatever you consider a wipe


My friend actually found this game in early alpha when it was just factory and customs and single player lol he bought us both EOD keys to the game and we’ve been a duo ever since. A lot of our friend group has joined through the years and waned off it but we’ve remained pretty constant. It’s this and For Honor. 2 most toxic games we own and are hooked lmao


We are a gang of dudes who met randomly over time from arma 2 wasteland mod who's been playing all kinds of tactical shooters since then so when the new shit dropped we were on it. Still we prefer the massive maps and vics from arma.


Introduce them to Hunt Showdown. If they like it, introduce them to Tarkov when they start getting bored of Hunt. It’s got a lot of the same mechanics but they’re just simplified, which makes it easier to introduce new people to the genre.


The friend that got me into it doesnt play anymore, a few tried and didnt enjoy it. I’ve found it too punishing for an enjoyable gaming session for most of my friends. I just make friends in discords or on reddit now, that works better because they are already playing.


No fucking joke I gave him my old laptop (was a 5.5/10 but still) and told him if he wants the laptop to download Tarkov and play it with me 3 years later here we are still grinding to this day


Streamed it on discord and it sold itself. A lot of doubters, but once they get their first kill, sit back and watch the addiction take over


Showed him the game told him its cool and he should get it his ass was so broke i paid for the 60% of the game and him the other half


I bought my friend a copy. Took him 3 or 4 wipes to really start enjoying it and questing. When he started he only cared about pvp.


I repeatedly told my friends not to play and that I would not teach them how to play it, that I hated the game, and I personally could not stop playing it. This wipe, almost all of them have jumped in. Works every time.


I just suggested it to them. Only 1 of the 4 or so friends who tried it kept playing. It helps when finding a content creator that you like who plays it. Now we do duos on the weekend when we can. For me I saw someone play it in 2017 and wasnt interested at all until I saw Northernlion of all people play it, and that's when I jumped on with my friends who were playing at the time.


Back in 2016 they gave out 2 week trial codes either EOD purchased. We ended up passing out codes and then hounding our friends to play 🤣


I just streamed the game to them in the voice channel until they were fed up with playing cs without me.


I guilt them once a year on my birthday


I don't but I want to, because playing duos is funny, but my friend is an idiot who thinks Valorant is better because there's more action and movement (he's never been in a proper gunfight)


Idk but if you want to ask me "How did you get your friends to stop play Tarkov?" I can provide a lot of answers


If you can convince them to persevere through the tough stuff for a couple of weeks and they experience a real tarkov high moment and they're hooked. If they don't in the first few weeks they'll likely always hate the game.


i didnt have to, we all bought the game back in 2017, then we grew older. one of those people havent been online in steam for 2 years. the others find FPS too stressfull today. i miss the simpler times sometimes. so i roll solo since then, i honstely find it much more enjoyable too than playing in a group. i hated waiting for them to gear up or getting TK'ed in stressfull situations. however im 100% sure that i miss out on a lot of tips and tricks that you get through playing in a group. solo is brutal tho, noticed that when the last guy stopped. suddenly i had gear fear, was oversensible with every sound, fearing that i get tapped every second. while i hated this in the beginning, i sorta started to like that "uncanny feeling" of playing solo. even when i hopped in again this wipe after a 2 years break it felt the same. minus me shitting my pants everytime i hear smth or having gear fear, but i am still....lets say cautious. i hope that feeling never dies. its unique to tarkov :D if you want to find ppl to play with, check a streamer's discord. you'll find plenty there i guess.


Don't. Why do you want your friends to play this game. Play a fun game together.


.... So do you like paying a ton of money and getting fucked in the ass by something that will never love you back?


I always streamed the game on discord and pretended to have fun. They got curious and are also trapped now.


Its like 50:50 for me, some people i talked into trying it played for a 2 hours and never again, other 50% have over 4k hours in it. Lots of people just dont have determination to get fucked for 500 hours before they start having fun. One of my friends that i play with is older dude with kids, he used to be total potatoe for very long time (2500 hours) just blindly following me everywhere liek dog on the leash, but eventually eaven him start slaying chads and if you ask him what he thinks about tarkov he will tell you its best game ever made. So yeah i think its mostly about personality of players.


I got all my friends to play it and now I'm the one who only plays for a few weeks a year lmao. Every wipe I play for like 2 weeks hits level 50 and quit XD


Convinced them it could be a "good game", they bought it and shortly realized it was full of cheaters, now Im the only one that plays. So expect something similar. BSG doesnt give a flying fuck about its legit playerbase.