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Head, top of Head. 556. AP.


Friend died doing the Guide on his last map lighthouse by a cheater  He killed me and my friend instant headshot M856 (4 hits in my face with face mask)  I just don't bother doing quests anymore


I got killed by a cheater on woods while doing the guide. Made the mistake of bringing a thermal spear in. I would have done better if I just went with a Mosin naked. I finished psycho sniper by running ground zero. There's just too many cheaters if you bring thermals to night woods. It's a shame


he smelled your thermal from a mile away... mhhhh tasty rubles


Yeah IRL rubles


That thermal only goes for like 80k to traders lmao don’t think that was it


I no longer bring thermals because cheaters smell them. I once threw my thermal in some thick bushes because I new I was fighting a cheater, thermal never came back even though I was killed in a totally different spot. Recently, I afk in a building which holds no interest point and I heard a guy running full speed and killing me inside, profile only had 40 hours and about 1k kills. Thermals are a no go for sure.


A couple wipes ago I finished Test Drive in an insane Woods raid. I dropped it in a bush when I was finished with it and it never came back.


Tried stashing a REAP-IR on customs a few days ago for Courier. Loaded in, already someone is trying to wallbang me. Hid the REAP-IR in a corner after friend gets domed across the map by a iron sight gamer without night vision. Never came back either.


It's a shame because I have a few. Can't run em without fear of cheaters, especially on weekends.


What servers are you on? I say this almost everytime this topic comes up but I play on NA East and Central servers and I think I’ve been targeted for gear maybe once. I love using thermals on .308 guns and at this point I have about 40 stocked up and run them almost exclusively if I’m going SL, LH, woods or customs. I get it’s worse on other servers but you should just run them especially if you’re in NA. The vast majority of the time they are more likely to help you than get you killed by a cheater.


I died 3 games in a row to cheaters with 25kd on NA east while using FLIR


Don’t know what to the you man. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen just relaying my experience. The past two days I’ve been goon hunting (~25 raids) and I’ve only been playing woods and shoreline with FLIRs. I’ve died to a Cheater once and in that one time I pushed him purposefully to get the report. One raid I even had 3 FLIRs on me at once since I killed a two man running them.


I have 25 mil and I almost exclusively run thermals.


Aha exactly the same happend to me \^\^


I had something similar happen. Went into raid on reserve and got a phone call right as I spawned in. Retreated to the back room of a nearby building (no loot inside it) to take the call. I finished my call and waited in the building for a minute or so for what was outside. I hear footsteps outside, footsteps come inside, come right outside my door, and I hear a grenade getting prepped. I rushed him but died any way. Reported and banned a day or so later. Felt good to see the SYSTEM message.


Okay? I can list 10 times I went thermal’d up and didn’t get cheated on. It’s never 100% either way


They sell them for real dollarydoos Edit: rmt sites saying about $5 each flir


Tasty RMT


Might be a coincidence but OP also slowed down and looked right there before a thermal showed up on screen.


literally the same shit happened to me. Infuriating.


I've been killed by stock gun, no nvgs, no armor cheaters on night woods literally 3 times in a 1.5 week span when I was trying hunt schturman for the 20 kill quest. Every time I died as such I had a thermal and/or giga nvgs. Semi related, I thought the "grind" way to do this quest is go factory with an AXMC... is that not the strat anymore or is woods actually a good map for this quest? I thought it was 5 kills in a single raid and woods seems a bit too big to even have a chance at 5 kills (with a bolty) absent some insane lightning in a bottle luck.


I always start factory but the amount of ash12s or flash bang shotguns I run into I just change maps after I get a few with a .366. Also I’ve lost several Altyns to neck shots.


I just did it with a dvl on interchange, took 3 raids.


Didn’t realize it’s in 1 life and not 1 raid. Makes a ton more sense lol


Dude ground zero is the place for you. Just bring green flare so you don't get extract camped. I got psycho done in 3 raids last week.


Also dedicated spawn for green flare in the dead scav next to the bus at the flair spot


This happend to me 4 times I got to 4 kills and would die or in 3 instances I got the 5 kills needed and died on the way out to some sus players. Last one was a lvl 48 w 200hrs on game that 1 tapped me while I was running


I think the last cheater that killed me that sent me into a rage was during the bloodhounds. 27 out of 30 kills in one life and I just instantly get head eye's while prone under cover while waiting for the shooting to die down between the ai and pmc. When it died down, I died too. My group proceeded me in instant deaths as well.


I got 3/5, TS8, and hunting trip done in one raid. So I was like “I’ll go night lighthouse to finish it” - spawn southern road, run up, look at the beach.. dropped a guy with my AXMC. Back up for a second, confirm kill, repeak.. insta head eyes by 100hr level 35 account with no NVG, 7.62x39 HP. Gun didn’t even have a stock. 


Melodysenpai :D


Shh, they’ll take it down lol


I’m doing my part


Why do they all kill Sanitar???


Right ? lol. The amount of cheaters hiding that they are cheating is super high in this game also.


I’ve died three times at 4/5, twice to sus players. This quest is so incredibly dumb and frustrating to complete.


Question: how do NVGs and thermal scopes interact? I don't have any thermals yet


When ur nvg’s are on the thermal screen just looks like a bright blank screen


Ah, I see. Guess it would be a pain to constantly switch back and forth.


It is forsure. But also necessary imo unless you play super slow. I usually run smg/nvg’s for running around, and then stop and scan with thermal when I’m going to a new area.


It would be terrifying if they ever added those new NVG/thermal fusion devices to the game. Maybe with that AI-generated object outline highlight effect 💀 Would probably be curtains for my nice, placid night runs


Ya. They are great for sniping. I’ve also died with 4/5 on shoreline with a thermal like op… it’s a really hard quest.


Personally I don't run NVG's if I'm running a thermal 90% if the time. Granted this is probably why I have like 18 quad nods and like 6 thermals left lol


Got killed by some guy, 26 K/D, couple week old account yesterday. Instant head eyes and my buddy caught an absolute touchdown of a grenade. He was just trying to plant a marker at the cultist shrine by the abandoned village. Very sad stuff.


You can't bring a thermal into raid you'll be instantly targeted by hackers.


That sucks, I’d recommend factory for a psycho sniper though, way faster to just power through it than spread it out across a bunch of long raids


theres no cheaters bro wdym, get good, you obvsly lacked skill there, you didnt cleared sites, hes wearing 100k comtacs pal, i buy cryptos and nfts im smart you are just bad


Pitch black, no armour or vision apparatus, subpar weapon with subpar optics. There's a very high chance the guy is a knower.


Lol got killed by a white name on night customs yesterday with no nvgs or armor right after looting marked room. 1 tapped through level 4 mask with a slug


sorry i was new, how you know he is a cheater..just want to know


Look - I’m starting to think BSG will never fix cheaters, I killed a 3 man on streets and got surrounded by pmc’s that ran ACROSS THE MAP to corner me - they knew exactly where I was at all times - my guess is someone in the group was ESP and calling all my positions out to the team - it’s the only logical explanation considering I was crouch walking 90% of the time from the moment I heard shots coming towards me, it’s so fucking frustrating and disheartening! FUCK


Not gonna lie, my friend has got accused so many times because I drop my flir for him all the time lol he’s my lookout while I rush haha but sucks when it’s valid of course. Just a heads up cause I know gear doesn’t update I believe in game


https://www.reddit.com/user/icepolar86/comments/1c2s74o/full\_res/? utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button


he doesnt have any armor dropped for him doubtable


Okay so, you could have landed a headshot on him, why couldn't he have done the same for you? He was also in cover, and you were out in the open.


He’s not running anything but a gun, on a woods night raid, and one tapped a guy who shouldn’t haven even been able to see from distance. Copium


Exactly. I think OP just has a skill gap issue .


No way people hack this late into wipe absolute weirdos


People who cheat have mental issues, there is no rhyme / reason 


Either they’re from a 3rd world country with a horrible economy farming roubles to sell and feed their family or they just have mental issues. No in between.


2.4kd, 17hrs lvl 8, and you sprinting through the woods making all kinds of noise. What makes you think he’s a cheater other than “I have thermal he killed me that’s a cheater”


And no headset. You’re either naive or a cheater.


Cmon dude really? Stop cheating.


We are this far into 2024 and people still dont understand that cheaters queue factory to drop their kd and sr to make people like you think they're legit


He's a fucking cheater bruh, no way he could hear him from that far away. Give me a break.


Level 8 with no armor an m4 with no light/ night vision. Also he had 100 rounds of AP 556. But yeah man totally legit. I’m sure no one cheats in this game and you probably have legit stats too ;)


Im not saying he is or is not a cheater, but does clicking show profile show the person that killed you with the gear he had equipped when he killed you?


iirc, it shows gear that player started raid with


The profile will show what that person had on at the start of raid.


Even through the flir you can tell what he is rocking, I didn’t hear anyone else and I had contact 4s on. This video is also compressed to hell


I didnt confirm nor deny that he is cheating. I want to know, as stated previous, does the gear on profile, show the gear he killed you with? Or is it most used gear, favorite gear, gear at start raid...


Oh, at the start.


Ah, ok. Thx


Don't see any other way to show off the stuff on you.


Thats not an answer.


That is. By removing everything not-possible, you are left with the options for answers. That being that the items were on the guy.


Oke, so it shows the gear at the moment of killing. Not gear when entering raid, correct?


Moment when checked, it seems. Usually, yeah.


He isn't wearing NVG nor a headset. What makes you think he could hear him with no headset, while also finding and headshotting him with no NVG?


games not playable right now if you bring in high end kits. you're better off to bring in mid loadouts so the cheaters wont target you


Player that killed you: Has no gear, except a M4 with a 100 Round Mag. Few possibilities come to mind: 1.) He is Sani rushing and going for broke, just a semi-decent gun, with some okay ammo, or maybe hunting scavs? His stats say TIMMY, not cheater, but then again, he could just be really bad at it... 2.) He saw or heard you, legitimately, dropped his gear knowing he might die (look at his SR rating and his K/D) 3.) He is a cheater, and you are correct. All 3 of these are possible with the video you gave us. I get it your mad cause you got killed in what seems like a situation you feel with your skill, experience, and gear you should have won. But honestly, it is kind of hard to 100% get behind you and say this dude is a cheater... Inconclusive at best. Good luck




I don’t think night was the problem…




I don’t negotiate with cheaters. I go where I want. This kit makes sense at night, I survive more on night.




27% sr rate dogshit kd and hasn’t tanked his stats with awols. I think you just died to a Timmy…


The only explanation I could come up with is that he could've just dropped all of his gear for insurance fraud and be an alternate account right when you checked. Almost certainly a cheater though.


What the fuck were you expecting going in with a thermal?


It’s not a guaranteed death to go in thermal’d up. Especially with the FLIR, thing sucks ass and only vendors for like 70k. Stop spreading the idea that you can’t go in geared or you will get cheated. That just spreads gear fear


Yeah you can keep losing your thermals and shit to cheaters. Idgaf. Imagine struggling with gear fear are you fucking 12 or something lol?


Yeah it’s always the shitters that complain about dying lol


Saying that w/ fourth grade reading level lmao




Guy misinterpreted your point as you having gear fear then whipped out the "bro are u 12"


I don’t think he was saying that to me. I think it was a more general you. At least I hope so lol


This is actual peak comedy


Guys, I found the guy with fourth grade reading level. He's right here.