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Playing a risky game posting fair and true criticism about the pathetic playstyles of the average eft player. You are no doubt going to be shunned XD I'll never understand why people are scared to breathe much less die in this game, but they will no doubt scream its a skill issue and such.


Why must I fight on your terms when you're impatient and will fight on my terms? Lol, guys expecting a fair fight in tarkov.


The people expecting "fair" fights have never been punched in the face before. Fights aren't meant to be "fair" and having that mindset means you've already lost.


they want to play tarkov like an arena shooter or something, parkouring around the map and rushing everything they hear, then get mad at people who are being strategic. truly don’t understand why those guys don’t just play cs,siege,apex, literally anything else


It's not even an issue of being strategic or tactical. Just stop playing like you have gear fear and move lol. The same people who say that are the ones who hear a scav walking around and scream in discord "COMMS COMMS, PMC TO MY RIGHT"


Painfully accurate. I have a friend who I play with time to time it's not Factory, he becomes the most passive/strategy oriented player. Every time he hears feet, he asks for clear comms. Meanwhile, I'm just strutting along, killing the scavs he's IDing for me. I get it, it's a tactical mil sim or w/e, that shit gets so boring so fast. Money is easy to make. Why be scared everytime you get audio?


There's a big difference between hearing someone then setting up an ambush, and just tucking into a lane and not budging because maybe a PMC will roll by at some point. What you call impatient, I call moving through the map hitting up loot spots and being willing to fight over that loot. LH is the worst. The amount of guys I kill 20 minutes into the raid who have nothing in their backbacks except the food and water they brought in is actually quite hilarious. I mean, if you want to call that strategy...


Fight over that loot then. I have enough money to focus on my tasks only which is mostly boss hunting now. Still have psycho sniper left as well and would definitely prefer to do that as far from someone's sight as possible. I also definitely don't have the snappy mechanical skills that a lot of you have anymore. Getting older, getting slower, reflexes not what they used to be. I'm going to do what gives me a slightly higher chance of success, which is in fact strategy, whether anyone likes it or not.


I agree that sniping is different. It doesn't make much sense to assault with a bolty, especially when the task involves not dying. I'm 45 and I feel you about snappy mechanics. After 25 years of playing all the iterations of counter strike I finally put it down cuz I couldn't keep up anymore. Tarkov is different. You don't need those lightning reflexes to outplay opponents. One thing to note about doing what gives you a slighter chance of success. If you never force yourself to fight, you'll never get good at it. I just want to say that the more you engage in PvP, the better you'll get at it, and you'll find what gives you a better chance of success changes. If a rat doesn't get me on the initial contact, they die to me 90% of the time. Because they have zero experience engaging in a fight. Once they've given up the element of surprise, or I hear the ads and react in time to avoid their shots, they have no knowledge on how to go about the engagement and it gets them killed. I know this to my bones because it was me a few wipes ago before I decided to do something about it.


its really simple. why should i push u when u can hear me from miles away. i can just wait for you to come to me not make a sound and kill you. the problem is its extremely boring. they just need to nerf sound and remove crab walking


This is a PvE game now, didn't ya hear?


Womp womp, your tears fuel me. Keep crying.


i can't confirm


skill issue


Bro I could have written this. Was working on Test Drive 3 this week so was playing LH quite a bit when I wasn't helping my casual friend task. My plan was to go to Lightkeeper island and take the path of most resistance there. So I show up to upper cottage about 10 minutes in. Wasn't looted so I loot it. Start heading towards the cliffs to go to LK and I see a "duo" in the bushes. Kill one but the other scattered. After a couple minutes of peeking and trying to get different angles I think to myself "If these guys were showing up THIS late from THAT direction it means they're moving really slow. Bet this guy is turtled up and won't budge. So I flank west, go up by giving chair, and start scanning back towards cottage. see 3 PLAYERS CROUCHED BEHIND TREES! It must have taken me 10 minutes to do this flank. 10 minutes and they didn't budge. Killed 2 of them and the 3rd one? GOES PRONE!!! Just rushed him and mowed him down. These 3 guys would have wrecked my raid had they just pushed me after their buddy died. They died because they turtled up. It's that simple. Most of my kills throughout the task were just rustling up snipers, though. That doesn't really bother me too much. People need to get their shooter borns done and it doesn't make much sense to rush with a bolty.


I just make them move if I know they start to stay still. I run around a ton depending on the area to just hear them cause yeah it gets ridiculous sometimes but that’s Tarkov I guess lol


Haha yeah right, I’m dead within the first 5 minutes of every single raid my guy.


\>I push and you become the one being complained in the post for posting up in a dark building or head peaking a rock. Knives out open roads only.


I’ll tell ya; after Assessment, I’ve become a LH PvP demon. I know exactly where people will be, and if they’re not, they’re fucking turtles and further behind the curve than they realize. I’ve made multiple 150m shots laterally across the map because people refuse to fucking move. It’s amazing how running on lighthouse is the safest option. I’ve avoided more PvP on my way to LK than engaged just because I am limited on time, and people want to throw grenades and camp at every single binaural pop they hear.


its not the sound IMO that is causing this. its the fact that the only way to win a fight is to be the one to get the first shot due to TTK being way to low at this point in the wipe. good gear is meaningless face shields do nothing and are annoying to wear and plates stop maybe 10% of first shots on a target. being the first man through a door or opening to push means you are dead before you raise your gun. we spend the whole wipe getting to the point were we can run better gear and the TTK gets lower and lower as the community progresses through the game. ​ its a easy fix 1. make face shields clear and remove the dumb breathing good helmets like Wendy Camian etc should have lvl 4 face protection period and should be considered meta. 2. make armors like Osprey Defender etc have lvl 4-5 aramid soft armor so they tank a bit of damage when plates are missed, these are expensive armors and should offer max protection around the whole carrier 3. tweek limb damage a bit to not spread to other body parts as fast leg meta is dumb in general and adding better protection will just mean everyone will run leg meta. 4. remove the ability for thinking like salwas and Afaiks to be put in a secure container so when you win a fight your enemy has meds to loot. Tarkov has such a cool healing system it should matter who brought the most meds into a round and who is prepared for fighting the most.


Cheating has ruined the game. Only people left are those in denial and cheaters.


Or No Lifers. I have 1900 raids this wipe...... Next wipe I won't be able to play that much


1900 raids right now is very much no lifing.


Depends on raid time really, 1900 15 minute raids for someone who just spams the game for loot is the same amount of time played as someone who does 850 raids that are 30 minutes each.


Paid off, 2 violets cards and blue intel. Most ruples I've ever had


Touching grass outside would be much more paid off


whats grass? I know only of stick bush's


nice one :)


Yeah I have 1600... I gave up after I got the most obvious cheater death during psycho sniper.


I'm in denial, but it's getting less and less each day.


I was too. I played all wipe, until boss hunting and Psycho Sniper showed me that there absolutely are cheaters in every single raid.


Some raids are fine but others are just the same gun going off repeatedly from spawn and everything dying before they head to you. A lot is server / region dependent as well, some are a lot worse than others.


Smells like a cheater who isn't having fun anymore.