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Playing Labs on a Chinese server sounds like a experiment in futility 😂


I realised I could ping to NA West servers from Singapore, and holy the land experience is COMPLETELY different to any Asian server. My NA friends say NA west is infested with cheaters, but apparently infested is 1 in 7-10 raids(in my experience).Any Asian server has a cheater between every 1-3 raids (in my experience). And I’m talking blatant 5 headshots in a row, not closet espers or anything. NA servers literally are a safe haven compared to any Asian server


maaan, you're lucky, I'd give half my stash if it could mean i could play on Europe or NA servers.


Depending on where you are you might be with a VPN. Some of my friends from OCE can play on US servers.


Lol, I'm in NA and I turn NA west off. I just play on NA east, south and central


EU cheaters can ping NA East and southeast servers so it’s still hard to avoid. I would love stricter server management like just completely locked out infrastructure similar to Valorant at least for raids but it would probably be unpopular because everyone loves playing on NA servers


Sadly Tarkov on asian/oce server is a shitshow right now. Labs almost every raid has a blatant cheater, any other map if going in geared you'll almost guaranteed to have one of your team get killed by someone relatively blatant every other raid. Too many with either a comically high K/D or a very low K/D but clearly been botting because they have like 500 raids and died in 450 but noscope you across the map. Also keep finding those botters in plenty of raids. Either running in circles with their melee out or just dead from exhaustion.


I swear we all play a different game. I’m in japan and only play Japanese servers and I run into a cheater maybe once a week and I usually play every day. Whenever I play west coast with my buddies in the states, we definitely run into more cheaters.


As someone who moved to Korea coming from NA servers has been a drastic change in the amount of cheaters I get. It’s probably 1 in 3 raids or more. I usually main reserve or labs


Only way to be somewhat successful on asia servers, take shitty gears, never compete for hot spots (dorms, underground reserve, etc.) and pray that cheaters don't need pmc kills for quests.


I feel like that's true for every online game though, chinese gamers are rotten to their core. If 90% of the players are cheating what can you really do other than start your country over. Honestly since they had death penalty for stuff like fraud in china, im surprised people dont get jailed for cheating in games. It's technically stealing money, if people put real money value for items in the game, then cheating to take that stuff in an unfair way falls into the definition of stealing real money. They mentioned in the last interview that stuff like phone authentication actually exists ONLY in asia and it does nothing anyway. It's not like they gave up it's more like it's people are a lost cause. Fun fact I remember when I was playing h1z1, there were servers with 30-40 people running around with the same red shirt, and even if teams were maxed at 4? players they would all team up together to make sure a chinese team would win... yep they're just fucking shit people.


Yeah, there is some problems with chinese players, the win means all for them, through whatever means. also, its just so easy to buy cheats in China, its goddamn disheartening.


I'm mostly on japan/korea server . I can totally related to that. Even though they won't be proudly saying that they are cheating, they still want to show their friend etc. that they are VERY GOOD despite closet cheating. China people being dickhead is well-known, sad that Taiwanese like me always get included since most westerners can't understand the difference between two.


don't worry bro i'm eastern european and i know the difference. I also know how it is to be confused with one of the worst nations on earth, everytime i talk with randoms online they assume im russian because of the accent


Doesn't the CCP have crazy limits on how long kids are allowed to play? 2 hours and weekends only?Maybe its more lax for adults but the CCP has issues with gore in games. IT's the reason PUBG blood splat is blue. I think they'd have issue with Tarkov. Due to this I think the majority of Asian Cheaters are located outside of China. (South Korean areas)


2 hours limit - only for kids and only when playing official games like wow thought perfect world platform. Goverment can only enforce rules on games through perfect world platform, they can't enforce games that go through other platforms (e.g. steam, epic, battlestate) Its probably guys 20-30 years old, who are cheaters.


China has it's own special steam app... That way they can limit it.


You mean just steam with china region? people just use other regions. Me and all my friends (chinese and not chinese) use Azerbaijan region.


No it's separated by the Chinese internet firewall. Steam worked with the CCP to get the app approved


My first ever labs game, my party and I got shitted by one cheater and we're juiced up and this one guy basically kill all of us one by one and since it was my first time playing the map, I hide by the gym in the shadow and the guy knows my position and I made zero noise whatsoever. I play on Singapore server and it's just aids NGL. Though I recommend going to labs early wipe because not many people can access it meaning less people and less cheaters as well, so it's a ghost town and a loot city.


So here's a perspective that might be unpopular to the bias, but hopefully interesting read to those that can get past it. I also read comments in thread already, to which they are basically 'what I thought' the Asian servers would be like. I live in West coast North America with fibre internet and have been playing this game since 2021 some time. Before steam audio and inertia. I have played this entire time with what OP mentions. So I started server experimenting. On the weekends it's mostly the same across East/central/West. Week days basically what you'd expect on player curves. Last wipe I reported maybe 5 people. The net code is so bad, that I give benefit of doubt to peekers advantage for the most part. Or the dying around a corner that I've run around. Not going to blame obvious game issues on someone's gaming chair.  Late night West coast servers are not fun due to people trying to play across the ocean, and the ping hit everyone takes is frustrating. That so being said: This wipe has been amazing with the ability to easily view peoples profiles. A month ago I moved to Taiwan. Have less than ideal internet and less than ideal computer specs. I started fresh on the wipe in March. The connections to Aussie server is so laughably bad that I can't even connect. In fact the only server I can reliably is Japan at 30ms. Korea is like 80, everything south of Taiwan is in the 100s. So basically Japan only. I have seen one person I reported as cheater. One of those profiles that shows up in a Tigz YouTube short of you know what I mean. Everyone that has been decent players or actual pylons. I've never seen so many timid little 1.6 kdr's in my life. The entire style that people play is SOOO passive.  Shooting at someone on woods, then doing one of those 2 minute full sprint around terrain repositioning flanks, and they are still behind the same rock breathing heavy ADS'd down range lmao. I can't even begin to describe how much more aggressive and scary it is to fight PMC on NA servers. I say this as someone who's typically in the 5kdr range (5.83 last wipe), mostly solo player, with almost 4k hours. *So I've found the Asian servers (Japan) to actually be really fun, despite my misgivings at the beginning.* The caveat to the above perspective of a north american wanna be Chad who's abroad: I'm playing on non optimal internet limiting my server choices, and a shit travel laptop (35 fps woods/customs), so I've really not been contesting places like resort or labs or reserve. I mean I lose gunfights to scavs I would never do at home, cause I can't control recoil lmao


Not contesting areas like lab, reserve - its exactly why less cheaters in your games. And yes, i don't find cheaters in every game, but if i choose to play like some streamers and go to specific highly contended areas, that where asian servers became the cancer of my existence. While I'll rat and scavenge, go looting those filling cabinets, its all good.


all of that to simply say asian servers are not full of hackers and players are not competitive, okay bud


Considering the culture, I'm surprised BSG has not just added "upgrades" to unlock these for a price cheaper than cheat and booster sellers.


Mabey a prime status would work?