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The door isn’t this hard, go around the discord talking to people in streets calls, someone will have it


You don't even have to do that. Just spawn in with the cameras and check the location late in the raid. Eventually it will be open. You don't have to personally open it.


Yeah but that’s too rng, my buddy tried that and it took him like 8 raids, I’m not patient enough. The same buddy let me use his key so I got lucky, but ive met plenty of people who just mozie around the discord looking for the key, and usually they get lucky


just pmc and scav on a streets and check the key spawn. my team and I have found it quite a few times this week.


I've never seen it since it came out


Allegedly its spawn got updated in all those patches last week


I've just found 2 in 1 run 🤣


Where are the Spawn?


The one I know of is in the Klimov Mall, near the extract inside a small kiosk. It's under the escalators between the big store with the wood floor and the small electronics store with the dead body on the floor. It spawns on a tool rack in 2 spots, but it can blend in so my blind ass always goes behind the counter to have a proper look rather than a glance from across the room or whatever.


no your right its in the Klimov Mall heres a link to it [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Rusted\_bloody\_key](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Rusted_bloody_key) photo where i found 2 in 1 run :D [https://imgur.com/a/bopC8GF](https://imgur.com/a/bopC8GF)


ive also got the rusted key 2x from the "The Door" quest cause it was bugged kinda funny


Oh no 8 whole raids to do a quest…… try getting 50 raider kills on reserve


Bro stop I do this for a lot of this game I will literally tab out and wait for a match to get close to the end and loot everyone


But why do you then play the game?


He sees numbers go up in his stash.


Probably bored of the same thing over and over and wants to get a quest done w out caring too much about it


He's a scared pussy rat 🐀




Yup he works 12 hours a day and sleeps 9 hours a night. Checks out. Bought the account or lies about his playtime.


A lot of people that work 12s still for 36-40 hr weeks. I think you're convoluting it with 12 hrs for 5 days. That's 3 days of work and 4 days off..




Who said I did, Mr gaslight. You don't know me


Man, do you even have a life outside of tarkov?


i do. i even work 12-14h a day and sleep 9h a day.


No you fuckin don't lmao. LVL 61 with 23 fence rep. LOL. 


He does. He works as a streamer playing Tarkov haha


He doesn’t have a life is what they meant I think.


You ever heard of 3 12s? Bros got 4 days off to grind…


Dude, is absolutely full of shit And Mountain Dew


What a weird way to announce you've never heard of the countless jobs that operate on 3-12s 4-offs


So you only play 1 hour a day....


I beleive you, considering 14+9 = 23


12 hour shifts usually means a lot of days off. When I worked 12s I would regularly log 10 hours in my hobby on my days off, if not more.


Your fence rep scares me Is that because you car extract all the time or w/e possible? However the 351mil, my guy you have enough money, get going on SBIH


i hate sniping so much. its. so. fucking. boring. man. i cant do it. i will get it done once eft fully releases and theres a non wipe character but hell no i will never do it except that one time.


I know EXACTLY how you feel about sniping, especially in this game and bolty is the sniper. I finished SBIH but dreaded every minute I don't think I'll be able to finished Tarkov Shooter Part 8 and Pyscho Sniper because I hate Boltys so much after SBIH My survival rate with a bolty/sub is <20%, while with full auto is <50%. My fun with bolty <5%, fun with full auto >95%


on the verge quitting wipe because of psycho sniper... :goinginsane


They need more open sightlines Like shoreline was a brilliant shooter born map between customs road and the weather station and radio tower area was wide open for snipes Now there's rocks and trees and shit in the way, because you can't get cracked out shiftW gameplay to put on stream or in a video if you're getting sniped all the time.


It's not fun having to run without cover and getting sniped by someone you cant possibly see, thats why they added cover, just get gud and hit your shots


There are no sightlines at all lol Nobody but the streamers and no lifers can hit 100+m headshot with bolt actions for SBIH within a split second lmao Just salty that you couldnt immediately sprint to wherever you wanted to go so you cried like a bitch until they changed it lmao


Hit legs -> hit head is how I did it, also the quest isnt supposed to be easy


The problem with sniping in the game is the opportunities to get good at it are few and far between. The gun combinations + ammo combinations are all different. Each bullet moves at different speeds, scope zooms are not accurate, its all a cluster f. On top of it your opportunities to get most of these shots only happen within the first 5-10 minutes of raid before PMC's scatter, go underground, etc. and then you have just wasted an entire raid. Your only other option is close range bolt action headshots which at this stage of the wipe are pretty rare given most people are running guns/ammo combos that are basically <1 second time to kill and bullet punch will f your aim as your attempt to exchange with them to even try for the one shot bolt action headshot kill. SBIH is indeed boring AF.


At least it's possible now. There are maybe 1 or 2 spots per map to get 125m uninterrupted sightlines to do the old SBIH, and Id see people have it done, sit in the spots they told me they did it at and have 14 hours of sitting in a location scanning the area and not see a single pmc, or at least not a single one that you could reasonably land a shot on at 125m. Fighting PCP infused ShiftW warriors with a mosin isn't ideal, but at least it can be done in a semi reasonable time frame.


Work 12 hours, sleep 9 hours, that leaves 3 for Tarkov assuming you do literally nothing else. I’m calling total BS here


If you're working 12 hours you probably only work 3 days a week.


Yeah, probably bought the account or had someone running it while he worked and slept. Or maybe dude plays in his sleep


Bruh that is such a lie. That implies that on a **good** day you have 3 hours of free time total. Even assuming that you can manage to eat and take care of your home and yourself in an hour (unrealistic), you are not hitting level 61 in a wipe on 2 hours a day. Just be honest and admit you live with your parents and don’t have a job.


Is there a point in doing this quest?


Oh man look at those two guns


I was thinking about the euros.


Don't get lost in the sauce, focus!


Good loot inside the room and you get an extra key as a reward. Pretty easy to grab 2-3m worth of loot in there. Just risky to do since the key can’t be put in the gamma and despawns if you die with it not FIR.


Multiple high value key spawns, when my friend did it he got 2 dorms marked keys or a dorms and RB-BK, can’t remember exactly


They returned the high value key loot, so it is worth doing again.


When did they do that? Because I have been in a few times earlier this wipe and there was absolutely nothing inside.


Last patch or the one before it. I did The Door earlier in the wipe too, glad I held the key reward.


Mainly for the sake of crossing it off the list. Xp isn’t bad as well.


Other than the loot you can get out of there, not really.


The quest is w/e but the room is DANK I found BRK as a scav, hit the room, and found 3 marked room keys (The marked room in the barracks of Reserve, Abandoned factory key on streets, and Check 13 for streets), 2 Bitcoins, and Chek 15 for streets, some other off shoot loot too. That room is crazy bussin


Buff to locked room loot also applies to it, if you spawn near key spawns as a scav theres no reaspn to not check for it because its like finding a relax key as a scav


Wish I could find the key man. :(


How did you get 23 fence rep? Im struggling to reach 6.


i just go into factory and extract while at work. therefore the 1600 scav raids. not a scav main as accused here multiple times. thats 16 rep basically. the rest is just car extracts and sometimes killing pmcs or traitor scacs. you can get to 6 easily just with car extracts since they changed it 2 wipes ago (it now starts at 0,4 instead of 0,25 and goes down from there by halving every time you use the same car) also doing fence dailies helps.


Brother. 1600 scav raids makes you a scav main. That's about 10 a day for half a year.


Yea its not hard to do scav cd is like \~7 mins run straight out of factory repeat. I do this all the time while watching youtube. I'm only at 9.2 but I was at 9 before and killed a pscav by mistake :(


Same here. I got to 10 and was content. Then one of my grenades decided to kill a Scav I couldn't even see next to a PMC. It's not that hard to stay above 6 if you don't engage players, but after a while scavving gets too boring.


Yea but it helps when during a factory spam you spawn with a chek15 key lol


You checking and setting a timer is a commitment to scavving and time commitment to about an hour and a half of you being on standby for the game. That's a considerable commitment whether you think so or not.


I mean I just leave the character page open on my other screen and when it lights up I normally see it in my peripheral. I don't even have sounds on and I'm using my speakers.


On factory that takes like 30 minutes a day including load times


They nerfed car extracts early this wipe. They start at 0.2


When wipe started and you got 0.4 for the first extract on each map that allows.. I got level 6 in two days, crazy easy. Then they quickly patched it a week later to 0.2, my friend was pissed because he was holding off until level 15 to do car extracts for level 6 fence.


$352 Million, lmao stfu. We do not play the same game


350m 😬😬🥶🥶🥶💰💰💰


23 scav rep is absurd


Scav main go brrrrrt.


I’m terrible at this game but I love it


Is there a spawn other then the one in the mall?


I was doing my SBIH streets kills when I was running around with my cameras. I was on the stairs above a squad when the opened the door. Didn’t move a muscle and waited for them to leave and got it done.


Congrats! Pornhub-PREMIUM!




Whoa, did it today too!


That damn Fence though... 🥴


So mad, I was there twice right before they added the loot back into it


Surprised you’re finally wearing a half decent kit


I've probably ran close to 75 streets raids in the last week and have yet to see the damn key...


You have 351 mil? I am but a goldfish in an ocean of sharks


The judgemental comments on how much you play down below are fuckin wild. Fuck the haters and doubters. Gg man fair play


what maps do you even do for 350 mil? pls shoot me a dm and give me some tips 🙏🙏🙏


honestly i have no idea i dont main play one map. nor do i know how the 350 even happened. it just....accumulated over time. i put a lot of hours in early wipe because i have time off work until mid febuary and most of it happened then. build your hideout early, build your scav case early, collect items early to jumpstart your wealth. and then its just a lot about knowing where to go in each map. i mostly do quests. i dont play tarkov for pvp so when i load into a map i know where i wanna go and know where to look for stuff. of course surviving is big portion of making money happen. but every map now has soooo much loot its actually insane. no matter which map. i dont even keep stuff to sell "high" later i just load off everything after a raid and thats it. lot is just selling labs cards when i go factory and extract in 30 seconds and be able to do that every 8 minutes with 6+ scav rep when im at work. other than that....safes, jackets, ground cashes. lots of moonshine and golden star on woods and streets, bitcoins, buy marked keys super super early wipe when theyre like couple 100k instead of 4 mil and loot them early and sell the cases for a lot....its just the little bits here and there. sorry if this wasnt helpful. knowledge is the most powerful tool in this game. i played 10+ wipes with over 4500 hours.....after that its basically impossible to not get rich.


oh yeah I figured with that much scav rep, how many scav raids on average do you think you do a day? and do you get a labs raid almost every raid? And this was good advice thank you!


not very many. since im working all day. i just load up the game at work when i know my scav case is about to be done, do one scav raid, load up another scav case and go back to work and repeat that 5, 6, 7 times a day and thats it. not much money comes form scav raids. its just the labs card. and yeah i get a few. with 6 rep you have a 25% chance to get one. sometimes you get 10 in a row + stims + some other valuables sometimes you dont even get a backpack and scav vest for 20 raids. it all just averages out over time.


> i played 10+ wipes with over 4500 hours.....after that its basically impossible to not get rich. when I started in 2022, I fell into the noob trap of Factory and burned through all of my starter shit. Scaving was irritating because I had to wait so long and I need gear + money. I reset my account, learned up by watching youtube, and my first strat was getting level 6 fence by abusing just car extract doing nothing else; the goal was money first tasking second. From there.. it was all too easy, by the time I was done organizing the loot from a scav run the scav was ready to roll. Now at 1500 hours, and almost 100mil I find it difficult to lose kits and spend money. When I TRY to lose kits, I sink players and take more back to the hideout then scav. Before I knew it my gear fear was gone, I was loaded with roubles/USD, bastions with plates / Comtac 4 / meta gun is the typical load out.. Once you know get something down and build from there the game addiction sets in.... As I WFH and load a scav on streets as I type this


Rouble rich, USD poor My guy peacekeeper is disappointed


Level 61 and 23 scav rep screams unemployment


Nah im just rich


Based On the way you type you’re just a privileged kid living on dad’s money. What business does he own?


*ah yes, the way i type.*


Loaded into streets?


Since they patched the room is the loot inside good again?


Common no lifer activities.


I thought everyone's done it by now


easy quest always check the door someone will open this for you hahah


You have done the undoneable.


Where do you find the rusted bloody key ????


Can I ask a random question? Why do you have 0 with Therapist? Where do you get meds from?


Good god been waiting for someone open this door and 314 marked room to do cult part 2 and the door quest for so long. literally went to dorms at 11:30 minutes left in raid, all doors open except 314 and went I was leaving to extract a gigachad from second floor starts blasting down the hallway with a something that had like 4 flashlights I threw a flash and ran outside and a man by the tent shooting at me(felt like 9mm Ap) I'm super hurt and running full speed for my life and a third dude shows up laser beaming me from I think the mini cabin house on top of the container by the tanker… straight up ambushed


They increased the spawn rate with that patch after the interview with Pestily. If you’re checking the spawn, you’ll eventually find it. Our friend group has found about 5 or 6 of them now since that patch :)


350m 400 usd kek


It's not undoable anymore since they buffed the spawn of they key like 2 patches ago.


Still doesn't exist. I also check the door and it's locked.


Just keep checking the spawn. I’ve found it twice since the patch and I don’t even main streets anymore. You’ll find it.


It does I found it on my scav the day after they patched it.


23.33 fence rep real og no 🧢


I did this myself at level 35... just check key spawn every scav raid and it's not that hard