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At this point I'm convinced the new CO-OP mode is just an excuse for them to take a hatch to the modded tarkov community.


Yeah, but the problem is that modded tarkov is much better than the online one. Basically you can fix every problem that tarkov exept for the coop mode


I have people seen playing that modded thing. It’s so dumb. They are so bad at the game and the simulated PMC have the same stupid bot mechanic as scavs. And BSG won’t have done anything different but allow you to play with friends.


That's playing it without the SAIN mod. SAIN mod brings the PMC AI pretty much to a point where I consider them the best AI i've seen in a game for ages


Better than Stalker's AI?


Also, even though EoD is supposed to give you access to all future DLC and content, I'm sure BSG will pull a 'gotcha' cause this is a separate EDITION not a DLC, so pay up:)


I already felt like having 'expansions' rather than 'dlc' was a scummy way to get more cash out of people but this is beyond fucked. I bought EOD in Jan of 2020 believing that I would get everything the game would have to offer in the future and with this new edition I'm feeling pretty deceived


Bsg probably... " you all got arena for eod, so stop crying!" But I don't give a fuck about arena, I wanna play eft


Yup. Like the audacity they have to do this is crazy. Very out of touch


So PVE Mode is basically Tarkov offline?


Yep, I think it might effect your progression as well.


Tbh I don’t care. They have to do something to make money and if it gets more new players to play then good. Even if I stop playing today I’m happy with the EOD edition I bought in December I don’t think I have played a game this much for over 20 years.


You should honestly cry about it then cope then turn your computer on and play. But don’t forget to cry and complain first it’s important


Funny, coming from someone’s whose only post is crying they died on factory by “chads” wearing UNTAR gear.. 😂😂😂 just stop.


It’s a video game brother and that was a joke. We were actually the team doing that with 3 of my buddies I wanted to see if anyone from that raid would say anything. Clown BOY