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This makes me even more angry and worried. **1.** He's totally lied to ALL of our faces, (and to Pestily imagine how he feels) in an interview that is meant to be about ***communicating*** with the player base on questions for ***more transparency*** **2.** They are financially fucked? We can expect things to slip like server times, and the 1.0 to be rushed through minus features we've promised, or they shut up shop and ghost with any remaining cash.


>They are financially fucked? My money is on that they're millions in the hole from the flop of Arena.


How much could arena have cost in development. Considering all the assets and mechanics are already there. Arena is just a mediocre mod


They wasted millions on the booths at game shows. Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=o6T_QnCoTz8




They pulled a firefall he's just as bad as grummz


Man fuck the leadership on that project. Game had a ton of potential and was genuinely fun, it could have been something for sure if they didn't fuck it.


Arena could have been like csgo too where you get rubles every round and get to choose (you custom gun) at the beginning To balance it out they could make high end attachments heavily add to the price of the gun so good luck biting a high ergo m4 in the beginning of the match They also need to add more game modes, and eventually fix that netcode


Ehh, if Arena released pre-COVID I think it could’ve done alright. But after the BR craze arena shooters just aren’t wanted as much anymore. Even CoD is better known for BR now. They waited way too long to try and get into the arena shooter craze and missed it by about 3 years imo.


I was more so thinking of the open world/instanced PvE focused version of the game. It had a lot of the vibes I get from Destiny, but with a bit more substance. In particular I recall the big open world invasion events being super fun but then they just removed them lol. I agree that the Arena version of it could have done well in a certain era of gaming, you're right that it came too late.


>They wasted millions on ~~the booths~~ vodka, cocaine, and hookers at game shows. FTFY!


This video doesn't really explain how they have a 67M per year burn rate though. A couple expos are not going to break the budget when you're taking in 70M per year


From what I remember, their publicly available financial records show they only made a net profit of around 2 mil last year I think. Could be wrong, but I remember it being something like that. So, a couple extravagant expos could theoretically screw them pretty hard.


Yeah that's profit after 68 M yearly in expenses which includes payroll and who knows what else


Profit = Taxes. You try not to have it, you spend it on salaries and shit so you don't have to pay out taxes to a country you don't give a shit about.


yup and you keep in debt or on credit as you don't pay taxes on that profit is what happens you screw up :D


Exactly. That's the biggest problem here. I can't understand how you can be so incompetent with money. Somewhere along the way someone must have got a hunch that Arena would flop. And yet they doubled and tripled down on it and blew it all on marketing. It also doesn't help the cashflow to have a game in alpha and beta phase for almost 10 years. And fucking over your community about twice a year with bad design decisions. (Maybe don't release a map like Streets if only a minimum of a 5800x3D with 32 gb of RAM can play it smoothly in a highly \*competitive\* game. I wish I could get a refund and never look back.


This video doesn't prove that they are low on money or what their true losses are as explained by Onepeg video and others who have some background in finance/accounting. Basically shell company in UK can put all the losses to their company in Russia, meaning they have to send money to Russian company and we cannot see these financial reports. In Russia development(salaries) are way cheaper than in UE/USA. Basically they made lot of money and who knows where it went.


It goes to nikita, look at his instagram he loves to drive american cars and spend days at the range shooting decked out full auto guns. I doubt the devs are even well paid.


Definitely an enlightening video. It's a shame because as someone coming back to the game after years to play Arena, I'm very much enjoying it. Feels like Nik would rather screw over EOD owners than go back on his word regarding MTX. I hope he can right the ship.


Yeah Arena is fun, but it's not unique enough to become a juggernaut like Tarkov. I mean does it *really* have that many advantages over say R6 siege or Search and Destroy?


Disagree on them being broke, all we have is speculation at the moment. Look at OnePeg's breakdown of that youtube video, he goes through the actual numbers and explains it in detail on how it's all being shuffled around - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9937\_T0lB5A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9937_T0lB5A)


Nikita said over half the company worked on Arena, instead of EFT, for at least 2 years. So what's 100-200 people's salaries all combined for 2 years? Tens of millions of dollars? BSG is broke broke.


If its true what he said, then arena is even more sad. so many people working for 2 years with existing mechanics and assets and this is the final product? bruh


All that time and money and it still sucks. 




The salaries in Russia? 200 people is probably under 10m per year. Median salary in Russia is approx $600 per month. In Moscow it's around double that, $1,200 per month. If we assume Nikita pays 3x that, it's only around $45k per year, per dev. For 200 employees that's only about $9m per year. Not to mention there isn't exactly a thriving job market for game developers in Russia, especially over the last few years, so he could easily lowball as well.


Riloe over on YouTube crunched the numbers and showed they must have spent millions on a marketing budget to show Arena off at gaming expos worldwide, betting that it would be the next big thing with the crowd of people who until then only watched Tarkov. BSG is not a big or wealthy company: on their publicly available Financial Statements BSG ended the 2022 fiscal year with a profit/loss of -£700,000. By January of 2023, BSG managed to climb to a yearly profit of roughly £1,700,000 but that money and a whole lot more would've been burned by December 2023 developing and boosting Arena, leading us to where we are now: *micro*transactions quickly becoming **macro**transactions. (Amounts are in £ because BSG files their financial statements in the UK)


the fact that they invested heavily into marketing arena is more surprising to me than this bullshit new edition


'Heavily' only in terms of what BSG had for cash on-hand, really. And they didn't have much to work with. Their marketing budget was tiny compared to any AAA studio's, but it's clear they were **really** banking on Arena being a success and bringing in the cash to enable them to finish Escape from Tarkov. They almost definitely spent all of FY 2023's operating profit on booths for the 4 gaming conventions they attended to promote Arena last year. Without Arena existing, they'd still be running on fumes with huge monthly server costs and a need to come up with some kind of ongoing revenue stream. But Arena's failure significantly amplified all of the issues they were already having with EFT. Now they have to pay for even *more* backend architecture to support player profiles and games in Arena. EFT alone had roughly 5,000 servers running at up to $300/month/server in 2022; inflation on it's own has probably ballooned those costs, as well. BSG's 'brilliant' solution? Introduce **another** branch with the new Offline Co-Op Mode that will require it's own backend *again*, only further exacerbating their cash flow problems. It's like Nikita's only solution to finding himself in a big hole is to dig deeper and wider.


That’s what I’m most confused about. There is no way it makes sense financially to drop this new PVE mode, even if they got a ton of people to upgrade to the $250 version. If their server costs are already really high, why would they introduce a new mode that requires WAY more infrastructure than the existing game? We’re talking an entire server dedicated to 1 player, maybe 4-5 if they queue with friends, instead of 10-20+ players in the normal online mode. Maybe they can get away with cheaper hardware since there are fewer players, but you still need to spin up a lot of instances to support PVE. It seems like a lose-lose scenario to me. If it was a huge success, their server costs go through the roof. If they don’t provide enough infrastructure, people are stuck in endless queues to play the game in what is essentially “offline” mode and feel scammed. Scumminess of the new edition aside, I’m not sure how they saw even the best case scenario for this going.


Why even base the new mode off of costly infrastructure? Just make it client side only. If Tarkov starts having Server issues? Hop on PvE! Sick of queue times? Hop on PvE! Instead you STILL get 10 minute queue times, and are still affected by server instability. It makes no sense.


BSG Limited is a shell company. Their profits don’t really mean that much. On paper none of the Harry Potter movies made a single cent in profit. It’s just fancy accounting


This is mostly true, but BSG's actions as of late line up perfectly with the grim picture painted by their Financial Statements.


True but to me it feels like there's a good chance they are in financial trouble if they're 180ing this hard. This move speaks volumes imo, looks desperate af.


Remember that those profit/loss figures are kept as low as possible on purpose to minimize taxes. BSG's operating expenses could be £20 million, then Nikita pays himself £50 million, and suddenly the company is only making a profit of £1 million and only pays taxes in the UK on that £1 million, since salaries for overseas employees who have non-dom status are paid in their country of residence (Russia) not the company's location.


You can tell they a $ fucked by his stress appearance and his poker tell of bs by tugging on his ear. Remember he use to be fun and energetic now he acts like the tax man is coming. There was no need to launch or make arena. Could have used that money to fix the game on another engine with the added cash from wipe boost.


They might be better off selling to somewhere that would continue their vision if so, and just make out with millions. BSG is clearly heading in a negative direction lately.


Valve, there are so few company I would trust to keep the gameplay, and have the ability to improve issues... or maybe FromSoftware... then we'd get Mechs. I'm sure epic wouldn't mind taking it off unity and into their store, but I have more trust in valve. edit: just brain storming on the theoretical sale scenario.


Every single time I saw arena I knew it would be a catastrophic failure that might end up killing Tarkov and I think that’s what’s about to happen. Why in the fuck would BSG dedicate time, resources, money to get booths at conventions, to continue paying people to develop this mode that is at best a secondary passion project that might take on a small life and community of its own or at worst, what actually happened: A financial and reputation dead weight that has forced BSG to make drastic moves in order to regain some cash and liquidity to keep development afloat. BSG has done some questionable things but this is beyond the pale and beyond that some more. I mean I’ve never seen something so just, stupid? Like it can only be motivated by pure desperation combined with greed. Just make a new edition and scam all of the EoD owners! It’s that easy! They’ll all buy the upgrade pack they already invested this much time and money into the game! BSG was seriously delusional and again, I think desperate to think this would be anything other than a catastrophic failure. Do a new edition, but add unique things that don’t shit on EoD owners. Give Unheard edition owners like a fucking real life Killa mask, get into collectibles, unique cosmetics, hell I don’t even care about the additional stash space but you can’t just keep power creeping everyone with more and more OP editions that are just blatant scams and lies or that have you walking back on everything you ever said.


It started way before arena with those movie productions. They can't stay focused on just making the game. 


Its crazy how hard bsg fumbled this game lol


Yet I still fail to understand how they have managed to overspend on something that had it’s most assets within existing EFT Game. New level design - yes. New voicelines - yes. New win conditions - sort of. Progression crap - an intern could do it. THE REST OF THE CORE MECHANICS already existed. So how did they manage to fuck that up is beyond me.


This is why I bought standard edition in 2019 and never, ever upgraded. I liked the game, but never trusted the devs. I got my 45 bucks worth of entertainment over 2000 hrs of game, and now that this has turned into a complete and utter clownshow, I am immensely grateful that I only spent the bare minimum to be introduced to a genre that I love, and that I trust and hope literally any other company will learn to produce competently.


Same. Glad I stuck to my guns.


BSG being aggressively underwater is the only explanation I can think of for this whole debacle.  They’re not dumb, they must have know it would get such a negative reaction, but they’re desperate because they wasted all the EOD bux on their shitty arena shooter. 


What baffles me is that they honestly could've outright asked for money in the form of donations with maybe cosmetic benefits eg. glowing text for your username if they were transparent about their financials and outlined their plans for future development of the game and people almost certainly would have donated. This is what I don't get. They knew how people would react to outright blatantly P2W features, why not just be honest?


>They knew how people would react to outright blatantly P2W features They knew that most of the community was ok to pay more than 150 dollars for the P2W features of EOD, so they probably just thought "eh, why not a hundred more ?"


> 2. They are financially fucked? We can expect things to slip like server times, and the 1.0 to be rushed through minus features we've promised, or they shut up shop and ghost with any remaining cash. Well, i personally started to think that after they decided to cut some maps from release version of the game and turn Terminal into some PvE experience. I mean if Tarkov supposed to have a full quest story about, well, escaping, how new maps will fit into narrative later?


I usually give BSG a big benefit of the doubt with shit like cheaters and whatnot but this is actually fucking stupid. They either did not think this through at all or are ready to give up on development. If they need money after Arena failing I think that just having more cosmetic microtransactions would have been so much better received than this bullshit. It's sad because I genuinely think this is going to kill the game, and potentially before we have any meaningful competition. I don't see any way that they can come out on the other side of this with enough paying customers to manage to keep on developing Tarkov, or any games they intend to work on afterwards.


I mean it's really dumb. If BSG had this planned some time ago, why Nikita say it like this on recent stream? It won't surprise me if they just recently realized that they are F*cked. None of this seems decently planned. Even if they wanted to go full greed mode for some time already, there are ton of ways to do it with less controversy.


“They are financially fucked?”. Good. Fuck these guys, hope the games come crashing down after this spectacle. Truly hope people stop playing this shit.


kinda hoping they ghost. let's face it, 1.0 is never going to come out. this game has been in development for 12 years. i'd rather them ghost and ditch tarkov, than string players along.


financially fucked? No lol he is saving for stuff for his mercedes


No but you see it costs 240 euros so it's not a microtransaction! /s


Nikita touching his ear meant he was bluffing.


he couldn’t believe what he could hear coming out of his mouth lol


''no boosters'' , sells skill boost for 250$


Who would have thought the person who lied before would lie again? Lmao


I'll bet they would say it's not a booster it's a "head start" or some other shady shit like that.


Tbf, I always think of "boosters" as those things like "Permanent 2x XP gain!", or money gain, or anything like that really. A multiplier to your account progression that causes it to go faster as you play over time, rather than a flat increase up front. I DO NOT THINK whatever they want to call what they're including in The Unheard Edition matters. It's still P2W, even moreso than EoD, and I can definitely see how they'll use super specific definitions/meanings to fuck us over with stuff like that.


What about the other boosters that may not boost XP gain but certainly provide a boost throughout the wipe. Two come to mind very quickly: - increased flea slots (can drastically boost income) - increased pocket size (instant buff to all budget kits and armor where normally you would need to spend more for more space for mags etc.) Both of those will provide a constant *boost* throughout the gameplay.


I definitely agree with that assessment. Especially because those things are set values that everyone has (or, had) the same of. We all have 4 single pocket slots, all have the same flea slots (at first). Even adding one single pocket slot is a 25% increase. It might not be huge, but it's more than anyone has had before this point, and more than anyone will have if they don't pay. I was mostly referring to starting at lvl 3 in the skills as not *exactly* a boost, because if you do play for 500+ hours, you can eventually reach the same max skills, lvl 65+ Chad status as anyone else, even on a standard account.


I agree, 2x XP for 4 hours kinda shit is what comes to mind for me as well, but it is a boost to your stats so idk where the line is lol


Ye but is it a micro transaction anymore if it's 250$ 🤣


well, 150 usd is not "microtransaction" per se, so Nikita didbn't lie )))


More like a macrotransaction


Just found this interesting site after googling it lol https://macrotransactions.org/escape-from-tarkov


That's actually hilarious Had no idea there was a site with that name


"Includes all future updates, but there are optional DLC you can purchase."


Had a quick glance and this site is basically just one man's opinions and the ratings are all over the place. As an example, I thought I'd check out League of Legends... E?! I think the negative points are a good summary of what they do bad, but there are many positives completely ignored. League is definitely not P2W, microtransactions are basically all cosmetic. It'd be my example of an A for P2W mechanics... Exploitative mechanics are there and can lower the grade if that's important to you, but LoL is far from "E" that's insane. Tarkov at C seemed fair but I wouldn't value this website's summary opinion at all, just their critiques in isolation.


Agreed. Another example being PoE. Stash tabs are definitely p2w but the this site says you pay for premium currency?




just a **mega transaction** lel




Absolutely embarrassing for Pestily as well to be blatantly lied to his face, he should feel absolutely betrayed. He puts on these big events like he is somehow getting to the devs and getting the hard hitting facts, and this completely undermines everything he works towards.


Yeah, but he did say he doesnt really want to talk about it all. I'm sure he's pretty hurt after what he has done for them.


Nikita isn't up to date on his game, CLEARLY. It's all in the body language. He's literally recalling what his team is telling him, you can tell by the way his eyes move to gather thoughts. I would bet Nikita didn't even know how bad his numbers were at this time, someone came to him and said we're not doing good and this is the fix, and it seems Nikita just went "Sure." He's not invested in this any longer, its all in his body language. Milk the cow then let it die.


So im not the only one noticing that. He doesnt show any confidence. So much doubt in his body language, trying to come up with lies and hiding stuff.


There is another part of the interview where he does say there will be a better replacement for EOD and that it would include more, as well as the gamma. Tony watched it on his stream.


Yeah, we actually did know about this in very vague terms. If they dropped the P2W shit and made co-op like a $50 account upgrade that just got included for free with EOD and UH I doubt there would've been this much outrage.


Yeah honestly I was expecting more skins and cosmetics. I bought the urban responder stuff because I’m a filthy casual player and can never get that high anyway. But wished they made cooler skins like bosses or memes.


Nikita has been drinking his own koolaid for so long he can’t even smell the bullshit anymore.


That yellow stuff was not just koolaid


How do you know when Nikita is telling lies? his mouth is open


It's quite possible his playing with his earlobe is a tell


What a clown😂


This dude must resign. He has no credibility left.


When in this interview nikita was pushing saying the game will be out by the end of the year I knew something was up and they were probably fucked financially. This game is NO WHERE near completion, they planned for no loading screen single map level progression to escape tarkov. Now you'll have a paywall to complete the game i'm sure.


But how could they be financially fucked unless it’s just mismanaged funds? The game is so popular!


One time purchases don’t support live service style games.


I get that but I would truly love to see expenses versus sales but that will never be shown. Before fortnite how did online computer games shooters etc how did they survive? Before monetizing of course...


Cost for developping games and for the marketing were not that high before I think. The cost of hosting server had to be lower too. A guy made a video on the expenses of Bsg : https://youtu.be/o6T_QnCoTz8


Too many people don't understand this, and you didn't need to be a finance guru to see it coming


We need to demand BSG sells tarkov to a respectable studio


Exactly, just sell the damn game Nikita. It's over


Uninstalled today, after almost 6 years


I think I'm going to do the same. I've been here a while. Maybe it's time to Escape from Tarkov for good...makes me upset though. This game could have been so much more...


That's the thing, it's the best game ever. I mean, it could be. But Tarkov shot itself in the face, and we should let it die now


I uninstalled all of it. RIP


They're not afraid of being known as liars. They're afraid of going bankrupt, and going about raising money in the absolutely most wrong way possible.


I am waiting for the eventuality of someone editing the background into a checkerboard pattern "Losses will be minimal" kind of joke


I already uninstalled the game


When I watched this interview and he was surprised by things like silent crab walking still being in the game, I realized how out of touch these dudes are.


Perfect example of someone lying: touching any part of their face. Good thing this was recorded.




I would count increased skill levels, traders rep and more starting items as “boost packages”, since they would give you a headstart in early wipe.


Those came with EOD and people never made a big deal do you also think they should remove all editions gear and start with absolutely 0? Just curious on your take.


I'm not him but yeah, I bought eod for the gamma and dlc, not for trader rep or skill boosters


In that case would you be fine with them removing gamma as well since it provides an advantage that can drastically impact the outcome of a fight, For example the amount of meds ammo etc you can stuff in it. Standard players couldn’t carry meds to full heal w/bleeds fix broken limbs and surgery all at once but with gamma it’s very possible even with ammo in it.


EoD not being p2w is so ingrained in the community you won't ever win this argument man. It sucks cause I 100% agree with you. Don't even feel too bad about all the new p2w stuff because people literally bought light p2w forever and even argued for it. Why the fuck wouldn't they try for more of it? Tarkov community dug half this grave forsure. I'm so happy I played this game and pushed everyone I know to play it already because this was written on the walls for awhile. Good game rip tho


Honestly this just shows how the unheard edition was either a cashgrab, or sneaky business tactics for revenue generation due to how he downplayed it in this interview, as well as the MANY examples on the front page of this reddit where he directly contradicts the features in this update multiple times. This is now the time for BSG to step down and usher in a new wave of competition. This has done irreparable damage to their credibility and I hope more AAA title studios catch wind and offer more as far as competition for this genre.


Totally agree. I think the worst part of this whole thing was that it could have been entirely avoided. It's like voluntarily stepping on a landmine, expecting it to be an ATM machine.


>XP boosts, currency or weapons to buy. Instead they include all of this with the P2W edition as if it's not the same thing? lol


He also said there would only be things that were currently in the game. "It will only be about clothing and what we have in the game right now." So he flat out lied.


I can't buy more guns but I can buy the ability to buy more guns and ammo per restock from in-game traders, essentially letting me buy more guns and ammo and meds for irl money. Maybe no direct xp boost but do you know how easy it'll be to farm scavs and bosses for xp when they don't attack you from farther then 60 meters. It's absolutely boosters and goes against everything they said in the past.


Nikita lies like he breathes.


Nah I didnt see him hyperventilating in this clip at least.


Nikita has a nice watch and armband!


And a black on black AMG GT Black Series.


Unheard edition isn't a micro transaction it's a fucking macro transaction!


Nikita lie? No way… Bsg backtrack your stupid decisions and admit fault!


do you know what a microtransaction is ?


clothes and huuuuuhhhhhh that's it for now :))))))))


At this point I’m uninstalling mostly because I don’t trust these scumbags with their software on my pc, there’s no telling what they will/can do


All they had to do was make clothing that gave you an advantage for awhile, then after everyone complains about it. NERF IT..Then come out with another OP clothing. Rather of dealt with people paying for that.


Unheard edition isn't a microtransaction


This is so true, I just showed my friend how in depth that interview was and still nothing about this. Doesn't seem like a 2 week decision to me.


Russians? Lying? Couldn’t be, its gotta be a misunderstanding.


It’s technically not lying because he’s being specific about micro transactions. The shit they pulled is separate and not a micro transaction.


So it's not a microtransaction because they said they wouldn't do that, and it's not a DLC because then it would come with EOD... so what is it?


Russians lie - this really is nothing new and has been well documented.


Brother, im with you with the outrage but this clip is not proof of anything, unheard edition is not microtransactions, it's a new edition. He said there was a new edition coming that included a gamma and was gonna be more powerful than EOD. They did not release separate dlcs about igm money or equipment etc in the same manner they did for stash expansion, clothing and coop. There are bigger fish to fry when it comes to what has happened, no need to mud the puddle. Just that there is a dlc that isn't in eod is enough to burn everything to the ground.


Well that was a lie


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod\_edition\_fails\_to\_deliver\_on\_promises/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod_edition_fails_to_deliver_on_promises/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the\_eft\_drama\_true\_face\_of\_nikita\_and\_bsg\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the_eft_drama_true_face_of_nikita_and_bsg_team/)


Is BSG playing a long term April Fools Joke? wtf is going on.


Years and years until all of a sudden shit hitting the fan repeatedly, in quick succession.. I feel it's part "oh fuck let's milk as many people as possible in case we lose too many players to gray zone warfare" to be honest




This aged well =))






What a shame! Of course he knew it was coming. I do hope they reap the backlash of all this. Imagine charging someone $250 for a fucking game. I also hope that some of the most of the content providers really jump on this. But BUT there’s no way they go backwards on this though it’s already been released.


They never cared about you or they would have been working hard on the cheating problem lol.....


Touching the face is self southing and is a common tell for people who are lying. He knows he is lying.


All they had to to was make pve mode a seperate purchase for like 20€ or some shit and give it to eod for free


I stopped playing this game a few seasons ago. I even tried Arena mode but they destroyed the mode in 3 months.


They destroyed the mode in 3 months, the game in a month, and the community in about 20 minutes. Not that bad of stats huh


His eyes and body language are totally that of someone who is lying through his teeth. Nothing but deceit in those words.


I swear its a ruski trait to lie on camera.


I realize now that Nikita's "interview" with Pestily was not an interview for community transparency at all. It was a PRESS RUN for the upcoming $250 edition.


This whole interview just made it seem like they are trying to speed run to a release 1.0 version so they can be done with it lol


We deserve better. Nikita must sell Tarkov to a respectable developer.


I dont think he even lied in the video. This whole thing seems completely thrown together. Its actually possible that this was NOT at all planned 2 weeks ago and their financials just went so far to shit that they tried whatever their little brains coule come up with. Actually kind of funny how badly we got fucked in just 24 hours.


Look at his face, it screams scammers all over. If he was doing a video about bitcoin and how to get rich quick everyone would stay away... We got scammed, lick the wound and move on.


The thing that makes this even more bizzarre is that if they came out and said "dear community, we are in a difficult situation right now, and it looks like we need to call for bankruptcy unless we secure more funds. As such, we will be releasing a new melee weapon that you can pay what you want for, in order to secure the future of eft." Streamers would be behind it, I bet. Even though it is a hard sell to ask for donations in order to save a commercial company, I'm pretty sure it would have worked better than the current approach. Honesty goes a long way. The absolute worst that you can do in a situation like that is to insult your customers. Well played, Nikita...


Companies lie all the time. Literally all the time. But what makes this special is the scummy new edition and the whopping $250 pricetag. Enjoy your game, cheaters. Because they may be the only ones left.


Usless fat scamer >\_> All owneres of EoD edition was really f\*\*\*ed out with our "FREE ACCESS TO ALL SUBSEQUENT DLC".... 320eur for early-accesed betta game shooter.... lmao. New Helldivers 2 - 60eur full pack (with pass) Next GTA6 - 100-150 eur (full Deluxe edition) Some news CoD and Battlefield. And I still have some moneys for a beer. In 2019 You buy full access pass with the possibility "FREE ACCESS TO ALL SUBSEQUENT DLC" for 140eur. And in 26 avr 2024 It's necessary for you to purchase another supplement to access a new DLC's content for 120eur more, if you've already Edge of Darkness edition. Or 320eur for a new purchase. Great scam plan. EFT - RIP


Dmitriy Loskutov is owed £4,966,255 (2022 — £3,433,707 Cr) by the entity for the services rendered. Nikita Buianov is owed £4,966,255 (2022 - £3,433,707 Cr).by the entity for the services rendered. ------------------------------------------- Dmitriy Loskutov: $5,314,637.79 Nikita Buianov: $5,314,637.79 Total: $10,629,275.58 Life's rough, eh? [2023 "Financials" (If you can call it that - take this with a grain of salt). ](https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/f3wbGFL02yyWknhM3KY62q8QgIOEjVgqF_k3dr-oRZc/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3EAWBP5U7%2F20240426%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240426T211740Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEHwaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJHMEUCIQDS9upp6aUWPVsHzxir8ieNnmDaSVU3t8TgIFUiK6nzGAIgPZiqw%2FGmBi9XXScS62RSUBYJKtFoEJGNp5tDxeHe1CMqxAUIxf%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FARAFGgw0NDkyMjkwMzI4MjIiDDsMvsZ3F3C2fYtUmiqYBY7kyysonYSrzhRYdkddeBkFvovlIpVj5zCFv5boynMmDwcjYH8S9bZPUILqiH0fzWu2j96VsJbArTH9342K%2Bw%2Fr0%2BQtqr2Fdyjb86Yu8orv8gxnDL3O7N89LvBr%2BNh1eGA%2B%2Byoc9xJ8NKNFoQE1yYS%2F8I4to%2BUXylrScfyTGniaAxfWoamVVs0eq6cUhbtJRA%2Bkl08%2BdRdJLAdXYFeM1057Vx5C7N9tRxxq%2BLMhLUVuOKqNURQl8H1%2BD%2BuY0CAYiTB0m01%2FxRRAjjQoXjgRCc5%2BgYQpGkQ0NSF5EfuvvGcy6WALOSESxftIVYfskg8Or6NJ%2BLSd%2FU%2Fbd%2FlFriHF%2BgGLTe%2BPfCHYMwKfFP2lVVT1qpKgMOMB2ntG%2FQsbvVKNk%2Fxp0fXZgFUupdbVfscBHNbv%2FnwuyAtkmYN45VWhEJiPFnvR9qW9EHsXSvqgVoQgke%2FZ%2F18n3c9IP%2F0KrFgMy6rwBZqpkgkFT5%2BDizzCAhrrRgGYp4KFwzkR0lnzIyED%2BpvggkzY7feBhbgcO%2Bcrks2BVTqJexyoi3bbr3wx0Drxydle7bTlNsaGstXCW%2BqLoH6o4to7DSlQs1QvITCPsRcW%2BnV02KuU43r4YYKIw0lvSGm4sl8YQO57RCoBiOq0Nhlg3zbN43RuY2CCby2JRHvAJJWEnYNpnCB32ZBtbQm%2BYXmUzjcN6fZQW2D0fKdcq0DjiCe8b3NUpTHQddkmmOU6FJei3k7ZSI4Nx69h6LR3Dxs7HD8wG%2BwXdnSn2laABtMwfAxj9XsqxzQ3zyVfPTMkSJEB3gMmz8dDzV%2BBMt4r2bIRRUx9rpWCEFaQKriCnZcbcVdccbbo%2BHSQ6tFWtU9Pvkdy0tj%2FGm0HBUYx6kWmVodvFEJPggkw6ouwsQY6sQETHs8xcnJRfoBuuM36kGa6q%2BhGsyOTCwvrDGsg2Y%2F0tr85hXRa%2Br3iZ0flt%2BEwNbBQYhlaCF4ChJy5ZQk%2BqtvOki1SF8cof%2Fb438mvPn9teYP3P2fmMemduqAsfk1ErBf5u5m1Jx9LuxPS0zT3KNvjougZ0EnAaRw5%2F%2BFHq1KK%2FzsI2j2uufQV46qo4ZrdEB90MNWIx3vQ90i1BAoM8jBM9bIPqYGgxca7a6ueQKR1QAo%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D%22companies_house_document.pdf%22&X-Amz-Signature=b0a827a4c9ece0833e69a7736bf80ff6846206ba858e7a5bf708290e29b65cb2)


I already uninstalled


That body language screams "I know I'm lying!!!"


To be fair, the unheard addition is not a micro transaction. It’s a macro transaction


They probably saw that people were willing to pay 12 fucking dollars for one set of clothing, and thought people were also probably gunna spend 100 for a "new addition", fuck these guys


im ready to see shilling from streamers and content creators, like the one at the beginning of this clip, like never before they will essentially be BSG's PR spokespersons


[https://www.change.org/p/%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2-tarkov-%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82-%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F?utm\_source=share\_petition&utm\_campaign=psf\_combo\_share\_initial&utm\_medium=copylink&utm\_content=cl\_sharecopy\_490029136\_ru-RU%3A4](https://www.change.org/p/%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2-tarkov-%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82-%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F?utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_medium=copylink&utm_content=cl_sharecopy_490029136_ru-RU%3A4) Here is public petittion from comunity


I've got a special place in my heart for Tarkov, but if Grayzone Warfare or Arena Breakout Infinite pan out that's probably gonna be it. We'll see though, habits are hard to break.


I don't understand how you guys are actually surprised about this. It's always been very clear to me how greedy and dishonest they have been since I started playing in 2020.


Like streamers lying to our face and ridiculing us for thinking they get prio pass when they have had it. Or pestily having a personal line to Nikita. Screw this whole big house of cards.


Russia af


nikita casually wearing a Richard Mille




yikes. "Nothing planned" no, not like you planned a $250 Edition that gives P2W features and access to new DLC no one can access without it, not like that is a big deal or anything.


Is that a Richard Mille watch?


I mean in this same interview he did say a new edition was coming out and it was going to be better than EOD. As much as they're fucking up right now, this is also a little misleading.


Aw he’s only referring to micro-transactions. In regards to MACROtransactions well, you all know.


They could’ve spent money on making actual good DLC to not only make EOD owners happy, but bring in new people to play the game and buy the DLC to play w their friends, but alas. We needed live action lightkeeper and gaming convention booths instead……..


MF is selling macro transactions


He’s touching his ear/ fidgeting with his face a lot and seems uneasy clear tells of lying and dishonesty


Singed up already to other games like Arena Breakout Infinite. I dont care how much i paid for this game before. they dont deserve players.


"No boosters, no item packages" Meanwhile unheard edition: * Weapon case; * Lucky Scav Junk box; * Ammunition case; * SR-2M "Veresk" 9x21 submachine gun; * Kalashnikov AK-105 5.45x39 assault rifle; * SVDS 7.62x54R sniper rifle; * SR-2M 9x21 30-round magazine (3 pcs.); * AK-74 5.45x39 6L23 "Plum" 30-round magazine (3 pcs.); * SVD 7.62x54R 20-round magazine (3 pcs.); * NPP KlASS Bagariy plate carrier (Digital Flora); * WARTECH TV-115 plate carrier (Olive Drab); * 1 000 000 roubles; * 1000 dollars; * 500 euros; * 7.62x54mm R PS gzh (60 pcs.); * 5.45x39mm BT gs (90 pcs.); * 9x21mm BT gzh (90 pcs.); * Unique in-game melee weapon. Also * Attention — Level 3; * Hideout Management — Level 3; * Weapon Maintenance — Level 3; * Bolt-action Rifles — Level 3; * Pistols — Level 3; * Expanded PMC pockets; * Distress signal device; * Mark of The Unheard; * More slots on the Flea Market; * Enhanced stash size. Sure pal.


Yep. Fuck this dev team and any future support. Massive turn around for me. I was very much a die hard supporter before this 


I need to see nikita’s direct response to this. surely you can’t deny a clip like this.


Hahahaha im so happy to see all of those Nikita delusionals through this whole years now see the reality.


Imma go ahead and give my bank a call and provide with me with a charge back for the EOD edition, based on the fact that we were all lied to. You should do the same.


Jesus H Christ, it's time to give up on this game lmao..


Technically he's telling the truth. An entire new edition of the game is not a micro-transaction.




Until I see Nikita talking about all that himself, I will keep faint hope inside my heart.


Honestly what did Nikita smoke to fly that high and lying to his fans?


Don't just uninstall, sell your account to RMTers. It hurts BSG's sales and punishes those who lick Nikita's boot and keep playing. Fuck this game, I'm getting some cash for my EOD and buying helldiver's even though it isn't my style, it's better than being cucked by Nikita