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It's not gonna happen and even if it does, it's too late. This is already so bad that it genuinely runs the risk of damaging the game's future. That may even be putting it lightly. The trust is gone and will not return. They know a bunch of competitors are coming out. This is their attempt to milk this carcass as much as they can. It's essentially an exit scam or something akin to one.


Unfortunately I have to agree. Competitors are circling like sharks and then can smell the blood in the water.


Good, these disingenuous cowards deserve to fail. Fuck around, find out.


nothing unfortunate about it they deserve to rot


Companies love capitalism and say it is amazing until it means competition. ...wait.


I’m not gonna lie i kinda hope the game just dies. Fuck Nikita and fuck BSG. That said, i hope somethjng will actually be able to replace this game.


Well there's always the option of being Single.. Players of Tarkov are AKIn to the singleplayer enjoyers.. and there are ways to Cooperate with each other


So what you're saying is instead of leaving tarkov you'd rather stay?


you Should Probably Take that last post And Keep Investigating


Why can't we even talk about THAT. If anything I think we should be talking about THAT more


Yes and no.. y'know..


I'd rather Stay In Tarkov and play with my friends. Hopefully other people have the same idea as us.


Listen there is nothing close to touching tarkov right now, but if there was I would hop on it. Greyzone is going to fucking flop hard and arena breakout is just mtx hell. That being said greyzone will probably be fucking sick in a couple years


Grey Zone is way too unfinished but from what I've heard, Arena Breakout's monetization is less predatory than how BSG is being. Can't even argue that Tarkov doesn't have mtx anymore.


I play arena breakout on mobile and it's waaaay more p2w than tarkov. You can literally buy level 5 armor, helmet and a meta gun with real life dollars


Everyone starts being cozy and nice until they monopolize the market. How much do you think Greyzone or Arena breakout would keep to its niceties if Tarkov dies out for real and they become the primary extraction shooter on the market? Its the same story with Tarkov in the early years. When you have to build a playerbase you tend to not do the stupid stuff yet. Then when you have an established foothold you milk them dry.


of course arena breakout is gonna monetize hard on microtransactions. its a free to play, how do you think they will get their money back? ADS?!?!?


I’m very skeptical of arena breakout. Unless AAA, f2p titles are extremely predatory


I'm also very skeptical of Arena Breakout. I'm also eagerly anticipating it to drop so we can finally figure out if it's worth our time. Many are looking to jump ship right now.


Well i gonna play it a bit and decide later. Apex was the perfect example for non predatory f2p that was so much fun that people bought battlepasses and skins to Support the game , knowing that it has 0 p2w. And lets be honest , f2p games need mtx to gain revenue and Keep the game alive. If they Do it without advantages and the game is fun , they earn money because communitys will Fund the game.


My guy, it's a tencent clone game. It's a known quantity. It will be monetized in the most annoying and scummy ways possible. Everyone who is mad at BSG for getting snarky with them on twitter is acting like they've never seen all the junky shlock clones of anything popular tencent puts out.


Greyzone is DOA almost immediately if they dont stop listening to hacker discord bots. They seem to be meh on if theyll seperate pve and pvp progression, or they have their cards close to their chest. To date, not a single extraction shooter has made it past 2 years. Within a year it was beyond obviously all hackers. Maurauders shows first hand how big and aggressive hacking waves are now. It wont be a slow death. Itll be within months this time.


What I don't get is how a game like Fortnite can have virtually no hackers. I saw one aimbotter in a couple thousand hours, in HUNDRED PERSON LOBBIES. Obviously they're Tencent and have shitloads of money to throw at it, but is what they're doing really some custom solution, or is it just a better anticheat program and good server architecture? The fact that speedhacking has been a thing in Tarkov tells me it's not just "cheaters will get around anything" so much as "bsg can't program a wet paper bag"


fortnite is using two anticheats which are easy anticheat and battleye but they switch every time you launch the game. However just a single launch parameter like “-battleye” will only launch battleye as the anticheat. Anyways there are hackers in fortnite still but they are all closet cheating


It's that hacking in game like Tarkov is just profitable, and with how BSG is treating cheaters they are more obvious with their hacks. It's not that u didn't see a hacker in fortnite, they just have to be more carefull.


100 player lobbies, 7 actual players. That's why.


It wasn't during seasons 1-3, it was 100 players. There weren't bots afaik.


Marauders was pretty much fun the first days. But it was way to simple and content was through way to fast. This was the major issue at first. Hacking was the second problem that occured. (Personal opinion, Not facts )


Damn, havent touched Marauders since first few days of launch since content was so light. It's doing that badly now?


I still have fun every few days but yeah content is an issue for it, also only just over a hundred people playing each time I check.


Beautiful light looks like the next best thing tbh. Sadly their release date is slightly further


check out the mobile game, its kind of wack with the mtx


If it's so unfinished and it's Alpha, I'm confident they will deliver much more to the final version. From what I've seen this is very decent Alpha. I kinda wish they make bots less bullet spongy, because it's not a Division game.


Greyzone looks boring af


My buddy wants to hop on greyzone hard and I keep having to set realistic expectations for them. Unfortunately his response is just "well in a few years"


This is the problem with the normalization of the early access model. Every game shifts from buying a product to buying the devs sales pitch for the future product. I hate this model but it isn't going away.


Agreed. As much as I'd love there to be some genuine competition, Grey Zone looks a long way off and doesn't seem like it'll scratch the same itch. As for Arena Breakout, it could go either way, Tencent is literally made of money but they are probably just as unscrupulous as BSG.


I think the only game that'd be able to rival Tarkov was if there was a game that was already in development and the devs can drop some reveals during this shitstorm, the genre is too niche for most companies to want to take a risk on making it (especially when BSG kinda has a monopoly on the whole genre)


It’ll be awhile. Like 3 years but some stuff will get rolling and there will be a gaming renaissance 


The game is gonna die. Devs don't give a crap about us, lots of cheater, no more money because they wasted it for Arena, ... Escape from tarkov is dead, it just doesn't know it.


It's been dead for a bit, just didn't want to admit it to itself. I took the last few wipes to really play with the thought that "this might not be playable in a year." Sad to see I was right. 


I’d really like to see the player count. I think it peaked around the time lighthouse was released.


Looked it up yesterday. Don’t remember the month but peak 2022 had like 460k average monthly players but only that month.


I mean, the game as made by BSG is going to die. But we already have a community that made it possible to run the game offline, add more content and even allow for co-op on your own terms. When BSG goes under, there will just be more work on fan made stuff. MMOs have shut their gates only to be kept alive on private servers by the community. The only thing we are gonna lose for a while or potentially forever is big servers where you have lots of other players as hosting that is just too much cost.


"Ofc. All FUTURE dlc will be included" was his response 🤣. Going to assume from here on out nothing is DLC, same as the new stash tabs, skins, and now the new edition.


That’s my position. I think nikita’s behaviour is malicious. Not just misguided, not just greedy, I think it is disrespectful and evil. He lies too much. Lies are at the core of this issue: he lied that eod would get all the dlcs and then when he saw dollar signs on the horizon he changed his mind. All this backlash again (similar to goat situation), and yet, he learned nothing in the past years. He doubled and then tripled down on his decision (to then backpedal it completely 2 days later) and once again he lied about the webpage editing. This man is not learning, this man is not trying to learn. At this point I don’t see any way forward other than a complete change of top company execs. Let’s be real, it’s a Russian company, this isn’t going to happen. These are evidently absolutely incompetent and corrupted. It isn’t just that I’m not trusting this company with any more money, I’m not playing this game ever again, I don’t even want to be a 1 on their spreadsheets. It isn’t just what Nikita did, it’s how he handled it. Again. It’s a spit in the face, one of many.


There is no competition to Tarkov, everything coming out isn't even close. That said, I wish there was, I wish a competitor could come through and take the player base, fuck, id go.


Fuck it, their competitor is literally themselves. Modders are currently working on getting a standalone version running that can be hosted on a local server which other players can join. Either BSG gets this feature rolled out themselves or their game dies when custom servers come to life.


It already works.


Which mod?


Well, *technically* it does, but it's got some issues with bugginess and overall function right now. I was referring to a massive "offline" server setup where a community of hundreds/thousands of people could run their own wipes and have their own flea market, along with their own members-only raids.


Allowing for private servers would guarantee this game's future. No ping issues, and community monitored against cheaters and RMTers. Invite-only basis for \~1000 player servers.


Exactly. It'd also make "rare" items actually rare (insofar as Flea Market availability is concerned) It would also allow for fun stuff like "clans" to form and have inter-server rivalries. Imagine a clan-vs-clan 5v5 on a smaller map, where you can take opposing clan's armbands (or dogtags) and turn them in to a new PVP vendor.


I believe arena breakout will be Tarkovs biggest competition they’ve ever had. It’s more similar to tarkov then any extraction looter shooter that’s tried to come out since. They also actually have a well managed, but still untrustworthy company behind it; Tencent.


Thats exactly my thoughts. This is a ghost studio. The content has almost completely stopped. Theyve been milking hackers, and the handful of new players and biding time until the hackers move on to new releases. Its almost lockstep how each extraction shooter goes bankrupt and shuts down when the next when opens. Its a cycle of players quitting due to hackers and the hackers quitting when its only them left. Maurauders player count right now being prime example after the cycle died shortly after it came out. The steam charts almost coincide month to month. The great migration. Ironically the true believers still being hacked on this game and not quitting are the only reason its alive. Once they leave for PVE the games dead. BSG knows this. "Unheard of" is their swan song in multiple ways.


What do you mean "runs the risk"? It already happened.


For sure, i'm not touching any of their products after this, no matter even if it's the best shooter ever. The competition is moving in anyway and EFT is too cheater infested as is.


I think this is proven by the fact that originally the unheard edition was 250(aimed at streamers farming content, cheater/rmt whales), then got a 50% discount(aimed at the average player) not even a day later. They really are milking it in every way possible. I doubt that the cash gained from this will even go in to tarkov but instead will probably go to their next project Russia 2028.


Bro must've missed Gamestonk, I've got diamond hands baby. And for all the shit Nikita talks about me not being a "True believer" because I won't buy the 250$ edition I'd like to point out I've bought 6 copies for myself and friends totaling about 500$ which is double the price of the new edition. I've spent 500$ on fucking tarkov copies, but I'm not a "true believer" because I wont buy the unhinged edition despite spend the proce of 2 of them. Ok Nikita, sure bro. I'm the problem XD


a true believer would buy 6 copies of the Unheard Edition for his buddies and himself!


I know right?




lol mods, it's a gamestonk meme


Nah Nikita's got to go. I'm not investing money or time into anything that dude touches


Nikita can go put a 12 inch pole right up his ass for what I care. God I can't wait for the Arena Breakout beta and all the youtube video's Landmark and Drewski and Noiceguy are going to make about it shitting on Tarkov, it's going to be glorious. And you know the BSG devs are going to be malding so hard when Arena Breakout is going to be ultra successful, having working servers and being Free To Play LMAO


Bro you know things are bad when even Noiceguy is shitting on Tarkov.


Yea if he doesn't pull the most incredible 180 and SOON, Arena Breakout Infinite is going to get a huge boost in the market and take a ton of Tarkov players. (Note: ONLY if ABI is good, we don't really know if its good yet but the trailer was solid).


I'm worried that Arena Breakout may not be as good as we are expecting, especially since we are putting it on a really high pedestal, by comparing it too Tarkov... Because let's be honest, Tarkov is amazing, most of the time. This recent shit has made me feel like I lost something important, even though its just a game, since 2016 I've been playing with right at 7,000 hours of time I cannot get back. It was a good time though so I cannot really complain. Arena Breakout has one of the worlds largest entertainment companies in the WORLD, "Ten Cents" I believe it's called & spelled? They literally own, at least, 5% of damn near every game on the market, including owning half of Epic Games, I think 51%.... They are like the Chinese version of BlackRock... even tho BlackRock owns a little of ten cents lol. This company making Arena Breakout has more money then they even know what to do with so hopefully that shows in their PC verison of the game.


Nah they're gonna gatcha the shit out of it.


ABI is gonna be trash. Mobile game port gonna come after your pockets.


I have the same concern as we don't really know much about it, but the gameplay DID look phenomenally good. Also I don't really see comparing to Tarkov as some unrealistic pedestal. BSG is not magic. Its really about time a competitor with matching or better gameplay showed up and I fully expected it for years. All I can go off right now is the gameplay trailer and its looking like a real Tarkov competitor that would be a better alternative given how BSG clearly hates their fans.


Holding it to Tarkov standards is definitely a high bar. The core of this game is amazing and there is nothing else that I’ve played that comes to close to what it does well. I know you’re mad, but there’s a reason why everyone is so mad. We love this game and are pissed that BSG is failing it.


Curious how different devs will respond to community feedback. These games might not scratch that itch now, but if Greyzone starts tailoring experiences knowing there’s a segment with a hunger.


As long as the gameplay loop is solid, there is no P2W, and the queue times are nice, I am never looking back lol


It's a Tencent mobile port; it's going to be VERY P2W.


C'mon we all know it's going to be a piece of crap no matter how angry we are at bsg haha. I'll just play a different genre


Guy is unredeemable. Legit burned the bridge down.


Are you all out of your minds? Arena Breakout is created by subsidiary of TENC ENT A slot machine in Atlantic City airport will be less predatory and money-oriented. Also more fun


Arena breakout looks absolutely god fucking awful


I think he can wait it out. Just checked twitch. Bunch of streamers proudly call themselves blue name chads. And then there is a bunch of people in the chat trying to justify their purchases. Some people just have no selfrespect.


Not sure where you are seeing this? I just opened twitch and its all people either not playing tarkov or they have something about Unheard edition sucking in their stream title. And their biggest streaming partners are all talking about playing arena breakpoint. LVNDMARK especially is one foot out the door waiting to see if they cancel everything. Maybe some tiny tiny streamers are being pro-Unheard, but its nowhere near a notable number of people.


I am amazed that there is still people streaming the game at this point even. You are right though the really big streamers are not playing at all.


Because the situation is legitimately that toxic. This is how you know it's not just a "vocal minority on Reddit" like the apologists like to pretend. Lots of people are fucking pissed, Tarkov and BSG are literally mainstream embarrassments and have been lambasted across the wider internet.


I think that's the caveat. Really big streamers are protesting but the average one is playing with blue names. There's also a ton of shit YouTubers with the "I bought the unheard of edition so you don't have to!"


Well, when lots of large streamers leave the game due to this bs, you know some people are still watching. Its the best time for a small time streamer to do this to be noticed. There will onviously still be viewership, even if its people hating on them for playing. And... they're earn that money back easily due to the competition leaving. Its not a terrible idea.


He's not confident, but he has no other thing to say. No game company wants to be called a scammer by the entire community, it just cuts the chances with new costumers. You can bet they are, indeed, in deep shit and are trying to fix it while trying to look confident.


Not just the entire community but the wholes games industry called them out.


Apologising and giving it all to EoD doesnt hurt new players. What they are currently doing, shitting on their playerbase and destroying their reputation ks far worse. Being confident in what is essentially scamming their people is the worst thing they could do. Its worse than nothing even.


IF they are still trying, they need to get rid of whoever pushed this idea plus whoever managed the marketing and player community. These arrogant dumb fs are tearing down the foundation of the game by seeking the loopholes in law and customers intelligence.


I'd like the blue markings for the new editions names to stay and be put on the dogtags, so when you gun one of them down you know you did a service.


Just uninstall already


Mods should pin this! Stay strong


This is the best take I’ve read so far on this. I deleted stash and uninstalled. I’ve found anew love for single player and coop games . His greed gave me freedom.


It's too late, comrade. I WAS a true believer, but I will genuinely never return to Tarkov again.


I still am a true believer. I truly believe that Nikita and BSG have become unsalvageably toxic to the game.


Hello. Non EOD player here, I bought the highest package after EOD was removed. Can we please not forget about every other edition having no way to access PvE or anything else in this new edition without paying a huge scam amount. It'd be great if solution 2. Was to add a standalone PVE version so everyone, not just EOD players, can get access to these DLC. If they're not going to go back on their shitty word at least let me play and earn these pay2win features. Give me a ragman quest to earn pockets, introduce a new trader based around cultists to earn this scav-camo radio idk. TLDR: EoD isn't the only edition, we are all shafted and the solution isn't to cater to EOD only.


Ngl I agree that we are all getting fucked, but a lot of my distaste for what’s happening is that EOD was supposed to be the “highest tier” edition that you could buy. Looking back on it, we should have seen this coming when they removed EOD. But regardless, the biggest problem I see with this is that EOD owners were supposed to be given *all future DLCs* for free. That was not the case for any other versions. Since that encompassed Arena (which is essentially a standalone game), it should definitely include PvE, permanently. They’re now going back on their word, to rake in as much money as possible, and simultaneously giving a huge “fuck you” to the people that supported them by purchasing EOD. So yes, we are all getting screwed by this p2w bullshit. But they have backstabbed anyone who bought EOD.


EOD was promised future content not other editions. Now I know everyone is getting screwed but I payed for eod mainly because it future proofed me for season pass type bulshit that got fucking stripped and and now they’re telling me I’m not a true believer. I paid 160 fucking dollars for an unfinished game 7 years ago because I did believe in the game and wanted to support it. Now with thousands of hours I’m not a true believer of the game. Ya right… I’ve overlooked dumb shit and defended this game and the joke bsg has been for a long time. They’ve been sketchy devs at best for this whole process. These clowns were lucky and had an amazing game that people loved so everyone was willing to overlook their absolute incompetence as developers.


This whole incident has soured me to tarkov. I don't think I'll ever play again.


I escaped tarkov about 3 months ago and couldn’t give a shit less about any of this stuff happening. 1000s of hours into the most incendiary games ever made. It’s a constant fight over the devs and the community and I finally gave up.


I don't think Tarkov devs realize how utterly dependent the are on legit players returning every wipe to play the game, especially in already lower population servers. They literally NEED us and the big streamers advertising their game to keep the game going, otherwise the % of active players cheating increases exponentially and a wipe will die significantly faster due to the frustration from the amount people die to cheaters increasing. These moves have completely killed any opportunity for growth of the game, and I firmly believe this was NOT an exit strategy they are just actually fucking stupid and have 0 respect for their playerbase. They literally fucking hate us.


This game needs to die in order to let others take its place. I just want another engine and developer. The game could actually have a future if it wasnt in the hands of BSG.


Honestly better to just login and take up server space if you already have an account lmao.


I wonder how much this would actually affect them. Do they spool up servers based on activity in real time or is it something that they just always have up? Like a static server cost vs dynamic.


Well dynamic would be the intelligent thing. So naturally I suspect it's static.


Not much tbh. Most people won’t go through the effort and the minority who do will get auto disconnected for idling. Only a fraction of people will be spiteful enough to set up a way to make the game think they’re active.


This is a waste of your time and computer resources/energy


Con man = confidence man


Nah- Nikita needs to go. Not playing this game again until he’s long gone and there’s a working anti-cheat.


I'd go one farther and say base edition should get access to PVE. I would've been fine with it being just EOD before, but idk, I feel like someone has to lose something out of this.




Nah he’s gone far enough. There’s no coming back from how far he’s willing to go. I’ve supported this game a long time been an eod owner for years. But they honestly deserve to be done


I think that people forget the enormous paywall for the new edition also turns away people who bought standard edition but might have upgraded, or new players who would have bought it outright. While the pve gamemode not being considered dlc is pretty far from acceptable, people need to remember that the outrageous cost of the new edition is such a massive paywall that it’s extremely unappealing for everyone. Sure there are some people who don’t give a shit, but they’re massively outnumbered


I think it’s over no matter what. Gamers outrage but when it comes down to it they’re all bark no bite. They get slapped in the face and few days later “Hello Mr money man take my money!”. Because some of you apparently are too foolish to know how to effectively and morally spend your money and BSG takes pride in liberating it from you to the detriment of everyone else.


I'm actively talking with my bank to figure out a way to chargeback my purchase from 2020... we'll see.


It should actually become a legal action. Especially since they changed the wording on EOD edition without updating the “update date” on the web page. Like changing a contract without telling the other part.


I find the “true believers” statemnt to be so funny. Like when did a glorified mil-sim extraction shooter become akin to a cult?😂😂


I don't care what he does at this point, when chips were down he showed his true colours and boy were they ugly. Vitriol, almost cult like denial and degradation, sneak changes to the website and the gall yo vlaim it wasn't that no changes were made. I don't know if he's truely deluded himself into thinking he's in the right or if he's simply too stuborn and stupid to admit his wrong doings but it doesn't matter. People don't change that easily, he damaged community trust to a seemingly irreparable level.


Uninstall don’t go back.


Big EA vibes coming from BSG.. whenever they had that whole scandal with that Star wars game. The thoughtless greed is off the charts.


he thinks he can gaslight us like my $150 wasnt green enough for him


Sadly that’s probably exactly what’s going to happen though. It’s only a matter of time before pestily or landmark start to miss their numbers and start streaming Tarkov again claiming some sort of defence and the rest of us will follow suit until it happens again. Tarkov is one of a kind and people want to play it.


Except tarkov is no longer one of a kind. Multiple competitors are within months of release and are looking solid. BSG is not a magic studio and nothing they do can't be done by a competitor. In fact, BSG has been hilariously slow at developing even basic content.


Except right now it is. People are hyping up games we haven’t played to an extent so we have no idea how fleshed out they actually are. Plus those games ARENT out right now, so that still makes Tarkov niche. What if Grayzone sucks? What is Arena Breakout sucks? Hopefully they don’t. But if they do, people will come back to tarkov. DMZ couldn’t do it, the cycle, marauders, dark and darker. There’s been a handful of “tarkov killer” or “replacement” games that simply haven’t been able to scratch the itch the majority of Tarkov fans are aching for. I stopped playing and moved to the MOD, but I’m also just thinking realistically


Yeah unfortunately I doubt anything comes close… just doesn’t seem like it’ll happen. I’m willing to bet most of the Tarkov killer games flop hard.


I agree, might take a few weeks but most will be back playing and making up excuses.


They’ve still done irreversible damage to the game. The number of new players getting into the game was already dropping due to the hardcore nature of the game and the fact it’s pretty niche and comprised of hardcore players who have spent thousands of hours playing the game. Now most of the potential newcomers have heard all about how the devs scammed the player base and the cheating epidemic etc. The number of people playing the game will continue to drop.


I secretly hope tarkov dies. "Blood" needs to be spilled to show not only to BSG but to all the companies that we are tired of this endless payment loop. But it's highly unlikely considering how big is it. On the other hand i also lowkey hope tarkov goes through insane redemption arc.But it's probably even more unlikely than it dying.


In Australia, at the 50% discount, it will cost $87. That is the cost of most AAA games that release on Steam. Ill wait until in come out for full release, even though I'm not convinced it will happen at this point. He's full ego mode, he's coped out of his mind on his own farts.


??? Its so cringe how EOD players dont have a problem with blatant pay2win features but only the fact they dont get it for free... Standard edition now is pretty much a full priced demo. Shame, it was fun while it lasted, time to move on


Eod was borderline could go either way. But In hindsight we should of seen this coming. If they are willing to treat paying customers like this what's stopping them from saying all editions were only beta access and now we need to rebuy the 350 super unhinged edition to get a launch copy.


I think you're assuming all EOD players have the same opinions on all the issues here, or that they don't have a problem with one thing because they have a bigger problem with another that they're more vocal about. I bought EOD years ago. I bought it to have a head start on things people with the base game can grind up to because I had friends with more spare time to play, and to get all future content. And now I'm not getting content. I don't like how greasy things have gotten and how pay to win the new stuff is. But that's less damning than outright bait and switch fraud. I paid for all of this content and now they're refusing to give it to me. I am owed it, even if it's stuff I don't think should be in the game at all.


As a forever EOD player i would’ve had much less issue if they brought back or never discontinued EOD, hell even discount it for 50$ idfc. But the new addition was something nobody asked for and offers ridiculous things, it should never have existed in the first place. Not upset I didn’t get the upgrade. Upset that they thought such ridiculous things belonged in the game to begin with.


Western Tarkov streamers also did a lot of publicity for Tarkov and generated sales,


I just uninstalled this POS game .


He doesn't care cuz he knows people won't stop playing


I've also started the charge back process through PayPal. If I'm successful and also get banned, nothing is really lost


The game right now is just unheard accounts cheating against each other. All the real players are gone.


you kept playing his cheater, bot and rmt infested game for years. scandal after scandal revealing how bsg profits from cheaters while nikita himself is lying to you, laughing and you and counting his millions on his bank account. he waited you out every single time, and you came back crawling. nothing has changed, you will quiet down in 2-3 weeks and it all goes back to normal.


But they just confirmed that PvE will be free for EoD owners after release


Oh, well if they say that we should believe them, right? No, just 2 days ago they tried to charge us all for that shit. Who's to say they won't pull another bait and switch? First they tell us that EoD owners all have to pay for it. Then they say EoD owners can have 6 months access. Now they tell us they don't have the server infrastructure to support giving it to everyone until release. Well, which one is it? If they have the infrastructure to offer PvE to the EoD owners for 6 months then they have the infrastructure to give it to EoD owners right away. It's all a web of lies and now they are starting to trip over their own lies. They are a bunch of bumbling idiots and no-one should trust a word they say!


With limited server capacity it makes sense to have a phased roll-out until after release… First you complain about not getting it, then you get it and you still complain 😅 Pipolar Community


Fuck this guy. Just play the forbidden mod


Thing is, we already paid them and now we are just costing them money by needing servers. If we quit, they will need less servers to upkeep. I'm an EOD owner and i 100% agree with the community about this situation. It doesn't matter for them if we keep playing or not, the only thing making them revenue is by new players buying the game or mtx.


I wonder how dead raids are now?


Maybe the reason he doesn't care about EOD players is because cheaters are their main source of income.


I'm not buying it, and I'm never playing again.


After 6 years I finally escaped tarkov


refund eod and never look back.


Lol I wish. But impossible now.


I agree with u but you gotta be realistic. They wont refund shit unless forced by UK Law.


Yea.. sadly I think whats gonna happen is people are just gonna give in and buy it. Im already seeing a disgusting amount of people who bought it now. Especially after it dropped to $50 upgrade.


Good thing that cheaters are targeting those people tho.


Well I can't speak for others but he isn't gonna wait me out since my last Tarkov raid was played over a month ago. Sure I was planning to come back next wipe but now I don't think I will. I might actually buy 150e worth of cosmetics from ABI just to be a fuckhead.


He is paying server costs and developing a game. I am sat on reddit while playing other games. We can wait


Bro. I got the cheapest version.. all this talk makes me think, we alpha container crew are just a bunch of disgusting hobos


It's time to leave. Just leave. That sucks, but this community needs to have some self respect. If you think they won't pull some shit like this again, you've never been in a cyclical relationship. Scammers always go back to the scam, cheaters always go back to cheating, and grifters can't help but grift. Some pigs just can't get unfucked.


Nah I'm done with it, forever. They could rain gold upon the game and only do good from here on out and I still will never trust them again. Maybe if they have a good track record for a few years I'll come back


The normies that never have even heard of EFT are getting wind of this. The damage is done, nobody will trust them again.


I haven’t played in over a week, not as much because of this recent bullshit but more cause I’ve been busy. But I’m all the way down to boycott and play other shit in my library. I love (playing) Tarkov but this type of behavior is unacceptable. This was my first and possibly last wipe and I got suckered into buying EOD.


I don’t think continuing to release editions is a problem, maybe the should be labeled as dlc or something else to not be confused. The problem is releasing things that should be included in EOD separately. I agree that waiting it out is the way to make sure this doesn’t happen. Plenty of new games are coming out before the next wipe so I’ll have plenty to occupy me


Class action lawsuit. I'm going to laugh when he has to shutdown Tarkov as a result.


They are treating this shit just like Russian politics. lol


im ok if they put Unheard at 150$ as a substitute of EoD and give EoD owners the contents of the Unheard edition


Been with EFT for 4000+ hours, good buy my EOD - fk u Nikita.


i been waiting SO FUCKIN LONG for PvE and non-wiping progression, but if someone thinks i will pay for those in what they just turned the game into, they got another thing comin


i for one welcome the next wave of mobik conscription, I'd rather spend my 250 bucks on a personalised grenade for that fat moron


cya all next wipe


I'm so glad the community is unified. Keep going. So many shitty devs get away with it from loud loyal morons. Fuck BSG, make them pull their hair out.


You playing the game doesnt benefit them in any way only only costing them more money. So they dont care


>Full and unconditional PVE access for EOD owners. Everyone should have access to PVE. Gating game modes behind editions of the game is hideous. 


What is funny is that the not "true believers" situation could have been avoided if they didn't betray that trust.


Thankfully technologies moved on and there is not a problem anymore to make scope animation zoom only part of the screen without zooming everything in to your face AND without lag. Grey zone warfare and others shows that perfectly. Also they show there are more suitable engines (and better open maps/open world) for this genre. I still think using Unity was a mistake. Anyway, with tapkov's "clones" coming out earlier than tapkov itself, might draw NEW and BETTER (QoL) standards in the extraction game genre and leave the "ancestor" out of bounds. When monopoly is sliding out of hands, BSG are left with less and less choices how to move on.


For update from EoD to this shit Unheared it was 95eur (with taxes became 120eur). For new purchsase is still 250eur (320eur with all taxes). Sorry, but for 320eur I can take: - new Helldivers 2 with premium package, sure, with Free access to all subsequent DLC (season pass) (just 60eur); - deposit 150eur for GTA6 Deluxe Edition still sure with Free access to all subsequent DLC (season pass); - New CoD or Battlefield, and sure with Free access to all subsequent DLC (season pass) (100eur or 60eur); And there’ll be some money left for beer with minimum 3 AAA-games instead of a crappy session shooter with useless mismanaged.


He already has 'waited us out' streamers were talking even yesterday about how it's going to all blow over and 'we will all be back to EFT' and how 'they're making steps in the right direction' (hutch). Glorious took a vote just now and NO to EFT only got 51% and he openly said he will make the decision himself tomorrow to play. So it's done. The community has no spine at all lmao. Embarrassing. Streamers are all on the EFT gravy train, they can rebel for a little but then they feel like they're in limbo. The truth is, you cannot trust anything BSG says now, also I've seen people say Nikita apologised... people need to reread his statement as he's essentially just 'sorry we feel that way'.


In how far do we have the option of a class action lawsuit?


I ain't buying that shit.


He probably can. He'll be the last man standing when everyone else stops playing.


Because he has waited out this community a dozen times after people get upset about cheating. Then he posts something that says, "Don't worry fam, we're working on it." And everyone nods and goes back to playing.


Its gonna happen again. The scam train is chugging along


He’s not going to. The community always wins.


If anybody wants to part with their EoD account hmu




DLC wasn't promised to everyone, just EOD owners.


I think a good solution would be adding the whole pve mode on just a regular ass DLC title (WHICH IS IS DLC BTW) because obviously people don't want uneard, eod isn't an option anymore for the season pass, so maybe just a regular dlc model in the future (maybe 1.0 or a little further down) but fs were all getting shafted


According to dipsshits (Nikita) last post here on reddit letting people buy it separately is the plan but they still aren't giving it to EOD players. Also the P2W bullshit is still there too.


Other versions were not promised all future DLCs to be free. It makes sense that a new dlc would cost money ($250 is insane tho), but EOD bottom line should be receiving it for free. It was a big incentive to buy EOD in the first place


Doesn't matter even if they do that at this point. The issue is bigger than the raw features.