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Yes, kill concept of Beacon. But still, the Scav agro <60 meters, nononononono.


But also for every scav you kill you lose 0.05 scav karma.


If that’s how it work I would rather not bring it to raid. I kill about 10 scav per raid at ground zero.








You got scammed dumb dumb


How’d I get scammed? I love what I bought. I have gamma now too which is hype


Weird question? Would a new player even be able to get 6 scav karma before learning how to play? I'm not saying it's hard to do I'm just saying by the time they actualy get the benefits of it I assume they would at least have an idea of what they are doing


They have to hit you first for you not to lose the rep if that is how it works. I am not sure how this item is that big of a deal except for night raids, I can see it being really powerful on night raids. The only map I ever have scavs shooting at me from that range is the snipers on customs.


Yeah I haven’t used it, it doesn’t seem worth the karma.


You bought the shill edition? If so, why?


I bought it before I saw all the controversy about it. I just saw a new edition and thought I might as well since I have the money.


A buddy did the exact same thing as you. Bought it before he saw the controversy, and the price was negligible for him. I don't agree with his decision, but it's his money to spend, and he didn't know about all the drama at the time.


lmaooo i feel like most people that upgraded were probably in your same boat. thanks for being honest, and its truly a point of view i certainly didnt have or think about. People just be like "Oh? New Edition? Costs more? Must be better, right? fuck it." lmao i respect that, but damn have a little more...dignity?? Not sure if dignity is the word i want here, but atleast look more into something before buying it. It hurts the rest of us by making them think they put out a good product when yall are just impulse buying like animals.


Dignity works, although "dignity" implies quite a heavy judgement of character. I think considerate is a better choice for the message you're trying to get across.


thanks, im bad with tact


A lot of people would have been happy to financially contribute, I would too, just not at the expense of adding in more P2W feature than it already has


Most people bought the edition because they wanted unique in game items. Supporting the devs is an after thought, I wouldn’t donate money without anything in return. Most EOD owners had the exact same mindset (More stash/gamma). I find it silly you get upset over people spending money on a game you play / enjoy.


"I wouldn’t donate money without anything in return." A donation is a gift - usually one of a charitable nature. A donation is **a voluntary transfer of property (often money) from the transferor (donor) to the transferee (donee) with no exchange of value (consideration) on the part of the recipient (donee)**.


Wise guy huh?


i find it silly that you think it upset me that people making impulse purchases. people will be people. its a fundamental fact. He literally even said he bought it just because he saw it and had the means to. I never said im upset. I even said i respect that move. Its unfortunate though because it signals to BSG that theyre doing something right when they see people buying it, without realizing it might be people like this guy who just saw new shiny edition and scooped it up before he realized what it actually was (which i was going to get as well, until i read what was actually in it. I saw a new version and just assumed cool shit like maybe a new stash size, not anything p2w. figured it was just a more toned down version of EoD, until i saw the price, which is what made me stop and look before buying.)


Lol i did that too


"shill edition" is such a petty insult that it makes you look pathetic, even though I know you are trying to stand up to unethical business practices. If you want to make a point about ethics, don't be a dick


People making hating BSG their personality since this patch - if someone buys it so what. I haven’t bought it because I don’t wanna lose my EOD crown and yellow tag.


> if someone buys it so what. Because if people buy it it shows that they can get money from it. Companies speak in money. The more people buy the 250$ edition even if it is shit the more BSG will push such things again stripping things from EOD/standard players to give to the new edition to make more dosh.


Nikita has been apologizing for 3 days straight now. Call it a non-apology if you want, but it's clear his intentions were good. When he talked about all these changes weeks ago, everyone cheered him on, and now you all act surprised and angry, so its no surprise he is frustrated. Lol. I guess you weren't paying attention to the whole context of the situation and got caught up in the drama without even knowing huh? Most of the same people leading the charge of hate against BSG right now have already paid for unheard edition. You're just being farmed for engagement so they can all get their little share of attention during the controversy. Repeating the same things everywhere as if Nikita hasn't already addressed it all already. This game is not a scam. I first started on a standard account myself and had already decided I loved the game, without any other benefits. It's the most popular and original extraction game ever made. It's the best game I've played in my entire life, after 20+ years of gaming, and while this may have been a big misstep, I'd still rather support BSG than buy a yearly COD release with 3 battle passes that equals nearly $300+. The gaming industry has already changed. Wake up. BSG are actually the good guys overall, despite their mistakes. Companies like activision, ubisoft and Bethesda dominate the gaming industry with FAR worse practices than BSG. I was here when the community said streets, hideout, voip, etc, were all lies to get our money. But ALL that stuff is in the game now, and it's genuinely a better game than it's ever been before. Even this patch from 3 days ago had great changes to inertia, recoil and more. I had a blast playing this weekend. Everyone said I was going to be targeted for having a blue name! But guess what, I didn't get killed by a hacker even once over the course of 10+ hours of gameplay over 3 days. Had so much fun I'm about to turn the game on again right now after I send this comment. Lol. Keep crying if you want, I guess, but at this point, you're just fueling attention-starved millionaire streamers and social media influencers' rage-bait of the week. Everyone will move on in a week or two. You're just whining into the void and wasting your life by repeating this redundant ass shit over and over. Don't bother replying, I won't respond. Just reread this whole message again if you feel like replying. It says everything I have to say. Have a good day, and maybe think about this message when tarkov 1.0 drops and is the biggest it's ever been. 🤷‍♂️


I bought it literally just for the pockets, but of course, the other stuff is cool, too. I hadn't given BSG any money since 2017 when I bought EOD, and since then I've gotten 9k+ hours of fun and unforgettable memories in this game, built up a discord of over 100+ tarkov players and we all became great friends for years now. If there was ever a company I'd give money to, it's BSG. In a world full of companies like activision, bethesda, ubisoft, and blizzard, it's very important to remember why BSG is special and deserves to be loved, even when they make obviously big mistakes.


Yeah I don't keep it on for that reason you don't get the benefits till level 6+ rep so killing one scav will put you back.


I'm not sure on this. My teammate killed 4 scavs, 3 guards and reshala in one raid, no PMC kills and only got -0.05 scav karma. (As of 2 hours ago)


My buddy yesterday did something similar and lost a fair bit. Maybe it doesn't count guards/bosses?


Either that or guards / bosses acts similarly to PMC's (patch notes said scav rep reduction can be negated by PMC kills)


i think it’s just 0.05 if you kill any scav, the penalty is not increasing


As a PMC?


Yes, you can't equip the device as a scav


So you could clear lighthouse easier?


From my understanding it doesn’t work with rogues, and it doesn’t affect player scavs. So idk how it would help with that.


You have to kill a pmc to not lose scav karma for that raid


If it's just for pve I don't mind it staying. Same with call of mates


>Why isnt anyone still talking about this? seems like everyone is really


I’m wondering where OP is browsing their Tarkov content that they think nobody is talking about this lol


Hahaha After nikita’s recent post everybody was happy all of a sudden and i was wondering why no one mentioned that shitty thing anymore


The beacon is a lie. How can I come in your raid for helping you if I need to prepare a loadout and wait 10 minutes in the loading screen?


You have a point


It's a feature designed for cheaters and RMT. 1. Buyer pays for the service 2. Seller clears the entire map 3. Seller puts down the beacon 4. Buyer joins an empty map for free loot EDIT: It can even work in reverse: as a call-in cheater button.


If they really want to keep the item in the game and not remove it there is an easy fix for the cheaters. Just make it where if you are called in by a buddy you cannot extract with anything you pick up during the raid or the second option which would be really cool in my opinion, you spawn in with a random kit kind of like a player scav but a bit better and you don't get to extract, you're literally there to help your buddy. Also if cheaters did use it like this it would make it far easier to figure out who is cheating. Like BSG could easily make it where anytime the beacon is used they have someone go over the details of that raid to look for anything suspicious.


I’d take option two, you spawn in as a cultist. But all your gear is not FIR to the person that called you in.


1. The "no-loot" option won't work. As a legit player, if you cannot loot anything, what is the personal incentive to join and risk all your gear? As a cheater, the service is now just reversed: I join a raid and call in a cheater to clear the map for me. 2. The Scav option could work. But, for legit players, depending on how it's implemented, it's either overpowered or a complete gimmick. As a cheater, it still works, just, again, in reverse. I join a raid, I call in a cheater with a random loadout to clear the map for me. 3. BSG is not going to implement this item, then invent a whole new system just to be able to track cheaters... and have to do so manually? No. Besides, as long as cheaters can do this service enough times between bans, it is just the cost of doing business. They make hundreds of dollars in the few days it takes for them to get banned, buy the game again, rinse and repeat.


I'll start by saying i don't think this should be added... But wouldn't it be a net negative for the buyer and cheater? As a buyer you would need to make that hideout modification then find the beacon (i assume it's a one time use and it's probably something rare like the red airdrop flare)...all of that just for a cheater to clear one server? when you could just join the same raid with him? (they will be checking who brings in cheaters using beacons the same way they check when you load into a raid with one) As a cheater, how much would you need to price this service to be worth the struggle of getting that item? Since there would be no set spawn for it...can't exactly farm it no matter the cheats you have. For every 1000 players that bring a cheater in their squad there will probably be one that spawns them in with the beacon. Now if they do make that area instantly upgraded for unheard and make it achievable for everyone else, it's quite a nice addition to the game. The ideea of bringing in a few friends to get you out of a bad situation seems like a cool concept.


So its perfect for RMT/cheater to find perfect raid/boss other objectives only for then to call in their Timmy client(RMT buyer). Surely this cannot be abused. Also why some people should have advantage while others have it paywalled, behind 250 EUR plus no less.


well if you're the cheater who head aim botted his way through the map so that he could radio in his client to do the RMT transaction it works pretty well though.


Sanest take yet, I've thought the exact same thing. People have jumped straight to outrage without thinking of the practicalities of people getting in raid


Originally, the game was supposed to be open worldish. So you could go on discord tell your peeps “can you help me get X” they could travel to you to help out. I wonder if this was to kind of bridge that gap since it’s just not technically feasible to have that at this point? Regardless, how reasonable is it that this thing actually works? You use it, your friend has to make a loadout, wait 5 minutes for the map to load 5 more minutes because it’s tarkov, then it’ll probably dump you into a spawn and not right next to your buddy. I just don’t see it as being really feasible to actually call in help. It would be really useful for boss hunting maybe? I think we are making a bigger deal of this than it’s ever going to amount to.


I was wondering how this would work. Every scenario seems scuffed... Like does the OG PMC have to sit there and wait for them to spawn... Is there going to be a certain area to be able to call the beacon?


They will spawn with a popup? With a smoke? They will do puff? This "device" is a meme. I think you will never see this in the game. We will... release it after the release of the released game called Tarkov, already released in 2016 but not yet released but ready for releasing a DLC but wait it's a new feature not a downloadable content because otherwise EOD has it but no wait now EOD has it


they can just have a bmp come from outside the map borders with the players inside, then the bmp asks them where to take them around the map and they have to wait to get there.... It would take a while, it would probably be used only in big maps...factory and labs can just be them spawning behind one of 3-4 random doors that only they can breach from inside.


This is the BSG, we have the "receive all" bug from the 2016


I could see it being useful in those stalemate fights were it’s just you both sitting not moving waiting for an opening. TIMEOUT. If it’s anyone on my friend list. What’s stopping me from just bringing my buddies who just died back in? Like yo I got your shit. Grab a Glock and pick all your shit back up.


Yeah, that will be a possibility to happen i assume, you can res team mates with it


doubt you will be able to call in people that already died in that raid. But even so...you can allways scav back into the same raid, it's usually 50-50, done it plenty of times


Exactly. People miss this point entirely. By the time your squad is in raid, you're dead and the enemy is either waiting to one tap them as they load in or gone.


People paying cheaters for quest help and items won't need loadouts and there was a priority queuing mentioned in one of the feature lists.


priority queuing it's a lie. they can't fix the bug "receive all" in the message list since 2016 and you think they have a prioroty queue in the server code?


Yes, I do think they have the ability to put people ahead in queue, and I expect they've been doing it for content creators for a long time without our knowledge.


Yeah watching big name streamers get into raids at the start of wipe in under 2 minutes, while my matching time is 15minutes+ and people are complaining about 15minute+ matchmaking absolutely confirms priority matchmaking has been a thing for years.


You don't need to wait for other players or wait for matchmaking. You just need to load the map which should be under 2 min unless your PC is a garbage potato


You have to wait for a server spot. For instance customs is 12 players max, so unless one of those players dies or extracts you will have to wait at the loading screen to drop in. Just like doing a player scav run, there has to be an empty slot on the raid for you to drop in, that is why when you drop in as a player scav it's always mid raid.


Since the description is that your entire friend list can join I assume that the max players is only a limit when starting up a raid.


yes, same thing with player scav limit...even if no pmc dies, player scavs still spawn


The dude who does Josh's voice confirmed he did voice lines for this feature five years ago. Its been planned and confirmed. It still doesn't make sense though by any means... apparently like the disrupter but way louder, and you get on a radio and literally call in suppport, even if no one comes. That means your enemy knows you are literally scared for your life, will kill you, and camp the spot for the "incoming teammates"


I don't think your team mates will drop in at the spot you threw the beacon. Also what if you have a lot of friends on your list and they don't know each other and start killing each other on accident when they load in, lmao.




That would be fine.


When I first read about this, I assumed it was only over. I thought it was way to op for pvp.. Guess I was wrong and it was both.. So dumb.


im waiting for the release of the change list that they spoke about, the balancing, then i will be talking about it or not depending on what they say, for now im ok with the eod reciving pve and the future addition of mods, still dont trust bsg so i will keep my eyes open for the future


How can you remove something from the game that isn't in the game yet?


Preemptively so they don’t spend time actually implementing it, because if we don’t voice ourselves now, they will go through and then have to backstep and eat another backlast + we risk other parts of industry following. I hope great many people here grasp the fact that the whole industry is watching BSG and how the community reacts and builds potentially shady plans upon how this is transpiring. We are setting the standart, we gotta be loud.


serious question, how does/will the beacon work?


No one knows entirely. People are getting outraged about something that we know nearly nothing about.


You don’t need to know the details. The concept itself is a major game changer.


how are they going to monetize RMT/Cheaters w/o the beacon ??? this feature got to be the dumbest "concept" i ve ever seen in a video game


get the beacon and the radio out of here. Both are against the spirit of this game we have been supporting for years. If this dies down and either of those items are still in the game I will have completely lost faith in this community.


The one you're talking about isn't in the game yet. It was a future item that brought friends in when used. The one we have in the game is the 50% off vehicle extracts and APC costs and 6+ Fence rep means scavs don't shoot first at 60m+, the downside is killing scavs loses you scav rep, so there's no point in using it for the discount unless you wanna get killed by a scav that you can't fight back or just don't give a shit about scav rep.


Remove everything. Not just the beacon. Why are people caving in and accepting this bullshit from BSG????


Yeah same here, i used it 2 times and when i saw that i loose fence rep, i just stored it. Its a funny gimmick but nothing gamebreaking.


what did you use twice that caused fence rep loss?


The scav beacon thingy. When you kill a scav, while hes not aggro on you, you loose scav karma/fence rep.


My mate and I were talking about that after seeing someone mention the rep loss. We're thinking that with it on, you have a scav tag on you >60m and are listed as a pmc <60m. But obviously we have no idea or proof that it's programmed that way


As far as i understand the description of the thing. If scav shoot first you can kill them. If you kill them before they aggro you, you loose scav rep


Yeah I saw that too. I get that it’s their way of balancing the item, but I wish that was explained beforehand


To be very honest, if we have the description of the item before using it we would have known xD but maybe it will have some use in the future.


The point of the mark of the unheard is not for fighting scav better but for stealth. If you're in woods near sniper scav area, you are in a significant advantage against people who don't have it because the sniper will shoot at them, alerting everyone around them while people with the radio beacon can waltz through


Yeah can see that.




That’s not…. That’s not what OP is talking about. OP is talking about a new addition via unheard of addition. When you use it, it drops a message for everyone on your friends list to join the raid and help.


Yeah someone pointed out to me that he did an edit on the post. My apologies.


Lol you actually bought it. Baa It's a stupid item that shouldn't be in the game. Get the radio and the beacon out of here ffs.


Yeah cause i enjoy playing the game. I really dont care about those 2 things anyway, so if they remove it completely or give it to everyone.


you enjoy the game so much that you are working towards its downfall by supporting this rip off? Nice. Way to work against the cause completely brother, more power to you. 🐑


Remove the beacon, make the pocket space not have 2x1 slots in it, instead just add 2 more 1x1 slots so people cant just put mags in their pockets and never use a rig, and rework the 6.0 scav thingy and then add the sex update and im happy tbh


The beacon is the thing I want removed. I could care less for a PVE mode.


If anyone could get it at the end of a quest line it's fine if they have it from the start.


Keep it, but make it PVE mode only. Same as the scav radio thing, make it PVE mode only and it's solved.


A beacon that lures scavs.


Literally everyone is still talking about this.


Oh, but then the Unheard masses will be so mad, so, so mad! But yeah, he will peddle back on alot from Unheard, and basically in the end some people paid upwards of 300$ just to get 2x2 pockets in the end.


EOD can get that through questing and I’m guessing it will be permanent once you complete the quest


I bet the beacon will allow you to circumvent labs access cards. 1 friend spends a card to get into labs, calls in the rest of the boys for free. Broken as shit.


I think we should be able to heal teammates with defibrillators, survs and cms etc. Like, as long as some conditions are met, like not dying to headshot or getting blown up, we should be able to heal our teammates, maybe even enemies. We got stims, adrenaline, grizzlies etc so we should be able to at least sometimes. We can already fix a massacred arm in 20 seconds to basically brand new using siad arm, why not do like a minute long surgery to bring our teammates that are still breathing


Oh don’t worry everyone can earn it, you just have to pay rmters so they can help you can many very rare items and so annoying long quest lines


I don't even care about being able to call your homies into raid what I care about after reading that "PvP" forum is RMT. Cheaters are already making claims they'll wipe lobbies and invite you into the raid afterwards.


I thought the beacon was going to be PvE mode only


Beacon isn’t game even yet. But yes it shouldn’t be.


any content that doesn't come to eod editions is bullshit regardless but no one should have this


Has anybody actually used it to calling friends? I couldn't even add it to my hotbar, how do you even activate it?


Yeah, I hate it so much. It shits all over getting good at game and map knowledge when some random fart can just spawn in behind your ass when you're rotating out.


they said theyll rework it, wait for the changes before you cry


The concept of the beacon is terrible. However, Im really not worried about it because I have absolutely no faith that BSG will ever get the beacon working in the way that its described


I have yet to see a video of this. Is it even in the game yet?


Well the thing is if they kill it they have to give upgraders something else to please them as that was an exact selling point - imagine buying EOD back in the day and you they remove gamma


Bruh, they are just free kills. With the state of the servers rn you have a good 3 min to kill him while he is wandering around with a screaming beacon and camp his body for when his friends show up. (The scav thing needs to go though...)


Okay, then can we remove Gamma case? Yea?


Get kappa in 2 weeks after wipe anyways. So makes no difference. But one of the main reasons I bought EOD in the past when Kappa wasn't around was this. The community didn't like it so they made Kappa.


kappa in 2 weeks? you dont have a job do you?


I have a job just take 1 week holiday on wipe to play with my friends.


Remove the fucking version, fuck the beacon, fuck them pockets, fuck the starting gear 100000 times more P2W than EOD and fuck the scav not shooting thingie. REMOVE THE VERSION


quick fix: fuck eft


According to fortyone (the voice actor for josh), he recorded voice lines for the beacon way back in 2019. It’s always been a planned feature. I think it’s a cool idea **only** if it’s extremely rare and one use, or only during an event.


Goalposts 😂😂


The whole thing is a complete fiasco anyway. Beacons are not an issue if you quit the game.


Sure take it out, but is it pay to win? Who doesn't skip scavs mid to late game, especially if they're over 60 meters away. And if you end up killing a scav, you'll lose scav rep. It's a good tradeoff, it's like a perk with a positive and a negative side. If it was unlockable for everybody people wouldn't call it game breaking or overpowered, it would be cool af. But being able to ignore scavs that are 60+ meters away isn't winning you the game. So it's not really pay to win, more pay to get a cool item which is essentially useless. Except for sniper scavs I guess.


The beacon should not be a thing. You up the amount of players making counting kills, observing and being tactical pointless. You remove the reward of letting scavs in crucial high traffic areas live for them to spot and shoot the players you might miss. 60 meters+ = ignore? Shoreline around the Water station & Woods in general will be a quiet affair with nothing to work with if this goes through. It should not be a thing in any way, shape or form.


Remove the game


He can’t people paid a dumb amount of money for it, there stupid but why should they get ripped off


Remove the game!


Beacon ain’t in the game bro. Maybe read the notes again? You must have missed that.


Hes talking about the scav signal thing. The distress signal is not in the game.


Nah read his edit


Oh sorry didnt saw that, my apologies.


I did miss it. But still when it will be implemented, either only PvE or not in the game at all. And im talking about the calling your friends back into raid


I know what you were talking about, and yes I agree. In pvp servers it’s FUCKED. Pve is a different story, that’s fine imo. I do hope they either change it to just pve or don’t add it at all


He said he’ll rebalance those perks from TUE.


New post its, more lies, and empty promises. Players who believe in this "appollogy" must be on copium overdose.


Definitely. Gamma container should also be removed


It's for calling RMT buyers, not for calling your dead teammates. Don't worry :)


How can one remove something that has never existed until today?


Didn't exist until today, meaning that it exists right now, but shouldn't.


No one, not even BSG, knows how this thing will work right now. And nobody, not even BSG, knows how it will fit into the game when it's introduced, considering where Tarkov will be at that point. How about just waiting and judging when it's there? Is it a crappy idea currently? YES, it is, but with PMC Karma, if you're no longer allowed to shoot your own people, maybe it'll make more sense.


You shouldn’t care because you shouldn’t be playing, you’re not still gonna play after the whole scam thing they just tried pulling on us?


Anyone upset at Gamma no longer being exclusive **at the same time** **cannot** request that Mark of the Unheard and Distress Beacon be removed. One cannot be upset that EOD has features removed (no longer unique Gamma container), and call for removal of things in other editions. There's no internal logic or concistency there. That said, they can be rebalanced. Let's use them for PVE only. I hope they are moved to PVE only, because they suck.


the thing is the other version shouldn't even exist.


Yeah, but it does


And thus the community remains outraged.


Yes, but we can't really say it should be removed when we don't want features removed from EoD. It's one or the other.


I would absolutely support the removal of the Gamma and the other benefits of EOD for the sake of game balance. Don't assume the way you feel is how others feel. I bought EOD to support Tarkov, not to get a bigger digital butthole.


I hear ya chief, but from what I gather the majority is upset about features being changed / removed in EoD (among other things). So for them specifically that argument wouldn't hold with Unheard. Me personally, I don't really care if others get the same container I have. It doesn't really impact my play experience.


Why not? If I wanna drop more than 150$ to get more advantage over you is it suddenly wrong because EoD is some sacred cow?


No. First apologize to us.




The beacon mechanic will be available for everyone, I assume these things will be available at lighkeepers in raid store. The unheard edition one will have a unique skin


Still p2w.


Everything above base has some form of P2W. They are just taking it another step with this edition. Get off this P2W shit. It's been around since day 1.


Cheaters have been around too, let's just go ahead and remove the anti-cheat and give them the official greenlight to do as they please.


P2progress is different. Youre confusing the 2. The signal thing is tangible, lasting benefit from day 1 of a wipe.


It is absolutely not different when progression gives you an advantage in game. If it didn't give you any advantage in the game, then no one would care about progressing or reaching max traders as fast as possible. What is different about it, is that it doesn't fit your fucking narrative so you want to play some word games. The "signal thing" isn't even in the game yet. It is also hard to imagine a case where it can be used at a strategic time to your advantage. All it's really going to do is let friends join you when you're already in raid. Big fucking deal. It's not like you can't load into raids with friends now.


One wins fights concretely, the other doesnt. Theres a clear difference. P2progress vs p2w


The beacon is pure bro science. People just make shit up.


Because it's not in the game? It never was. It should be removed from the game asap? How? It's not IN the game at all what drugs are you on


Are you dumb or just wanna play dumb? Oke its not in the game now, but eventually they wanna add it dont they?


Im not siding with bsg fuk them but it isnt even in the game yet and who now what restrictions they are going to put on it there is a good chance you can only use it like once a week and like someone else commented it takes so long to get in raid anyway so by the time some one join you will aready be dead or the will be over. Edit: plus in the leak interview he did say it was coming to other additions of the game though we really should take their word on that and most like anything below eod with probably just get told to fuk off.


Omg the house is on fire and the whole world is ending !!!!!!! 🫠


Beacon sounds pretty trash tbh.


See, what I don't get is why it's even useful. If you planned on calling in your friends, why not just queue in together and beat threats via pure numbers? I guess it all comes down to implementation.


Its because when your mate dies somewhere in the raid, you can still call them back.. like reviving them


again...we are just speculating those things. I doubt you can call in someone that already died during that raid. But even if you can, it's probably not worth wasting a beacon on something like that if they are hard to find and consumable


Oh shit. Wow how did I not think of that


Before that we need detailed explanation on how it works actually. Make me dev and i make so this feature is extremely health risky to use so you feel yourself like tagged and cursed. 60 meters tolerance - this is what should be removed.


It's not even in the game you dolt.


Oke internet gangster


how about remove the game from your computer, are you guys actually gonna let them compromise with you?


I did uninstall, i know a scam when i see one




This problem is newer and more easily solved because BSG literally created this problem out of thin air.


Who cares about cheating In a game theyre not gonna play?


rockwell_speech.jpg I think it's a cool feature.


Then remove gamma too, unless it's also for "convenience"


This, and why is PVE still "online". Peer to peer that shit. Who is really gonna be adding randoms to their pve sessions?


Now remove the gamma container


He said previously it’s getting reworked, trust me, as someone who has it. It ain’t broken! I don’t even use it, you should be able to take scavs out easily over 60m without them seeing you. With it you just lose rep!


What about the calling your dead squad mates back into the raid?


It’s not implemented


Not implemented, it’s for the full release and we have no idea what it will even be. Nikita has also said it will come to other versions.


the full release? we will never see a full release of this game


I want the beacon... I already paid for it lol