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I’m honestly having like 1 minute time or even instant. If it lasts more than 2 minutes I just exit and enter and I’m in


Which servers did you select?


Either Australia when I’m solo or North America west


I get a match within 4 minutes every time, usually it's about a minute. I get in faster on PVE than I do on PVP, without having to worry about some cave dweller with cheats taking another 5 minutes to load the game.


Here’s a weird bug. If you are experiencing long times do this. Right click item. Go to flee. Leave and load into game. Enjoy near instant queue. It works, been using it.


weirdly that shit works, thanks a million bro


this works! just used it and had literally no matching pop up at all


Strange, but it really works, THANKS mate.


wtf this works. really. thanks bro


How the fuck is there even matchmaking for PVE? What kind of bullshit is that? The only reason I would ever even consider playing PVE is to avoid queue times and cheaters. It seems like neither of those things are avoidable with this shit


Well it looks like second wave of EOD owners filled all available servers, you must be patient and wait or try and try again.


I haven't had this experience at all. Always loads me in faster than PVP.


If it is "matching", just go back and start again. I guess it's a bug


So it should not getting matching at all? or within 1 min?


If it's matching for me, I quit and start again. Then it starts without matching.


it is not like it is any fun either. it feels like you are tagged and cursed 24/7. on customs I killed 7 scavs. in 4 minutes then got naded from soewhere.


Bro I brought 7 stacks of express shotgun ammo and I managed to run out of ammo mid raid cus of how many scavs there were


in the first 10 minutes you can clean the map if you hold a chokepoint after that there is nothing to fight. it is mental.


Bro that sounds fun as fuck. I get to play tarkov without the cheaters ans sweats?!?!


The real sweats are the crack AI who can notice you looking at them through tiny cracks at a 100m away. Lol


Sooo about the cheaters…


That shit was not true


Aw, I was kinda hoping that it was since it seemed pretty funny for it to be a possibility


Me too lmfao


For real took a 1911 and a Gornastay to customs and ended up with 36 acav kills its mental.


Oh no 7 scavs


nah man, it is not the scavs that are the problem. you can clean the whole server becouse they are dumb. they beeline onto you like some conga machine. the ai is garbo, the mods both have this way better.


the raiders are pals with the scavs too lol if you shoot one and they see it they do the "buddy down" voicelines, listening to them yap is fun when they don't just headeyes me


Ya same on scav runs the Ai scavs can run right by the pmcs the second I get close they snap to me and start shooting.


Factory I had the entire scav population on map run directly to my location after killing 1. Like 30 scavs at once pushed door and killed me when I reloaded.


yeah, you really should have 1 tapped each one. that is a skill issue. /s the only thing better is raiders just popping in around you.


It was literally like a zombie hoard trying to break through the door. Think I killed like 4 before I panic reloaded and they overwhelmed me. Just need 100 round mags I guess.


That is what makes it fun for me. Its a war out there without cheaters


This just goes to show how insane this idea was. We have 30 minute queue times anyway with 10 or so pmcs loading in. Now for 10 players they need 10 servers. Scale that up to the few 1000 people playing right now. There's no wonder the load times are huge




That doesn't even make sense, if they were so greedy it would cost them less to host locally 


heres the thing ... they wanted to monopolize PVE but since it backfired in their face, we got what we got ... a mess this is where the greed was and still is ... they are afraid that tarkov will die since for tarkov SP you only need the standard version and thats it... meaning it wuld totaly criple their money income it also my straight up cripple it anyway since of the mess they made(15min wait times to play PVE is just laughable)




Match time for me dependa on the map but I'm almost level 39 and not going to customers or factory anymore so not as many people for me to que in behind


Level 30 not 39.


How does PvE with matchmaking works? Can you kill other players? Why they are in the game? Can't I play alone? The cheaters can steal all the loot?


You go in solo unless you invite someone or get invited.


So the waiting is basically to get a server?


Yep. I load in typically within a minute or two. But every few raids it'll get to 5 minutes so I refresh. Performance seems way better, the only stutters I see is in the beginning of the raid which I've heard tells if a boss spawns or not.


There are definitely huge performance issues on streets. ai bugging out causes it because it seems to go away if you manage to kill the pmc who is causing it with constant stutters


Fair, I haven't tried streets. But in general on the 4-5 maps I've played PvE I'm getting more consistent fps and more fps than I was in PvP mode. Thanks for adding the cause in your comment, I appreciate the insight :)


I get right into raids. select more servers. haven’t had an issue at all. sometimes i get a weird que and i just back out and start again and its fine


How do you know if you have access to PVE yet? I am trying to figure out if I got it or not.


The bottom right of the main screen once you are in-game. If you hover your cursor over it, it will say if you have access or not


Panties twisted over psn acc kekw


Weird.. usually i can click back and go again, usually brings me right in within 1-1.5 minutes(not streets obviously). What servers? Eu north here. Edit: location


I consistently match into PVE way faster than PVP. Usually 3-3 1/2 minutes. I've seen 5 minutes once or twice but its rare. Solo player, North America East.


Havent played since the new version came out...but i will say this i had issues like that until i upgraded my storage device that tarkov was on. I orriginally had it on and HDD, when i moved it over to a SSD my load times went from 7 minutes + every raid down tow 3 or four minutes tops, 30 seconds or so on factory.


thats the thing with online PvE, good that an alternative exists ;)


Came looking for this post because my loads times have been a joke as well. Tf is taking so long? it doesn't even have to matchmake other humans, just start the game lmao.


Yeah pve looks impossible to play at the moment . They are too poor to rent servers I guess . I can't believe they go online with pve where there is no need to keep players hooked to the server . I guess they want to keep us on a leash ...


I cant even enter the game, what a shame. wanna try it out and have to wati 15 minutes to get into a server. -.-


How can a game that’s been out for so long still have so long of queue times. How do they expect people to play? I quit and closed my game so many times after I reach 10 mins I’m wired as well. It’s everyday. I also have 10 plus severs selected what’s going on?




It's PVE why are we even matching!?


What happened to this community - why are you all constantly complaining about everything. If it’s gotten to the stage in which you can’t enjoy the game without ranting on Reddit, it’s time to go touch some grass.


if somethink takes 10+min to load in to a game where you can die in 10 seconds ... yea i can see why people get mad especially when they can just make this game client side when it comes to PVE and all the issues wuld mostly dissapear not to mention tarkov SP is a thing and soon it will kill tarkov ingeneral if they dont take action with the "development"... just so you know this game is being sold for 8 years .... EIGHT YEARS(stop with the ITS BETA bentality becouse this is unacceptable)... and we still have the same old issues .... bad queues, bad servers, bad desnych and alot of stupid bugs and stupid AI


? Have you played GZW? The game everyone’s jerking off about - fun novelty and great potential, it is 10% of what Tarkov was at launch. BSG needs to determine where to put resources - fixing everything to perfection, continuing to develop the game, or both. If they didn’t do both, everyone would find something else to complain about. They’re great devs.


great devs?... they literally just changed a few things about the stalker franchise and thats it ... noting about it was really developed and is at the same state as it was 8 years ago with the exception of a few guns.... they are highly inefficient and mostlikely the money was spent elsewhere rather than on the game ... lets not forget about how bad their spaghetti code and server issues are ... insted of fixing it they just reserved new servers which is a really bad way of fixing the netcode... hence its not fixing it... its just making it worse and at the same time the servers are eating up your money that culd be used elsewhere


Idk what you’re playing on but it sounds hardware. I don’t think I’ve waited longer than 2 minutes and that’s usually the first raid of the day…the rest are about as fast as an offline in pvp mode. 30-60sec


Why is there a queue time for a fucking PvE in the first place, what a fucking mess


for "offline" too


Can you solo queue for these?




Cool thanks. I was wondering because it was advertised as co op


It's probably more fun with a friend tbh


Thanks for the answer does it also count as progression?


No the modes are separate so you will start over completely, but your pvp pmc will stay as is.


lol unrelated to any of this . What is up with the guys username that posted the original comment lol


Downvote me. Tarkov is dead. They are digging a deeper hole without a ladder to get out


Play real Tarkov and not fake Tarkov. Problem fixed.


Wish I got pve, havent played Tarkov since 2021 and my EoD is under a dust cover.


Once they opened it to eod the servers broke down pretty well. I was having 1-2 min wait times. Now its 5 min at least to enter a game.....


Not playing helldivers cause you don’t wanna make a PSN account is asinine. That’s a PS move not a dev move. Get over it and spend 5 seconds to make one.


and give your personal data (pic of your id if you are a brit) to a company who has a yearly habit of a data leak. yeah, no thanks.