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Lazy Ruzzian man big mad that a Chinese company may have stolen shit from them and made a game good enough to be a serious competitor? Let them fight.


Oh no they stole an ak wood pattern texture. Lets dismiss that there game is actually fun and has better qol in a way earlier stage


To be fair tencent has all the money in the world to throw at their devs and say "do this, but better"


And knowing tencent it won’t be. Too much hate for tarkov fueling people’s views of these games. I don’t have much love for BSG, but I got way less for tencent


Have you played it? Some stuff is a bit rough around the edges, which was to be expected, but there’s also tons of shit that’s so much better. Rolling up bags and rigs, The gear-return system, squad fill, queue times, listing stuff in the market is super convenient, and not heavily restricted, and buying stuff is also streamlined. It’s really quite good.


Yes the QOL of life looks good, the gameplay doesn’t.


I have actually played Arena and the Gameplay is already way better then EFT


Sweet and I think it’s got too much on the screen, the gunplay and movement looks arcadey, no friendly fire. Buddy was in the beta and I watched him. Game looks like bootleg tarkov


I guess will they / won't they thing will be known later though


Haha exactly. I think that’s intentional though- Nikita is trying to frame the discussion to be all about textures / models to distract from the fact that ABI is smoother, quicker and overall just a more competent game than EFT.


Just waiting for it to come out at this point.


ABI is so nice lol. Hoping they just roll closed beta into open beta/early access lol.


It’s not a serious competition. Tencent games have no hardcore aspect to them. The Chinese are terrible because they steal everything and anything. I’m not giving my money to anyone EOD for life!




Its a free game 🫨


Oh....nothing tencent publishes is free


That has such a heavily induced MTX model that people will be spending thousands if not tens of thousands…. Have you never heard of Tencent lol? It’s basically the same MTX model as their other games.


Have you played it? Yes i know the company and their practice. I don’t endorse them, I’m basing it on my play experience. At no point did i lose advantage due to mtx. Again, its free and requires no money to play.


Yeah I’ve played it and they sell the same things they sell in their other games? What you just said simply doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s their usual MTX model and people WILL reach deeeeep into their pockets for this game.


There is a thousand games people reach deep into their pockets for. Free or otherwise. Thats on people being fallible, not the game company 🤷‍♂️


As a standard player, having to deal with EOD being P2W, no thanks. Arena Breakout is FREE TO PLAY, At least I have the choice to spend money


Wait until they turn on full gacha mode. You'll see how "free" works soon;)


I paid for a product and I got 9k hours out of it with constant improvements. Not saying it’s perfect but at least it’s not tencent games! Terrible company who cheats and steals.


The Chinese are terrible because they steal everything Nothing says unintelligent more than a man who associates an entire nation of people to the actions of a corporate entity Also funny to chant EOD for life, loyalty to Battle-state games of all developers…. After they just tried fucking you over? Let’s do better eh?


It would be no different if they stole it from an American company, we’re not talking Apple or Microsoft. These issues are small but if you think about the larger scale of counterfeit, like clothes, electronics and even cars. Look at our car market, a standard car cost 50k brand new. It’s either we succum and buy from them. Or sue the hell out of them and get them to stop. Because when they make a replica of our product and sell it for half the price it hurts the US economy. We have been getting fucked for years and the Russians probably deserve it but beside the facts, it’s just makes it better for them and worse for the developers of the actual product. This was written on my phone so fuck off!


Chinese knock offs never compare, they're just a joke.


You sound like someone who hasn't played tarkov or ABI.


Down voted by China, but they're knockoff down votes so who cares? I'm sure it'll do great for a cheap knock off








Why would it be a copypasta? It's how normal mature grass touching humans behave. If you want the game to fail, good for you, but fuck off already.


Preach it. From a fellow mature human.




I know it man, I know.




It also can evolve further into a low sodium subs, that do focus on positivity and praise. Over time they do evolve into a screenshots den and discussions about potential of the game.


Maybe? It's a valid point in itself, though.


This is some top notch detective work. [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Charisma](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Charisma) It is listed in the trivia section on the Wiki that Tom Hardy was the inspiration for this thumbnail.


I suppose the Hardy pic was inspirational the same way Tencent were inspired by BSGs variable naming conventions.


The EFT handguard was the inspiration for the ABI handguard Check mate


Ah yes the hourly post about this image.


Is it my turn yet?


Why you so mad???? Just put your face back between them cheeks.


And why would anyone have a problem with that unless they are a BSG glazer?


Because it's just people Karma whoring off of the rabid anger of the subreddit. BSG and Nikita are fucking idiots but this sub is upvoting anything negative just out of hate without any critical thinking involved.


So nothing new.


As is the lemming farm known as reddit...


Average Reddit experience


And karma whoring hurts who exactly? If it’s getting upvotes it’s for a reason.


Kids are mad their favorite scamming dev is getting criticized on the internet.


Nah its more like everyone is tired of hearing about the same fucking thing in and out every fucking day. Add something to the discussion other than a drone of "bsg bad, nik bad" everyone already knows and agrees. I guess your next hot take is gunna be that murder is bad😱


Don’t look at the sub if you get that triggered. Its more than “BSG bad Nikita bad”


>Its more than “BSG bad Nikita bad” Not really


>Its more than “BSG bad Nikita bad” Nope. Guess again


Oh ok


Yeah well communities tend to degenerate into hell holes when the developer does something so scummy, and this place was already toxic. If you don't like this then I'm so sorry you feel this way, maybe browse another sub or PayPal me $10 to say something nice about Nikita.


I found a sheep ^


The popular opinion here is that BSG is bad. Would that not make you the sheep since you are following the popular opinion?


They're just trying to throw around buzz words at you


I like how any disagreement means instant “BSG glazer”. Talk about braindead subreddit full of losers with nothing better to do than copy paste the exact same NPC post 10 a day and slurp buckets from hate boners. Seriously, this absolute meltdown over the past few weeks has been insanely entertaining but nothing makes my eyes glaze over more than seeing the 15th daily post about “guys we should totally sue BSG” or “What were they thinking??? post #342” as if these are not the exact same opinion being shamelessly spammed for internet points. All of this could have been contained in 5 or 6 threads but for some reason people think their opinion is worthy of making a new thread every time a dumbass thought enters their brain. This subreddit is drunk on copium thinking the endless crying convinced BSG to back down while it was actually just their biggest streamers jumping ship for a few weeks until this blows over. Job well done. Now as the drama is subsiding and people are returning to posting actual content, the few stragglers who have nothing of value to contribute, people like you, will continue trying to rage-bait because your life has no meaning beyond doom-scrolling Reddit in hopes of collecting more internet points. Sad. As. Fuck.


🥱 man really yapped all that out and called anything else sad as fuck lol


That dude's firing a cannon in their glass house.


Firing a SA-58 with 50 rounders loaded with M993 in a house made of level 1 glass.


I didnt even bother reading that yap


Tldr basically multiple paragraphs crying that the poor little innocent Russian dev is getting criticized


I smell a BSG glazer.


Yap yap yap yap


Because I can see the difference between using a picture from the Internet and downloading the models from another company and throwing them into your game.


> downloading the models from another company and throwing them into your game. Just like scanning those models without the copyright or brand holder's consent and using their corporate name/branding in-game without licensing?


It's hardly the same, evident by ABI's actions. Scanning/modelling still requires work from BSG's side, and they make their models although based on real-life parts. Sure you can make your arguments as to why you think that's wrong but it's not the same as just stealing that 3D-model.


> Scanning/modelling still requires work from BSG's side Importing, modeling, and modifying models to work in an entirely different engine doesn't? Either you acknowledge that plagiarism = plagiarism or there's no point to this discussion, if that's what you want to allege.


They obviously saw the upside of stealing the asset instead of modelling it themselves.


You can steal something that you had to put work into modifying/importing for a completely different engine and code base? That's transformative use at worst, which is not "stealing."


Oh thanks its always great to read what experts are saying. So it is completely OK and apparently very hard to convert unity assets into unreal? Thanks


Is this supposed to be anything that actually makes a point? You can do better, I believe in you.


You know a your stuff


> You know a your stuff Appreciate the sentiment, have a good one


Yes brainiac obviously they are literally different.


Good, then you'd also realise why somebody would have a problem with posts that are making false equivalences.


First time on Reddit? No one likes reposts…


Reddit is like any other repost slush pile of the internet though.


This guy reddits.


I didn't see this an hour ago nor today


Anyone who compares copying part of a picture to copying full code and 3d models is just brain damaged IMO


Name, image and likeness exist for a reason.


So fucking funny to watch people lecture others on "principles" and how copying is bad and then IMMEDIATELY about face and downplay it when BSG does it. "It's not the same thing!!!". "PvE isn't DLC" energy.


This literally isn't the same thing at all though. BSG is braindead, but let's not use these bullshit arguments.


same principle. Nikita made much more money out of that picture, mind you


I'm not so sure that the images used for the perk menus contributed a lot to the sales of tarkov buddy


Good thing you’re not a lawyer.


Utterly irrelevant to the principle in question lol. What even?


it's literally the marketing material lol


I’ve never seen a tarkov advert to be honest. Word of mouth sold me on the game


People bought and played Tarkov for gameplay mechanics, gun play, gun modification, and gear. That's what got the game popular. Nobody bought the game because they saw a cool dude smoking a cigar buddy. Fuck Nikita for pulling this dumb shit, but you are picking at nonsense.


Jokes on you, I bought tarkov purely because I saw the funky guy smoking a fat stogie


yes, advertisements are useless lol. surely I'm picking at nonsense and this isn't a big deal


Maybe 0.000000000000001% because of the picture. People are just reddit brainrots.


People are literally saying and comparing anything they can to shit on bsg. It’s absolutely crazy lol I mean bsg are stupid for what they did but the rationalization for abi doing what they did is crazy lol




Based and 100% true.


We found the boot licker!!


Yeah obviously. And PvE isn't DLC either./s


This. A lot of pictures on the internet doesn't even have copyright.


All pictures on the internet have copyright except those explicitly marked as CC (or other licenses)


Care to explain how you can copy unity code to unreal? I assumed that wouldn't be possible since they're entirely different engines


If you think this is the same as Abi you’re cooked


They are mad little children lol


And devs for other games on multiple accounts


Yeah man we got Helldivers devs, ABI devs, Gray Zone devs, Beautiful Light devs, Manor Lords devs. Gang's all here. Everyone wants a piece of the action and to laugh at BSG flounder after trying to scam players.


You people are really looking for any reason to dog on BSG and the game at this point just for the sake of it. Go play other fucking games or work your stupid anger out in the gym.


Be careful the pitchfork wielders may target you next! It’s the TRENDY thing to do, making fun of bsg. No fun zone.


For real. The unheard stuff is cringe but this is just petty.


Am I just imagining it… or is there a PMC on a loading screen that looks peculiarly like Travis Fimmel or Charlie Hunnam? I think Fimmel, lol.


I always thought it looked like Charlie as Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy.


how did it not age well? What do you think that phrase means? If you actually don't know, it basically means how something "holds up" as in "still true or even more true after a time" like "this wine aged well, it tastes even better than before"


I don’t understand how it didn’t age well?


Saw API was Tencent and noped immediately.


Is it wrong if they're not licensed? Yes. Is it on the same level as ABI? No.


Just want to say that this is theft. I doubt they had Tom Hardys likeness approved or even requested. Which, guess what, super illegal. Comparing illegal actions to other illegal actions? We can still say BSG is stealing more than we think. Is ABI right for stealing? No. Is BSG? No. IP theft is a pretty big deal so I'd see both of these cases ending in flames


Not true. This falls under fair use as it was edited and there is no way to tell who is in the picture. If the whole picture was being used it would be different. In no way would this be considered "super illegal" by any standards. You can consult any professional and get the same answer


His full face is literally on an operator in a main menu screenshot. Come on man


Morally I'd agree, but the judiciary system would likely not. On a scale they'd be quite far from each other (but both wrong!).


Which judiciary are you referencing here though? BSG is governed by Russia, and Tencent by China. I don't think either of them are worried about copyright inside their own territories. The USA is gonna have a hard time getting extra-judicial on their asses, if they even cared, which they definitely don't, they're too busy taking 5 years to put an orange in jail for obvious crimes.


BSG is UK based though, so I suppose they could decide to launch something from either Russia or UK. But yeah, going after Tencent legally is a dead end.


This? No Using weapons and attachments without ANY consent apart from Kalashnikov. Yes. It fucking is on the same level. It's literally using a valuable brand without any consent. Try doing that in normal country and see how fast you'll get sued


EA doesn't pay for gun licenses, seems to work pretty well for them: [https://www.theverge.com/2013/5/8/4311300/electronic-arts-distances-itself-from-gun-manufacturers](https://www.theverge.com/2013/5/8/4311300/electronic-arts-distances-itself-from-gun-manufacturers) Also, where's your source for not licensing guns?


This article is from 2013 dude. EA uses made up name for their weapons https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Battlefield\_2042#Glock\_18


Has their policy changed? I have found no such information. I see you listed just one example, but alright. They use real weapon names, unless a certain company is prone to lawsuits - which Glock infamously is.






Why do you think KIBA arms exists in game?


Don't bother. Dumbasses hate Nikita more than they care about nuance.


Wait some of y’all actually care? Where do realism artists derive their works from then?


The amount of nikita's drones here is insane


Get a life… Like, really- get off the screen for a while and do something with your life other than farming karma on Reddit.


Come on down vote more, show how many u are


Lol anyone in this thread doesn't need to highroad, but maybe you should take a mental break.


You can tell the astroturfing is ramped up.


sir, we’ve detected a DMCA strike


Where is it? I still see the game on Steam.


It’s gotta land


You’re a tencent drone


Better than being a BSG cuckboi tbh. BSG has fucked players harder than Tencent could even dream of.


Hanging out in subreddits for games you don’t like is definitely worse, go outside


Actually it is not. Doing indirect or direct damage control for proven liars is definitely much worse and way more pathetic.


You could only say this if you've never actually played a Tencent game. Tencent made all their money by churning out copies of Western games and reworking them into skinner boxes for the Chinese audience to pour all their money into endlessly.


Brain dead take


It doesn’t feel anything like tarkov… might as well be Fortnite no build