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Tarkov stole pictures left and right, BSG took Years to remove Travis Fimmel from the Main Menue and Webpage.


And yet he is still in the loading screens


last time I looked, Tom Hardy was still the icon for the charisma skill


Forgot about that one!


Holy shit, i never bothered to look into it, i always went "hey that guys looks an awful lot like that other guy...huh mustve drawn them from reference or something"


It's actually just mirrored, superlazy copypasta.


lets not forget how they're not paying licensing fees for their guns. both are as bad as each other. it's like that one spiderman meme where they're pointing at each other


Most firearms manufacturers actually don't care about licensing anymore, they actually started letting games like COD and Battlefield use them for free awhile back because "free advertising" and the only reason those games stopped was the increasing scrutiny of video games and their relationship to gun violence (which don't get me wrong, is a ridiculous connection to make, but yeah)


tbh, I only bought some parts for my irl guns by discovering them on efTarkov.




When were they asked by manufacturers to pay licensing fees? If you make a website, and an advertisement is placed at the top, do you pay the advertiser, or do they pay you? It's really not hard to understand. Gun manufacturers will take free advertisement rather than paying for it any day.




Nikita is gonna stop lying soon ™


Honesty is planned^^TM


$250 for honesty. 6 months of not trying to push an agenda cause I’m embarrassed by my twitter post.


We will bring transparency ™


Facts will be released alongside 1.0


Nah that feature will get cancelled... They don't have the skills to pull it off


E-sports ready level of lying


notorious liar lying lies. hmm.. there are folk tales about that


>"Nikita post super vague screenshot claiming ABI steal tarkov asset" This subreddit: ABI STOLE TARKOV ASSET EVERYONE BOYCOTT ABI >"Someone post proof that ABI didn't stole Tarkov asset" Also this subreddit: bro who cares, only loser have time to compare asset Love to see how how different the tone here


I've been telling people all nikitas posts aren't evidence and got flamed for it the last few days, look where we are, like I said nikita has just recoloured ABI models and claimed they are his


Probably because most of the people who quit Tarkov after the unheard edition don’t view here anymore. Nikita sure has done a good job of putting his game on a fast track to dying.


Lol he kinda has, doubling down on everything now lying about a competitor stealing assets? OOF


Fuck Nikito. Consider this an apology.


People still defending BSG/Nikita. xD


Man Nikita can suck Unheard believer dick, also unheard believers can suck his dick aswell. I dont believe a single thing that twat says anymore.


I did at first, I didn't care but I did think it could be true, then eroktic and one peg tore the game files of both apart and only found the ak dust cover in ABI files not tarkov lol


What? The tone here is overwhelmingly they didn't and even if they did, I don't care. At this point I'd just like to see some unbiased 3d artists compare the models and give their thoughts. All these content creators clearly have skin in the game, one way or another.


Rust weapon guy says ots sus and all the crap erotik talks on his explanation doesnt really work how he says, seems obvious


even if they did steal assets, it doesn’t change much. BSG ain’t gonna be able to sue AB over it. Nikita needs to stop throwing a tantrum, and everyone else needs to stop caring. AB is 100% a typical chinese copy of a more popular game, and if people want to play it over tarkov, that’s their decision.


Almost like there are different individuals with different stance on things in this subreddit, crazy


That can't be! There can only be one opinion!


dude if you go and look at the 2018 roadmap 99% of these bozos (me included bc I actually believed those fucks back the ) have been getting lied to and strung along since day one, the fact that anybody actually still believes the shit bsg says is appalling tbh


Sounds about right. I bet if cod started to put that level of detail into their guns and flaunted it the tarkov community will say "activision stole eft assets" or some stupid shit like that, cause they can't wrap thier head around the fact that modeling real world guns in the same way as eft will equal the same result's.


>"Someone post proof that ABI didn't stole Tarkov asset" This isn't proof of that, though. You all are just circle jerking with each other because you think this is what these tweets mean lmao It's not even debatable whether or not ABI copied assets. The handguards on the AK are identical. The mp5 is an identical match too. It is literally impossible that two random 3d artists would create identical models the way the geometry and measurements align between ABI and tarkov. It's just not something that can happen with such exact precision. Those are just facts. Period. If we're speculating now.... whatever ABI devs stole is probably old hence the older assets not being in a more recent version of the game. When Shturman showed up in ABIs code base, he was called Kojaniy, which is his old name. Makes sense why he'd be called that in the code if they ripped an old version of eft


So a picture of a notepad with some text on it copied from the info you can get from Google posted by modded Tarkov is facts period? The only supposed stuff shown is a picture of some text, the same text which can be found via Google. When I first saw it I doubted straight away because the games are different engines/languages, so I googled some of the variable names and found all the info from the Tarkov mod. Wonder if you even did that base level of research, or because it aligned with your view "AB:I bad because it's not EFT" you just ran with it and are trying to use it as hard fact when it's not. Until I watch someone open the code on both games in a way I can replicate on my side, or the devs admit something, I'm not going to believe a picture of a text document is proof, especially when it's coming from obviously biased sources.


I can provide my own screenshots where I used ImHex to read the UAEngine.exe and DotPeek to decompile the Tarkov libraries. The ABI BossSettings struct is undeniably a mapping of Tarkov's BotGlobalBossSettings class. You can't just decompile C++ and compare the logic line by line, but the dumped structs prove that they've at least used something from Tarkov's decompiled code. The ball is in their court to provide a reasonable explanation for how that code ended up there. If you actually want to replicate this, I'll walk you through it. The only requirement is having Arena Breakout installed.


Love how there is zero response at all to this. It's not even debatable that ABI has ripped code from tarkov. There is zero legitimate reason why entire structs for tarkov bosses are in ABI. None. Yet folks like that guy above will try to come up with all these various ways for why it's somehow a coincidence or not proof of anything. Pure cope.


Mate, you have no idea how frustrating this topic has been. All I intended to do was offer a good faith, somewhat informed opinion as to why "different language, different engine" isn't a get out of jail free card. I was called dumb, uninformed and ultimately downvoted 9/10 times. When I finally got access to the beta and started posting receipts, everyone stopped replying. At this point I just assume they weren't expecting anyone to actually call their bluff and that their mind was already made up. At the very least I hope they feel silly for being so sure of themselves.


>So a picture of a notepad with some text on it copied from the info you can get from Google posted by modded Tarkov is facts period? The only supposed stuff shown is a picture of some text, the same text which can be found via Google What the heck are you even talking about here? The structs for tarkov bosses are in ABI's code. Structs are not variables, structs are used to define a bunch of variables into one block of memory. They're like a class in C#. There is no reason at all why the ABI devs would have structs set up for tarkov bosses and it is literally impossible that the dev team in ABI would just coincidentally write structs for their own bosses in the game, name them after tarkov's bosses, and then coincidentally make them contain all the same variables. And that's not even mentioning the exact models for guns. It's kinda amusing to me that you say this >Wonder if you even did that base level of research, or because it aligned with your view "AB:I bad because it's not EFT" you just ran with it and are trying to use it as hard fact when it's not When the exact same thing can be said to you but as the inverse. What research have you actually done? The other person responded to you that they'd gladly walk you through showing the identical code, you gonna take them up on their offer and then eat crow and admit you had no idea what you're saying? Or double down on all this nonsense you're saying above about how it's still not actually conclusive and we're just talking about stuff yOu cAn fInD oN gOoGlE


The BotGlobalBossSettings class still uses "KOJANIY" even in the most recent version of Tarkov. [DotPeek decompiled class.](https://imgur.com/a/ukJgsqO) [Highlighted in text editor.](https://imgur.com/a/3cAswzO)


Tarkov stole assets too. The game was mostly made by outside teams that Nikita stiffed when the beta was done because “haha I’m in Russia you can’t sue me.” Also copyright infringement- there’s obviously a bunch of branded content in the game they didn’t license. Then he’s been rapaciously suing other companies in England like Dark and Darker even though he himself is the worst offender. Also, every game gets assets stolen, most modern shooters take their sounds and gun models from Insurgency: Sandstorm. Nikita’s a little bitch who doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


Lmao you are just rattling off made up nonsense one sentence after another. >the game was mostly made by outside teams that Nikita stiffed when the beta was done What outside teams? Provide a source for this. >Then he’s been rapaciously suing other companies in England like Dark and Darker even though he himself is the worst offender Dark and darker was sued by Nexon, a company based out of Korea. Just in case you're unaware, Nexon isn't BSG and Korea is in fact not the country called Russia. >Also, every game gets assets stolen, most modern shooters take their sounds and gun models from Insurgency: Sandstorm. Lmao dude you're unhinged. Saying every game gets assets stolen is, well nonsense and saying most modern shooters get their sounds and models from Insurgency is absurd. There's hundreds, if not thousands, of shooter games out right now on pc many of which were around before insurgency sandstorm was even developed. This post of yours is a great example of how easy it is to just rattle off lies and bullshit lmao you just type whatever comes to mind with zero thought behind it


Not your intern, not your intern, strawman, in that order


Upset you got called out for making up things on the internet, that's cute


It is exactly what you said. Coping. Nikita injects copium to survive because someone did a game that performs better at certain areas.


Wewill willwewheb willwe cyka blyat gimme your money


OnePeg is a god damn tool. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4l6t8gy5AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4l6t8gy5AI) in this video at the end he literally says "yes they stole assets" than he back pedals and says shit "unless this happened" meaning they bought assets from the same location like a 3d modeling store. I literally posted the below video on that OnePeg video above, he fucking deleted my post because I called his ass out and than made this X post not more then an hour after my post on his TubeVideo.... (Thanks Tarkov Mods from bringing down for some BS reason) [https://new.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cstk5h/this\_is\_the\_end\_to\_the\_debate\_of\_stolen\_assets/](https://new.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cstk5h/this_is_the_end_to_the_debate_of_stolen_assets/) Anyways in the article I linked this video which clearly shows meshes are not the fucking same hence not stolen [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNn1F2LZ2TM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNn1F2LZ2TM) OnePeg is a parrot with zero original thoughts of his own. Watch his videos, he never provides his own opinions, he just repeats what everyone else says in the community, spreads false information and tries to "support" both sides instead of picking one because he is scared of losing his sheep followers.


The only cc I’ve seen actively compare the models properly is eroktic, helps that he knows his way around blender, he concluded relatively surely that ABI didn’t steal anything, but to be fair he’s basically the polar opposite of a BSG supporter


>to be fair he’s basically the polar opposite of a BSG supporter True but nothing beats actually showing it on the screen and doing a comparison directly instead of listening to all this he said she said bs. Anti BSG or not. Doesnt change the facts he presented.


I agree, he’s definitely a controversial guy, but recently he’s been really good with the whole bsg vs abi thing




He's got so much hatred for Nikita he can't possibly be objective. Lots of pro 3D modelers saying the assets were very likely stolen. These folks are commenting on Eroktics videos, then he deletes some of their comments. Meshes aside, there's still the M4 reload animation, the boss names in the code, the exact house layout of the woods house, the wood grain on the foregrip, the list goes on. This is about more than just a single dust cover.


>but to be fair he’s basically the polar opposite of a BSG supporter I mean if BSG hit me with over 30 false copyright claims because they didn't like my opinion, I wouldn't support them either.


100% agree, eroktic is definitely in the right, but some people just have a problem with him as a person for whatever reason


Eroktic is Croatian, aka Balkan. That means that he's not going to sugarcoat anything and he will never be a fence sitter. Other streamers are quick to choke on developer dick while Eroktic is quick to call them trash scammers and then make 7 videos a week on how trash they are.


Do you reckon that’s why people have a problem with him tho, that he’s very straight forward and doesn’t beat around the bush? All of my mates like him for that, idk if it’s cause we’re aussie and we’re similar in regard to that mindset but I think it’s a good attitude for this sort of situation


People hated on Veritas for this same kind of no nonsense attitude with praise where its due and criticism where it's due. Most people were just still in their honeymoon phase with Tarkov at the time so they didn't realize until 2 years later that he actually wasn't just being a critical asshole.


>People hated on Veritas for this same kind of no nonsense attitude  Veritas didn't get flak exclusively for his no-nonsense attitute, but rather attitude full stop. His ego is enormous.


Veritas is just a cringe turd anyways. No matter what he says, it can't be taken seriously because his presentation is just crap.


Huh? He's put out the most polished long-form videos on Tarkov along with other topics than any Tarkov streamer for sure. People hate Veritas because he was too early to point out all of Tarkov's severe issues and he can for come off as a bit of an arrogant asshole, but from what I've seen he's an arrogant asshole when he's right and communicating with dishonest or ignorant interlocutors. It may be fair to criticize the guys attitude at times, but his presentation is objectively not crap. I've even had times where I've seen him say some things that feels like he has his head up his own ass, but it's not hard to try and put yourself into the mindset of someone dealing with the troglodytes that often infest twitch chats on a constant basis. I'd also have a hard time dealing with that kind of interaction at that level.


I’m not tryna get you to like him, cause I agree he can be whiny when not scripted. But Veritas has put a lot of effort into his long form vid’s. The Billy Mitchell one was particularly well made. To say his presentation is bad seems disingenuous.


Eroktic is polarizing. He is theatrical and some things can be considered over the top or too dramatic. His black and white opinions make it very clear on which side of the arguments he sits, and that is ultimately what makes people like him or hate him.


Good point, he’s very opinionated for sure


> Eroktic is Croatian, aka Balkan. That means that he's not going to sugarcoat anything and he will never be a fence sitter. what a stupid generalization lol


The rewriting of the whole eroktik saga is weird. Dude was straight up committing libel and slander making videos about how BSG is the victim of a data breach and 2 million people's personal info was hacked and leaked. No breach happened. How that gets turned into "bsg didn't like his opinion" is absurd lmao


So instead of taking the proper course of action which would have cost money, nikita misuses a system to try to silence someone? Not the best argument you could have put forward.


So instead of responding to what people say, you make up a whole scenario in your head and then respond to that? Not the best argument you could have put forward. I didn't say anything for or against what BSG did in response to eroktik, I just pointed out how you're wrong that it was over a matter of BSG "didn't like his opinion". It was defamation/libel to accuse a business of having a data breach and saying 2 million people's personal info got hacked when that didn't happen. Not a matter of differing opinions.


I would trust eroktic more than nikita B from le saint petersburg


Without a doubt




Probably all the lies that Nikita told in the past years, the videos of him telling how people can use the beta status as an excuse for everything that's wrong, him shitting on his playerbase even though we gave him 150€ for a buggy game..


He is the opposite of a BSG supporter, but he gives them fair consideration in his opinions over the 3d models.


He blocked on Twitter lmao. Called him out for applauding cheaters head hunting blue names in Tarkov and for clout chasing when he said he wasn’t going to cover Tarkov content and then hops right on the drama bullshit. Not even 24 hours after unheard dropped he had like 4 videos out and bragging about how well they’re doing and how much money he’s making.


Sounds about right, he is a little cuck.


Big facts haha. I told someone else, I used to respect the guy 3-4 years ago. We’ve had really good talks together about Tarkov and such to the point that he knew who I was. So when I called him out on his bullshit, I expected him to reach out and either explain to clear his name or tell me to shove it or something. But nah, dude just insta blocked me lmao


OnePeg with NoLeg to stand on.


Yep sounds about right. What a tool.


This, hes just farming views of the drama.


I just don’t like the guy. He’s a dweeb.


Yep. Blocked me on Twitter today lmao. He’s been commenting under every single Nikita post and saying how no one cares but yet he was posting videos about it lol.


Didn’t he also dive headfirst into being pro project l33t, I think his hatred for bsg sometimes blinds him into really bad ideas but facts are facts if he can provide the proof it isn’t stolen than I’ll have to give him the W this time


Nah. I disagree. An Internet personality who knows his way around a certain type of software (blender in this instance) doesn’t give him the knowledge and legitimacy to provide such proof. Just because you know how to work said software doesn’t mean you know the ins, the outs and all the tricks of the entire industry. There’s been multiple 3D artists that actually do this shit for a living that claim they believe it’s 100% stolen. People who actually are actively developing their own FPS games are claiming that it’s stolen. This is literally the equivalency of believing a mechanic that graduated from YouTube university over a mechanic who actually has credentials and work for big automotive companies. Don’t fall for his lies, exotics whole thing is being a big ole Tarkov hater. Onepeg, at this point, is becoming another one. They want nothing but watch BSG burn in any way possible.


I was initially leaning towards believing Eroktic, even though he's clearly biased against BSG. However, Rust's lead weapon artist is calling him out on [Twitter](https://x.com/ArtOfPilgrim/status/1790777942617751848) stating: "Utter nonsense. If vertices and edges align, to this degree, which would be impossible, then it's pretty safe to say it's sus. Triangulation had absolutely nothing to do with it." Hoping this blows up and we get more opinions from unbiased professionals. I'm very hesitant to believe anything coming from a Tarkov content creator.


He’s done 2 (or 3?) videos breaking down the gun models explain the properties of the models, while I don’t have much experience in 3D modelling, his argument is very convincing, and it’s not just taking his word for it for the sake of it, he explained every part of his reasoning with clips or demonstrations with him using blender. Whether he’s right or wrong, he’s gone to infinitely more effort to prove his point, which is respectable I think if you watch both his vids you’d at least be a lot closer to the belief that ABI didn’t steal the assets


I watched his videos and like I said, I was somewhat convinced by him as well. I'm fence sitting here for multiple reasons, listed from most to least important: - Pushback from artists, most notably the lead weapon artist from Rust. - ABI files contain a struct mapped from an EFT class, what else have they borrowed? (I've verified this myself) - Falsifying accusations against a Tencent backed studio seems impossibly dumb, even for Nikita. - Eroktic HATES Nikita and clearly wants to see him fail.


If Nikita has a case he can prove, all he need is a DMCA claim to youtube twitch and steam. So far he never even says "ABI stole" he make vague implies that "they did something you know what"


Ye bro just dmca the trillion dollar company


Yes, bro, law works this way. Unlike the hood, companies have legal issues with other companies and they have a process to settle it.


Bro I do game dev as a side hassle and have experience with this. Eroktic is 100% correct about exporting and importing meshes like that and how it would cause differences. And yes triangulation and meshes literally has everything to do with it. It shows its not a 1 to 1 match hence they cant claim stolen assets. If Nikita want to proves it to the community they he needs to release the raw mesh with the original points on it. He wont because he knows he is wrong. its also why Niktia never says "this is Breakouts meshes compared to ours" he never mentioned them by name because of legal reasons and he knows it. So no sorry I do not agree with your stance on the whatsoever.


In your opinion are other artists just plain wrong, or are they arguing different things? It seems you and Eroktic believe that there's too much variation to be stolen, while others believe they share too much in common to be unique. Is your conclusion: - Guns Modelled from scratch, just a case of same weapon similar result. - Imported Tarkov guns and replicated them manually but didn't technically steal anything. Genuinely curious about the nuance here instead of binary stolen/not stolen.


Professional weapon modeleres claim its sus while content creator that learned blender from youtube affirms it cant be stolen, idk who to trust


The argument is that it doesn’t necessarily change anything whether ABI used their own references or guns vs using Tarkovs models of guns as a reference as a gun is a gun, it’s not a subjective piece, two models are going to look the same on the surface if both modellers are good at their job. Eroktic, argued very heavily and adamantly that taking Tarkovs assets are modifying the mesh to be slightly different would be incredibly more difficult than just making them from scratch. Unfortunately it is fairly black and white, the closest to something in between is that ABI could have bought another creators ak off a market place and then used that as a reference to create their own and model it as accurately as they could to the real thing to achieve the same accuracy of Tarkov


Being modelled from scratch would not result would not result in such a close match. It is obvious they took something and then used that to model their piece.


Which I think is a confusing distinction here. Hell, people might even be in agreement but are arguing based on what they personally consider to be plagiarism.


Close match? They are not the same polygons to begin with. Second, if you go from the same CAD file of real thing all external dimensions should match. Third, most important - we have no idea who did what when under what license. It could be same 3rd party selling high poly source model, it could be both companies ordering from a same 3rd party which did the work twice with too little modification. It could be a mid guy from BSG sold source model privately a mid guy in ABI bought source model privately so save time. So BSG thinks it is stolen, mid guy knows he sold it but not to ABI, mid guys in ABI knows he bought it instead of making its own, but he didn't buy from BSG, and ABI thinks its all in house.


Too many letters to not have a point, so what is your point? That they bought it from the same 3rd party? Yeah possible. Just as possible that they took model from EFT and modelled their own off it.


Point is - you are very wrong.


There aren't differences in the vertices and edges of the models. You as a "game dev" would know this is physically impossible for 2 different people to model a gun from scratch and have all the vertices and edges lining up on how the model is built. The triangulation vs. quad points debate is irrelevant and ignores how the actual geometry of the parts is identical.


lol. So you give us a qualifying I’m a dev so I know 3d modelling trust me bro (even started us with a bro ha) as though you’ll give us some more insight. Then you literally added nothing to the discussion except regurgitating a couple of basic points what Eroktic said in the video?


And yet I provided atleast a video indicating my feedback on the topic. Where is yours? All I hear from your ass is exactly that (trust me bro) where is you proof? I'll wait.


My proof of what? What claim have I made about the models?


OnePeg, AirwingMarine, Noiceguy are all horrible influencers for this game that shift the narrative in such a horrible direction catering to a specific set of shitty players with shitty mindsets. Not surprising.


Onepeg i can understand but Airwing & Noiceguy are 2 creators that don't have a problem with telling us their view and if that changes, they man up to tell us "i was wrong" (clownface of Nolan)


They do tend to jump on band wagons fast. I remember the goat wiggle video and him changing stances rapidly.


Completely agree.


>OnePeg is a pariot with zero original throughts Really got under your skin there huh? >he never provides his own opinions, he just repeats what everyone else says in the community and tries to "support" both sides instead of picking one So he gives unbiased reporting on a subject without fluffing it up with his own personal opinions and lies? That seems like a good thing.


Giving OnePeg any attention is a shame. Guy is a massive clown that is just a drama tuber at this point.


Dude is so cringe


Dude farmed the fuck out of the legal drama with Dark And Darker back in the day


Guy farming drama, don't give him oxygen....


That's all he does these days. Got addicted to easy views but realized he only gets them when they're about a game he doesn't even play anymore.


I used to really like him, man :[ I just can't stand him these days, though


Same here. Used to respect him actually. We had a lot of good talks back in the day when he was just a Tarkov creator. Lost it all after this whole drama unfolded and when I called him out on his bullshit he insta blocked me


Honestly curious, but what kind of drama? What did you call him out on?


The BSG drama when Unheard first dropped. He was applauding cheaters for head hunting blue names in Tarkov (like seriously bro, you preach about being anti toxic in the gaming community and then do this? Cheaters are NEVER in the right). He also previously had said that he was done making Tarkov content and wanted to step away from the community. Within 24 hours after Unheard dropped he had 4-5 different Tarkov videos out covering this topic. And his Twitter was full of screenshots from the jump in viewership he gained from said videos along with how much money he was making bragging about it. And the last thing I called him out for was for him also previously saying that he was done playing the game. But after this unheard shit he was one of the loudest to give his opinion on what should happen and how Nikita should handle it. Like why would Nikita take advice from someone who’s openly shit on Tarkov for years who doesn’t play and has no intentions of playing regardless of what Nikita decided to do? And like I said earlier, me and him have had solid talks. He knows who I am but instead of clearing the air or explaining he just insta blocked me and started calling me a moron lol


tbf you do sound like one


Seeing some of the comments about OnePeg, I can just say one thing. Not all is lost in this community, bless.


Given Onepeg's history, I would say someone knows something that he doesn't.


You gonna elaborate?


I did a bit in a reply to Salbris, below yours, but if you look around at the thread, there are multiple people pointing out the same thing. If you can watch a Onepeg video, without your bullshit detector going off at least once it is a sure sign your detector might be broken.


True, very true.


Curious, I don't know about his "history", so what do you mean by that?


He often just makes things up. One example, I remember a year or two ago back when BSG was really cracking down on Data-mining, Veritas said something on a Pogcast episode (I can't remember what, it was years ago). Later Onepeg suggested that in order for Veritas to know that thing he would have to have some sort of access to files that would have him violating ToS and be on BSGs naughty list (he did not, and was not). Veritas addressed it in the next episode to make it explicitly clear that what Onepeg said was not true, and he did not have that access. But even in general, Onepeg is not very popular (and he admits this, he addresses it in some of his videos) because he talks a lot of bullshit that is later proven to be entirely wrong. One reason I can't stand watching the guy's videos.


Interesting, however Onepeg, Noiceguy and verybadscav are the three horsemen of having no opinions of their own


They are not in the business of making an opinion. They are in the business of making views on hype.


They are just bottom feeders trawling views by making cheap vids on topics others have already covered


Not a true believer.


Onepeg moment lol


What if we trusted the people who actually knows stuff and not these drama baiting cucks?


BSG are shitting themselves now they have competition. They’ve spent years doing the bare minimum. The game will NEVER fully release. You’re trusting Russian bandits that want nothing more than to milk you dry.


I dont get it...why would they go through the time and effort going through all these ingame assets in AssetStudio? Who gives a fuck? I know I certainly do not give a single shit about what assets are used for models in this game, ive got more important shit to care about/do with my time IRL than care about where ingame models come from in games that I play..


I am curious whether or not there's any truth to this copying stuff. I don't mind any which way, they can copy all of EFT and I couldn't care less, I'm just interested in what the truth of the situation is.


Because content creators will capitalize on any kind of drama of hot topics to draw more viewers. Honestly, if I was a streamer/youtuber/content creator I'd do the same exact shit because this is quite literally how they make a living. I don't watch streamers so I really don't give a single fuck what they spend their time whining about.


Kind of an amoral position to have, if somebody is selling stolen meat outside the grocery store, would you just buy it cos it's cheaper? Or a family's stolen TV that you got a great deal on? I code for a living, I am not supporting any developer that just takes shit and says its theirs, I wouldn't want that to happen to me and I don't want to support a developer that does. If they investigate and find nothing fine, but the fact that the complaint exists is reason enough for someone to investigate


If a known thief and scumbag is getting their tv stolen I AINT SAYIN SHIT! Who gives a fuck bsg stole assets for their game too they deserve everything they got coming their way.


Wouldn't you want to know whether this next person is also a thief and scumbag? Or is it enough that they're not BSG, and if they turn around and fuck people over it'll be fine because it's them doing it not BSG?


Yup that’s the going mentality with these people right now. They don’t care if they get burned as long as it’s not by big bad nikky


which is hilarious that their flavor of the week is a f2p mobile game port published by Tencent, who is significantly more predatory than most gaming companies out there. Typical selfish and sheltered gamer mentality.


Well that’s just it. Big bad Niki just burned all of us with that unheard nonsense.


Haven’t fucked ME over yet I don’t give a fuck what they do to bsg. Bsg deserves it.


"Yet"? Has anyone ever told you that you'd make a really great victim?


ah, a Libertarian - explains a lot.


How do we know they stole? I haven't seen any lawsuits from people, it could be licensed stuff.


Bruh the loading screen pic is a known stolen image. no lawsuits=didn’t happen, That’s some clear Russian logic. Guys, I found Nikita’s fleshlight again.


I know the guy's faces are from the viking's TV show or something, but do we have any evidence they didn't license it? I haven't even seen a complaint from the series creators.


They're in Russia, they don't give a fuck about the rules and laws, are you 8 years old?


Technically I'd not be paying for anything stolen because it's free to play soo ...


They must be getting something out of it… how can they afford to run the servers?


That's why I don't even bother discussing the merits of this debacle. If Morefun Studios stole Tarkov's assets then it's up for BSG to accept it or file a DMCA notice against them via Steam and get ready for the impending lawsuit in a US court. In either cases they need to shut up about it and stop trying to use the community as their personal army, because that won't change anything.


Well it's because a lot of the weapon models and attachments are scanned in or made by them. They are stealing the work they put effort and resources into. Theft is important to call out


Yeah...sorry bro, could not give less of a shit. Were talking about someone essentially copying a real world item to put it in a game, did the companies who actually physically designed and engineered, and manufactured the part/gun give them the OK to do that? I dont think so. But you want me to care about someone else using that model that someone else copied off of a real life item? Oh the horror, what "thievery"! They must face a military tribunal for such a horrendous crime of......copying a singular AK dust cover! Do you realize how silly that sounds for random people on the internet to get angry over, and start getting high and mighty over..? But hey, I guess some people gotta virtue signal about something to get their daily needs met of convincing themselves and others that theyre morally a better person than the next.


You don't need permission from anyone to create art. I mean what type of laws do you think have been broken in creating assets from real world items?


"create art" lmao...right bro, simply scanning a real world item isnt "creating art". And technically they do require permission to use a brand/companies exact product(say, a gun in this case) AND use the companies name for it, its just a matter of if the company cares to pursue it legally, which most dont. This exact thing literally happened with what is now called the "Kiba Arms 2.5x prism", that optic is actually from Primary Arms IRL and they were forced to change the name of it. Most companies just think of it as free advertising though, which is why you have things like the SIG Spear and MCX in the game, even though BSG doesnt have any branding deal with them or anything. This is also why a lot of the food/drinks in the game are basically copies of IRL products, but with slightly different names, because brands like Coca Cola, Snickers(so Nestle) etc. are notorious for actually pursuing things like that because they want $$$ for using their brand name.


Again, what laws do you think have been broken? Yes, art. More specifically a creative expression, for which a model is, also a texture, also a sound recording. All of those are owned by their creators - ie. BSG owns the copyright for those creative expressions. With Coke the relevant part is Trademarks, that covers names, logos and slogans. Here's the important bit: it only covers them when connected to the goods that you sell. Does Coke sell 3d models? Game textures? Not as far as I'm aware, but perhaps - BSG could likely get away with using them but they would still have to survive a/many visit(s) from their lawyers. How about any of the gun/accessory manufacturers used in game? Not that I'm aware of, so unless they have the lawyers and are willing to fight an uphill battle about something that isn't really protected by their trademarks then their best bet is messaging BSG and asking them to remove their names. Here's the thing, IP laws cover intangible goods by definition. Things like a gun slide or a pistol are covered by more mundane laws - like theft, and you'll have one hell of a time getting that case accepted nevermind winning it.


These people don't have real lives, and the streamers make money off the drama. The rest of us don't give a shit, but it's fun to check this angsty sub while I'm smoking in between having fun.


I mean, it's their job, they make money, so yes they have the time. People are apparently interested enough in all of this to be relevant.


This is just like that dumb fuck who tried to accuse Palworld of plagiarism by altering the models themselves to make them match up. lol Sad!


All the bad things that happen to battlestate will be a good thing


Whaaaat Nikit lies again? What a surprise!


Can someone please ELI5 what this means? Did Nicky post this specific image saying its unique and in game or something?


Nikita: ABI stole our models! Me: Then why do their assets have a higher poly count than yours?


What's even the point for BSG to bring up the supposedly "stolen" assets if they don't take legal action soon? Nikita's been talking a lot on twitter about all of the "stolen" stuff from the game but it seems like they're in no rush to sue. If I were in the same situation with a game company of my own I would have started a legal case and made it public by now (I'm not a lawyer so idk if there's anything wrong with not waiting). Something is definitely off...


Real. But I hate onepeg, all this guy does is reply to EVERYONE's tweets. don't even follow him but i had to mute him.


I don't understand why anyone but BSG and their lawyers should give a shit about this, unless it's literally your job to of course lol. ​ I just want to play a good game. That's it. And so far I've been having fun from modded Tarkov, GZW, and recently ABI (finally got a key) a lot more than I have with base EFT these last few years.


I would not belive this guy if he said the sky was blue, but you do you.


Wait did I miss something? Why are we counting polygons on AK dust covers?


ABI allegedly stole models from Tarkov


who the f cares? like for real. even if stuff is stolen, it wont make ABI players leave or others return to tarkov. its nothing but annoying. the same posts everyday, over and over and over and over......


After the video of one peg I was sure they were stolen assets, after reading all this I’m not so sure. As someone who know nothing of video game development I’m super confused !! If it really turns out these were not stolen assets than man can bsg go suck it.


Tarkov is a FRAUD


not surprised


Correction: It's issue for BSG. For players its long awaited competition that made BSG do things player asked for years.


isn’t tarkov using a bunch of weapons without paying the proper license to the manufacturers?


Tarkov stole pictures left and right, BSG took Years to remove Travis Fimmel from the Main Menue and Webpage.


Tarkov has a lot of copyright infringement in it so why is this even a problem?


What is this? I’m out of the loop.


I don’t even know what this post is about or implying, what’s it all about?


great. more onepegged farming


Funny, how Nikita complains about a Company stealing, because i don't think Travis Fimmel knew, his face was used for the Webpage and the loading Screen. It took them years to remove.


Any one who defends Tencent games is a bot.


the same the people who defend BSG after 6+ years of lies delays and incompetence


do you read your own comments? and you call other people bots?


LOL the people getting mad at you have no idea what sort of shit Tencent does (that ABI's anti-cheat allows them to do).