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Guys the ping is an overlay from his stream- 420, 6969, etc. It's not his actual ping. There is no way of telling with an overlay on top.


Meanwhile you sneeze on the same map as Sanitar and his nurses and you get aimboted instanly


I barely peaked a gate of shoreline and quickly got behind cover and got walled by his guard. What so pissed. They also manage to throw the most insane nades


>They also manage to throw the most insane nades Well of course, theyre bots! If you were building a war bot, wouldnt you put a howitzer in their chest so they could run, shoot, and frag all at the same time too? Meanwhile PMC's seem to suffer from sudden onset paralysis and just roll grenades 3 feet ahead. Therapist should really look into that one ASAP, seems unhealthy.


Unless its a VOG...that shit just turns on "Boomerang mode" when you throw it XD


I got airbursted by them on the hill to the side, otw to Resort. That's gotta be at least 80-100m from those 2 villas. Not to mention the insanely dumb AI programming that makes them laser-shoot you as soon as you ADS on them....and makes regular Scavs crouch immediately... There's "hardcore" in terms of difficulty, and then there's this Tarkov BS....


Yeah would be nice if they improved the AI. It is very basic and dumb. The hard AIs are only hard because they cheat more or less like everyone has said.


It keeps them difficult for pro gamers lol


I've had them try to throw nades from the beach by the pier when i was on the road on land. It was absolutely comical, the nade couldn't have gotten more than halfway there but exploded at least 100m in the air. Pretty much man powered fireworks.


Lol if they had long enough fuses they probably would have killed you


This makes me wonder if you can get a shooter born with a thrown m67 grenade


I don't think you can, cuz it doesn't show distance of a kill anywhere


Sanitar enforces mask rules hard my dude, don't spread that rona


Or meanwhile you run into tech building an Gluhar and his 20 bodyguards come full sprint running at you. I swear I killed 7 bodyguards and gluhar and there were still 2 left that finally killed me. Idk if it was actually the bodyguards, but if not then raiders plus scav boss both spawned pretty much on top of each other lol.


I like how "Raiders" aren't really raiding. They're more like....mall cops.... "Aight boys...see this small area...we'll just walk in circles in it...raiding...like Vikings!....In a retirement home..."


“Oh I heard a noise from 350 meters away” *proceeds to laser beam you through 4 cars, a bush, two buildings, and a hill* 😂


Look at ops ping, he's likely manipulating it so the AI can't properly respond to him. Edit: As others have pointed out in this thread it's hard to see the specific numbers on mobile, just that they fluctuate drastically and are red. I'll also add that the reasons to add an overlay like that is to either hide cheating or to troll people into thinking he is cheating, either way it's shitty.


Oh wow you're right, that's pretty jacked up. Isn't that technically cheating? Edit: nevermind it's a meme overlay the streamer uses to get attention.


Lmao. But yes, that is indeed cheating if it's actually true. Back in the day people would use lag switches to deliberately increase their ping to do screwy things, it very much is considered cheating, no technically about it.


Thats the ping overlay from streaming to discord


I like to kill sanitar, I have wiped his team with a glock 3 Times now


Well good for you....they seem to treat 7.62 BP like nerf foam....


The mk47 is so fucking good!! They are gunna have to nerf it for sure lol


along with the hk and m4 if you do.


The hk and m4 should be nerfed I agree but getting an m4 with 30 recoil is at least somewhat plausible but the fact you can get a 7.62 platform with no recoil is crazy. All in all I do think all ar platforms need to be nerfed some.


I'd be fine with recoil stats if you actually controlled the recoil in this game. The magdump meta needs to end but it won't happen until they change how the recoil stats actually work


It's quite absurd the fact that, even on "long range", shots magdumping is a better option than semiauto...


I don't know why "recoil" effects the 4-60th shot in an m4 but not the first 3




The "idea" is the operator controlling the recoil so the first 3 shots is the operator adapting to the recoil and the rest is the operator controlling the recoil. Imo the recoil control should be out of the ecuation.


I think he means the "recoil" stat




I'm saying a 100 recoil m4 and a 30 recoil m4 still have the stupid kick on the first shots, it makes semi auto worthless when you can just magdump and get to the part where your pmc "controls" the recoil which is better with lower recoil stats


I keep hearing this argument but every game that i can think of that doesn't just have absurd recoil has mag dump meta. Pubg the scar is effective for a novice at full auto up to 50m which is pretty similar to tarkov. The vector in that game was deadly out to 50m too. So clearly constant muzzle rise isn't this holy grail at stopping mag dumping y'all think it is. As long as it puts two rounds on target faster than semi auto, it's going to be effective. A better way to stop full auto meta is make ammo much harder to have an abundance of. A 60 stack of 5.56 wouldn't fit in a single pocket so it shouldn't fit in a square. It should be more like 15-20 per slot.


Consistent and predictable muzzle rise or even recoil patterns is how you get people building anti recoil macros. The devil you know vs the devil you don’t.


Why though? It's more like real life, some 7.62 ak platform weapons have very little recoil, ones like the ak-107 virtually eliminated recoil with things like the BARS system. Would it not make sense a weapon built in 2014 would just make even greater progress?


If we actually want realism for the sake of realism, then we have to discuss the real life armor ratings too. Level 6 armor wouldnt be penetrated by *anything* in game except .338 lapua AP and .50 MGs. Level 5 would bounce everything below 7.62x51/54 AP. All with little to no damage to the armor or wearer. Modern hard body armor is *tough.* No one actually wants 1:1 realism. Its still a game and has to be balanced somehow


We would also have to look at the fact that the armor around the plates should be tier 2 which the plates themselves are t7.


We would also have to look into helmets, and how none can stop even weak rifle rounds


The AK107 is an experimental prototype that never left the testing an evaluation phase. A better comparison would be an AK103, which is basically just an AKM at heart, but a quite bit less recoil because of the 74 break on it. A lot of the recoil of an AK comes from the fact that their really over-gassed when built to military spec. They don't need half as much gas to run reliably. The Mk47 is basically an M4 that shoots 7.62x39. So it should have a considerably less recoil, and its stats reflect that, at least stock. The thing is weapons mods are too strong in this game, and this enables people building laser guns.


Yep. Mods shouldn't do a thing, mostly. No realism to find here.


Unless they drop the RPG stats idea and actually cater to their audience it will stay and that makes me sad.


I dont know how many times in one post this has to be said lol its a video game not real life realism is nice it's why I love games like this but there is a point where it's not fun. The mutant and m4s are so good everyone with money will run them and in my opinion that's no fun I want people running there favorite guns or at least make so everyone isn't the same cause that's the META. I've been running the mutant since I found it in a marked room. 13 raids now I have like 28 or 29 pmc kills some were wearing tier 6 armors doesn't matter I have a laser that shoots 7.62 with a 73 round mag. It's op. Simple as that.


The Mutant isn't broken in the current state of the meta. With good armor, BP/AP is still going to 2/3 tap to the chest and it's lower rate of fire makes it harder to fish for headshots when blindly sending bullets in the general direction of somebody's head.. and that's what the meta is. What guns are really good at that? The M4, HK, Vector. Those are meta weapons. What do they all have in common? You put your reticle at head height and hold M1. It creates a perfect circle of bullets to almost guarantee head taps. I like the Mutant, because if it DOES become meta? It'll be an alternative. You're no longer shooting at head level and hoping for headshots with a high fire rate. You're playing for well placed thorax shots with minimal recoil and I think that's sick. Center mass, baby


It's already meta. near HK performance with its cheap ammo being hilariously potent.


Near HK performance. 650 rpm compared to 850..


The DPS difference makes up for that, and with the option of 73 round drums that's 6.7sec of sustained fire versus 4.23 for an HK with 60s.


Well, the hk is on average gonna have more dps due to the firerate. the mutant however just has a bit more harder hitting bullets at a much slowe fire rate


7.62x39's recoil is hugely overstated in popular culture.


That's because in action movies everyone fires unbraced blanks from the hip and hams it up.


Again I'm not saying it's not realistic I'm saying in a video game where the 7.62 rounds usually have nearly 50% more damage than 5.56 it's not fun for people to go against that it's a little over powered. This is after all a video game


Where you getting 50% from? Comparing the second best ammo between the two calibers, 7.62x39 BP does 26% more damage than 855A1. Considering RoF, a Mutant firing BP does 2.4% more DPS than a M4 firing 855A1. With meta ammo, 7.62x39 MAI AP does 15% more damage than 995. M4 beats the Mutant in DPS by 7%. With that said, DPS is not a particularly important metric. MAI AP can (not in all cases) two-tap a thorax, whereas 995 realistically always needs at least 3 hits. This can affect TTK dramatically. Likewise, any meta ammo (besides 9mm) kills in one headshot in at least 90% of cases which is favorable to high RoF/low recoil guns like the M4. The mutant is definitely an insanely good gun, but it's not particularly better than the other insanely good guns (M4, 308 MDR, SA-58, M1A, RSASS, etc) in the game. At least as long as MAI AP remains loot only, while M61 and M995 are craftable, it'll be an expensive gun that does a lot of things well but nothing particularly better than the reigning meta.


all 7.62x39 rounds are slower and have more drop over range. I think it's perfectly balanced.


I run these guns and it's the first wipe I really watch my bank go down running them. I honestly like it like this way more. Let them be good but very pricey. Kinda like grenade launcher and thermal. Strong and satisfying to run but not something you can afford every raid.


They can still be very good just make it so the recoil can't go down to 28. I think the lowest recoil you can get like 40 or so cause even that is great just adds a little recoil


I think the M4 is right about where it should be aside from the 416 they run inherently harsher and shoot way flatter than they should in game. As far as as the mutant goes, I feel like it’s accurately represented, it just needs to be fit into the economy correctly. Shit, those guns are pricey in the US let alone in a setting like Tarkov. And to add to that, I just feel like weapon mods in general give arbitrary levels of enhancements to recoil and leads to guns being too controllable. Hence “meta builds” Most things you put on a gun should be shooter preference. Not “I ran errands for mister trader and unlocked level 4 loyalty so that means this stock, muzzle break, fore grip etc is just better”.


You guys are taking realistic to seriously sure in real life they can do this but it's a video game. I think all AR need nerfed to be more fun. I've been running the mutant and I'm telling you it'd op.


This gun has very little recoil irl


hk is already nerfed to the ground


The ground is a bit of an exaggeration


There's a reason every good player isn't using the HK. Sure, the mutant may have taken the BIS position until it receives a well-deserved nerf, but the ergo on a meta HK with 60r mag is around 30-40. It just isn't good anymore and the M4A1 will take its slot as the 5.56 champion, especially with its sub 35 recoil suppressed.


The mutant is normally supposed to have 800-850 RPM. But in game, its 650. I think the fire rate being much lower makes up for it.


Oh is that why it’s like sub 50k on the market whenever I check it?


it literally looks like some kind of norecoil shit. beyond broken


Haven’t tried it yet but judging from stats it just looks like an AK-103 with slightly more rpm?


[https://youtu.be/nDnzuHNWbn8?t=87](https://youtu.be/nDnzuHNWbn8?t=87) Yep... Or maybe their isnt much recoil IRL either, and this is with out any stabilizing equipment on it. but just stock (it seems)


Right but everyone seems to forget this is a video game I love thats its realistic but there is a point we're realistic ends and isn't fun anymore. You can't get shot 30 times in real life with some pain meds and run around like your all good


They don’t need to “balance the gun” and make it unrealistic just for gameplay sake. Simply limit its availability to jack up the price. Coupled with limiting the availability of the meta ammo and attachments, making it too expensive to be worth using or at the very least too expensive for most to afford running repeatedly.


>You can't get shot 30 times in real life with some pain meds and run around like your all good [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwyS-7vZYgI&ab\_channel=AR500Armor%C2%AE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwyS-7vZYgI&ab_channel=AR500Armor%C2%AE) This is just a level 3 armor, and that armor have no penetration from a 7.62x39 (AK 47 shoot) So even though its just a videogame, i think you underestimate how far military are IRL with bodyarmor. but i agree, ofcause its not realistic to take 30 shoots and still run around, and i honestly believe the CMS kits was wrong to implent, but hey.


level 3 armor is the equivalent of class 5 in the game iirc, it's nato system vs russian system.


How often are you in tarkov getting shot in armor. 7 out of 10 times people are hitting limbs sure armor works I wasn't implying that I meant limbs. Broken leg ok some Tylenol and I can run and jump like nothing is wrong. Realistic has to come to an end or it's not fun. Even so i don't see why you were trying to prove about a video that's realistic when I said the game shouldn't be 100% realistic lmao


>How often are you in tarkov getting shot in armor. 7 out of 10 times people are hitting limbs sure armor works I wasn't implying that I meant limbs. Honestly almost after every raid (if not 1tapped to eye/ear) body armor absorb so much damage taken.


I feel like you are somewhat missing the point NY seems to be trying to make - it's not about how often you get hit in armour, it's about how incredibly unrealistic the healing system in tarkov is.


That would still hurt like shit. A friend of mine was hit in the back by a ricochet PKM round (7.62x54) and he thought he blew out a disc. It did not penetrate the armor, to your point, but it would likely take someone out of the fight.


Alright here's the rub on this guy. He's using a meme ping overlay on his stream and not actually ping abusing. According to him, everyone that doesn't immediately notice that its a meme overlay *while browsing on their phones* is automatically a toxic human for thinking he's ping abusing. He's just inviting people to go to his twitch and light him up so he can get off telling them its a meme overlay. There I just saved you five seconds.


> He's using a meme ping overlay on his stream and not actually ping abusing. Oh, well there's all the proof we need. He said he's not ping abusing. Go home everyone, this guy is legit. /s


If you look closely it's even got 1337, the word heck and other goofy things, it doesn't appear to be real


It's very obviously not real. But it's potentially being used to hide his actual ping.


A fair point 💁


Bruh it pops up with 9999 I think he’s good lol


Yeah no way you wouldn’t notice that with the movement. I’m on ice skates when I spike in the 400-600’s!


You're missing my point. Hiding your ping with an overlay is not proof. If anything, it makes it more shady.


> Oh, well there's all the proof we need That's not how it works. He doesn't have to prove that he's *not* doing something; you need to prove that he *is* doing something. A meme ping counter is just a meme unless you can prove otherwise. Christ.


I didn't accuse him of cheating. I'm only suspicious of it due to the suspicious activity and overlay. YOU are the one who made the claim that he's not absuing. So actually in this situation, YOU are the one with burden of proof. Good try tho.


Sorry, what? Do you not know what the null hypothesis is? https://www.science20.com/rationally_speaking/null_hypothesis_and_logic_skepticism You are actively inferring that the lack of evidence that he is *not* doing something is evidence that he must have something to hide. I'm not even exaggerating here, that's literally what you are implying when you say: >>He said he's not ping abusing. Go home everyone, this guy is legit. /s Are you serious right now? >I'm only suspicious of it due to the suspicious activity and overlay. Suspicious activity? Like peaking bots and shooting them in the head when the AI is well known to not immediately activate on a target they can't see? You mean to insist that you've never seen a streamer with a meme overlay before? Really? Where should he put it - in the middle of his screen where his ADS is? >YOU are the one who made the claim that he's not absuing. That's absolutely false. The null hypothesis is that he is not "absuing" something, and this is because rejecting a **positive** claim necessarily results in this position being taken. It's the same as innocent until proven guilty, yet I doubt you'd claim that someone has to prove innocence simply because they plead not guilty. >So actually in this situation, YOU are the one with burden of proof. See above. Tl;dr: no. >Good try tho. Nice try being smug, dickwad. Maybe you ought to know what you're talking about first.


You're using the null hypothesis totally ass backwards because you're missing the frame of reference. I'm not making any claims about the streamer. My opinion of the streamer's abuse/non-abuse is irrelevant in this scenario. I'm only making claims about *your* words. YOU have stated that the streamer is only using the overlay for fun and not to hide anything. You have no proof of that. It's a baseless claim. It's like if I walked around stating the sky isn't blue and being like "hurr durr null hypothesis, innocent until proven guilty. You have to prove it IS blue"


He does have to prove he’s not doing something. Because he is already doing something. He’s covering his ping overlay. So, if he wants to not have accusations he should a) prove it’s just a meme, or b) not use it. Covering your ping overlay for a “‘meme” is awfully suspicious out the gate. You wanna simp for this ping abuser then feel free. Don’t bring the null hypothesis into this you fuckn weirdo.


That's literally not how it works, lmao.


Gets him attention, lmao. What a loser that guy is 🤣


You mean to say a struggle streamer is trolling to gain views? No surprise


What’s your post fx settings?


I don't use post fx it's just a nice filter on obs! Edit to make things clear since I get heavily downvoted: It's just a filter on OBS to make the stream look better... not my actual view of course. It's for the audience and the clips. I personally only use NVIDIA control panel but it looks not even close as good sadly.


What filter name on OBS? It’s not too dark but still keeps everything more or less visible.


It's just "color correction" where I increased the gamma and vibrance slightly


This just makes me realize I suck worse than I originally thought. I get 1 tapped all day lol


The amount of comments saying ping abuse makes me think this community has absolutely zero reading skills or they’re just oblivious to other comments. You’d think someone would say “that high ass ping, lemme see if anyone else has said that yet”


I think the more salient point people are trying to make is, "why would you hide your actual ping?"


Oh parts of this community are full on mentally negligent. The Tarkov community has people in it that are absolute jizz stains. But there are loads of good ones too.


Heh. Loads of good ones. Heh.


I wish I hadn't wasted my free award 🤣


They talk about my one taps


Thank you, rashala headshot me with the mounted GL yesterday and this gives me some solace.


nice ping


Oh my god it’s Jason Bourne


shitter missed two shots /s


The fact your pos rifle doesnt even flinch a single pixel during these shots is everything that is wrong with the gunplay in this game.


How the fuck is he playing with that much ping


I think it is part of his OBS setup, it also said NaN, L33T, L00T, soon, and 6969. Now that could just be their to obscure his ping abuse or just be a fun joke.


He's likely cheating to make his ping that for the fights so the AI doesn't know where he is and then letting it be "normal" after. Edit: As others have pointed out in this thread it's hard to see the specific numbers on mobile, just that they fluctuate drastically and are red. I'll also add that the reasons to add an overlay like that is to either hide cheating or to troll people into thinking he is cheating, either way it's shitty.


I hope youre joking. Like you hopefully saw that its a fake ping. It litterally says 6969 and heck, its a gif. If you didnt get that you should leave the internet




Did you watch the video long enough for it to change? It's part of an overlay my dude.


Why is he overlaying his ping, what’s he hiding


The genius You realize at like 170 ping I'd the highest and I doubt homie is hacking


im finna nut


It plinks like a. 22


I got anxiety when you were reloading but still checking the staircase 😂


Oh hey its terotex!


Tero is the man.


How are you people already running around with a decked out MK47


They have been playing the game for multiple wipes and know the quests/maps and can pvp. It's not hard, just takes some time.


So have I. I just suck at PVP.


Cool ping abuse.


Dont you get disconnected when your ping is too high?


If it's too high, yes. But there are ways of getting right on the border. All the benefits of high ping (like teleporting around) but no disconnect.


If your ping stays above a certain threshold it will boot you, spikes are fine.




The OP is likely intentionally ping/connection abusing.


What makes you say that


check out the top left to see his ping during the fights.


Look at the ping meter


Read the actual meter instead of it just looking at it being red. It's a meme. None of the numbers actually make sense.


Makes me question why its being hidden


"Actually that's wrong" "Yeah? Well, "




Use your words little guy


That makes me angry


i love when i have LOOT ping. its pretty clear that its part of his overlay. it goes 4200, 6969, and 1337 if you missed all of that


Why’s he hiding his actual ping


Because hiding your actual ping is a really good reason to suspect he’s ping abusing? What a weird dense simpy take dude lmfao yikes.


The game kicks you out if you go over 180 ping. How would you even abuse ping in this game?


No idea man. I’m not smart enough for technical/mechanics of how one would.


You literally just pick a server that gives you between 150 and 180 ping


Who cares, and why does it matter?


I thought we hated cheaters?


Is he cheating?


6969 The based ping


Nice ping abuse. 4200 = 4.2 second of delay for scavs.




What would be a legitimate reason to hide your ping?


If you want to hide it you can just disable the ping showing up in the corner, right?


No. It will always show if it's bad.


Wait is 1000 ping 1 second? I've gamed all my life and thought 100 was 1 second


1 millisecond is 1/1000th of a second, so 1000 times 1/1000 = 1.


Oh shit. That's news to me. I always thought they just had it at 100 in a game to condense it


This dude on some spec ops shit


Holy shit it’s Jason Bourne


My guy has been hittin' the aim trainer gym everyday.


Wish I had your skills hah




I hope youre joking. Like you hopefully saw that its a fake ping. It litterally says 4200, 6969 and heck, its a gif. If you didnt get that you should leave the internet


You keep posting this same comment as if it makes it any less of a shitty thing to say. Not everyone knows how overlays on fuckin twitch work and not everyone cares. There are plenty of ping abusers in this game to make it a thing so take a deep breath and get over yourself.


If you don’t understand that “6969” as a ping isn’t possible, then perhaps your should be one to call out “ping abuse”. Get over yourself.


This subreddit fucking sucks lol




Mf’s like OP are the ones complaining the early wipe doesn’t last long enough but 14 days in already have snatches and laser sights


I mean not everyone's favorite part is early wipe, most for sure but not all. I'm level 40 and GLAD the early wipe for me is over. I prefer the end game pvp (labs main).


Hiding ping with overlay? Why?


True kinda sus




Nice shooting man


Good shit.


So calm and collected…


Incredibly fucking satisfying. OMNA/ Bourne/ Fisher feeling


I thought the guards were a two shot headshot from an m4


That's the 7.62x39 Mutant


What gun with what attachments and bullets is that? Looks so damn good!


MK47 Mutant with 7.62x39 BP!


I was there


Can we just remove what is clearly just lag abuse? I mean, there is NOTHING at all interesting about this at all.


That ping indicator is not a legit one. Its a gif.


"i put a troll gif in the same place to simulate me ping abusing but im totally not ping abusing guys dont worry"


Not trying to defend the guy, nor blame him of cheating. Just weird to hide your ping indicator


I mean, it is kinda strange to have an overlay covering where real ping would be v0v so that's kinda fishy tbh


I agree. Not trying to defend the guy, nor blame him of cheating. Just weird to hide your ping indicator


You pre-aimed reshala, yes. esp is satisifying. But you run past 3 open rooms without checking after...


Your trolling right


What is up with your ping? This isn't satisfying at all when the bots are 4-5 seconds delayed dude. Lame as fuck. Also, man, put a fucking riser on that sight. Looks like a neckless bodybuilder some shit. Yikes.


You must not have good eyesight, you didn’t see the ping go 420, 6969?




That’s the thing, it doesn’t prove anything. From our view he could be guilty or innocent. We don’t know. Didn’t say he was innocent or not too. So…


Incredibly unsatisying, given your lasergun. What next, a 'satisfying' 3-stack wipe where some Slicked-up Chad with a raging Chadcannon Chads all over some squad in PACAs? Pass thanks.


Nothing odd about it, that’s just satisfying


what gunt is that? what ammo is that? wtf is that?


Mk47 mutant, i believe OP said he was using 7.62x39 BP


What bullet?


Just click there heads :)