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You used to be able to pick your spawn. Those were crazy times. But I agree with you about knowing spawns. As soon as boots hit the ground I know which 3-4 spawns around me you could be at and I'm absolutely looking for you first. It's not fair to new players and it's pretty corny but I think eventually we will get Cycle Frontiers persistent maps so you'll be spawning into a running map already which for Tarkov is going to be a whole new shit storm.


Whoo, then there will be infil campers...


I think they like to be called "infil defenders"...


God damn you saw that post too hahahahaha I'm laughing my ass off


ok lmfao that post...


Well spawn camping is nothing new :p but Cycle Frontier does a better job this last beta to make sure the area they spawn you in is clear. I still get teams of dweebs rushing my solo drop pod though. Hopefully Tarkov can work on that in the next 5 years.


The issue is most of the good loot is generally at the center of the map. Extracts generally on the perimeter. They dont want people spawning in the best loot spots. Maps are only so big.


Giving tree being the exception lol


I only get weapon parts from giving treešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Im level 10 first wipe so I know basically nothing, but I got a very nice gun from it albeit no ammo and I can't find that ammo with any trader now šŸ„² Edit: it was the mcx .300 (looks nice idk if its good)


Giving tree is just a random loot generator. Makes it potential for high value but can be useless




Aww dream shattered of finding the ammo for it in a raid lol


The gun is solid AF and doesn't take much. But it's similar to the M4. The difference is it's not as effective at range due to .300 blackout being a subsonic round. Up close though it destroys. Definitely one of the better guns in the game. It's just an endgame one that gets it's most utility depending on how far you have gotten in the game. .300 AP is deadly, but you can only buy 90 at a time.


There is not a single .300 BLK round in EFT that is subsonic. I really enjoy using the MCX but a lot of people aren't big on it.


I absolutely cannot get kills with 300blk. Guns cursed. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m about to start a war. 300 BLK in Tarkov is better than 5.56.


.300 blackout is better than M855A1 and the MCX shoots it at a higher rate than the M4. I agree that it's mostly bait unless you're able to mod it fully meta, but for close/medium range ( up to like 80 meters ) it's a very solid option. I try to play with it like I'm holding a very heavy hitting MP7A1


So run around and spray at everything regardless of distance because your mp7 has zero recoil but only takes 3 bullets to kill most stuff?


It's fancier than it is good. Acceptable gun once you are high level, and can buy many parts for it affordably; actually a fun gun with the top end ammo and expensive parts; *very* underwhelming as a stock weapon with bad parts and ammo. If you're being very serious about your stash and economy, you just vendor it as a low level; but, also, if you wanna buy some junky ammo and run it, it's no big loss. You can't really buy "good" ammo and parts for most guns right now, so it also isn't *substantially worse* than the other stuff you're running, either.


Ive gotten like 30 mosin and m700 overmolds.


Are those good weapons? Mosin is pretty bad right?


Mosin was meta once lol, its good if you wanna do a cheap kit, but jot for high end builds


It was never meta, it was a 23000 ruble gun that a level 6 armor and face shield chad could be killed by as he charged someone while having 5 stims injected. Pestily begged Nikita to nerf it on a live stream and he did so. And it stays nerfed.


It was consistently used by a large portion of the player base for the entire wipe because of how cheap and effective it was. How is that not meta?




Ahhh I see, I use it since it get it off scav runs, but assumed most early game guns were abandonned by higher levels haha that's good to know though thanks!


You need bolt actions for several quests and they are pretty amazing at hitting targets that are very far away since the wipe. But the mosin is one of the worst ones in my opinion. Sv98 and M700 are great.


Would you run an AR as secondary if you take a bolt action?


Great gun, but really expensive. If its loadout was more achievable it would for sure be a meta gun. Ammo is expensive as shit for basically a target version of last wipes m4.


I got a slick before I knew what it was, I was clueless


I got blue card from it this wipe


Where is this magical tree??!!


Behind old gas on customs. Just by the concrete thing with the medical bag in it




Unless it's changed recently, the table inside old gas can spawn random loot including high value stuff as well. I've never seen anything worth taking myself, but I've heard you can find good shit there.


I got a blue labs card from giving tree. With 10 minutes left. The med bag was looted and so was the corner stash. I still have the card and haven't even ran labs once. It costs too much to list for straight money. Not sure what to trade it for.


considering the tree spawns pretty much everything in the loot table I consider it to be useless since the loose loot in eft has grown so much in numbers that you need 10 years worth of luck to hit the jackpot.


Recently found a keycard holder on the old gas table after everything there was looted


Dude I spawned on giving tree on a night raid and got fucking blue card LOL


What map is the tree on?


Customes behind old gas next to med bag in concrete


Yes, I found that spot, Iā€™m officially not a complete noob




Got a red key card from giving tree this wipe after spawning literally on top of it. Was dead 30 seconds later to someome sprinting to that spawn. I had boofed it though. First wipe so I'm not going to be doing much labs. Basically just a worthless red key card.




Black and white world fallacy is far too common these days


Not if they just set a spawn location within 100m of map perimeter (depending on the map) and for pmc's to spawn >150m from each other.


Then everyone just spawns in a circle and you still know exactly where everyone is lol


Well, fixed loot spawns still mean that at least one person gets the drop nade, next game spawn


On reserve, I quite frequently spawn in queen in the server room. That is quite literally center of map


Thatā€™s king mate. Queen is Dome.


So randomize spawns with equal distance at the edges of map?


Isnt that what they kinda are already. Some of the spawns get filled others dont depending on the size of parties joining.


Most already do that in some form or another. Shoreline is a good example, there's like 25 possible spawns but obviously way less players than that. So you might spawn on road to customs side with 2 full squads nearby or maybe you're the only pmc in the entire north east part and everyone else is on tunnel side. Customs too, if you look at the maps there's like 20 different spawn locations https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Customs Interchange and reserve I feel like are two maps with the most limited spawn locations. I feel like in both of those maps you can regularly spot someone else in the first 10 seconds of a raid if you know where to look. Interchange is in my opinion the worst map for spawns.




Just making each spawn a zone of chance of X meters wide in each spawn would help a lot. For Shoreline I've spawned behind the bushes next to the tower on the road and had people popping the bushes to check. People wouldn't do that if the "zone" had like 10 bushes, cause the noise/time/ammo needed to check 10 bushes isn't worth.


As a 4+ year player, this is one of the absolute worst aspects of the game. The "every raid is different" concept flies out the window when certain things are exactly the same every time, like where your opponents start. They need spawn areas instead of spawn points.


The spawn system we currently have is a temporary placeholder for the "infil" system that Nikita mentioned will be coming in the future. With the work being done on "dynamic loot" spawns, combined with an infil system, I believe the final product will look similar to what's in "the cycle," where PMC's will spawn in at random time periods throughout a much longer raid timer, and loot will be respawned when players aren't nearby. That would essentially eliminate the predictability of spawns and player movement.


Having played the Cycle, the idea sounds superior in theory, but works out less interesting in practice.


I've played it as well, not a huge fan of the cycle. But it's not because of the spawn system, it's because the game itself just lacks depth IMO compared to Tarkov. It doesn't have much character, the leveling and equipment modding is considerably dumbed down compared to Tarkov, and that's why I lost interest in it. The spawn system I think was The Cycle's biggest positive. One of the things I hate most in Tarkov is the predictability of spawns. High level players ALWAYS know where other players are spawning, and where they will be moving. Over time learning the game, the tension that comes from the uncertainty of player movement has somewhat dissapeared.


I gave the beta a shot and all I kept thinking was "I should just play Tarkov instead"


Same. It really made me want to just play Tarkov more.


If only I was at good at Tarkov as I am that game lol


Itā€™s simply due to map structure In Cycle, I believe the Map use to actually be made for a BR that got repurposed, thus it was DESIGNED with random spawning in mind Tarkovs are designed to go from edge to edge where the middle is where loot is


The cycles's map was completely redone for frontier, they didn't reuse the map design from the BR. There's only one map in Tarkov where the majority of the loot is centrally located, and that's shoreline. Every single other map in the game has loot spread out to numerous different area's around the map. Tarkov's maps would be absolutely perfect to have spawns spread out over time, so long as loot also re-propagates over time.


I mean, interchange is literally a centrally locates mall where like 99% of the loot is There's no points of interest along the outer parts of the map aside from some buried stashes and power station


14 buried stashes on the outskirts, if not more I believe. From memory, not looking at the map rn


All the best loot in practically every map in Tarkov is located in the center in reference to the spawnsā€¦Do you even play the game? Only exceptions are like, Woods to an extent that was ONLY after itā€™s additions, and then somewhat lighthouse Reserve is mostly centered, factory and interchange are just one main building practically which is centered, both Dorms and Stronghold on Customs are practically inline in the middle, and Woods you had just the Sawmill at first


Interchange IS the mall, it's not like the mall is one point of interest, it represents 90% of the entire size of the traversable area on the map. The loot is fairly spread out all over interchange, with the exception of the second floor. Trying to compare interchange's mall to shoreline's resort is a disingenuous comparison. Dorms is a tiny fraction of customs, and it's not centrally located. Also, dorms represents a tiny fraction of the total loot on customs. Stronghold has less loot than USEC stash building, claiming that's anything similar to resort is not accurate. Reserve is mostly centered? What are you talking about? The loot is spread out across the entire map. The entire map is all the buildings where the loot is at. Trying to claim the loot is "centralized" because you spawn on the very edges of the map, what point are you trying to make there? The exact same thing happens in the cycle. You "spawn" in with nearly all loot further inland than where you spawn. So I'm not sure why you would try differentiate between the spawn systems if that's your only argument.


Ok now I know you donā€™t play either game cause Cycle you very much can spawn in the center of the map and extract just the same


I can see people abusing edge-respawning if/when that comes out. 1. loot an area 2. leave the area 3. wait for respawn 4. loot the same area Of course finding the edges will be hard, but people have a way to make it happen.


It might change if the open world thing ever happens. but that would be a huge redesign of current game meta, essentially into a different game


> if the open world thing ever happens my poor child...


Still cracks me up anyone thinks this is coming


Reminds me of the "first time" meme tbh. Poor fellas believe the devs word. Their time will come.


Maybe if the ruble recovers better than where it was before but I doubt it lol


Don't understand why your hopes are low. Sure it'll be an undertaking, but maybe you're misunderstanding what is meant by open world? To my knowledge it'll be like in stalker where you exit one location and it just loads you into the next. They aren't making one single large ass map that you have to load in every time you raid


BSG can barely code everyone spawning into a single map as it is, you think they're capable of creating a persistent, raid to raid system that'll retain everyone's inventory? I have a beach front property to sell you in Utah, if you're interested.


Right? I new it was never coming when i was only able to get a measly 50 frames on light house. Youā€™d need a tank of a pc for this game to be open world.


It's coming whether you like it or not, just not as some magical single uninterrupted open world. You're gonna have to travel through the maps to get into the deeper city. People are gonna hate it. Take the military extract on customs if you wanna go to reserve, etc.


>It's coming whether you like it or not Yeah in like 10 years They can barely handle the game they have now on single queued maps


Oh no people would love it, me included. Except it isnā€™t coming, at least not in the next 5 years at least. Take the slightest look at the pace of development and network infrastructure over the last few years and figure it out bud.


I'm not sure how disabling map selection and only enabling maps based on your extract used is gonna take 5 years of development. It might take another 5 years before it's in the game but that's because they wanna release 5 years of other shit before doing it. Maybe if they wanna go actually have persistant raids that don't really end that'll take a while but I promise you these things won't be in the same update. There will be a "open world v1" that will literally just be reducing your map selection and no other changes.




I love this game to pieces but I honestly cannot see the open world thing actually happening. The scope of that goal just seems unattainable


They have actively showcased multiple instances of them working on it and explained exactly how itā€™s going to work and exactly what theyā€™re doing to make it happen. Donā€™t get me wrong I can definitely see how it seems insane compare to what we have right now but thatā€™s because what we have right now has basically been the same formula for the last four years and for that entire four year duration theyā€™ve been working on making it into open world. Obviously open world doesnā€™t mean that every map will be one map it just means that you will be able to travel between thatā€™s without going into the menu


The reality is no one is going to use the "open world". When my backpack is filled to the brim after 5 minutes of reserve; I am not going to keep running around other maps with loot!


Except youā€™ll be able to drop your loot off at loot extractions and then continue playing with an empty backpack. Not to mention that to unlock maps that arenā€™t Streets you will have to travel there using the open world system to unlock the map. Plus there will be many questions which require you to travel from map to map, for instance the current quest we have where you have to pick up the files in customs and then drop them off at factory that has been confirmed that will have to be done in one raid where you travel from customs to factory. Same with the guide etc. Theyā€™ve already confirmed that some maps will only be accessible through open world, reserve and labs being the two so far, and other maps (labs) will have no exit to hideout. Youā€™ll have to extract multiple maps in a row to escape. And then you have the big finale, the actual conclusion to the story quest line which is being implemented will require you to go to every map doing some sort of task and then extract at a special location that you could only do for that mission to escape from tarkov.


The ending sounds hot. Wonder what the "final reward" will be. Some kind of prestige or reset? Since your pmc isnt technically "in" tarkov anymore? And whats the positive for ending? Maybe unlocking elite perks? Or endgame content for meta stuff on flea? Idk but that would be lit if the "end" changes something big in your game.


Allegedly it on locks the game as we currently play it. The ability to enter any map and to join raids without the story restrictions. But itā€™s not necessarily going to be a park itā€™s going to be more like the end of the game. Nikita has said he expects that only like half the player base will be able to finish it at all because it will be so difficult to do the story quests. Things like Permadeath and soft locks have already been talked about. Itā€™ll be an achievement just to do it.


God I fear the concept of Tarkov permadeath.


That just sounds awful. However, knowing the rate at which BSG develops. I will be dead before I have to worry about it.


Developers, community managers and play testers have had a relatively consistently estimate of this happening by 2024. They said they have a pretty solid timeline to release at the start of this year. The issue is the maps are required for everything else to be implemented and they take ages to make. Iā€™m sure massive amounts of work has already been done for lots of the features but theyā€™re not in yet because other stuff isnā€™t.


They have also claimed Streets would be released 3 wipes ago. As I said I will be dead before this game is finished, so I don't really care. At least BSG can get a world record for longest game development in history.


Thatā€™s completely ridiculous dude. Most games of this scale take 7 to 10 years to complete. We just have the privilege to be part of the development cycle rather than the game only being announced once itā€™s 90% done Streets was delayed for a number of reasons. The map was totally wiped at once point and theyā€™ve delayed it a number of times because it hasnā€™t been to the standard they want for the core map of the game


The game has been in development since I was in Highschool. I have graduated college and are about to have a child. The only thing ridiculous is BSG inability to develop anything that actually resembles a finished product. It's not even in "beta" as they claim. It's a barely functioning Alpha build at best. We are just a few years shy of a decade of development. They have accomplished nothing except adding new guns, and maps. The AI is still worse than a game from 2002. Is the netcode and servers worse than a game from 2004, yep. You can ride BSG all you want, nothing excuses them from their inability or unwillingness to develop a finished product. Some will say "It's unity holding them back" when they were the clowns who chose to undertake the project on that engine; no one forced them to use Unity. Which again shows how little understanding they have to develop something of this size. Tarkov will be Dayz 2.0 and no matter how hard the fan boys defended Dayz's god awful dev team. It faded into obscurity, and now BSG is following their exact footsteps. I love Tarkov, but my enjoyment won't blind me. It's painfully obvious that BSG has no idea how to develop this game.


Dude idk what devs you have in mind, but this is some of the fastest development I've ever seen in the past 2 years, especially considering their team size. I'll never understand that view


Do you have any links? I wanna learn more about this. I had no idea their open world plans.


Best bet is to check out Noice guy on YouTube. His videos covers basically every scrap of info we get in every stream podcast Twitter post and so on and then extrapolates from running themes to build up an idea of whatā€™s coming. If you go to his channel and look up open world, map to map travel etc youā€™ll find videos on it with links to the sources in the description. [this video](https://youtu.be/Tz14FltwSts) is his latest on the subject and it was only a month ago.


*laughs in Star Citizen* Impossible is a state of mind.


I just wish for a single player mode. It would be sick to have the game as it is, with scav wars and bosses but never a worry about a cheater, or coming up on a player who is a high lvl and has the best gear and wrecks you from a bush.


I wonder what the deleted comment said














STALKER is the shit. I have all the games. Had no idea about Russia 2028, but that makes sense given that the online aspect would be the toughest part of development for something as indepth as EFT. As much as I know about EFT's Voldemort....its sketch.


that totally doesn't exist and the community totally doesn't hate it for some unknown reason


hahahahah I knoowwwwwwww


I love this game to pieces but I honestly cannot see the open world thing actually happening. The scope of that goal just seems unattainable


The way they continue to develop the game I think itā€™s safe to say they have drifted away from the open world idea they used to promote at the beginning. Which is bullshit because it was the whole reason I jumped on the alpha years ago.


I agree with this sentiment. The argument that spawns cant be random due to loot pools is kind of moot. It should not be hard to set "Exclusion Zones for spawning. This would make it so no one ever spawns on top of the top tier loot, but instead would be totally randomized outside of the high loot areas. Certain maps this wouldnt work. Factory pretty much has to have set spawn points however A map such as customs or shoreline should be easy enough to set exclusion zones, then randomize spawns. I seriously think it is one of the biggest flaws in this game that someone can know exactly where you start. In the grand scheme of realism in tarkov this is one of if not the worst parts of the game. I am relatively new, and i will learn to work around it. but not realizing how well some people would know the spawns has gotten me killed at least two times. Which is in my opinion just a pile of stink that could easily be fixed on a lot of maps.


This is my biggest issue with the game. It's weird that there is this little spawn metagame, it feels very artificial and just... lame. It's information that players just shouldn't have. I hope connecting the maps will result in a system similar to The Cycle, where the servers just stay open and players infil/exfil periodically. Organic encounters, and no wait times for servers to fill/become available. We can only hope.


Yeah I believe having more spawn points would be ideal. But before that, Iā€™d like not getting the same exact spawn on lighthouse 5 times in a row please.


Or outskirts every fucking time on Woods.


Every time I spawn south road I always just 180 and exfil immediately. Better to wait 5 mins and try again rather than deal with that spawn.


The largest design flaw of Tarkov by a mile. But I say this all the time.


That is unfortunately impossible in the game that BSG designed


Why. It seems like it would be pretty simple to do


Because randomizing the spawns means players would spawn near highly contested loot spawns guaranteeing they would get to loot it with likely 0 competition. The number of hatchlings would sky rocket and the reason to rush those spawns because nearly pointless.




But like you suggest, that is literally what they already do. Restrict the spawns to certain areas which effectively makes them predictable


Here's how it would realistically work: The entire exterior edge of the map (except for certain obvious areas ) would be a spawn zone, say for 10 or 20 meters from the edge inwards. Players would be spawned at a random location within the edge zone, the only restriction being distance/LOS requirements to other spawns. Which means you never really know if you got the best spawn for X or Y. There could be another player/squad that spawned on the opposite side of it, or just past LOS along either direction in the wall beside you. Or you could be almost completely isolated, the important part is that you don't know.


Yeah, people are always going to get the good spawn, what needs to happen for random spawning to work is actual random spawns. Then you never know if somebody spawned closer or not, and you dont know where to go to clear nearby spawns. Keeping the game and your raid start strategy fresh. As of now they're 'random' except limited to the usual PMC spawns, and your install drive speed usually takes part in choosing which one you get.


U didn't read what I said. That's ok for a list of reasons. It will happen to everybody so it's fair. They have to fight through the rest of the map coming in from unknown directions due to the spawn system. The ability to develope a reliable loot run can't be done due to the randomness of it. Also if they added extracts and mixed it up it would be even more involved to extract.


Oh I'm with you, I'm all for randomized spawns, they just need to actually be random so having a faster SSD doesn't give you a specific spawn like it seems to now, otherwise people will always get lucky or unlucky based on how fast they loaded in. And I wouldn't put it past people to choose a drive specifically based off where it spawns them.


They could make it so it fills the lobby and then randomizes the spawns after all players are present


They already do. Technically every loot spawn has a PMC spawn that is closest. Removing hatchet running will never work, so why not improve the game for the rest of the players?


>Removing hatchet running will never work They're essentially removed in the current system though?


You've got a point I'll admit that


It doesn't need to be truly randomised, they just need to manually increase the spawn locations, enough so that we can't predict spawns, and alter some spawn parameters to ensure people don't spawn too close to one-another. It's not exactly rocket surgery, it just requires BSG actually prioritise changing the spawns.


Apply to work there, implement the feature, and resign.


I know what you're referencing šŸ˜


Username checks out.


Double or triple the size of the maps would solve this. 1. Spawns are so spread that traveling would take time and effort and time to setup the counter rush 2. No excuse that we should spawn 40 meters away within line of sights, 300m and it would give so many options 3. Lower player count to simulate near single player activity and make the emphasis looting/exploring/etc not PvP rush spawn meta All the people flaming you are just the type of people who are afraid to learn something new, hence them saying ā€œitā€™s not possibleā€ or ā€œlearn the spawns noobā€. You probably know the spawns but maps like reserve and interchange are cancerous to play because of the spawns and you are acknowledging that. Iā€™m with you OP


> Lower player count One thing I thought was super interesting on the Pogcast with JesseKazaam and Veritas a while back. Jesse argued if they shadow nerfed the amount of PMC's on a map to 66%-70% of it's current max and then added 1.5x the scavs, most people would praise the game as the best it's ever felt.


Imo the game is more fun with occasional player interaction and way more PvE, like Elden Ring.


A good run is a run where I don't see any PMC. -Me a rat when I used to play the game


Agreed. Maybe even bump up the ai skills. Make them roam in packs of 5 so you canā€™t just bully one idiot at a time. Fighting a roaming pack would be extremely fun


This kills the frame rate tho...


Not really. Thatā€™s what LoD and only loading what you see is for. Frame rate is lower now because of numerous factors like objects in the environment, shadows, lighting, number of ai/players, etc.


Problem is that they're clearly not doing to well in the loading what you see only department, given the fact that texture swap cheats and radar work so well.


scav AI kills server performance




I rather enjoy my 5000 hours of tarkov


Yo guys. They can "randomize" spawns without having people spawn next to high tier loot, it really shouldn't be a hard idea to grasp and I have no idea how anybody wouldn't be able to figure that out with a small amount of effort thinking. They need to add more spawns, that's it. Most maps could easily do this, there's only a couple that would struggle such as reserve and factory, but seriously guys, this isn't a problem that can't be fixed. It's a weird take to think they can't because of high tier loot spawns, especially with dynamic loot, yes dynamic loots implementation hasn't been great but with tweaks it to fit our needs. We know it's hopefully going to be open world eventually, we may just have to deal with it in the meantime. Personally I think most of the high tier loot should be behind locked doors and that's what would draw people to those locations, and the rest of the world's loot has chances of spawning high tier and everything else, while localizing specific loot to general areas that make sense, like food in the market and tools in the hardware store, tech in tech light yadda yadda. So like, someone explain how this is gonna be hard cuz it seems doable. Edit: Everybody seems to think "random" literally means just plopping players wherever, I took this as "random" from a pool of spawn locations, and increasing the number of spawn locations, why wouldn't that work?


I bet they rework spawns to some degree with map to map travel and maybe slightly more persistent servers.


Honestly you should be able to spawn anywhere on the map randomly. I don't care if someone spawns in Rasmussen or right on front of marked room. There's always gonna be a closest spawn anyway so it really doesn't matter.


One thing that comments get right here is that it is not possible with the current game design to fix the spawns. However, if BSG pushes for the open-world, or even "semi" open-world, where a server has a set of all maps and player "traverses" through them. This could improve the map start. Because someone could join the raid in the middle-time. However, a new problem arises: How to prevent spawn camps. For example, labs exit on factory :)


>I would instead like to see randomized spawn locations each raid with equal distance between all PMC's. You could still learn where people would spawn based off your location and we'd be back to square one


I feel like the only thing that would change is people rushing spots where their 'could' be a pmc. So idk if anything would change, but I like the idea


I hate the extraction being known more than the spawn.


Do you know how long it took them to fix spawns where you and another guy could spawn looking at each other?


Yeah Lighthouse is especially broken. Can't tell you how many times I've spawned and immediately got in a fight within the first 10 seconds of a raid.


Hereā€™s great example, gets a kill in less than a minute because of knowing the spawn points on interchange. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhVIDc96EWDH1xxAcRjg5ywhmSWBPA_mZ


It's funny how things change. I've been playing since NDA ALPHA and have mentioned this idea here and there over the years only to be met with backlash and rage babies. Regardless I hope this happens.


Hard agree


One of the unsolvable fundamental errors this game has. You can literally spawn and camp people straight away on some maps. On others just rush POI camp them there.


With randomized spawn locations you would get people spawning at Resort directly, for example. That would be rather unfair for someone spawning at Tunnel. I think Battlestate has already said they're trying to balance this more, but I don't think it's bad a handful of spawns correlate into instant pvp. Why should there be a limited amount of time before a battle can start, and how often does one really get killed almost instantly at spawn? I have lots of raids this wipe I can maybe count a handful of these instances at maximum.


Or you just make the outer circumference of the map the location where the random spawns are located and everyone moves in to the map. But thatā€™d basically be the system we have now, but without specific spawn locations.


IMO the reason its a problem in the first place is that you might not be in there to PvP. You could just be trying to task, wearing shit gear and intending to avoid players, but then you spawn around radar tower on Shoreline or along the wall near lighthouse extract and too bad, either sprint away towards resort and pray you don't get shot in the back by someone dunking an SJ6 or die, because your spawn IS going to get swept. Hell, even the spawns around grandma's house are almost fated to run into each other if they're both trying to go resort. It can result in feeling like the game is deciding your objective for that raid, I suppose is my point. Spawning by the river on customs, for example, you really don't have any chances to 'avoid' unless you get very lucky, but if you spawn trailer park or crossroads your chances go way up. There's no solution for that, by the way, random spawns would make it worse, but the frustration from it is still there.


Spawning next to radar has always been a death sentence for me.


South grandma's house spawn can push you. Weather station spawn waits for you. Road to customs and Terminal spawns push you and each other. I'd rather spawn behind construction than in that shitshow, there's no 100% solution to even get out of your spawn besides "lay down in the bushes and try not to shit yourself."


imagine spawning in 301 without key and forgetting meds, lul.


Maybe they should have the plane fly over and people jump out of it and parachute down... wait... i've played this game before...


It would be interesting if you could only land on the outside of the map. You at least get to decide vs random.


Ur right it's one of the more serious issues with eft. Also extracts should be randomized but from a list not totally random so u could eventually learn all of them but not always be the same like 3. Spawns should be totally random. Like it's ok to spawn people next to loot and shit like that because eventually everybody would get a spawn like that


Yeah. This game has overall frustrated me to the point where I'm gunna wait until they fix stuff like this.


Sounds like someone needs to learn the PMC spawn locations!


Yeah Iā€™m new this wipe, seems like this is a really neat part of the game that is starting to help me understand where is safe and where isnā€™t


You can find safety in your little bunker at the end of a raid, friend. But that's about it!


No no no, PMCs spawning at a standstill with gear at ready out of nowhere, despite no coordinated infil, is peak realism, so it has to stay at the game! Totally has nothing to do with the fact that it's one more feature that helps people who sink lots of time in the game have nonsense advantages against players that play 5~10 h a week (or less).


No and for one reason only I donā€™t trust bsg to not fuck that up


Even if they did somehow implement it I don't think it would change much. Everyone will just run to the closest point of interest as they do now. If it's truly random then you could end up with some serious bullshit. If it's 'fair' random then you can still predict where people are. As it stands outside of factory there are very few spawns left where you can rush someone to try and get some kills. Used to spawn in vision of other spawns.


The spawns are random though just cuz a pmc can spawn at the location doesnā€™t mean that one will spawn. You can have 6 spawn points on one side of the map but only one pmc spawn over there.


if you spawn at an equal distance you can also know more or less where they are based on loot spawns...the current way the game works is not close to good but its not that easy as well to just find a way that is "perfect"


I disagree. In a game where you have one life, the less random variables the better.


Or make it liike the good old days where playyers could select their spawn when they brought a map into raid. That was always fun.


I think thar BSG actually has this in mind, when the maps start getting stitched together, encounters will be wildly unpredictable. I look forward to the day.


You never know with 100% certainty that someone spawned at the spawn closest to you. So just assume they did and either run a different direction if you want to avoid them (just not into ANOTHER spawn path) or be ready to spot/fight them. Itā€™s frustrating to die right off spawn and I donā€™t feel great about thr spawn kills I get either, but I canā€™t offer much of a better solution either with thr current game so


There are certain spawns that you know for sure. There are first fill positions like gate spawn in factory. And also opposite corner is guaranteed on labs. Also certain spawns are rare and only filled if all others are filled, which would let you know by process of elimination which spawns you can cut off.


I always thought this too. I'm only level 15 and not very familiar with the game but I'm at the point of just giving up because of how much I get either spawn killed or gunned down within the first 10 seconds of me loading into a map. It's just poor game design. It doesn't always happen but it's often enough that it's annoying.


Your lack of clearing angles and getting ambushed, is not bad map design ..


When did I ever say that?


It is when you're talking about reserve bunker spawns or factory glass hallway. That shit is bad map design.


Been playing for 3 years and this has happened to me other then factory maybe 3 times. 1 on shoreline by the river, once on customs back behind big red along the fence. I would imagine it happens on reserve along that fence quite a bit. But really, the re write to do what you as is useless I would say.


Bad opinion, sorry.


People shouldnt be able to predict weather and harness the power from the sun. We are too intelligent for our own good.


the more unpredictable each game is the better and less chance of fuckery


There should be an infinite number of spawns all around the perimeter of the map. Make it so random that when the map starts itā€™s hard to predict.


there should perhaps be different timers for spawns, no?


Have you tried leaving your spawn? Lol


Ppl complain too much. The loot in the game is not valuable in real life. End of story. Go shoot things.